The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, January 11, 1940, Image 1

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The Coquille
Two Hundred Attend Junior Chamber
Dairymen's Assn
Nomin° tes Officers
Meeting Monday F - i S S S i i s :
Willingly Indentifed
Stolen Articles
A fte r • abort business meeting ot
Mrs. C. E. McCurdy
Passes In Her
Sleep Last Night
Membership Drive,
C. of
C. J. Fuhrman Retires
After 35 Years_ _ _
In Business Here
The shoplifters, who were arrested
The Coquille Chamber of Com
in N o rth Bend last Saturday and
merce membership drive hai
I the following were nominated to r o t-
set fo r next Tuesday, Jan. 18,, when
revealed the largest amount of loot
Fine All-Day Meeting---
fleers for the coming year, the elec- seen in many a day, operated over
several committees w ith H a n y L..
Claterbos as general chairman, w ill
B. W. Dunn Acte As Toast-
tion to ** held January 22:
here also last Saturday.
Luckey L. Bouney Will Con­
s( Of
solicit memberships and funds
They admitted stealing from the
master A» Noon Dinner
Soh,er’ 8penny
carry on Chamber of Commerce ac­
Coquille Since Early In
tinue The Name And Policies
Rackieff Pharmacy, Barrow Drug
Keen interest was shown in disease
Vice President -H o w ard Hickam,
tivities for this year. . T h e largest
Store, J, C. Penney, Herm an’s M en’s
O t Fuhrman’s Pharmacy
This Century —- Funeral
control and other m atters affecting I
single item of the Chamber's funds
Store, H . N. Lorenz and Excel Dress
the dairy industry by aproxim ately
Sec— Wm. Booth, How ard Hickam
fte r 35 years In the drug business
Arrangements Not Yet Made
w ill continue to go this year, as
Shoppe, and w ere helpful to the vic­
in Coquille, C. J. Fuhrm an this week
¿00 dairymen who attended the annu-
T rea t.— Geo. G ratae,
tims in pointing out w hat came iron»
Arrangements fo r the funeral of
sold Fuhrman's Pharmacy to Luckey
al meeting of the Coos County D a iry - I Directors — Thurston Grimsgaard
of the Coast Highw ay Association.
each one’s store.
C. E. McCurdy, who
L. Bonney, who has been pharmacist
men’s Association held In the Wood- s P « m y R o m . W ayne Smith, K a rl
r . Jennie Olmstead pleaded guilty in • w a y in her sleep last night, aw ait
and clerk in the store for 14 years
man H all in Coquille last Monday. Kiger, Delbert Donaldson.
, .
circuit court yesterday to larceny. •he a r riv a l' of her daughter, Mrs. Chamber of Commerce directors*
“C y ” was the nestor of Coquille
The meeting was an a ll-d a y a ffa ir
n waB decided to have an installa-
was sentenced to a year in the pen Phyllis Hamilton, from Hillsboro to­
men who have continuously
and lunch was served in the hall at tion banquet for the new officers, the
and was taken out to Salem yesterday., night.
I t Is probable i t w ill be tors and members of the committee
owned and operated their own busi-
noon by the women of the Coquille following being named as the ban-
M argie Turner, the large wo»
held in Pioneer Church, of which she
G range under the direction of the I quet committee — K a rl Kiger, Del
a 7:30 o’clock breakfast at the hotel new fo r , third of a century here.
who wore a volbminous coat, and d id | w a< ■ member.
I f not there
it that morning.
home economics committee.
I Donaldson, Lawrence Gulseth. The
The H , N. Lorenz store was owned
most of the operating here, also p le ad -]]w in be at the Schroeder Chapel. ’
by N. Lorenz at the opening ot this
The program started a t 10:30 a. m. Pro«ram committee named consists of
ed guilty to larceny, and her husband,
M rs. M cCurdy had not been fe e i-
century, although H enry was in the
w ith a discussion of the U n ified P ro - W ayne Smith and W m . Booth.
Clarence Turner, pleaded guilty to in< entirely w ell fo r a couple of days committee of one to secure a plant or
^ ■ n i, which is being developed I The selection of new projects for
store. J. A . Lamb, likewise, was in
receiving stolen property. They w ill but she and h er fam ily did not think
his father’s hardw are atore, b u t ‘did
t rough a series of community m eet- I
Cham ber was postponed
be sentenced next Tuesday.
