Social Notes LIPSTICKS *M*r-*° Flower Shades Fuhrman's Pharmacy, Inc DRUGGISTS The Mystery Orchestra, which is giving no advance information as to its personnel, will furnish, the music for the dance to be held in the Co­ quille Community Building Saturday evening. The hours advertised are from 9:00 to 12:30 and admission will be 40 cents for gentlemen, 10 cents for ladies. STATIONERS Telephone Pole Saves Buick Reservoir Cleaned Now Let It Rain FOR RENT — 4-room, furnished house. Lights and water furnished. Inquire in rear erf 945 N. Coulter Bicycles Must Have Licenses Hr. Smith ffioe MRiSTURKiR BROWN JANE BRYAN HIC H * H O CARLSON ANITA LOUISE SNN RUIHfHIOHO I5ÜÑ.MÓÑ.TUE. " JAN. 21-22-231 5 Men Ran After The House­ keeper’s Daughter Who DM Thing» to Them She « Hadn't Oughter— ... IEFTT...A bfe bad wait HI Hilda taaaedbim. Sentinel Official County Paper The Coquille Valley Eantlnal and the Coos Bay Times, the two papers having the largest list