PAGE FOUR The Sentinel TWENTY YEARS AGO A MM MAU M A 6MO TOM First division — I O! uanu, iu», *»•- Are our local police officers in­ toria, second; Eugene, Klamath Falls, structed to ignore state laws? We all Medford, Salem, tied for third. know that just a word of advice from Hardware to Ira Johnson. Second division — Albany, first; an officer would take every board off Isn’t it about time that compulsory Corvallis, Oregon City, tied for sec­ of every counter in town. Why isn’t insurance for automobiles was re­ Miss Laura Watson, who recently J. E. Norton attended the Port of ond; Bend, third; The Dalles, fourth; such a word given? quired? If every one carried insur­ graduated from the California Nor- «raauawo irom me vaurorni. «or- pqndleton, afath. Mareb- The state law regarding this mat­ ance, instead of greater recklessness, Bandon commission meeting this mal School at San Jose, will teach at _ _«tna inr Jnlv Tuesday at which time the wages of fied was not given a rating for July, ter was passed by direct vote of the there would be more stringent regu­ Powers this winter. the crew of the. tug, Kliyam, were due to insufficient reports received people less than a year ago, so there lations for all cars and fewer wrecks raised. ’ at the secretary of state’s office. would result. Another feature which would seem to be no question as to Mrs. L. P. Branstetter and son, Third division—Coquille, Tilla­ public sentiment in support of the would tend to prevent accidents would Prescott, left Monday for Mt. Angel, Announcement was made that Ex­ where Prescott will enter the Gatholic mook, first; Silverton, second; Hills­ law. Why not make Coquille a law- be the grading of insurance according boro, McMinnvile, Newberg, third; president Wm. Howard Taft would college. fa a driver ’ s record, making it cheap ­ abiding town? Oregon, Coos county owes» total of Toledo, fourth; St. Helens, North be unable to appear in Coos county er tor the careful person and almost Signed Howard L. Graybeal 81,125,351 or about one-sixteenth of Bend, fifth; Springfield, Hood River, , as originally planned. He was to >11 II I ' , A quiet wedding took pace in Eu­ the total for all the counties of 81?,- prohibitive for the one with many traffic offenses and accidents to his have spoken here in behalf of the gene last week when Miss Stella sixth; Bums, Grants Pass, Rosefairg, 750,633. league of nations, an international Barklow, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. seventh; Ashland, eighth ¡ Dallas, .Ten counties had no indebtedness credit As it ntfw stands the owner organization of nations designed to Wilber Barklow of Eugene, became ninth. with a clear record is paying for the at the time the schedule was pre- pre­ Fourth division — Bandon, Enter­ keep peace in the world. other fellow's criminal carelessness the bride of Seba Deverell, of Nevada. pared, July 1. Those ten are: Clat­ prise, Gladstone, Heppner, Myrtle sop, Columbia, Douglas, Lake, Linn, or worse when he insures his car. Point, Vernonia, West Linn, all tied Lt. Earl Willey is visiting here this J. P. Michels, Harry Oerding and Marion, Polk, Sherman, Tillamook, It to childish to insist that the mem­ past week, having Just arrived from B. E. McDuffee left last Thursday for first; Newport, second; Forest and Washington—four them in the Grove, third; Beaverton, Milton, “Goodbye, Mr. Chips,” long-awaited bers of the neutrality bloc in con­ France last month. for Curry county, where they joined Wifaunette vqlfey. a,-w * *. Sheridan, fourth; Gresham, Prineville, picturiration of James Hilton’s bett- gress are responsible in any way for the Hamilton-Collier-Leach hunting The Coos indebtedness, as of July fifth; Lebanon, Union, Woodburn, selling novel, glorifying the school A sugar famine may hit Coquille party there—they bagged seven deer. 1, i« listed at 8806,000 fa outstanding the war which started last week. The sixth; Milwaukie, seventh; Oswego, teachers of the world , to the changes, in our neutrality act which "■■■ . .................... I '■.'■■■ ........... 