‘ of it as serious. H er son, C yril, who Ulett, a member of the Chamber's
tngs and personal contacts on farms until after installation, although aug-
board of directors, who w ill be laid not own i t Ralph E. Nosier owned
T h e ir usual answer when asked by' w ent to call bar this morning
barber shop here, back ln 1804, but
fo r the purpose of lowering the cost [ ««¡tions were made M onday evening
up fo r some days yet w ith th e broken,
clerk if he or she could help t e m j ber lifeless body.
of production and increasing the ag ri- I as to w hat these projects s h o u ld h o
he received
w hile out
fishing on he has been aw ay from here tw ice ln
was that they were “Just looking
Born Edith Ada W illiam s, in F e rn - « ribs
the meantime.
cultural income by m aking better use
around.” W herever possible they en-, «tele, California, A p ril 21, 1975, she
North Fork
M r. Fuhrm an had been employed
tered the store when only one person was m arried there to Charies E ’ M e - ’
by R. s . Knowlton and when he quit
was on duty.
Curdy about 4« y e a n ago. Something
lone Saturday night he had Just his
ing d ifferen t areas in the county and G i l m n r o
The trio have been livin g in the over a quarter of a century ago they
lists recommendations fo r correcting I ^ ' ’ tTIOre U lG t lO n
month’s salary w ith which to go into
Hollywood district near Empire.
came to Coquille, w here he p u r­
business. H e started in the room of
them, it was stated by George Jen-
A change w ill take place this eve-
chased the ranch on Cunningham
the old Odd Fellows building— a
CI!.MionO U n 8 g e n t ’ Wh°
thl’ * ’ ■ nln< ln the management and opera
I creek, a m ile out from Coquills, where
A large number of g u e s t s ____ fram e structure— Just south of the
The g r ea te st rvw.ihin» «
tion of the G ilm ore service station on
they built a fine home on the point present at the meeting of the Rotary
postoffice at that time, in the room
d u etto
ib ility fo r tax re - Front street.
Church A S.mpson,
overlooking the valley.
M r. M c - Club yesterday noon as a result of an along First street which is now the
deb ^ . c t i
C° U^ y ’ through ¡w ho have operated it under Teas*
C u rd y passed aw ay Nov. 1, 1920.
attendance contest staged by
front of the T ip Top. H e remained
debt reduction, according to W . H . since its opening a couple of ™
M rs. M cCurdy is survived by her bers ot the club.
there until the hotel building was
thend a irv Unty aUdltor’ who spoke o n a «°. are transfering all th eir interest
three children, C y ril C. and V e rrill R.
The division, headed by Hode ready fo r occupancy 10 years ago and
<h . dairym an • Program on the sub- I there to Floyd Jackson of this d t v »10 bonds, issued tw o or three years
ject of county fiance a . it a ffe ct. a .
who fo r reveral y e a ^ ’h ^ ^ n
ago to provide funds fo r electrically McCurdy, both <rf Coquille, and her Caugheli, won by a noee over George then moved into the present location.
the ball park, which inci­ daughter, Mrs. E arl Ham ilton; three Turney’s crew and the losers had to
f o r ^ 9 4 ? t o r ^ h t CW,H ? r «COm,nlt,nent « " I * * ® ® ■»
Sm ith plant. He has
M r. Fuhrm an has had his upe and
dentally is no nearer of accomplish­ grandchildren, and her niece who w is take the winners to 1»»»*«
downs, the toughest down being a t
fo r 1840 fo r debt and interest w ill be had considerable
experience w ith ment than it was when the bonds
Program Chairman Osika,' with the the tim e the Farm ers A Merchants
slightly more than 1100,000, reduc­
service stations, having operated one were, issued, w ill be retired at the Davis. She is also survived by tw o
•tetance of V irg il A rre ll as opera­ Bank here closed, when a general de­
tion of approxim ately »40,000 from
in Portland for fiv e years, and says high school gym on the evening <rf brothers, W illis W illiam s, of Fern
tor, and D r. J. R. Bunch to explain the pression hit a ll lines of business, but
the 1939 commitments fo r that p u r­
if hustle and service w ill do it, that Jan. 19,’the date on which the M yrtle
le, and Ernest W illiams, of Buena details, showed tw o reels of educa­
pose and in four or five years the be w ill get his share of the business.
no one ever heard him complain. H e
tional film s illustrating the chrono- kept his own counsel, tended strictly
Point Bobcats play the Coquille Park, California.
amount necessary for this purpose
The Pontiac agency is being re­ Red Devils on the maple court here.
logical growth of teeth from an un­ to business and gradually emerged
w ill he reduced to approxim ately
tained by Clovis Church and Low ell
born infant up to m aturity.
