The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, May 23, 1940, Page 2, Image 2

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— ■■>
Banquet by B. P.
» .'A
_* 0,000.100 11
1.256 Odv •»
616.179 72
11* IS
200.000 0V
901,207 59
■<017.451 12
149.772 70
* 4.S2SJ0343
* 1.441,112.73
17,490,139 22
4.410.434 33
1,100.005 70
7.901 17
RolimM. CUrk, SxiKur
People Married
George Otrding's
Fine Record
Seniors Attend
Pioneer church was practically full
Monday night, Pioneer Hall was
Nation-wide publicity for
Two Coquille young people stole a
Sunday evening for the Baccalaure­
the scene of another Mother A march on their friends last Satur­ tent production has boon eei
Daughter banquet given by the Busi­ day and came back from Eugene, George E. Oerding, district agent for ate services for the graduating
ness and Profesisonal Women’s club where their marriage ceremony was CoquiUe, Oregon, and vicinity for class of 1840, and the young ladies
members to their mothers and performed/ on Monday. Harry L. the Continental Assurance-Casualty and gentlemen of the class made a
friends. The affair was in charge of Claterbos, Jr., and Mias Barbara Companies operating throughout the very impressive showing as they
the excutive committee: Mrs. Mar­ Leslie, daughter at Mr. and Mrs. United States and Canada.
entered the auditorium to the music
garita Brodie, Mrs. Edith Walton, Keith Leslie of this city, were the
Among aU representatives of his of the processional and took their
Mrs. Harriet Osika, Mrs. Clara Bos- contracting parties.
companies, Mr. Oerding has achieved seats in front of the altar.
serman and Miss Ellen Braxton.
The young couple had been talk­ the distinction of being one of twenty
Mr. Sias, minister of the Church
The long tables were beautifully ing of being married for same time company leaders who have qualified of Christ, delivered the baccalaure­
decorated with bowls of garden flow­ but their parents and friends thought consistently with the production of ate sermon, presenting truths and
ers and at each place was a dainty they intended waiting until Miss a new life insurance policy each comments in a straightforward and
convincing manner that could not
nut cup filled with nuts and candies. Barbara finished her course at the week.
Mr. Oerding's accomplishment was fail to impress his young listeners,
The place card was on the rim of university. She was a graduate of
recently publicized in a full page ar­ as well as the older ones.
thé cup. The very attractive pro­ Coquille high school in 1838.
The groom is an employee at the ticle printed in the companies'
From processional to recessional
grams were white, with a black sil­
houette of an old-fashioned, mother Smith Wood-Products plant who has monthly magazine which ia distribut­ the program was presented as out­
on the cover. At the place of each resided here since his father became ed to over 10,000 representatives. In lined in these columns last week.
manager of the First National Bank accomplishing this feat, Mr. Oerding The music was excellent, the address
guest was a small blooming plant.
branch here a few years ago.
contributed «0 the record achieved splendid, and the class hod entered
Mrs. Osika was tosatmistress for
They have taken an apartment In by his agency, the Fred H. Schroeder upon the final week of their public
the occasion. Following the repeat­
the R. A. Wemich home, where they agency of Portland, in establishing school life.
ing of the club collect, led by Mrs.
will go to housekeeping, although the an all-time company record in quali­
Bosserman, Mrs. Osika gave a abort
bride may go back to the university fying the largest number of consistent
address of welcome to the mothers.
Calling cards, SO for $1.00.
weekly producers in any agency of
to finish this year’s course.
Her mother, Mrs. Belle Gould, re­
the Sentinel joins with their many the company.
sponded in behalf of the guests. Be­
As a reward for his accomplish­
friends in wishing them a long and
tween courses, Mias Ruth Towne led
ment, Mr. Oerding has been awarded
happy life together.
the group in the singing of old fa­
two cash bonuses, and in addition
miliar songs. Mrs. Roy Barton sang
Mr. and Mrs. Oerding were invited to
three lovely solos, accompanied by
attend a special conference in Port­
Mrs. M. O. Hawkins. A very attrac­
land on the occasion of an official
tive feature was a dance presented
visit of the vice president, W. Edwin
by Miss Ethel if&op and Miss Flor­
White, from the company’s home of­
ence Henderson. Last but not least,
Coquille bridge players returned fice.
were two solos by Mrs. Leona Bry­ the visit of the Reedsport brigers last
ant She was also accompanied by Sunday and won by a smaller score
Mrs. Hawkins.
than when the Reedsport crowd were Coquille B. P. W. Members
Mrs. Ames, 82 years young and the here a week or so ago. Last Sunday Attend State Convention
oldest mother present, was presented there was only twelve points between
Members of the B. P. W. Club at­
with • potted plant. This was do­ the t*o. It was rather strange that tending the state convention at
nated by Mrs. Brodie Jq honor of the high point pair for Coquille, W. Grants Pass Saturday and Sunday
motherhood, “the noblest profession E. Bosserman and Don McCune, did were: Mrs. Leona Bryant, state pres­
not win a game all evening, their ident; Mrs. Harriet Osika, state cor­
of all.”
