The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, December 19, 1940, Page 4, Image 4

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(Taken from The Seninel of Friday,' charitable purposes reach $33.000
> s
in completing
_ facilities at Fort Lewis the
high command has decided not to
send troops from Wyoming, Califor­
nia and Minnesota there until some­
time in Febraury. Meanwhile there
to such a rush of mechanics to the
navy yard at Bellingham that the
government is arranging to construct
hundreds of dwelling units for the
workers. It is estimated that more
than 1,000 have gone from Oregon
to Bellingham yard
Illness of Oregon's Senator McNary
who has been for weeks in a Salem
hospital, has delayed assignment of
committees to new .members of the
senate who were elected last month
as republicans. The task of making
committee appointments on the re­
publican aide rests with the Oregon
senator as leader of the minority.
McNary to being advocated by new
dealers as an ldeal selection for secre­
tary of agriculture, an idea which
meets with
dent Roosevelt, who has a warm per­
sonal regard for the leader of the
“loyal opposition.” Senator McNary
would not accept.
With the new congress, Rufus Hol­
man, Oregon, may reintroduce his
legislatioon too curb immigration,
based on the scramble of refugees
anxious to enter the United States.
Senator Wallgreen, Washington, new­
ly elected, to arranging to shift from
the house office building to the sen­
ate office building as he takes his
place in “the most deliberative body
in the world.”
President Roosevelt, who has been
palid, ashy-gray, after two weeks at
jtea inspecting bases in the Caribbean,
returned with a coat of tan. Although
absent from the national capital, he
carried on his “paper work” and was
in constant touch with the White
House. . . . Secret service operatives,
who constantly guard the president,
killed time fishing from the cruiser
Next move is to guard the Pacific
coast by enabling American warships
to use the Singapore base. Negotia­
tions are in progress.
Argument to be used in requesting
a beginning on the reclamation end
of the Grand Coulee project to that
December IT, l»0)
Last Monday morning J- L. Smith,
bank agriculturist, had a scow load
of purebred« at the Bay to distribute
among the ranchers at that end of
the county for the scrubs they were
to be exchanged for.
The wedding of John W. Miller and
Miss Edith P. Willey, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. L. Willey of this
city, took place at the bride’s home
on Knowtlon Heights test Wednesday
afternoon, the ceremony being sol­
emnized by Rev. W. E. Couper of the
Episcopal church.
The county organization for the
Hoover movement to save the S,500,-
000 starving children in Europe was
perfected Monday. The national com­
mittee plans to raise $33,000,000; Ore­
gon’s quota being 1250,000 and Co­
quille’s is 1650.
Miss Ines F. Bunch, county clerk-
elect, has tendered R R Watson
former county clerk, the position of
bookkeeper in that office, which lie
has accepted.
The Coquille Club held a
pleasant smoker in the club rooms
last evening, cards and billiards being
the diversions of the evening
The Laurel will be put out by the
Senior class. The editorial staff is as
Gertrude Butler, editor;
.Helen Sherwood, Alice Barker, Au­
drey Stanlnger, Erma Morey, Myrtle
Newton, Wayne Woodward. Laurence
Moon, Odis Beckham, Irving Lamb,
Adrienne Hazard. Loren Schroeder.
Flossie Radabaugh — High School
Chas. M. Mansell and family re­
In next year's courity budget, print­ turned last Saturday from u few
ed in this iteue of the Sentinel, we weeks’ vacation in Oakland, Califor­
learn that the appropriations for nia. ’
the 1,200,000 acres at Grand Coulee
would furnish homes for migrants
from the dust bowl. . Head of navy
department complains that defense
productions is handicapped by Walsh-
Healy bill, which specifies wage-hour
provisions in all government con­
tract#. .. . Çongress discusses legisla­
tion preventing non-union men from
working on defense orders
Mrs. Margaret Hoffman of St.
Helens, and her small granddaughter,
Sharon Lee Larson, will arrive at
the Ihving Larson home Sunday Mrs
Hoffman, who is Mrs. Larson’s moth­
er, plans to spent the Christmas holi­
days here.
— «i1«. <MC.
In this Year's
Buick S pecial Sedan
$1052. Irhite sidewall
tires extra.*
tune like the present to get back of that big
F ireball Eight — no time like right now
to start piling up gasoline mileage econo­
mies that rtfn as high as 10% or 15%.
There’s no time like holiday time to drew
up yourself (and family) in »mart, fresh
Buick aerodynamic styling, or to introduce
your brood to the roomy comfort of thia
ButCotl-cradled traveler.
A thrill? You bet — for the whole family!
You can do that — if you act promptly
A trial ride to give you a hint as to
Buick can do — a little figuring on your
present car’s worth (at fogy’s trade-in
values, not next spring’s)—a little working
out of convenient terms — and you’ll have
a FlRBBALL to cele­
brate this Christmas!
How about itP It's one
thing your wife would
never expect — and
just about the finest
gift any man could
give hie family!
★ JdivercJ at Flint,
Mick. State tan, sp­
orn*/ sywpMMf **/
tarici *■«.
extra. I ■
•z ■..