The owners of the three bonds
from the slough of that period.
»44,000, the speaker stated.
Aside from those taking p a rt in
must be in the building when their
Roger Morse, extension dairyman
M r. Fuhrm an expects to take a good »
the program the only other guest was long rest and vacation. Since he was
names are called or they w ill forfeit
from O. S. C , used charts to illustrate
Contact Rotorian H a rry Nasburg, of ten years old, nearly 50 years eg»,
then rig h t to collect the »10 and —
to those present the food value of fo r­
“ -
additional name or names w ill
he has been on his own, steadily in
age crops including pasture and sil­
draw n. ‘~ r . ,
’j r
a store, first as clerk, when he slept
age. As a rate, forage crops used foe
county fo r the past I f
Over the store—not ln CoqufRe—and
any purpose are higher in protein if
passed aw ay a t her home in the north
W ith a record of tw o wins out of President’s Ball Tickets To
fo r 35 years as owner. W ith M rs.
cut green and immature. This re ­
part of Coquille last Saturday morn­
three games played, the Coquille Red Be Sold By Boy Scouts
Fuhrm an he expects to move to th eir
duces the weight of each crop, how
ing. She had been ill fo r three days.
100 acre ranch on Sixes riv e r some
ever, and it is necessary to consider Devils go out to Roseburg tomorrow
The funeral services were ________
held at *
Tickets fo r the President’s Ball
time in early spring.
He has no
the balance in these tw o factors in evening fo r another tough game, w ith which are soon to go on sale, w ith the Schroeder Chapel Tuesday at 2:00
Coquille Motors is the name of
thought of doing the farm w ork on
handling these crops. T h e use of the Indians. This is a district con­ Boy Scouts doing the selling are to be I p m > Bev. H . L . G rayb eal o ffic ia ting
new company Just organized here by
grass silage is increasing throughout ference game and w ill have a bear­ good at either the dance In the Co- Interm ent was in the Masonic cem- W. H . Canterbury and Ed Cook, of that d airy ranch, which is now being
operated by an employee and which
the country Us a means erf malting cer­
quille Comm unity Building on Sat- etery w ith Steven Dey, Clyde B a r- Marshfield.
tain crops more palatable and of sav­ M arch. North Bend plays at Marsh
urday, Jan. 27, or at the Coquille row*’ Everett Seeley, Don Estes, W m.
They have planked a portion of the w ill continue to be so operated.
W hatever he m ay do in the fu ture
ing losses which commonly occur in field F rid a y evening.
Country Club house at N orw ay the Roth and
H Heaton acting as p all­ Bergen lo t on the highway between
N e xt Tuesday’s games w ill see Co­
host of friends in Coquille and
curing hay, he stated.
following Tuesday, Jan. >0; w ith bearers
quille at North Bend and Marshfield
Coos county wish him happiness and
An interesting program was pre­
Babe’s Entertainers furnishing the
Mrs. Tilghman was born In Green up a building on the northeast corner
at M y rtle P o in t
sented during the noon hour by B.
music at each dance.
Forest, A rk., Nov. 20, 1171, being six of the lot fo r a display room and of­ success.
M r. Bonney states that the name
W . Dunn, superintendent of schools in
F ifty per cent of the net proceeds week> Past «0 years of age a t the tim e fice.
Coquille, who acted as toastmaster.
The new company w ill handle of the store w ill not be changed and
of the tw o dances w ill be kept locally ° f her death.
Short talks were given by J. L . Smith,
fo r possible infantile paralysis cases
In 1885 she came west to the state Dodge and Plymouth recently re lin ­ that the present broad-minded policy
J. E. Norton and Hugh M cLain, coun­
in this section, the other h a lf going to oi Washington and ln 1924 came to quished by .City Motors and at pres­ of merchandising, courtesy and help­
ty judge. E. L. Peterson, president of
the national committee. Fred B ull Cooe county w ith her husband, whom ent have quite a num ber of used c a n fulness, w iU still be an outstanding
feature of Fuhrm an’s Pharmacy,
the association, gave a brief report on
F ran k Cox, a truck driver, wbs states that there is still about »20 she assisted in operating, a grocery on the lot.
the activities oi the organization d u r
fined »15 in recorder's court on Tues­ in the Coquille fund from last year’s atore on Tenth street fo r ten years,
ing the past year and urged that the day fo r driving over a curb and dance fo r which there has been no
survived by her husband, by are fam ily men and w ill move here as St. James’ Officers For
program fo r next year give careful a t­ breaking a w ater pipe line at the call to fight this dread disease.
two «latere, Mrs. W . T . Philips, <rf soon as they can secure suitable liv ­ The Coming Year
tention to quality improvement, dis­ corner of Eleventh and Heath streets
Marshfield, and Mrs. Alice Eierdam, ing quarters.