There was a drawing for the bowls scores resulting from seta of the op­ set.; Mrs. Clara Bosserman, Mrs.
of flowers on the tables. The lucky position. Dan McEnlry and Wm. Bar­ Florence Barton and Mrs. Georgia
ladies were: Mrs. Goo. Taylor, Sr., row ware .second high. Others who Richmond, delegates, and other mem­
Mrs. A. O. Rogers, Miss Fenn, Mrs. went from here were D. E. Rack left bers attending were Mrs. Inez Chase,
Martha Young, Mrs. Roy Barton, and Wm. Kicking, who by the way Mrs. Viola Newton, Mrs. Bertha
Mrs. Betty Guilbert, Miss Florence committed the unusual by coming Smith, and Mrs. Belle Gould. The
Henderson and Mrs. Clarence Bar­ in last, C. M. Gray, Hal Pierce, Dick following state officers were elected:
McClary and Frank Martin.
president, Evangeline Philbin, Port­
At the close of the program, each
land; first vice president, Hilda
member introduced her guest and
Swenson, Salem; second vice pres.,
told where she was bom. One was
Isabel Brixner, Klamath Falls; cor.
bom in Finland, two in Sweden snd
sec., Gladys Baldwin, Portland; rec.
one in London, England.
sec., Marie Wilcox, Grants Pass, and
Mem bars d resent ware: Mesdames
Coquille high school’s three man trees., Eva Blackwell, Corvallis.
Georgia Richmond, Annie Robnison, entry ia the state track meet at Cor­
Marjorie Rowland, Bartha Smith, vallis last Friday and Saturday
Bonnie Walker, Edith Walton, Flor­ placed fourth with 14 points. Med­
ence Barton, Hazel Hanna, Eva ford high was first with 21 %, Sca-
Stevens, Blythe Saylor, Ruth Bey­ ppose second with 15, and Ontario
ers, Clara Bosserman, Leona Bry- third With 14%.
'S51! HUSH-1 'v-i
Dee Krantz ranked third in the
Gladys Gano, Pearl Jackson, Belle shot put heaving the weight 47 feat,
Knife, Viola Newton, Harriet Osika, TH inches. Marvin Goodman placed
Ida Owen, Jennie Price, Misses Myr­ second in the javelin toss and third
tle DeLong, Lois Fenn, Myrtle Min­ in the broad jump,
ter, Ida Oerding, Ellen Braxton, Edna
Bob Arnold came in aeoond in the
Robison, Ruth Towne, Eleanor Men- mile run and at the tape was the
egat, Ethel Roop and Chéris Mae freshest one on the track. He had
Hartwell" Guests were: Mesdames hflld back in the first half, allowing
Geo. Taylor, 8r, Henry Lorenz, M. others to crowd him over and coming
O. Hawkins, A. O. Rogers, Lindros, around the last turn was back in
Geo. Leach, S. L. DeLong, Ella Nel­ seventh or eighth place. From there
Are now at their BEST and PRICE lower
son, Ames, Harold Minter, Newton, lu* »print carried him to second but
M. E. Bates, A. N. Gould, A. J. he started a little too late to catch
Sherwood, C. W. Ashton, G. E. Stark, the winner. The state high school
Amanda Way,
Huldah Ellingson, record for the mile, 4 minutes, 28.3
Martha Young, Sadie J ayes, Arthur seconds, was set by Paul Wilson, son
Towne, Vivian Fish, Roy Barton, of V. R. Wilson of this city, who
Clarence Barton, Ruth Candlin, C. was a Jefferson high student in Port­
M. Guilbert, BUI Peart, Mary Buras, land when he set this record back
Louis Fugelson, Z. C. Strang, Anna in 1812. I
Place your orders for delivery on arrival
Cousins, Miss Florence Henderson,
Miss May Fenn and Miss Glenada
and thus be assured of berries in per­
Reedsport Loses At
Bridge To Coquille
ta ia our motto
io/ume with Small
Large Cans
3eoM 25«
2 for................ ............
F-I -N ■
Mission Brand
Halves or Sliced....................
C. H. S. Fourth In
State Track Meet
fect condition.
There is no need to let stomach gas
cause loss of sleep and upset your
disposition. Just take a spoonful of
Bisma-Rex in a glass of water before
going to bed. Bisma-Rex relieves
stomach discomfort due to acid-in­
digestion quickly. Buy a bottle of 50
doees for 50c at the Rexall Drug Store
—Fuhrmans Pharmacy.
lb AV
Fancy California ....Z.ZZL._______________
Daily Vacation School opens next
Monday morning, May 27. AU pros­
pective attendants are asked to meet
in the main auditorium of the Pioneer
Methodist church at nine o'clock
where they will be assigned to their
classes. The intermediate division
will then go to the Baptist church,
A. L. Hooton, electrical contractor the juniors to the Church of Christ,
and dealer, 274 Second St., Coquille. the primaries to the Pioneer Metho­
ComDlete stock of wiring ruDDlies if dist and the beginners to St. James
Episcopal. No children younger than
four yean win be enroUed. There
is to be a special class, both for jun­
ior high school students and another
for senior high school students.
are now in good supply and reasonably
Marriage Licenses
May 16—H. Neil Christenson, of
Coquille, and Both Averill of Cor-
May 18—Max Dick of Camas Vgl-
ley^ and Marian K. Oleman, of Marsh­
May 18—Ina Mlles, of Lakeside,
and Josephine Haines of Loe Angeles.
May 18—J san so Cecil Kay, at Myr­
tle Point, and Lucinda Ward, of Ines,
They were married by
Rsv. Hugh T. MitcMoMre at hie
home in Myrtle Point last Saturday
May IS— Albert Henry Steam and
Juanita Robbins, both of LangWn.
Justice C. A. Barton perforvnrt
ceremony for them at his offiee
last Saturday.
May 21 — Kenneth Crabtree
Phyllis Marjorie
May 21—Goo.
field, and Betty
Calling carda. 50 for 81.00.
I will be given careful attention.