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About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 5, 1939)
PAGI TWELVE held Thursday evening. Norway News Items Mrs. Roy Robison spent part of last week out at Glide, Oregon, visit ing her daughter, Mrs. Carl Holland, returning to her home Saturday. -George Cook of Marshfield has just finished building a fire place in the A. R. Bennett home. He installed one of the new heatalators and the Ben netts are well pleased with his work. Mrs. Lola Evey of Watsonville, California, is visiting Mary Harris. Miss Harris has not seen her friend for 29 years. Mrs. Evey is prepar- to leave for her home next week. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Wright and daughter Sally, of Bridge, were Fri day over-night guests of Mr. and I Mrs. Finley Schroeder. Mr. Wright and Mr. Schroeder helped Bert An-( thony shear Mr. Schroeder’s sheep Saturday. I The Pleasant Point club meeting and regular home demonstration meeting after a week’s postponment, was held Thursday, September 28 at Mrs. Walter Laird’s. Mrs. Edna Hoff- j man, chairman, took charge of the demonstration meeting, her main pur pose being to organize the project for the coming year. A potluck din ner was enjoyed by the following: Mrs. R. W. Haughton, Mrs. A. H. Ben- Eighty-five cents was turned over to the treasurer, Bill Berry, as the receipt of a candy sale at subordinate meeting. The next meeting will be held Oct 20. FairviewiMews Items Mrs. J. C- Hedden and daughters, Betty Jean and Alice, and brother- in-law, K. O. Bernhardt, all of Marsh field, visited at the Fred Johnson and J. A. Deadmond homes last Sat- with her daughter, Mrs. Rose Clin ton. Mrs. Clinton motored in to get her mother. Mrs. Cecil Alberson, who has been at. the Mast hospital in Myrtle Point for several days under observation, returned home Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Grover Haga have gone to Grants Pass to visit the letter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gilmore. J. F. Van Leuven made a trip to Portland last week with a truck load of wool and expects to take a load of lambs some time this week. A collision, on a narrow logging road, between a loaded logging truck, driven by Mike Ray, and a car In which the camp high climber and Pete Norton were riding .resulted in a broken nose for "Feta Norton and other painful bruises. The car was badly damaged. A party honoring the September birthdays was given Saturday evening at the Joe Flam place. Guests of honor were Mrs. Maggie Albertson, Mrs. Frank Flam, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Heffley and Mrs. Wallace Oakes. Other guests present were Frank Flam, Jack Albertson, George Al bertson, Wallace Oakes and Joe Flam. SATURDAY "Volume With Small Profits" Is Our Motto PHONE 166 FREE DELIVERY COQUILLE P. A. or Velvet MOUNT VERNON Milk Large Cans IHHERSPRING MATTRESSES FOR SEASONING KRINKLY EGGS Noodles 1 Lb. Package Special prices on all mattresses, beds and springs GUARANTEED HARDWHEAT FLOUR VINEGAR 49 Lb. Bog 4.00 Cash . 4.00 Monthly PURE CIDER MODERN WOOD RANGE Gallon 3 PIECE MODERN BEDROOM SUITE 6 Box Carton 5.35 Cash ■ 4.84 Monthly 4.00 Monthly