PAGE EIGHT FOR SALE — “Farmer's Bargains'— Radios - Several Ranches - Pigs - Pullets - Cars - Separators - Gas Engines - Garden Tractor - Diskc - Ducks - Goats - Rabbits - Cows - Horses. See FARR & ELWOOD’S “Swap Board.” s Riverton School FOR RENT—3-room Apartment, fur­ nished; elderly couple preferred. 343 South Coulter. Mrs. Josie Gil­ man, phone 101R. lt*s Norwoy News Items FOR RENT—Furnished Home, newly papered and painted; lights and water furnished. Call at MS North BUTCHERING SUPPLIES—Smoked Coulter in rear. Maize W. Foote. Salt - Tenderquick - Sausage Sea­ Its soning - Pickling Salt - Crocks - Wooden Barrels. FARR & EL­ WOOD. • WE Vulcanize your tubes—not cold patch them. No extra cost. 340 West Front street, Coquille. Thorn­ ton Tire Service. COQUILLE Representative for Avan Cosmetics. Write Box 94, Co­ quille. Ito J WHO OWES-YOU $ We collect delinquent accounts. No collection, no charge. Western Mercantile Agency. Phone Hl, Co­ quille, Oregon. I. H. Heaton, Mgr. Professional Cards FOR COMPLETE ELECTRIC SERVICE Cequille, Oreg< TALLANT GREENOUGH Attorney at Law Mansell Drayage & Delivery Co. Coquille Garage Attention to Details Coquille led Wraps •ciety Brands CARDS