Coquille Valley SECOND SECOND SECTION $12,500 Budget News From County Highway Association School Supt. Office The Board of Directors of the Ore­ gon Coast Highway Association met at Newport last Sunday with all counties represented. Twenty-two members present constituted the largest attendance on record in eight yean. Executive sessions lasting five hours developed an expanded program for development of tourist and vacation travel to the Oregon Coast. Among important actions taken were: approval of plans for widely distributed newspaper publicity; ap­ pointment ot committees to study fish and game conservation; referred to the membership certain proposed amendments of by-laws to give cities and counties broader membership privileges; set dates for the spring meeting at Crescent City May 5 and 4. A budget for IMO, totaling 013,900, was approved by the directors. This is an increase of >2,900 over what was spent by the association last year J. W. Lundin, Lincoln county vice- president, presided. Others present included Austin Osborn and Guy N. Hickok, Astoria; Clyde Mason, Sea­ side; Sam G. Reed, Neahkahnie; W. L. Nichols, Manhattan; Fred H. Guy­ ton and John Aschim, Tillamook; C. A. Malone, Newport; Claude E. Hall. Waldport; Hon. Earl Hill, Cushman; J. G. Houghton, Orville Cox and Roy F. Bowman, Florence; John C. Diehl, Reedsport; E. L. Tolman, Winchester Bay; C. H. Coe and A. B. Sanders, Marshfield; J. E. Norton and Lafe Compton, Coquille; M. E. Kelley, Port Orford; Judge A. H. Boice, Gold Beach; Sam Borland, Smith River, Calif. For Your Health Colonic Irrigation Fever Therapy Sun Ray Dr. T. M. White Chiropractor Myrtle Point, Oregon age from J. E. KEILUS, Liquidator in Charge of OWING TO THE DEATH OF " BENEFIT OF EXECUTOR E. KEILUS STEVE’ Regular SSc Pad Garters Police * Suspend’« 5c 19c (Limit 3) (Limit 3) tegular 13c White < Hdlrfs. 3c (Uotit I) «sgelar 3M Rayon Sox Regular »t.8» Shirts & Briefs Rubber Dip Gloves Corduroy Pants Regular IM Black Dress Sox 10c 19c 16 c $1.98 5c (Until 3) (Lotit 4) (Until 3) (Lbnft 1) (Lati! 4) 4— tegular to »1.M Fofume with PHONE Smalt Profit»” i» our motto FREE DELIVERY 166 DRESS SHIRTS ZIPPER BLAZERS Fast CMors Shrank TRENCH COATS CAMPY BAKS cvTimnwE1 CLE One Lot Meu’i margarine lb. 11c wn.fs COFFEE 2lt-4 9c MO BAM fresh lb. AA« DRESS PANTS DRESS SHOES aetoH. Owlst T. SHIRTS UNION SUITS MEN'S HATS FLANNEL SHIRTS Men's Raincoats Gabardine Shirts All Wool Boot Sox DRESS SHIRTS *1.49 AMAS CARROTS ORANGES 1 apples ^ SQUASH b<,n<,"° S STORE iOBIHMMi SALE ON AT ANY OF OUR THREE STORES