The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, June 06, 1940, Page 13, Image 13

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I News Items From Adjacent Communities
30. There were no evening services.
Services will be held next Sunday as
follows. Preaching at 10 a. m. and
Sunday school at 11 a. m
A school board meeting was held
Saturday evening at which time it
was voted to make some needed im­
provements on the dressing rooms in
the gymnasium and also to install a
new oil heating plant for next winter.
Gordon Fitz Henry of Powers ar­
rived at the A. B. Crawford home to
spend most of the summer.
Arago News
> verstott, Kenneth and Lindy Lou and
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Thurman and
family motored to Bridge last Sun­
day to attend the dinner given in
honor of Mrs. Melissa B
nson who
celebrated her 90th
There were 33 in attendance
e up
by her children, grandchildren/ and
great grandchildren. Mrs. Brownson
seems to be quite active for her age.
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Richardson
motored to Roseburg last Friday to
visit friends and relatives. Glenda
a nd Mo tv a Ri cha rds o n rema i ned with
their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. C.
A. Stelzer.
r ' ‘
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Sonneland and
NanCy purchased the south forty of
the Barnett place and will make their
home there in the near future.
Miss Luella Lawton left Monday
evening for Powers where she will
stay a few days to be with her father
and brothers, before they start on the
evangelistic tour. She plans to re-
tum to Fairview Wednesday.
Ira»Deadmond of Eugene arrived
Thursday morning to visit his par­
ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Deadmond
and other relatives.
Ladles Aid met Tuesday at the
home of Mrs. Gordon Fleming with
the following in attendance:
dames Ward Evans, S. C. McAllister
and Gordon Floming.
They met
again yesterday at the same place to
finish the quilt they are working on.
Mr. and Mrs. S. C. McAllister and
Jean accompanied Mr. and Mrs. J. E.
Wannamaugher, of Myrtle Point, to
Ban d on lust -Thur s d ay,- whore ‘hey
visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Leo Cox.
Mrs. Wayne Woodward left Wed­
nesday for Odell Lake, where she will
The following Fairview notes ar­
join Mr. Woodward and Gerald, who rived last Wednesday afternoon after
have been employed there for sev­ the Sentinel, published a day early,
eral weeks.
was out.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Burbank left
Saturday for Corvallis, where they
The Fairview Home Economics
went to attend the commencement Unit held a meeting at the grange
exercises. Mrs. Burbank's brother, hall last Tuesday. It was an all-day
Price, being one of the graduates. meeting with a pot luck luncheon at
They will return home Monday eve- noon.
Mi^s Julia Bennett, Home
ning. Gordon Fleming and Junior demonstration agent, demonstrated,
Gulstrom have been helping with the 4«’ Why We Behave As We Do.” A
chores while Mr. Burbank is away.
lovely gift was presented her by the
Mrs. Esther Fredenburg, of Lang- club, this being her last meeting at
lois, has been visiting at the home of Fairview. The next meeting will be
Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Aasen for the in September. Those present were:
past week.
Deadmbnd, Joe Berkheimer, S. B.
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Crawford, Thel­ Mesdames Glenn Richardson, Ray
A wedding of much interest in
circles took place Sunday at
ma and Noia, Edna and, Delbert Hendrix
Hayes, Kenton and Lillaverle Myers, I Greetner, Lloyd Teagarden, S. C. the Dora chapel when Miss Priscilla
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Fleming, Don- Duncanson, Doyee and children. Miller, daughter of M. C. Miller, mas-
ald, Virginia and Glenn and Elon Ivyl Frye and daughter, H. M. Wal­ ter of McKinley Grange, was given in
Rider all enjoyed a picnic at Broad­ do, Walter Norris, Ray Norris, Ned marriage to the overseer, Harry Mast.
bent Sunday.
