>■ F:"-1 i V ,. •À h PAGE TWO -, * a . . ............... a Wanted •? IJ Sowing Machines 'X | . Î FW — I ■ ♦-*• ibi... VJ. at Mon- >■»•— Mombara ot th« aocial and pubiu ny committee« ot B. P. W. met Tuesday «renin* at the Crew« home to discuss pi*«« and make favor« for the Chi 15t - ma* party scheduled for Dec ib Member« ot the two committees are Clara Boeaerman, Dale Clever, Mui iel Smith, Anne Barton. Naomi Crews. Edith Walton, Eva Stevens and Edna RoMaon. Alfa Banc, who was principal of the Waahincten school several years C Into» •fe fik Far OREG - *M ■■ bra A. J. J. A. Hannon G w a D h o F ; - —------------- _ Trkiycles Lawn Mowers R-; : Phone 180R — Coquille L- ' ■ M n—î—T^n-Tmr- ■■■■■■ been admitted to th« Tuberculosis sanatorium at Th« Qallea and would appreciate receiving letters from her old friend« here- rtw-r-irTrw m i.. 5* J. Church Buys Hew Furniture Xv ' ■ «f i Mrs. Clovis the ? « for ■ ; Mr». Tod « }.■•’■ ■ .v: i ■ TÉ ---- r i‘ IV ’S T ■ Y I V . IM G. B. 11 ¡-s ; JStÆ ; I ‘•V» 4*'. I J 1 ■ i. « SHORTENING SNOWCAT Golden Bantam CORN___ 2— >5C FLORIDA con I î I VAN CAMP • ; I I H0M1N1 LARGE CANS ■>■' large cans 34c 4^ IQC 10« Florida grapykottjüicex CH 2lb$- ~ 17c BACOK; SQUARES Christmas Far lb K, i S _ I I î MINC I CLAMS can 15c à- 1 -..■P FRESH | 1 I •£ K • ? k I I! FIG BAES lb 10d is exemplified in our fine selection of. can 20c Swifts Corned Beef Swifts Vienna Sausages 3 „25c Swifts Chip Beef «•«»» i«« lie can He Swifts Tamales Swifts Chili can 9c Swifts Ring Bologna -ITTR Swifts T omato Juice » "¿.19c 3 for 10c Swifts Dev. Meat CHRISTMAS BOX CANI •Y I ■î • - ! •X . .- t ■ » ? ..■%.!• a* . j| I! 5« LB ......... MATCHES *“ 3c NOODLES ■• ! * Headquarters FOR FINE FOODS 1 Lb. Phg. Ä»?*' f ■ li ,w. Xi Swifts Pickled Pigs Feet„„„16c 1 J •1.39 TCHEN QUEEN «lbb“= 15c J zi ■ FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES * LRMMlFWRAEfTRUIt; A I a' % *» wj , , '' . * IKK « t4 I r ‘ '' Cxi .1 MMM t