The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, November 30, 1939, Page 4, Image 4

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Among the candidates eligible for
the county attorneyship on the re­
publican ticket next year are Claud
Giles, of Myrtle Point; A. H. Derby­
shire, of North Bend; Capt. Ben
Fisher, E. L. McClure and J. T.
Brand, all of Marshfield.
It hu applied an
’ Thanksgiving Service at the Three Bandon Boys
Christian Science Church
Narrow Escape
A Thanksgiving Day service was
• held by First Church of Christ Scien-
i tist of Coquille, at 11 o'clock on the
morning of Thanksgiving Day.
The service opened with the con-
i gregation singing hymn, No. ISO, in
1 the Christian Science Hymnal.
The Thanksgiving proclamation by
the president of the United States was
read by the First Reader, who also
read the scriptural selection, Isa. 61:
1 to 6 and 9 to 11.
After the scriptural selection the
congregation united in silent prayer,
which was followed by the audible
repetition of the Lord’s Prayer with
its spiritual interpretation from the
Christian Science textbook, “Science
and Health with Key to the Scrip­
tures” by Mary Baker Eddy.
The lesson-sermon for Thanksgiv­
ing Day given in the Christian Science
quarterly and read in all Christian
Science churches in * the United
States and many other parts of the
world followed the second hymn. The
subject of this Lesson-Sermon \yas
“Thanksgiving” and had for the Gold­
en Text: “Rejoice evermore. Pray
without ceasing. In every thing give
thanks: for this is the will of God in
Christ Jesus concerning you.” (I
These. S: 16-16).
r After the responsive reading of
Bible passages, the Second Reader
read the citations chosen from the
Bible, while the First Reader read the
correlative passages from Science and
Among the Scriptual verses was in­
cluded: “O Give thanks unto the
Lord, call upon his name: make
known his deeds among the people.
Sing unto him, sing psalms unto him:
talk ye of all his wondrous works.”
(Pw. t06: 1, •>.
And among the citations from Sci­
ence and Health was: “Christians re­
joice in secret beauty and bounty,
hidden from the world, but known to
God. Self-forgetfulness, purity, and
affection are constant prayers. Prac­
tice not profession, understanding not
belief, gain the ear and right hand of
omnipotence and they assuredly call
down infinite blessings.” (p. IS).
A solo was sung, after the Lesson-
Sermon had been concluded.
Testimonies appropriate to the oc­
casion were then given by Christian
Scientists in the congregation. This
period was completely filled by ex­
pressions of gratitude for healings
and other help received during the
past year. The closing hymn was
followed by the Scientic Statement
of Being from the Christian Science
tektbook, and correlative passage
from I John 3: 1-3.
The meeting was concluded with
the benediction: “O Give thanks unto
the Lord for He is Good; for His
Three Bandon high school boys—
Bob Smith, Lloyd Whit* and Art
Kroening—were rescued by the coast
guard in the nick of time last week.
They had taken a skiff and made
quick time down toward the mouth of
the river on an ebb tide but when
they attempted to row back their boat
made more headway toward the open
sea than it, did upstream.
caught by the coast guard’s power­
boat crew the skiff was within a few
feet of the turbulent water on the bar.
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