News Of Coquille Students at U. of 0. Coquille, have been pledged by Alpha Gamma Delta sorority at the Univer­ sity of Oregon this term. Elaine is Mrs. Mary Stevens was a freshman majoring in pre-medics at her bridge club last Wednesday eve- Leonard Farr was one at 118 stu­ the university and Eileen is a fresh­ ning. Miss Eunice CirnM^hqrl won dents at the University of Oregon td man majoring in business administra­ high score and Mrs. Geneva Norton, tion. low. Delicious refreshment» were make the fall term honor roll with a served at a late hour by the hoetess. grade point average of 3.9 or more. Cut flowers for any occasion. Just Present were: Mesdames Fay Wag­ Grade averages are computed on the think of Bergen’s when you need goner, Maxine Stevens, Loraine Per­ basis of 4 points for an A, 3 for a B, flowers. They have seasonable and rott, Evelyn Elliott, Magarita Brodie, and 2 points for a C. Leonard who unseasonable varieties. Geneva Norton and a guest, Miss is a graduate of Coquille high school, Eunice Carmichael. is a freshman, majoring in business administration, at the university. Mrs Lafe Compton entertained the Eileen Percy, and Elaine Gray, of Thursday club for one o’clock lunch­ eon last week. Following luncheon, the members enjoyed an afternoon of contract bridge. Present were: Mes­ dames G. A. Ulett, F. S. Emery, J. A. Lamb, F. L. Greenough, L. H. Hazard, R. L. Stewart and R. A. Wemich. , Social Notes Point; Geo. Johnson, C.P. Zumwalt and C. T. Selbig, of Co- quUle, and two guesta, Mn. Arthur Duffy, of Albany, a former member, and Mn. Viola Nicholson. Typewriters for rent or for sale. We also clean and repair typewriters at all makes. H. 8. Norton, Music & Stationery. a Wberötf"*# Skirts $1.49 or school wear! Neat and at­ tractive, yet they cost so very little!__________________________ . RAYON PANTIES For women! A real good quality, too! 1 8wV HANDKERCHIEFS For women! Size 10x10! Women s Coats \ S6. Just a few of our higher priced coats reduced for quick Clean-up — so hurry for yours! SCRIM New colors! New pat- terns Different widths ■ WV Plain white! I WOMEN’S SLIPS Slips that you’d expect to 4 IE ¿a pay twice as much for! Undies 10c Odd lota in Girls' Undies! Buy ' now and save! Limited quantity! * MEN’S UNIONS SHOES Broken lots of higher-priced 5Q Medium weight cotton! Long sleeves! 38 to 48! — A MEN’S PAJAMAS Fast colored prints! Broken sizes. Shirts Washed, ironed and all ready for use. Free from holes, too! Good large size! 33c WOMEN’S SLIPS Rayon taffeta slips—a never- to-be-forgotten fl Ar* value! WORK SOCKS NAPKINS A box of 13 sanitary napkins for only Sensational savings! All fast color! Chambrays as well as fancy pat­ terns!^ Q- Cotton rockford type! Ideal for work! M — medal Until Feb. 15th All faucets in Your Home repaired for 40« labor charge including reseating faucets — Material Extra Compare our prices with others The Loyal Women's class of the Church of Christ met with Mn. V. h. Bailey Thursday afternoon. Follow­ ing a short business meeting con­ ducted by the President, Mrs. Fred Schaer, a surprise shower was ten­ dered Miss Fauniel Moore who be­ came the bride of James W. Schaer Sunday. Hostesses were Mrs. Bailey, Mrs. C. C. Farr and Mrs. A. M. Wil­ ley. After the opening of the large array of packages, delicious refresh­ ments were served to the following ladies: Mesdames W. A. Sioen, Henry Cardwell, Harold McCue, A. S. Bean, Earl Mitts, A. N. Foley, Fred Schaer, Etta Nussell, Hobart Schaer, Gus Mc­ Cullough, Belle Hooton, Mis s es Ger­ aldine Cole, Verene Bailey, Kather­ ine Schaer, Lqis Duncan and the hon­ ored quest Last Thursday afternoon th* Myr­ tle club diet with Mrs. Aina Eckholm. An afternoon of sewing and chatting was enjoyed followed by refresh­ ments. Present were Mesdames May