Magazine Exchange Mr. and Mrs. Ancil Haga, who have been quite ill for the past week, are able to be out again. Miss Parrel Schrader, a senior of the Riverton union high school, has completed her credits for graduation and will be home with her grand­ mother, Mrs. May Mack, the rest of the winter. Mike Ray began work on the roads in the logging camp last week. The community was greatly grieved at the untimely passing of Mrs. Cecil Albertson and extends to the family the deepest of sympathy. Lee Cox and Miss Helena Somes, of Reedsport, were dinner guests at' the Heffley home last Sunday. Work began in the Morris Ray log­ ging camp last Wednesday when sev­ eral sets of fallers and buckers began operations. Frank Culver is a patient Xt a Eu- 1 gene hospital, where he underwent a major operation last week. He is reported as doing nicely. Miss Hazel Heffley came in from Portland Monday to attend the fun-, eral of Mrs. Albertson. She returned Thursday night Don Hultin is passing out the cigars | since the arrival of the new baby, i Cabinet Work For Less Steel Cots - Bicycles Riverton School Pettersen Cleaners Coquille Phone 90 at Roxy Beauty Salon Inventory Sale On Menis Suits IMPORTANT MNMV m CITY Flörsheim Appointed Shoe Sale Chrysler — Plymouth Dealer for Coquille and Vicinity where the Beautiful Chrysler and Plymouth for 1940 are now on display. We will continue to carry a full line of Parts as well as service for Chrysler Products. .Regular price Regular price 6 Pass. Victoria Sedan Regular price SUBS-»» here Regular price Suits on Age 10 to 13 regular $ 9.98 sale price CITYMOTO Coquille