'■■■■»„■■f1 wnripty and Clubs The Coquille Woman’s Club will meet Tuesday, Nov. 14, at 2:13 p. m. in the Guild Hall. Mrs. Pearl Elling­ sen, librarian, will give a talk cm "Story Hour at the Library.” Music will be furnished by Mias Anita Pag- eler. Every member come and bring a friend. The St. James Pariah House was filled Wednesday afternoon with members of the Episcopal Guild, who met for their weekly meeting. The afternoon was spent in sewing'and a social time. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Lloyd R om and Mrs. C. J. Fuhrman to the following: Mes­ dames G. S. Gosline, Edward and Henry Lorenz, Frank Pook, Lee Hand, Muri Pettit, W. H. Mansell, L. H. Hazard, Clarence Tuttle, H. A. Young, Charles Stauff, Geo. Bryant, A. O. Walker, Hal Pierce, A. N. Gould, A. J. Sherwood, Ernest Whereat, C. T. Selbig, Annie Robinson, Fred Kunz, Jas. Watson, C. V. Smith, Geo. Mc­ Clellan, Bert Folsom and Rev. George R. Tumey. The B. & P. W. club’s regular busi­ ness meeting was held Monday eve­ ning in the Guild Hall with Mrs. Mar­ garita Brodie in the chair. The mem­ bers plan to fill and sell a Thanks­ giving barrel with a turkey and all the fixings included. Three prizes will be given for the lucky numbers, the barrel being first prize. This will be sold Nov. 18 and will be on dis­ play in the window of the ML States Power Co. .The club decided to have a school child for a silent sister and remember her on birthday and Christmas. Some also drew names for a club silent sia>dT. At Miss Pageler’s request the club decided to subscribe to two mu­ sical magazines for the library. Three new applications for membership were read. December 4 there will be an open meeting at which time. Dr. Irma Gordon, who has recently returned from Germany, after a long visit, will talk on “Re-organization of Germany.” There will be a B. & P. W. Conference at Salem Nov. IS and 19. Members present were Mesdames Georgia Richmond, Margarita Brodie, Clara Bosaerman, Edith Walton, An­ nie Robinson, Naomi Crewe, Bertha Smith, Jennie Price, Harriet Osika, Clara Stauff, Isabel Unsoeld, Saima CaugheU, Inez Chase, Ida Owen, Viola Newton, Leona Bryant, Gladys Gano, Florence Barton, Bonnie Walk­ er, Misses Ellen Braxton, Anita Pag- eler, Ruth Towne, Edna Robison, Ida Oerding, Lois Fenn, LaVerne Knife, and Inez Rover. The Three Links sewing club held its regular meeting at the home of Ena Harless. The afternoon was spent at sewing and in chatting. Many beautiful articles are now being made. Those present were: Cathryn Erick­ son, Iola Moore, Edna Bates, Har­ riet Schaer, Bertha Holbrook, Mil­ dred Schaer, Merle Kellenberger, Bernice Clark, Myrtle Benham and Edith Greuenwald. Refreshments of delicious homemade cookies and cof­ fee were served late in the afternoon. The next meeting will be at the home of Mr*. Jack Leach. week. The group met at the Guild Hall and chose for its officers: Dan Bloom, president; Margaret Ann Wil­ son, vice president; David Kline, sec­ retary, and Bob Martin, scribe. Other members of the club are: Harriet and Merril Tozier, Marilyn Sage, Betty Emery, Kay Leslie, Betty Lou Don­ ated, Patricia and Martha Berg, Diane Powers, Virginia Bloom, Jo Don Estes, Bob Kline, Tom Martin, Theodore Ellingsen and Dale Stevens. Dancing was enjoyed under the direction of Karl Alpine, with Mrs. Geo. Royer at the piano. The next meeting of the club will be Friday evening, Nov. 10. Refreshment committee: Mar­ garet Ann Wilson, Virginia Bloom and Harriet Tozier. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Kyle gave a lovely birthday party last Friday at their home in honor of their daugh­ ter, Helen’s eighteenth birthday. Games were played throughout the evening and at a lata hour delicious refreshments were served to Eunice Howe, Jeannette Wheeler, Dorothy- belle Newton, Violet Sutton, Flora Ellen Wise, Muriel Davis, Dova Gil­ man, Dale Varney, Harvey Cole, Dale Stevens, Marvin Goodman, Mike Daniels, Bill Yarbrough, Bud Miller, Bud Kyle and the hostess. Red Devils Still Unscored Upon 21 Apply For Naturalization A HELFING HAND FOR ALL Twenty-one Coos county residents filed their petitions for naturalization papers with County Clerk Oddy on Tuesday and Wednesday this week. The final hearing and naturalization ceremonies in circuit court will take place at the February term of court. Those applying, their present ad­ dresses and the countries of their birth were: Albert Orville Hughes, Coquille, Canadian. Sultana Stilanos, Marshfield, Tur­ key. Margrethe Hansen, Marshfield, Ice­ land. Coquille Myrtle Point North Bend Marshfield Bandon Coquille High’s Red Devils took the Marshfield Pirates to another clean­ ing last Saturday, the score being 43 to 0, an increase of five in the Co­ quille score over the 38-0 result when the teams met here. Coquille’s backfield flashed as bril­ liantly with passes and line plays M it has been doing ail year. The line was just as upstanding, clearing the ’ Anton Matkovich, North Bend, way for repeated gains and again Hungary. opened a clear path for Everett Smith . Thos. Kingsley, Marshfield, Scot­ to make a 44-yard run for one land. touchdown. Alexander McKelvey, Coquille, Ire- The statistics of the game show | land. Coquille to have made 16 first downs, | Marie Schneemayer, Marshfield, Marshfield 4. and Coquille made 383 Austria. yards from scrimmage to the Pirates’ Mojche'Rubenstein, Marshfield, Po­ 65. Yards from passes, C. 54, M. 7; land. penalties, C. 40 yds., M. 20. Coquille Thos. Kroll, Coquille, Poland. completed three out of eight pass at­ Alfred Weide, North Bend, Finland. tempts, Marshfield one ih eleven. Richard Willy Zufelde, Marshfield, Coquille intercepted two passes, re­ Germany. covered four of their six fumbles; Emelie Miller Johansen, North Marshfield recovered one of their two. Bend, Norway. The average punts were: C. 20 Maria Erickson, Marshfield, Swe­ yds., M. 39; average kick-up, C. 44, den. M. 40. Punt return, C. 85 yards, M. Elmer John Mikulecky, Marshfield, 0. Kick-off return, C. 12, M. fSl Canada. Total yardage gained was 518 for Co­ Agnes Anna Mikulecky, Marshfield, quille, 169 for Marshfield. Bohemia. Ethel Effie Geer, Marshfield, Can­ ada. Elziar Achille Bessette, North Bend, Robert Low, arrested last Saturday U. S., later naturalized in Canada. Heinrich Nikolaus Schwenn, Co­ on a drunk charge, forfeited the five dollars cash bail he posted for his ap­ quille, Germany. Victor Backlund, Bandon, Finland. pearance. Wm. John Winkel, Coquille, Can­ Walter Smith is in again for five § days, the recorder having fined Mm ada. .. _......... R om Amy Price, Coquille, Canada. ten dollars yesterday. Evening Tide Circle of Neighbors of Woodcraft were hosts to Coos Bay Circle here Monday night. Two members were initiated into the or­ der and the traveling gavel was then presented, to the Coquille Circle by the visiting drill team. A lovely lunch was served at a late hour, everyone having had a very en­ joyable evening. Members from Marshfield were Eva Gatchell, Wanda Yarbrough, Mildred Bonebrake, Selma Granby, Elizabeth Stonelake, Louise McArthur, Lottie Williams, Myrtlewood novelties from Ber­ Dorothy Graham, Nellie Drew, Ethel Reed, Verna