The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, October 24, 1940, Image 1

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Definite About
Both the Smith Wood-Products
management and the officials of Lo­
cal 2770 gave the same report shortly
before noon today—that negotiations
' are in progress—but there is no
definite assurance at this writing that
the negotiations will be successful
and the strike called off or that it will
be continued.
The union meeting to vote on a
proposed settlement has not yet been
A street rumor yesterday was to the
effect that the negotiations had been
satisfactorily concluded, but this is
not confirmed by either party, and
even it that was the case it would hot
become effective until after the mem­
bership vote is taken.
Hi way Association
Meets At Tillamook
An unusualy well atended meeting
of the annual Coast Highway Asso­
ciation was held at Tillamook last
Sunday and Monday, nearly 109 be­
ing present from the coast counties
in the association.
Compton was the sole Coquille
J. E.
ft be-
1 was
the first one he has falMd to attend.
J. W. Lundeen, of Nelscott, was
elected president of the association to
succeed Henry Kern who presided at
the sessions. Mr. Kern was made
Coos county director for a three-year
term and Lafe Compton, vice presi­
dent for Coos county.
Very interesting talks were made
by Clarence Coe, at Marshfield, Geo.
I. Warren, publicity director for Vic­
toria, B. C.; Judge W. A. Johnson, of
Josephine county, and Henry F. Ca-
’ Arch B. Sanden, <g Marshfield, esc-
ecutive secretary and manager of the
Oregon -Coast Highway bt Llntluii
delivering his annual report, said the
Oregon Coast highway showed a con­
siderable travel increase this year
and explained that much of ft was
due to increased publicity. He point­
ed out that photo contests, road signs
and wild flower publicity were among
the principal factors resulting in the
After declaring, “Competition in
tourist travel is becoming keener and
unless something is done we will
shrivel and dry up in competition,”
Sanders distributed a questionnaire
which asked for suggestions on how
further to increase travel along the
coast. He suggested that an auto­
mobile emblem to stress coast scen­
ery would help.
Before showing
colored motion pictures of coast
wild flowers, he also suggested addi­
tional showings of films of Oregon
Coast scenery to service and other
organizations throughout the nation.
Jack Terrell Here On
Furlough From Navy
Jack Tenell, eon of Mr. and Mrs.
A. R. Terrell, arrived here Tuesday
evening from Pearl Harbor, Hawaii,
where he has been stationed on the
U. S. S. Clark. Mr. Terrell secured
leave to come home to visit his father,
who was severely injured September
10 when be tangled with a Jersey
bull on his farm near Cedar Point. Ms.
A. R. Terrell is still in the Veterans’
hospital at Roseburg and is expected
to be kept there for several months
longer while his injured shoulder is
mending. Jack Terrel had an inter­
esting trip home.
He was given
special transportation on the York­
town, one of the Navy's newest air­
craft carriers. His leave expires No­
vember 14, when he must meet his
ship at San Diego. Bobbie Terrell,
his* brohter, is also stationed on the
U. S. S. Clark.
Lions District
Governor Coming
District Governor Leonard Knox,
Mrs. Olson's
Born Burned
Two small grandchildren of Mrs.
Mary Olson bad a narrow escape late
Friday afternoon when the hay barn
in which they were accustomed to
spend the day playing bunt in flame
caused by spontaneous combustion.
Observers report that the bam seemed
to explode. Burning shingles flew as
far as a quarter of a mile from the
barn. For a short time the farmhouse
and outbuildings were threatened by
the whirling brands of flame. A sud­
den and fortunate change of wind
soon after the fire started reversed
the course of the flaming missiles and
sent them hurtling toward the Russ
Investment company fields, away
from the Fat Elk road, on which the
Olson farm is located. '
Though the barn was partially cov­
ered by insurance, the hundred and
eighty tons of hay, estimated to be
worth a minimum of 31,800.00 was
not insured. The hay continued to
smolder for several days after the
bam had been destroyed.
. The bam was over 100 feet in
length, t. . , ■ '
$3,000 For Fire
Equipment In New
City Budget
Council Rejects
Budget --- Names
New Committee '
Arthur Ellingson
Stricken Tuesday
Arthur Ellingsen, who was
hunting on his place in the Roy dis­
trict Tuesday morning suffered a
stroke which partially paralyzed one
side. He fell to the ground, helpless,
but managed to get his hand on the
trigger of his gun and «fired three
shots. The road crew, working on
the road not far away paid no atten­
tion to the shots, but his shouts and
the waving of his hand finally at­
tracted their attention and he was
taken home.