Kay, Charles, Holverstott, R. J. Hol- The young couple went to San Fran-
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Schroeder and verstott, Elmer Goodwin, Paul Prince, cisco on their honeymoon to visit the
Leslie, of Coquille, and Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Hall, C. D. Reynolds, Charles fair. On their return they will live
George Gasner and Donna Rae, of Farmer, Roberts, Misses Nelda Nor- near the Laird, Benham & Laird
Norway, were Sunday guests of Mr. ris, Glenda and Melva Richardson, camp where Harry is employed.
and Mrs. Gus Schroeder.
Cecil Dugger received word Sun-
Lorraine Norris, Helen Johnson, Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Carl left Sun- Velin Moore and Miss’Frances Pratt day that his aunt, Mrs. John Dugger,
day for Corvallis, where they went of Gravelford, and Miss Julia Ben- who lived near Coquille on the Arago
to attend the commencement exer-
road, passed away; his wife had
nett of Coquille.
cises, their son, Wallace, being one
Mrs. Fred Johnson underwent a been helping care for Mrs. Dugger
of the O. S. C. graduates. They re- major* operation at the Keizer hospi­ and had only returned home for a
turned home Monday evening.
short rest. They both returned to
tal last week.
Mr. and Mrs. I. B. Sevy and Mr.
Mrs. Clara Hoag, of Portland, left be with the uncle until after the fun-
and Mrs. S. C. McAllister drove to Wednesday for home. She has been eral.
Bandon Sunday and enjoyed a picnic visiting her daughter, Mrs. I. H. Ben-
Ted Brown, who has been employed
dinner in the grove there, after which
ham and attended the Coquille gradu- at the C. D. Ray camp, received a
they drove to Natureland home.
painful neck injury and has had x-
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hammack and
rays taken but it is not known at
' Luella Lawton returned to Fair-
family on Monday moved to Powers,
this writing if the injury is serious
'where Mr. Hammack will be employ- view last Thursday after visiting her or not.
sister in Eugene.
ed in the logging camp.
Bill Frame has been laid up with a
Nadine Edwards left last Friday
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Burtis drove to
back injury for several days. His
Gravelford Thursday and were guests
brother, Earl Frame, and wife and in­
live. Harold Norris took her to Eu-
of Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Webb.
fant son, of Tillamook, are visiting
Gordon Fleming spent from Wed- gene.
at the Frame home this week.
Harold Shook of Talemage, Cali­
nesday until Saturday of last week
Work has been started on the Mid­
fornia, left Tuesday for home after
at Portland on business.
dle creek bridge just below the Mc­
Mr. and Mrs. Orvus Miller, Phyllis
Kinley postoffice. If the bridge is
and Alice left for Central Point last ter, Mrs. I. H. Benham and attending taken entirely out as seems neces­
week where they went to attend the the Coquille high school graduation. sary to put on a diferent angle for a
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Smith left Fri­
ng of Mrs. Miller’s brother,
safer approach, it may be some time
day for Santa Anna, California,
before traffic can be resumed over
Mrs. H. E. Watkins and Jean left where he plans to obtain employment. this route.
The Fairview school held their
Saturday for La Grande where Mary
Mr. and Mrs. William Egenhoff and
Watkins was a graduate from normal. graduation last week with the fol­ a party of friends from Marshfield
Miss Mary will accompany them as following receiving their diplomas, were Sunday guests at the W. W.
far as Portland and remain there for Helen and Pauline Kinrod, George Lawhorn home. Miss Mary Boone
a short visit before coming on down Hughes, Edward Stevenson, Lyle was a house guest there until Sat­
Waldo and William Mathews.
to the coast.
Mrs. Everett Lafferty, Allen, Mayre
Mr. and Mrs Hugh Lawhorn and
Mr. and Mrs. George Reed of Los
Lee and Howard of Langlois were
infant daughter, of Ophir, were visi­
Monday visitors at the George Hamp­
tors over the week-end also.
Mrs. Ray Deadmond.
ton home.