The annual meeting of St. James'
ease control and other factors which where he delivered a load of wood. Exempt In All Studies
of Spokane, and tw o brothers, W . C.
Episcopal church was held Tuesday
low er the cost of production. Music The w ater was off in that section
evening, the selection of a vestry r e ­
was furnished by “Pewee and his w hile the pipe was being repaired and have been so excellent that they were
“ h7
by " fo®ter
sulting in the following being chosen:
gang,” students from the Coquille the city h all was flooded w ith in ­ exempted from all semester exams
B* ^ e S t C U ir’ 01 Co’
S. Barton, H . W. Lorenz, F. A .
school, who entertained w ith cowboy quiries as to why. His employer, Bob today are:
Pook, Chas. Stauff, Elm er Langlois,
1 q
Sen iors-G retch en Clinton, M ary I
ber passing
songs, and by M anning Nelson, who Ward, insisted on paying the cost of
Chas. T . Selbig, and L . H . Hazard.
James O le Chard, a life-long resi­
sang several numbers, accompanied making permanent repairs there and Jane Dunn, Ray Gaulke, V e m Knox
M f ' T *l8h"?a“
Officers were then named f>y the
dent of Coos county, passed aw ay
by Miss Rose Naef.
received word Monday morning that
wrote out a check fo r »32.50, of which and Nancy Sonneland.
vestry: M r. Hazard, senior warden;
D. A . Jones, the th ird brother, was suddenly a t Delm ar yesterday m orn­ M r. Barton, jun ior warden; M r. Pook,
One of the interesting features of »17.50 was the cost of the repairs.
Juniors—Georgia Briner.
ing about nine o'clock, a heart a t-
*° “ * * ’ “
the program was a discussion on
The three others to appear before
tack proving fatal. The evening be-
Stau« - U s u r e r ; and
fore he appeared to be in his Ssual S '
dairying in New Zeaialnd by F ran k S. Recorder Leslie the past week were Thomas.
Accompanied by M r. and Mrs. W . good health.
Board, who has devoted most of his pn the usual charge:
tbe buRdin8 and grounds committee.
Freshmen — Robert
M cCarthy, I C. Jones, M r. and Mrs. Hallingstad,
life to some phase of the dairy indus­
M att Laffoon, afflicted w ith T. B . M arily n Sage.
Funeral services wiU be held in the
try in N ew Zealand, Australia and and who said he was on his w ay to
Campbell Funeral Home in Marsh­ Fox And Mink Growers
England. In opening this subject, M r. Missouri, was on Friday given a »10 year high school course at the end
field at 2:00 p. m. on Saturday, the To Meet January 14
Board traced the development of the fine, suspended fo r a year, and went of this semester are Fuhrm an B lay­
Eagles being in charge of the service.
The Coquille unit of the O. F. A M .
country and told ot the handicaps ln on his w ay to the “show me” state.
lock, John W illiams, Richard Inger.
Interm ent w ill be in Sunset cemetery.
A . w ill hold its regular monthly
topography and long distance from
Frank M iller, Jan. 0, posted »5.00
M r. Chard was born on North
meeting at the Thomas Thorn home
m arket which was overcome by the for his appearance and it was later
Slough, A pril 7, 1884, and had lived
Has Anyone Seen Thiz
below Bandon, January 14. As this
production of dairy products of very declared forfeited. L . A . K y le served
Strayed Mail Package?
is election meeting, it is very im ­
high quality. A high standard of liv ­ out a »5.00 fine.
Ervin Peterson, of North Bayside He had never been farth e r from that
I f anyone received a m ail package,
portant that all members be present. •
ing has been developed ln N ew Zea­
and master of Coos Pomona Grange, point than Reedsport. He was a coal
M RS. L IL L IE H E P L E R , Sec.
about 32 inches long, and contain­
land, which resembles the Pacific Evening Gnild To Give
w ill be the speaker at the Pro A m er­ miner by occupation but since last
ing a sleeping bag and umbrella,
coast of the United States in topog­ Card Party, January 18
ica meeting ln the Coquille city hall A p ril had been conducting the store
around New Y ear’s, w ill he or she
raphy and climate, the speaker stated.