Dr. Richmond said this morning
that his condition is very definitely
Criminal Cases
In Circuit Court
This Week
As noted in the council report else­
The city council Monday evening,
Geo. Davis, driver of the car which
by a 5 to 1 vote, decided to reject the where a new city budget committee
was wrecked north of Coos Bay a
budget prepared and advertised a prepared an itemized list of city ex­
couple of weeks ago, in which a man
month ago. Monday evening was the penditures at a meeting in the city
named Lund at Reedsport was killed,
date set for the hearing on the first hall last evening. The total amount of
was indicted by the grand jury last
budget but there was very little said estimated expenses was not changed,
week. It was one of the blind indict­
about it by taxpayers, the principal and remains at $54,204.78.
ments. He was arraigned in court on
A new item, the Fire Equipment
request for a change being made by
Tuesday and will enter his plea next
B. W. Dunn and committee that an Sinking Fund, amounting to 33,000
item of 3500 be included, for Youth WM inserted in the estimated ex­
Another of the secret indictments
penses, but that difference was de­
brought Leslie Fox into court Monday
Council expenditure next year.
There was, however, the petition leted elsewhere in the budget. The
on a grand larceny charge, stealing
containing the names of 812 voters, repairs to streets and bridges item
parts of a donkey engine at the Bay.
who urged that the city purchase a was cut from 35000 in the first bud­
He was sentenced to two years in the
pen but is to be paroled after M days ’
pumper, if such could be done with­ get, to 33,000; city hall maintenance
in the county jail.
out increasing taxes, and as the ori­ from 3700 to 3450; the fire department
Rex Kelley, indicted on a non-sup­
ginal budget committee had elimin­ from 32500 to 31250; the purchase of
ated any item for pumper purchase property for special assessments from
Mrs. Birdie Skeels received a wire port charge, pleaded guilty and was
from the budget, the council voted to $1500 to 31250; insurance was raised this morning from Mrs. Jennie Adams, sentenced to four months in the coun­
turn thumbs down on the one up for from 3500 tO 3800; miscellaneous at Union, Oregon, that her daughter, ty jail with a ten days’ stay of exe­
items from 3300 to 3450; and the city Miss Hazel Adams, had pased away cution ordered.
discussion that evening.
Joe. L. Hennessey and John Edward
A new budget committee was then 1 parks item was raised from 3100 to there on Monday and that the fun­
appointed, consisting of J. A. Lamb, ! 3800 and made to include playgrounds eral was to be held today. Cause of Shader, indicted for the robbery at
Bush’s in Marshfield about four
her death was not given.
Geo. W. Swinney, O. T. Gant, E. 1 and supervision expense.
Miss Adams taught the second months ago, were in court yesterday.
A. Walker, I. H. Heaton and D E.
grade in the Coquille schools for IS Hennessey pleaded guilty and is to
Rackleff, with L. W. Claver, Fred
years, giving up her position here be sentenced Nov. 4. Shader pleaded
Jensen and Bert Folsom ay alternates.
not guilty and will come to trial next
when school closed in May, 1939.
That committe met with the council
last evening and prepared the budget
Like a bolt from the blue was the which appears elsewhere in this is­
The big white turkey hen, which
announcement made at Portland last sue and on which a public hearing
Mrs. Fairy Gregory accused Marion
At the Rotary club meeting at the
Wednesday telling Wm. Ulett, mana­ will be held at a special session of
Goodrich of taking from her place,
hotel yesterday, Clem Howard was
ger of the Coquille Gas & Power Co., the council on Thursday, Nov. 14.
was the evidence on display in the
introduced by President Clinton ar
of the prize he had won. The con­
circuit court room yesterday morn­
Other matters occupied the atten­
test was among dealers handling the tion of the council until a later than the golf champion of the Coos Coun-
ing when Goodrich went to trial. He
b, he having won that dis­ men, from 21 to 35, who registered had been Indicted by the grand jury.
Bendix washing machine all over the usual hour.
in the finals played last week.
northwest and so little attention had
The case was heard by Judge Brand,
The application of Mrs. Emily Her­
The committee that was recently dhy was 4,197. County Clerk Oddy without a jury, and the defendant was
Mr. Ulett paid to it--that he was not sey for permission to repair the
intending to be present for the sales building occupied by the O. K. Shoe appointed to select the books on vo­
found guilty. He was sentenced to
, number were sent to the local board
meeting in Portland last week. But Shop on First street was condition­ cational guidance for the Coquille
three months in the county jail and
a telephone call from there said it ally granted. The fire chief in a let­ high school announced that the selec­ , to the southern end of the county will be paroled after 30 days.
tion had been made and the club
was urgent that he be present.
ter to the council recommended that
, board whose office is in Myrtle Point.
