COQUILL* VAIAJfY fitNTINBL, COQUÜXt. OBCGON THU BSD AT, JANUABY IS. 1M9. I . V. A. L. Hootoa, electrical contractor 4 dealer, 274 Second St., Coquille. Complete stock of wiring supplies. tf Fewer Traffic Arrests drunk driving. . Trespass Notices. printed on doth,for sale at this office The state police, too, find it nec- [---------- ------1______________ Than Three Years Ago essary to make much fewer arrests than formerly, their principal duty Justice of the Peace Clarence Bar­ ton gave as his opinion this morning being to patrol. that there is not nearly so much Large variety of Potted Planta at drunken driving as there was a few Bergen’s. Sturdy stock ind blos­ years ago. The »100 fines. Jail sen­ soms of beauty. ■ tence and driver’s license revocation is putting the fear of God into those who might be tempted to take the wheel when in no condition to do so. Mr. Barton stated that in July, 1937, he had <9 cases brought before him, most of them traffic cases, and now 20 to 2S is the maximum per month and very seldom is one for lt3 1940 Deluxe Pontiac Sedan Benham’s Transfer Anywhere For Hire WOOD — COAL — FUEL OIL STORAGE (Courtesy Car) CHURCH PONTUC CO.