Mrs. J. B. O’Sullivan has as guests,
Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Halter, Allen
her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs.
and. Ronald, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Monday morning from Eugene where Mike Avery, from California. ■ They
Shaw, Patty and Arlan and Mr. and he accompanied Nadene Edwards.
left for home Tuesday.
Donna Jean Duncanson is around
Mrs. Gordon Fleming, Donald, Vir­
The W. W. Rhules had a house
ginia and Glen and Mrs. Ethel Burns on crutches now after having an un­ warming party at their new home
all enjoyed a pot luck dinner at the fortunate accident at Bandon when a Saturday. Besides all the family and
Russell McBain home last Thursday log rolled on her. She was taken to their wives and husbands, a number
the doctor but found that no bones of local friends enjoyed their hospi-
in honor of Mr. McBain's birthday.
Stephen Aasen returned home from were broken but was quite swollen. tality.
The Fairview young people mo­
LaVerne college Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Nevy Heller and
The regular weekly bible study was tored to Powers Monday to enjoy a friends from Coquille motored to
held Wednesday evening at the weiner roast gilen by the Powers Port Orford Saturday night and re­
church with J. D. Root leading the young people. Games were played turned Sunday.
discussion on the 13th chapter of around the bonfire, followed by a
Rhonald Maiden was among the
Those going from injured last week and is now home
Luke. Those present were: Mr. and weiner roast.
Mrs. J. D. Root and John Paul, Mr. Fairview were: Vesta and Donna from the hospital. He was hurt at
and Mrs. I. B. Sevy, Mrs. Ward Evans, Jean Duncanson, Marge Ryan, Shir­ Kline's camp in the Fairview neigh­
ley Bailey, Maxine Engels, Luella borhood.
and Mr. and Mrs. S. C. McAllister.
Mrs. Al Volck of Langlois visited Lawton, Ralph Zeener, Owen Brown,
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Maiden have
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. I. B. Frank Snodgrass, Ray Comer, Elmer a new car, a Chevrolet, and Mr. and
Goodwin, £ay Crabb, Jeff Woodward, Mrs. Reuben Brown are driving a
*Sevy Thursday.
Rev. H. A. Minter of Coquille con­ Bud Comer, Harold and Raymond Lafayette-Nash.
It is difficult to
ducted the regular Sunday morning Norris.
keep track of the neighbors because
Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Benham and
church service. Sunday school fol­
a of^the new cars. In the good old
lowed with an attendance of around Karen, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hol-
1” "days it was as easy to tell who was
coming by their car rattles as it was
in the horse and buggy days and we
could tell the team as far as the eye
could see.
Capt. Greenley has brought his wife
and daughter out from Myrtle Point
to spend the summer at the CCC
camp. ’ They will occupy the house
Wool Bags and Twine
built by the Eldon Holmes family.
Fairview News Items
McKinley News
> 1
Hay Salt
Dairy Fly Sray
Household Fly Spray
MEO -181
The one shot weed killer for Dandelion, Plantain,
and Quack Grass, that will not kill your lawn.
Myrtle Point News
Miss Kathleen Gilkison, Miss Lor­
raine White, and Norman Williams
drove from Portland Wednesday for
Memorial Day. Miss White and Mr.
Williams returned Monday to resume
their work. They were accompanied
by Delbert Steele, who went up to
visit the Rose Show for the week.
Mrs. Robert MacKerrow and Mrs.
Donald Gilkison have rented the
building formerly occupied by Snod­
grass Shoe Repair and opened a
Steak and Coffee shop last Sunday.
Mrs. Alice Lafferty returned from
Portland Saturday, where she had
been on business.
Mias Ethel Roop,
who accompanied her, continued on relatives and to be present at the fam-
to her home at Wallowa for a visit ily gathering on Sunday, celebrating
Mrs Brownson’s »Oth birthday an-
before entering summer school.
Monday, June 10, wtlNbpan |.chll- I niversary.