Driller, Vesta Agnew, gen* for bridge prizes. Ada Goodman, Florence Holland, Evelyn Lee, Ruby Massey, Ann Ma­ jors, Luella Montgomary, Maybelle Holland, Helen McQuiston and Ar­ chie McQuiston. Evening Tide Circle now meets in the W. O. W. hall on the first and third Mondays of the month. City Police Cases Wednesday, Mrs. Mildred Howe was hostess to the Zodiac club mem­ bers for one o’clock luncheon in hon­ or of Mrs. Lorena Thorp. Mrs. Thorp received a towel shower as well as a gift from the club. Many of the mem­ bers received gifts from their secret pal. A social time was enjoyed dur­ ing the afternoon. Members present were: Mesdames Edna Kern, Gladys Wheeler, Ora Simmons, Jane Bunch, EthM Fuller, Emma Gainer, Blanche Mast, Helen Detlefsen, Edith Ten­ nant, Ruby Johnson, Vera Hooton, Lorena Thorp and two guests: Mrs. Elton Savage and Mrs. Yost. The club will meet with Mrs. Helen Det­ lefsen Dec. 13 for the Christmas party. The Neighborhood club met with Mrs. Fred Hudson Wednesday for one-fifteen o’clock dessert luncheon. Mrs. Holbrook received a prize at contract. Present were: Mesdames L. A. Oreene, Fred Jensen, Geo. Hol­ brook, K. P. Lawrence, J. D. Gillespie, Julius Ruble, Stanley Fitzgerald and Tuesday after school, the two the hostess. groups of Campfire girls met in the Washington school building. They are making place cards, talleys, etc., with the Thanksgiving motif to be Julia E. Shepherd, of Marshfield, sold at Bergen’s Flower shop next was last Thursday named administra­ week. They sold their first quota of trix of the 31500 estate left by Paul J. Christmas cards and cleared $15.00 Shepherd who died Oct. 1®. J. Al­ and have ordered 30 boxes more to bert Matson, Dr. L. O. Johnson and sell. The girls plan to make one Edward L. Skog are the appraisers. utility bag for the Red Cross unit. O. C. Sanford was yesterday ap­ Meeting* will be held every Friday at pointed administrator of the estate the Lincoln school hereafter. of Simon K. Hatcher, who died here Oct. 24. Hugh Hastings, W. H. Myers The 8. T. 3. club was organized and John Bullack are appraisers of Friday evening by the Junior High the estate which is estimated to con­ group of girls and boys, who met for sist at 33,000 in real property and 3»,- an informal dancing party at the 000 in personal. home of Margaret Ann Wilson last Probate Court Cases WffU SAW AT THIS WUtOWS isalei FANCY BLUE ROSE RICE Bulk 4 Lbs. FANCY COOKIES CURVE CUT MACARONI Bulk 6 Lbcfl BUCK FIGS SPECKLED BAYO BEANS New Crop Balk 3 Lb*....... CALIF. SMALL NAVY BEANS Bulk 5 Lb*. DRIED PRUNES 25« BROWN SUGAR bululb!. 25« PEANUT RUYTER bull lb IQc BED MEX BEANS Bulk bulk 2 lbs. OLD-FASHIONED CHOCOLATE CANDY, bulk 2 lbs. - - 19c bulk 2 lbs. 19c DATENUT CONFECTION b'lkl lb20c PITTED DATES bulk 1 lb. 11c FANCY SHREDDED COCOANUT Bulk 1 lb 20c SALTED PEANUTS bulk 2 lbs. 25c New Crop BRAZIL NUTS buJkl lb 15c SWEET CHOCOLATE bulk 11b. New Crop ALMONDS bulk 1 lb 19c FANCY WALNUTS bulk lib 20c ORANGE, LEMON or CITRON PEEL bulk 11b I- - t ■ FRUITS & VEGETABLES ORANGES BANANAS GRAPEFRUIT AriI,,nasi— BEETS, CARROTS, TURNIPS 19« 25« bulk 4 lbs LIMA BEANS Large Bulk 3 Lb*.________ GUM DROPS lb bulk 3 lbs. CURVE CUT SPAGHETTI Bulk 6 Lb*.... HARD-MIX CANDY bulk 29c and GREEN ONIONS SQUASH YAMS NOSLER’S GROCERY _______________________________________________ 30c ALL POPULAR BRANDS CANDY BARS AND GUM 3 for ASSORTED CANDY BARS 2 for ALL FLAVORS JELLO OB PUDDING Pkg. PREFERRED STOCK MINCE CLAMS % Tins - - t YELLOW CORN MEAL 9 Lb. Sack ALBERS FLAPJACK FLOUR 13 Lb. Sack L G. A. CANE AND MAPLE SYRUP 5 b. Tin* 5c 5c 15c 29c 45c 58c II