The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, December 19, 1940, Page 10, Image 10

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Christmas Carols
Feature Meeting
Many New Books
At City Library
Carols, Christmas carols, were in­ |
Christmas has come to the Public
it terspersed" through the program of i Library. Mrs. Pearl Ellingson, libra-
: ■
•M a *
en’s club program Monday evening. fresh from the p re ss as and others,
From the time members of the group popular reprints, have been received
arrived at the Guild hall, and Ruth at the library this week. Probably
Beyers led a group of carol singers the book with the longest waiting
outside the building, in which the list will be ’Sapphire and the Slave
only illumination came from candle­ Girl,’ Willa Cather’s new novel that
light, to the moment before the party critics maintain surpasses her fine
dispersed, carols were sung at every work ‘Death Comes to the Arch­
possible opportunity. Maud Wood- bishop.’ Though ‘Sapphira’ has not
Woodyard, playing her own accom­ yet been placed on the shelves, Mrs.
paniment, sang several French and Ellingson reports that reserve re­
English carols.
The others, with quests have already been received for
Inez Rover playing accompaniments, it.
were sung by all the club members,
The newest books are ‘Sergeant
who were led by Ruth Beyers.
Lamb’s America* Greves, On the
of Lot 7, Block 40, Elliott’s Addition
While guests were arriving, Eva Long Tide’ Krey, ’For Us, The Liv-
to the City of Coquille, Coos County, Stevens pinned slips of paper bear­
ing’ Lancaster, ‘Stone of Chastity'
Oregon; thence north 300.0 feet;
thence east 280.0 feet; thence south ing a word symbolic of Christmas on Sharp, ’Hornet’s Longboat’ Roes,
300.0 feet; thence west 280.0 feet to the back of each person. The first ‘Renni’ Salten, ‘Bright Pavilions’
the place of beginning.
guest to guess the word pinned on her ‘Quick Service* Wodehouse, ‘300,000
' ___________________________
A statement of said ai
it was
entered in the Docket of City Liens on back was Georgia Richmond, who on the Hoof Grey, ‘Days of Our Years’
the 3rd day of December, 1940, and won a prize for her sagacity in in­ Van Paassen, Treasury of the Worlds
the same and said Ordinance with said terpreting answers to the questions Great Letters’ Sichuster, ‘Autobi­
assessment thereto attached contain­ she had asked anent the Christmas
ography of Ernest Thompson Seton’
ing the names ot the owners, descrip­ word she wore. ‘
‘A. P, the Story ot News* Gramling,
tion of property assessed, and the
Effectively decorated tables were ‘Inagua’ Klin gel, ‘Ypung America’s
amount of assesment against each
lot, part ot lot and parcel of land, placed in Jiorseshoe shape. Clara Aviation Annual’ Graham, ’American
are on file with the City Recorder Bosserman, chairman of the social Wild Life’ W. F. A, ‘Make Up Your
and subject to inspection of all per­ committee and co-chairman of the
Mind’ Wilson, ‘Flying Priest Over the
sons interested, and are hereby made
party, was toastmistress for the eve­ Arctic’ Schulte.
a part of this notice by reference.
The whole cost of said construction ning. Speaking through a micro­
The popular reprints include cop­
Is th*
the cum
sum of 3466.90.
phone, she broadcast announcements ies of Bret Harte’s stories of the
NOW THEREFORE, all persona in­
West. High Frontier, Magic Bow,
terested, will take notice that said as­ about the program.
At each place was a booklet con­ Yearling, Baker’s Dozen, Bread Into the refreshment committee were:
sessments are now due and payable,
and If not paid within thirty days taining the program schedule and Roses, Runaway, Wild Wind, Hotel Mrs. Birdie Skeels, Mrs. George Swin­
from the Sth day of December, 1940. copies of the many carols sung dur­
Hostess, Case of the Sulky Girl, Case ney, Mrs: Fred Schaer, Mrs. C. Adrian
or bonded within the time provided
Table decorations of the Counterfeit Eye, Case of the Sias, Mrs. C. G. St^m and Mrs Wil­
by law, to-wit; on or before the 4th ing the evening.
day of January, 1941, the same shall were ’tied’ together by narrow blue Perjured Parrot, Case of the Rolling lard Sloan.
be deemed to be be delinquent, and cellophane ribbons running from one Bones, Knights of the Range, Brent­
Those attending the meeting were
will bear interest from the 3rd day white taper to another over the
wood, Coming Through the Rye. Gold Meadames Ella Nelson, Harold Mc­
of December, 1940, at the rate of 6
per cent pa* annum, and will be course of the horseshoe. Blue mir­ Shoe, Homing, Marigold, Maris, A Cue, Flora Dunn, W. P.Laws, Noble
sold in the manner provided by law rors holding sprays of holly were New Name, Phoebe Deane, Re-cre­ Chownlng, Alice Holverstott, G. A.
for the collection of delinquent as- , spaced about the tables. Lots of holly
ations, Tomorrow About This Time, Gray. Fred Schaer, O. B. Harriman,
many candles were placed about Understanding Heart, High of Heart, Birdie Skeels, C. Adrian Sias, C. C.