June Booher will lead the Christian
' dren’s'"$layground at the city park
each morning from 9 to 12 o'clock, Endeavor meeting next Sunday eve­
under the direction of Mrs. Alice Laf­ ning. The topic is "The Price of
ferty. Mrs. Lafferty is very capable, Friendship.”
Alton Brostrom, of Myrtle Creek,
having had years of teaching experi­
ence. There will be a charge of 25c will begin an evangelistic meeting
a week for each child attending. This here on Thursday evening, June 6, to
will be run for eight weeks. EacH week continue until Sunday evening, June
Mrs Lafferty plans to have some 23, and possibly longer. Services will
contest for the children. The first begin at 7:30 o'clock and the people
week ribbons will be given to the of the community are cordially invit­
girls bringing the oldest, largest, and ed to attend.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hughes, of El
smallest doljs and there will be a
vehicle race for the boys. Qualifi- Cerrito, California, and two grand-
eatlOhB W i l l be that u il iil d m ust hav e uono, Vero W ilte y , ol E l C e rrito , a nd
been in attendance at least four days Robert Lantis, of Ashland, Oregon,
were guests for a few days last week
of that week prior to the contest.
Monday evening the Royal Neigh­ at the Ray L. Beckett home. They
bors met for their regular meeting. returned home by the coast road.
Frank Culver went to Myrtle Point
Mrs. Mary Johnson, Miss Marilyn
Ziebarth and Mrs. Janice Goffield Saturday and had a broken rib taped.
were taken into the order by initia­ The accident occurred at Eden Ridge
tion. , Lovely refreshments were where he is employed.
served at the close of the meeting.
The Merry Matrons Club, R. N. A.
will meet June 13 at the home of Mrs.
Rufus Lemon with Mrs. Walter
Sparks and Mrs. Fred Mants as host-
Mrs. Vesta Cobb and children of
Salem are visiting with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Snyder.
Mrs. L. W. Clinton entertained her
pinochle club Wednesday afternoon
at her hoirie on the River road. Mem-
bers present were Mesdames Richard
Stratton, Merle West, Harry Christy,
Guests were Mesdames Vem Lundy,
John Arnold, William Brown and
Miss Margaret Waldamott.
were won by Mrs. Christy high, and
Mrs. West low and Mrs. Brown high
guest prize.
The Presbyterian Ladies Aid met
Wednesday at the home of Mrs. L.
W. Clinton with Mrs. Harry Christy
as co-hostess.
Mrs. Cora Mulkey had the mls-
fortune to cut her hand with an axe
Monday. She was treated at Mast
hospital where 20 stitches were
E. J. Walker and sons, E. J. and
Jerry, A. L. Booher «nd son, Jim,
Glenn Hutton and Clarence Filer
went to Coquille Saturday and got the
church bell from the old Methodist
church building. The bell was kindly
presented by Dr. Richmond to the
local church.
Clarence B. Ellison, who was prin­
cipal of the school at Helix the past
year, after five years as principal
here, arrived Sunday evening at the
Ehrig home to visit friends here. Or­
ville Rice, who has been attending
the Normal at La Grande, came in
with him.
Mrs. Ray L. Beckett wa< hostess at
a lovely birthday dinner Sunday for
the pleasure of her daughter, Mrs.
Clarence Fiser. Those present were
Mr. and Mrs. Fiser, Ruth and E. J.
Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Hutton,
'Mr. and Mrs. Beckett, Virginia and
Keys made for aU locks. Steven«
Cash Hardware. Coquille. Ore.
Bridge Notes
Mrs. Harry Lindsay and daughters,
Virginia Lea and Lula Marie, spent
Monday with friends at Glendale and
then went on to Grants Pass, where
they visited until Friday with Mrs.
Lindsay’s mother, Mrs. Lula Gar-
rett, and sister, Mrs. George Williams.
Mrs. Amelia Hitt came in from
Roseburg Thursday to visit her moth-
er, M ts . Melissa Brownson and other
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