The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, September 19, 1940, Page 13, Image 13

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    A* '
Will Show At
Arago Church
eder To Be
¡cions Host
Nearly 20 Million
Planted This Year
Under the new fish liberation pro­
gram. inaugurated last spring by the
i Oregon State Game Commission, a
policy has been established at plant­
ing fish of greater length than haa
been the practice in years past.
While the fish liberation program
will continue for at least another
month, a progress report made to
Frank B. Wire, state game super­
visor, shows that up to September 1
more than 14,000,000 fiah have been
planted and several million more will
be libereeted before winter sets in.
Liberation crews are now working
out of Klamath and Willamette hatch­
eries, releasing fall spawn rainbow
trout, averaging in length from 3*4
to 4% inches.
--------- ~f
Approximately 1,500,000 of these,
large fish are being released from
the Klamath hatchery, being planted
principally in the large lakes of cen­
tra! and south central Oregon.
From the Willamette hatchery ap­
pro ma tel y a million fish are being
planted, the majority going into the
upper waters of the Willamette river
and its tributaries.
During the month of August, the
crews planted »,787,04» fish or about
ten tons of fish in waters of the state.
About three million spring spawn-
“ '
‘ 1 over until
------ spring when the fish will be
from four to six inches in length.
I. V” 4», ' ?
Car Ownership
High In Oregon
Myrtle Point
Out Of Debt
Coquille’« neighbor
10c Dox.
|1.M to S1U0
Swap Shop sai
Front A Willard
the Buying Public
For Furnace
Isler Sheet Metal
■L 1143
Phone 203
Coquille, Ore. I
sotttwMt warn!
Climaxing its
of cars—every one available as either a Six or an Eight!
You will want a picture
• of that
Big Buck
& '' ■'•»•TS
Also Developing ahd Printing
of the Quality Kind
City Hall
Phone 121-L
T hat 'S
‘ 1
The most beautiful world's fair in
history doses forever on September
29th. There’s still time to sec this
thrilling show on TtatiMbBftwffa
RIGHT—now there'» a whole fleet of Pontiac
'Torpedoes”! Because esvrj seeds/ of Pontiac’s new
line for 1941, even the new low-priced De Luxe Six,
Offers Pontiac’s daringly different ’Torpedo” body
styling which took America by storm this year!
And every model in Pontiac's 1941 line offers you
a cbtict of a Six or Eight engine. Both engines are more
powerful, more responsive—both power a car that’s
bigger in every way—yet both give you the same record
economy which made this year’s Pontiacs such sen­
sational sales successes!
Come M and see these new "Torpedoes” todty!
San Frandsco Bey. Why miss it whan
Delivered at Pontiac, Mich. Tramjior-
tation hmJ
rate*, etaie and ¡»ccl
taxet (if any), optional equipment aod
accestoliet—extra. Price* abject to change without notjei.
. .-iti».
. ♦ 1