Dated this 5th day of December, and
1 the hall to add beauty and give light Today is Yours, No Armou- Against Farr, F. G. Leslie, Paul Walker, Maud
F. G. Leslie,
■ to the scene. Candles were the only Fate, Moran Beats Beck, Sons of the Woodyard, George Chapman and
City Recorder. lights
used during the evening.
Saddle, Guns of the Round Stone Val­ Pearl Cardwell.
In the center of the horseshoe was ley, Sword of Islam, Penrod, Neigh­
a gaily decorated Christmas tree, un­
Notice is hereby given that the der which were placed gifts from bor to the Sky, The Stars Look Down.
Included in the list of new books
undersigned Administrator, with will
annexed, of the estate of John Grandy, every member for Alfa Bangs, who are mystery stories, westerns, non­
deceased, has filed his Final Account is in a sanitorium at The Dalles. Plum fiction, and fine novels. There is
with the County Clerk of Coos Coun­ puddings, lighted with little red can­
something to please the taste of every
ty, Oregon, and that Monday, Decem­
ber 23, 1940, at 10 o’clock A. M., at dles, and coffee were served before type of reader. In the Mountain
beautiful new flag was raised at
the Court house in said Coos County, the program. Ida Oerding, Cherie States Power company window, Mary
has been set by the Honorable J. E. Mae Hartwell, Ethel Roop, Ruth Stevens, library chairman for the the Remote schoolhouse last week.
This flag was presented to the school
Norton, County Judge, as the time Okesson, Muriel Smith, Ines Chase,
Junior Women’s club has arranged by the Frasier Bradleys. It was the
and place for hearing objections, if
any there be, to said Final Account, Clara Stauff, Saima Caughell, Al­ an interesting display around some of
flag which was draped over the
berta Tyrrell, Lois Fenn, Blythe Say­ these new, fine books.
and the settlement thereof.
of Mr. Bradley’s father, a
Carl Smedburg,
lor, Leia Elrod, Florence Barton,
Administrator with Will annexed, Cleona Hill and Gladys Gano each
veteran of the Spanish-American
of the estate of John Grandy, de­
War, who passe d away about a year
45t5 gave short talks on the subjects of
.«go. This veteran had requested that
“Christmas in Other Lands,** “Christ­
the flag be given to the Berate school
district because of his having spent
• Notice is hereby given that the “Christmas Symbols.” The party end­
The Kindergarten recessed for his summers there and because he
Common Council of the City of Co­ ed with everyone singing the club
quille, Coos County, Oregon, will re­ song, “Singing Your Way Home.**
Christmas holiday« last Friday. >A would, ere long, have grandchildren
ceive sealed bids for the completion
gift exchange and a charming pan­ attending the Remote school.
of the improvement of Hall Street be­
It is a very beautiful flag and is
tween First Street and Front Street, the party, Maud Woodyard was voted tomime made Friday a big day for
in the City of Coquille, Coos Coun­ into the club. The party committee the youngsters and their mothers, who flying from a very tall flag pole,
ty, Oregon.
was composed of Clara Do sse r m an, were invited to the party. The erected in front of the school house.
All bids must be in accordance
Because of the sentiment connected
with the maps, plans and specifica­ chairman of the social committee; pantomime told the story of a toy
tions of the City Engineer, filed in Muriel Smith, Dale Claver, Anne Bar­ »hop window over which Santa cart with the flag, the teacher, Curtis
the office of the City Recorder on ton, Naomi Crews, chairman of the a spell. AU the toys came to life and Beckham, states that it has caused a
the 26th day of November, 1940, and
amused two little orphans, who want­ deep reverence in the children there.
pursuant to the provisions of Or­ publicity committee; Eva Stevens, Ed­
ed the toys m much as they them­
dinance No. 433, adopted by the Com­ na Robison and Edith Walton.
Practically all the schools in the
mon Council on the 2nd day of De­
Club members and guests at the selves were desired by a childless
cember, 1940, and the provisions party were Harriet Osika, Inez Chase, couple. The children who partici­ county are closing for Christmas va­
of the City Charter and the statutes Ida Owen, Annie Robinson, Leia pated in the program were Quincy cation tomorrow, December 20. Many
of the State of Oregon, therein re­
ferred to, all of which are hereby re­ Elrod, Maud Woodyard, Florence Powers, Santa Claus; Nancy Perrott, of the schools during this last week
ferred to and made a part of this no­ Barton. Cleona Hill, Hazel Hanna, orphan girl; Arthur Pierce, orphan are having Christmas programs.
tice. Forms of bids for contract and Viola Newton, Ethel Roop, Cherie boy; clown, BHly Church; French Some of which have been reported to
bond may be had upon application to
doll, Marcia Mauney, Mother Goose, the superintendent’s office are: Coale-
the City Recorder.