Boy Scout Drive February 1
next Monday, January 18, a t 2:00 p, a t Delm ar.
The Evening G uild of the Episcoal kindly notify W erner K . Plaep, R iver
D airy herds in that country are gen­
A concerted Boy Scout drive I n
His w ife passed away the 18th day
Church is planning a public card ton route. T h e m ail carrier remem' m. His subject w ill be, “Achieve­
erally large, ranging from SO to 120
which the Scout officials in Cnqniii»
ments of Am erican Women.”
of last November.
bers having such a package on the
cows w ith a few herds as large as 200
This w iU also be the business si
H e is survived by three daughters, M yrtle Point and Bandon w ill all h it
ish House next Thursday, Jan. 18, at route between Bandon, Riverton and
Because of the mild climate and ex­
8:00 p. m. Contract, pinochle and Coquille, but it has not been re­ tion of P ro Am erica and everyone Clarabelle Chard and Mrs. M innie the ball a t the same tim e is set for
cellent pastures, no dairy barns are
other games w ill be played. The 25 ceived by M r. Plaep to whom it was interested is cordially invited to come W illett, ot Marshfield, and M arian Thursday, Feb. 1. A contribution of
maintained in N ew Zealand and the
and hear M r. Peterson.
Taylor, of Eugene; five sons, Robert, »1 00 per person w ill be asked by
cents to be charged w ill include score addressed.
cattle are m ilked ln m ilking sheds
O rv ille and Ole, a ll of Coaledo; the Scouts and a larger amount from
cards and lunch.
Laws of the country require th at ev­
s d i L « . ---------------------
Stephen and Leonard, of Marshfield; the generously inclined w ill be duly
One Divorce Granted
ery dairyman have boiling water
a brother, George Chard, o f Delm ar; appreciated.
available fo r washing equipment and No f?re Damage Yesterday
Judge Brand granted one divorce
■»><* tour grandchUdren.
all products are graded and marketed
Job’s Daughters, Bethel No. 18, held
There was no damage resulting in circuit court here Tuesday, to Ellen
on a quality basis, it was stated.
A ndrew Briner, th e 12-year old their first meeting Monday, w ith the
from the chimney fire which called Wallace, separating her from Bari
The annual meeting <rf the Coquille boy whom George R. Turney took new officers in charge. February 28
E. L. Potter, head of t h ) Division the department to Mrs. Edna H a rt- Wallace.
Valley Country C lub membership w ill to Portland last Thursday, w ent the Bethel intends to go to Marshfield
of A gricultural Economics at Oregon son’s home a t 10 o’clock yesterday
be held Wednesday evening, Janu­ through the clinic the n ext day and for initiation.
State College, spoke of making e f­ morning.
Sparks from the flu in C H A D W IC K LO D G E
ary 17, a t the Country Club fo r the
fective use of farm credit. He men­ Mrs. Hartson’s apartm ent upstairs
immediately entered in the
Special communication of Chad­
purpose of electing officers and d i­
tioned the increasing use of the bud­ dropped down the chimney and
» hospital. A n operation on
w ick Lodge No. 88, A . F . A A . M ., at rector» t a r the year, 1880. This wiU
M r. and M rs. Fran k Biegger a r­
get system in making loans and rec­ burned the soot in the chimney of 7:30 p. m„ Tuesday, Jan. 18. W ork
his hip, which it is thought w ill r e ­
rived here last Saturday from their
ommended that additional credit be the low er apartm ent where M r. and in E. A.
store his lag to a norm al condition, home in L a Verne, Iow a, fo r a month’s
piste and w ill be a stag affair. AU
to have been performed this visit w ith th e ir son and his w ife, M r.
Mrs. Edw. Lorenz reside.
(Continued on Page T en )
J U L IU S R U B L E , W . M .
members are urged to
^ X a j ^ ^ e ^ S I Floyd Jackson Buys
Large Quota of
Guests A t Rotary
To Redeem Three
Bonds January 19
Red Devils Ploy
Roseburg Friday
Mrs. W. W. Tilghman
Buried Tuesday
Mew Auto Company
In Local Field
$32.50 Paid For
Broken Pipe
3le Chard Was A
Native of Coos Co.
Pro America To
Hear M r. Peterson
Country Club To
Elect January 17