FAGS FOCE The Sentinel * MM MFCS IN A «MO TM« Ä COQUILLE VALLSY SENTINEL. töWILLE. OREGON THURSDAY. JANUAEY «. IMI. TWENTY YEARS AGO The State Unemployment Commis­ sion has fixed the “adequate reserve" ' for the jobless insurance fund at 86,- 000,000. This figure represents a .compromise between the 83,500,000 urged by employer-contributors to the fund and the 812,000,000 to 818,- 1000,000 maximum insisted upon by The first game on the schedule of the Coquille high school basketball team will be played this evening at Bandon. The five who will proba­ bly play against Bandon are John and Will Oerding, Sam Arnold, Irving Lamb and Lowell Simpson. The prevalence of smallpopc in other towns in the county now sug­ gests extra precautions here to prevent the disease getting a foothold. cember 21, 1M9, 49t5 employee-beneficiaries. The “ade­ quate reserve” which is subject to change up or down at the discretion of the commissiorx will be used as a gauge in determining the approach of emergency conditions justifying a readjustment of benefit payments to temporarily unemployed workers. Fifteen Oregon counties share in the allocation of state funds for pred­ atory animal control during 1840, just announced by J. D. Mickle, state di­ rector of agrieulture. The largest amount, 82000, goes to Grant county. Other, counties sharing in the alloca­ tion include: Sherman county, 8600; Wasco, 81000; Wheeler, 81000; Mal­ heur, 8750; and Marion, 8500. The al­ location is based upon the necessity for control work in each of the coun­ ties and upon county cooperation in the work. products for state institutions in 28 states; a preferential given to local bidders (Oregon), and state residents favored over out-state in the matter of public employment. Gladys C. Gano, Administratrix CROWN Poultry fir Dairy Feeds The proposed improvement of Front street in Portland will cost be­ tween 81,900,000 and 82,000,000, ac­ cording to estimates now being pre­ pared by engineers of the state high­ way department R. H. Baldock, state highway engineer, describes the proposed improvement as Portland’s “most desirable immediate need.” for Better Results CODS FEED u SEED STORE COQUILLE MYRllEPOINÎ PHONE 80 PHONE 34 m AHSM í IE lü PHONE 231 Program Church Convention The County Convention of the Churches of Christ will be held at North Bend January 9, for which C. Adrian Sias, chairman of the pro­ gram committee has arranged the following for the day: Dr. T. M. White, minister of Myr­ tle Point, will act as chairman of the day, in the absence of Mr. Sias. Convention theme will be: “Alive in Christ.” Convention text: Romans Southwestern Oregon Is Seldom If Ever Like This EUT Smooth Tires Are Still Dangerous Thornton's Will Remove That Danger • New Tire Rubber • New Tire Thickness • Guaranteed 10,000 Miles • At less than Vi new tire cost Come In — Ask u« About Them THORNTON TIRE SERVICE 340 W. Front, Coquille, Tel. 270 After« Cimer?/