Anthony, Ruth Varney, Alice Stand- ley, Ina Sandlne, Angie Yoakam, Pearl Ruble, Helen Anderson, Fay Darby, Margaret Southmayd, Mar­ garet and Beryl Mullen, Bertha Ed­ wards and Tessie Pook. Last Thursday evening, the new officers of Beulah Chapter, O. E. S., conducted their first meeting in Ma­ sonic Hall. Following the meeting, new officers were elected for the so­ cial club: president, Catherine Ruble; vice president, Clarence Osika; sec­ retary-treasurer, Lee Hand. Last Thursday afternoon, the Cor­ nerstone club of the Church of Christ met in the church parlors with MK E. L. Benham. Mrs. Berlyn Billinis and Bill Brown as hostesses, Fol- lowing a dessert luncheon served at two o’clock, a pantomime skit was read by Mrs. Elwyn Nosier, with the following ladies taking part: Mes­ dames E. H. Souder, Levi Wilson, Berlyn Billings, Adrian Sias, W. A. Earls, Henry,- Marion and Walter George, Dolph Bash, Guy Kelley and Miss Vera HadsaU. The business meeting followed. The ladies have as their project parent education for the first half of the year. Others present were: Mesdames Everett Denny, T. S. Harrington, Willard Burrell, Fred Martin, Ralph Harry, George Chapman, Delbert James, Ernest O'Dell, Alton Dungey, Paul Simpson and Miss Marguerite Martin. Saturday night Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Smith were hosts to their pinocle club for seven-thirty o’clock dessert At pinocle, Lee Hand received the prize. Present were: Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hand, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Tay­ lor, Mr. and Mrs. Drue Cunningham and the hosts. Last Thursday, Mn. John Belloni, of Myrtle Point, entertained the Co­ quille-Myrtle Point Bridge club for one o'clock luncheon. Following luncheon, contract bridge was played. UAV/KLOCK, FAMOUS ÇLEUTU 1/ SEARCMKROe ELMER VAC MAg DISAPPEARED/ Æ» ¿OT$T DMLOPHWT! Lavatories Colored or White, $6.95 up less fitting 6 colors to choose from, 6 others slightly higher Save Money on Your Plumbing, Heating and Sheet Metal Work in 1940 by calling Home Made Super Creamed lee Cn M Try • bowl of Tillie's Homemade CHILI 10c Waffles 15c Served at all boors 21OL Tamale with Chili JOc P. L. JOHNSON Juicy Hamburgers on a bun with potato salad 10c 345 Front St, Coquille who does his own Plumbing we furnish the tools free of charge-lf the material ta bought here.) GOOD COFFEE No charge far saeeuf 44« Float St / YOU / Specials For Friday and Saturday, January 19 and 20 Mayonnaise SYRUP 26 ozcan 29c 5 lb. can 65c MAYDAY VEGETABLE OIL Equal to Wesson Full quart 35c Salad Dressing Pint can Vi gal. can Duchess Qt. jar Coquille, Oregon SALAD OIL Peidmont Sleepy Hollow Cane & Maple 27c - - x 19c - 59c BACK SQUARESro,s^"-. T/2 AIRWAY COFFEE FLOUR 3 LBS CRISCO 49c 23c 55« BEANS 49 Lb. Sack Can 3 Lb. Red or White 5 Lbs. OLEO, Sunny Bank, 2 Lbs. 25c BEER, Brown Derby, 3 Cans 29c TISSUE, Comfort, 4 Rolls 20c SOAP, Crystal White, 10 Bars 29c BORAX POWDER, Lge. Pkg. 27c BORAX SOAP CHIPS Lge. Pkg,, ,23c PEETS SOAP Large package.. .27c Corned Beef MILK Cherub 4 cans 25c CAMAY SOAP 3 bars 19c LUX FLAKES Large Pkg., 23c 19c STARCH Kingsford 2 pkg OVALTINE Large size 59c COOKIES Sunshine “ Fancy Package 23c Baking Chocolate Hersheys V, lb. 14c EGGS BUTTER GRADE A LARGE CARTONED 16c Guaranteed 43c 35c White Satin DRIRLISS BLUE KARO At Dockery's < / YOU YOU 5 ft Briggs Recess Tub Colored or White, 32 in. Wide »3500 , See Next Week’s Paper SUGAR PUREX GRAPE NUTS SUPURB SOAP FRESH PRODUCE ORANGES CARROTS-TURNIPS LEMONS GRAPEFRUIT CABBAGE 59c SPUDS i/2 Gal. Jug The Perfect Cereal 2 Pkg Large Package 2 for 51c 19c 27c 37c GUARANTEED MEATS Sliced Bacon 19c Pork Steak 1616c Pork Roast 1316c Hams 2316c Beef Cubes Club Links 17’/4c SA?’WAY Free Delivery & C. O. D. Service Phone 81 1 "fl J 1