The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, August 15, 1940, Page 6, Image 6

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News Items From Adjacent Communities |
Norway News Items
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gasner left
last Wednesday in their new car, via
the eoast route to attend the Treasure
Island fair st San Francisco.
. Last Thursday morning, Mr. and
Mrs. J. Finley Schroeder received a
telegram that Mrs. Schroeder’s father,
Walter M. Burgees had passed away
st Portland. The Schroeder's left
upon receipt of the notice for Port­
land- They returned Saturday, ac­
companied by Mr. and Mrs. Verne
Garoutte of Eugene. Mn. Garoutte
is a sister of Mn. Schroeder. They
brought the body to the Schroeder
undertaking parlors in Myrtle Point.
Mr. Burgees was born at Chicago,
Ill., May 13, IN?. He was aged «3
yean, 2 months, and 21 days. Ser­
vices wen held Monday, Aqg. 12 at
1 p. m. in Myrtle Point with Rev. T.
H. Barr of the Brethren church, of­
ficiating. Interment was at Norway
Mrs. Edith Broner of the Stanford
hospital in San Francoeco, Calif., has
been visiting at the Rufus Rylander
home since Aug. 1. She is a sister of
Robert Trigg and the former Leslie
Trigg. She left on Monday morning
of this week
Chas. Southmayd called at Howard
Moulton’s Sunday, to took at some
dairy cows. Charles is stocking a
ranch near Gravelford, where he will
Bulletins On
Preserving Food
A new extenaoin bulletin on “Home
Food Preservation” has Just been re­
based by the homo economic exten­
sion service, according to the borne
demonstration agent, Mrs. Dorothy
Bishop This bulletin includes var­
ious suggestions lor the preservation
of food in many different ways in-
eluding canning, drying,
smoking, and storing.
The preservation ef surplus pro­
ducts at home for family use makes
possible a variety in the diet and
reduces the coot of living for many
families. Winter gardens and storing,
salting, drying, and^freezing of foods
may well be intrensed. Good aims
for canned products are safety lor
use, freedom from spoilage, aad de­
sirability for eating.
This bulletin is available by.writ­
ing or calling at the office of the
home demonstration agent at the
courthouse in Coquille.
last Wednesday after visiting friends
and relatives in Coos county for sev-
eral weeks
Mrs. 3. L. Burtis returned home
Wednesday evening after visiting
relatives in Portland for several days.
rch. barkers burg
Bridge Notes
¡2 Community Fair
ti!" September 7
One Coquille
•Z can't *ttor4
to skimp on
7 *..
McKinley News
In comporison with rising living costs
on every hand, the present low rates
for electric service are a distinct ad­
vantage—enjoy the benefits of man's
greatest servant with real economy—
In the home, on the form or In your