The Common Mae Hartwell, Ida Oerding, Clara
Council reserves the right to reject Stauff, Ruth Towne, Clara Bosaer- Mary Kistner; drum, Bobby Allard; do, Delmar, Prosper, Arago, Ban­
any and all bids, with or without man, Ellen Braxton, Inez Rover, Ruth ball, Joan Benham; top, Bruce Bark­ croft, Broadbent, Millington, Bunker
cause. A certifed check in the sum Beyers, Leona Bryant, Ruth Okesson, well; Indian, Dean TyrreU; rag doll, Hill and Eastside. No doubt there
of 5 per cent of the amount bld must
Nearly all the
be submitted with such bid, to be Saima Caughell, Blythe Saylor, Clara Helen Taylor; Jack-in-the-box, Nana are many others.
schools are reopening on January 6,
forfeited to the City of Coquille in Little, Gladys Gano, Marjorie Child, Foes.
the event the bidder refuses to sign Geneva Norton, Patricia Peart, Lydia
Through the courtesy of C. C. Farr, but there are some which will open
the contract and execute a bond as Holstien, Dorothy Bishop, Joyce a
1 display iUustrating samples "at each on December 30.
provided for in said ordinance. Said
’s work wiU be shown this month
bond to be in the sum of 50 per cent Owen, Georgia Richmond, Bertha child
of the total amount of the contract. Smith and the committee members. at
1 the Farr A Elwood store. Some of
The work must be completed within
the best work done with plastic clay,
15 days from the awarding of the con­
was too perishable to be exhibited.
tract, or within such further time as
Kindergarten projects included the
the Council may allow. Bids must
be filed on or before the hour of 5
study of Mexico, Indians, Pilgrims,
Friday, the 13th, passed unevent­
o’clock P. M. on the 16th day of
and the Christmas story. Moat of the fully. There was not a single bad ac­
December, 1940. All bids must be
made for a lump sum, accompanied
James E. Keys, field auditor for the children’s activities are correlated cident nor serious fire during the day,
by unit prices, for the purpose of es­ State Unemployment Compensation with these subjects, but there are but Thursday, the 12th, did not give
timating additions or deductions made
Commission, will be at the Coquille games, dramatic dances, «ingi^y fair promises for the day that suc­
during the course ot the work.
F7 g Leslie,
Hotel in Coquille for the remainder of nature study and story time to enter­ ceeded it. On Thursday no less than
City Recorder. this week to confer with employers of tain and instruct the children. Kin­ five accidents occurred close to town.
four or more with regard to payroll dergarten will resume classes Jan. 6. Though no one was injured seriously
NOTICE OF PETITION FOR VA­ reports and contributions
in any one of the accidents, every
car was badly damaged. One was
With new claims for 1941 unem­
NOTICE is hereby given that the ployment benefits now being taken at
rightly labeled a total wreck. The
undersigned will, at a regular meet state employment centers, special at­
cars involved in the accidents be­
ing of the Common Council of the
longed to Mrs. Florence Hallock, How­
City of Coquille, Coos County, Ore­ tention is being given by auditors to
gon, to be held at the City Hall of completion of wage records for the
The appointment of Mrs. J. E. ard Caudle, Boyd’s Coffee company,
said City on Monday, the 20th day four quarters ending Sept. 30, IMO. Norton, of Coquille, as honorary Mil ton Hammock and Marvin Good-
of January, 1941, present to said On thi« year’s wages depend the
board members representing the Boys’ man.
Council a petition braying for the
vacation of the following
following portion of granting of benefits for the new cal­ and Giris’ Aid Society of Oregon in
Myrtle Street in the City of Coquille, endar year. Mr. Keys expects to Coos county, was announced today
Coos County, Oregon, to-wit:
be in Coquille until Dec. 21.
by William Whitfield, of Portland,
_ That portion of said street lying
president of the society.
and being between the North line
of Second Street and the South line
Endeavoring to knit the whole of
of Third Street.
Oregon into a solid unit to care for
Dated and published first time De­
the destitute children of the state, the
cember 12, 1940.
society has chosen well known dti-
Bonnie Walker.
zens in every county who will pro-
dgtafrff ¿fa
a more intimate contact between fhn
; ;4C «t-wy
News From County
Supt. Schools Office
- 1 I
Christmas Party
For Kindergarten
No Calamities On
Friday, the 13th IH
Here To Confer
With Employers
Mrs. J. E. Norton
Coos County Member
I-*8îiips fffitly P r H r .
Be Mtifeto tZkOesn Irtr
3 75 to 12.50
Biegger Furniture
Pump C m $X2S
__________ _____ #
Snap Shop sm
NUTS 2,bs 37c
2,bs- 25c
With Vitamin A
2,b$ 34c
Regular or Drip Grind
2lb can 45c
Fancy Quality
CANDIES 2 lb“"’b"= 25c
"> 15c
6 Box Carton
I nches
Six Delicious Flavors
No. l's
PURE LARD *•>43c
Vi gal.
Lumber Jack
5 ib. pan 45c
To all of our customers and
friends the
Merriest Christmas
Happy and Prosperous
<• r
New Year
. .
.. >.■