Imagine his surprise when the win­ repairs now be limited to 325 and authorized their purchase to the
These boards are now giving, or
ner was named as Wm. Ulett, of Co­ that the building be condemned a
These books are the latest publica­ soon will have given, a serial ] urn-
quille, who was to receive a Stude­ year hence.
tions along this line and should prove , ber for each registrant’s certificate,
baker car with all expenses paid
A permit was granted for repair M
a very useful addition to the rather and when Secretary of War Stimson
to get ft, tbefroqt
a capsuled numppr from th«
at present in the , draws
and also the expenses connected With
school library.
‘ fish bowl In Washington, D. C, next manti
of the Lions dub - ladles*'''
driving it home.
Cow Bell Dairy are located.
Arch B. Sanders, secretary at the Wednesday, the number one will be night—a dinner in the hotel last
Mr. and Mrs. Ulett left Sunday for
The proposed assessment for the
the first man drawn in each of the Thursday evening at which 40 ramies
South Eend to get the splendid prize grading and graveling of Heath street, Coast Highway association, of Marsh­ 48 states.
field, was present and gave an in-
sat down to the table—it always in­
>nd exPect*d
be *°ne about two I mct . m. -d SMK, -M p ~-
These numbers will be posted on cluded the statement that Tailtwist­
aanUrl by
hv th«
• 1
* uvxm : ui
the street r/wTtvrdtt**
committee. Th*
the past year by the association. the bulletin boards in front of the er Lloyd Claver was the lite of the
total amount of the assessments will
Among the many things done to pro­ board offices and should be consulted party, that he kept the four score in
be $466.90.
mote publicity, Mr. Sanders stated, by those who registered. Those in an uproar throughout the evening.
No act was taken on the aproval
was an amateur snapshot contest, this end of the county will find their His flash thinking earns him the des­
by the WPA for sewer extensions in
which was participated in by tourists name and number posted at Myrtle ignation of ’the best tailtwister I ever
the Hand tract. Property owners
from twenty-six states who entered Point.
saw.” And the cash box with its
Questionnaires will be sent to the 33-10 of fines collected in nickles and
Judge Norton told an early day fish there have not all signed up yet ask­ pictures taken while touring the Coast
ing for the sewer.
story at the Chamber of Commerce
highway and which produced a large registrants in the order in which their dimes, proves that he is a financial
t It was ordered that the city hall
session Tuesday noon, but it was not
volume of publicity both from the numbers are drawn, and these ques­ asset to the club.
roof over the library be repaired to
about one that got away.
trade magazines and several large tionnaires will be filled out and re­
The session was presided over by
the leaks. The downspouts are
When Commissioner R. H. Law­
eastern daily paper in their Sunday turned to the board within five days. the club’s president, F. L. Pook, and
clogged with asphalt and new piping
horn’s father and family came from
feature departments.
a thoroughly enjoyable evening was
Roseburg by the Coos Bay Wagon will be installed to allow a run-off
Clarence Coe, president of the
spent by all.
Rood, then building in the 1870’s, he
Marshfield Chamber of Commerce,
There was no set program, all of
It developed that the new building
made his selection of a ranch on the
commented on the recent Salmon
the talks by members and visitors be­
Middle creek. Some time later the
Derby participated in by both the
ing impromtu. The local Arizona
present commissioner’s father tramped was a few inches in the street on Lions and Rotarians and stated that
The workmen who were repairing Wranglers orchestra furnished the
the ten miles or thereabouts down to Hall and construction of the sidewalk he thought that this event should be the underpinning of the front of the music and the hearty encores accord­
Lee, over trails and through the brush in front of the place awaits adjust­ made an annual affair and enlarged to Grimes building on Tuesday, turned ed each number showed that the au­
and found the river there full of sal- ment. The building was started when include every civic and service organ­ loose a flood that threatened to wash ditors appreciated their numbers.
man. He loaded a gunnysack full J. N. Gearhart was away on vacation ization in the county.
out all the foundation for a few min­
and carried it back, with all the vi­ and Mr. Harrison could not find an
Jack Carroll, accompanied by Anne utes. An old stub end water pipe,
engineer to give him the correct lines.
cissitudes attendant on covering the
Barton at the piano, played on his probably the line which ran to the
The council voted to send City En­
rough country, thinking to have some
violin and sang two songs, “Deep Riv­ Wickam House 20 and more yean ago,
gineer Gearhart to Corvallis on Nov.
Billy Wall, emplpyed at the Kline
fine fish dinners.
er” and “By the Bend of the River,” was in the way of operations. They
Next morning he went down to 7, 8, 9, at city expense, to attend the in a very pleasing manner.
started to shove jt aside and the rusty logging camp at Fairview, was ¡brought
Middle creek—a nd-found it juakas school to be held by the. state board
Chas. Briggs was presented with an pipe broke, letting the water from to the hospital last Saturday, suffer­
full of salmon as the river had been of health in regard to water works and interesting gift by some unknown the First street main escape with a ing from a fractured neck, head and
sewer treatment plants.
at Lee the day before!
department shoulder injuries, received while
admirer and expressed his apprecia­ roar. - The city
_ ’s water
City-owned lots were sold to Geo.
- - off
- and the working.
soon had the water shut
A Ulett and Jack Hale.
Mrs. Jessie Scorby on Sunday, and
Ron Endicott was introduced as a hole plugged.
Accident Commission Loses
James Duffey on Tuesday, underwent
new member and welcomed into the
One, Settles Four Others ~ —4
major operations.
The first case in circuit court Mon­
A baby boy, named Ernest Ray and
Rotarian guests present were Wal­
day was that of Everett Higgins vs.
weighing nine pounds and twelve
ter Chiene, Wm. Robb and Harry Nas-
the State Industrial Accident Com­
ounces, was bom to Mr. and Mrs. V.
burg, of Marsh-Bend club, and Wm.
mission. The jury returned a verdict
E. Todd, of Arago, yesterday.
George W. Bryant was brought L. Lyon, of Eugene.
Pro America members will meet
on Tuesday for 32 per cent of the home from the hospital in Portland
Thia morning Claude Gillespie, son
Other guests than those mentioned
regular compensation for loss of an last Saturday and Mrs. Bryant reports abpve were L. A. Lundquist, new su­ Friday at 2:30 p. m. at the republi­ of Ed Gillespie, who Ilves on the North
Following this verdict four this morning that he feels considera­ perintendent of the plywood plant can headquarters in the bank build­ Bank road, underwent a major oper­
other cases against the commission bly better than he did when he ar­ here, and James Baker, secretary of ing. Harry Slack, a member of the ation, and Ellen, nine year old daugh­
republican county central committee,
were settled out of court.
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Cortland Ellis,
rived, and is very glad to be at home the Marshfield Chamber of Com­
will gave a short talk containing in­
Another civil case begun this morn­ again. An ambulance brought him merce.
of Fairview, underwent an appendec­
ing was that of Fitzgerald vs. Burgees, from Portland and a special nurse ac­
American members. Willkie support­
which is to recover damages for a companied him on the trip.
Dismissals the past week were:
ers as well as club members are urged
wrecked automobile. The collision
Mrs. Lorin Miller and Mrs. Jack Ar­
to attend the meeting.
occurred oh the highway to Bandon
nold last Saturday, Guy Kelley on
several months ago.
Sunday, and Mrs. Geo. Brooks on
Geo. Purden was brought to the
Geo. T. Moulton was removed from
Coquille Hospital last Saturday suf­
the hospital to his home on Monday.
The executive committe of the Co­ fering from a gun sfiot wound in the the Rink creek district, a seven
quille American Legion Post met at right arm which fractured a bone. pounds and eight ounces baby girl,
He and Robert Tichenor were getting
Chas. Blanchard, who lives on Sag­ the home of the new commander, S. home from hunting and in some way who have been named Arlyn Kay.
To Mr.'and Mrs. Wm. Strong, Co-
ford Heights, brought to the Sentinel
Tithenor’s gun was filed as they were
a baby daughter, Judith Diane,
last week what at first glance might arrangements for a membership drive getting out of their car. .
.............. ■ --
not.” which will be preceded Saturday. *- * ■ ZiMr- ¿e-
MisS Hazel Adams
Dies At Union
Is Now Known
As Lucky Bill
Clem Howard,
Golf Champ
4,197 Registered In
Coos For Draft
Lions Hold
Cadies Night
Would Make A
Man Swear »
Water Roars
From Rusty Pipe
Belle Knife Hospital
George W. Bryant
Home Saturday
How Could It
Get There?
Pro America To
Meet Friday
Was Shot By
Companion's Gun
Legion To Start
Drive Nov. 2
Coquille Hospital
15& Absentee
Ballots Sent
Just Can't Star Oat ----- ■"
’T'w bt ftòubleLoiig* "
„** w
‘ &
mittee of the Coos county
inch across the opening. .Like all Of
was held at a dinner meeting at the Ripley’s puzzles this one can be ex­
Coquille Hotel Monday evening plained too.
----- ........
Their next meeting will be held at
Reedsport on Dae. 8. '
Acting Governor E. R. Fatland has
called upon the citizens of Oregon to
join in the observance of Navy Day
on Sunday, October 27.
_ ‘
' • •
The county court this week can­
celled county, warrants, more than
seven years old, which have not been
called for by those to whom they were
made out The warrants in amount
totalled $359.53.
Howard Tnmtnee Jtv. of Marsh-
A ct "-..