'S—" Wllm. bonds; 8281,879 8231,879 fa in goU road wgrreqto, warrants, bond«; * <• ' ii 1- ■' Reedsport, eighth. attraction coming to the Boxy with a sinking fund of 851,026, 851,0 leav­ the president desired, if enacted, acreage per farm 128 acres. Far gon counties and transcriptions of ar­ Standings are based on the per­ would have deterred Hitler no more ing a net debt for roed« apd, bridges Theatre Simday, Monday, Washington state 23 loans have been ticles of historic interest in newspa­ centage of improvement in accidents of 8986,852; 8986.852; general g fund warrants than making faces would stop the made, representing 8183,777, average pers prior to 1891. A similar com­ made for the month of July this year and Wednesday, September outstanding, 81 8138,498, or a total net attack of a mad dog. loan being 86824 and acreage averag­ pilation is planned for Washington in comparison with the corresponding and 13. Based on one of of |1,125,351, which to <147,231 less ing 112 acres. state. v month last year. The contest runs widely read novels of modern times, than it was July 1 last year. Smallest acre average is in Cali­ till the first of the year at which the picture, filmed by Metro-Goldwyn- fornia—44 acres—with average loan DEWEY, GARNER HEAD time final standings will be computed Mayer in England, brings to the ecreen 88127. Irrigation makes the small IN PATHFINDER POLL and the winners in each division will in the title role Robert Donat, who farm profitable. Last year (fiscal Democratic voters, in 43 states and be awarded a set of highway plaques scored one of the outstanding hits of 1939, ending last June), borrowers “faar to one of the greatest plagues republican voters in 44 states favor designating the city as 1939 safety years in “The Citadel,” and Greer spent 24 percent of their loans for that can afflict humanity: it destroys Vice President ^John Nance Garner contest winner. These plaques will Garson, beautiful new British octrees, Improvements. As the good farms religion; it destroys stajes; it destroys of Texas and District Attorney Thom­ be suitable for mounting on stand­ recently signed by the studio. Sam available are acquired, borrowers families. Any scourge, in feet, ,is as E. Dewey of New York for the ards at the city entrances. Wood, who filmed “Navy Blue and will have to spend more for buildings. preferable to .it, , Famjpe and pes­ Since improvement is the key point Gold” and “Lord Jeff,” directed. 1940 presidential nominations, ad- tilence become as nothing in compari­ cording to a country-wide poll com­ of the contest, the city which makes The story shows, through the eyes Here is what the AAA conservation son with it.**—Martin Luther. pleted today by Pathfinder Magazine, the greatest progress in the reduc- of a schoolmaster, the pageant of program of 1937 meant to the Pacific The above has been quoted before pubiishe«! in Washington, D. C. | tion of accidents, fatalities and in- adolescence in a great school. Mr. Northwest, as of December 31, 1938, but, having come from Germany’s Assuming that President Roosevelt juries, will receive the highest rank- Chipping, affectionately known as the figures just made available: Ore ­ a spiritual leader, it is worth re- would not ryn for a third term and ings, Snell said, gon payments 82,468,778; Washington “Chips," becomes a teacher at an g. covering five possible candidates in! ............. 1 " e. 81,860,533. That is the money that It is the experienced driver who to English public School as a young man Washington, D. C., Sept. 7—When went to the farmers. To administer each major party, the poll showed ty,is war in our time again. And artcPlf the United States is involved in democratic voters supporting the moat frequently involved in accidents, Ho meets and marries a beautiful girl the program in Oregon it cost 8149,556 again it seems incredible. Bewilder­ vice reports from the office of Earl Snell, and remains there the rest of his life war (and it can happen despite ad­ and in the state of Washington 893,- bushy-browed, _ 70-year-old ed #nd confused, we strive to find a president in every state except Mis ­ secretary of state, reveal. Sixty-two whose death casta an aura of great ministration efforts), an order is all' 774. Every county in Oregon re­ base for our ideas of righteous- prepared, awaiting the president’s ceived benefits, the lowest being Clat­ souri, Indiana, Tennessee, Delaware per cent of drivers invoved in fatal kindness toward his fellowman about signature, which will give the gov­ sop, with 85035; the highest Linn, and Rhode Island. The republican accidents during the first seven him. He becomes a tradition. Great The sympathies at most Americans ernment complete control over labor. with 8218,971. In Washington the vote was shown to back Jhe racket­ months of 1930 reported six years or men’s destinies qre shaped ty him. are/o closely united with Great Donat play« various ages from the Such new-won legislation as wages range was 82717 in Mason county, to busting, 37-year-old New Yorker more driving experience. Britain that her .every gain pleases us everywhere but in South Dakota, twenties to past eighty in the dra­ and hours, collective bargaining, au­ 8244,820 in Whitman. andpWq are secretly glad, if not openly Michigan, Ohio and Georgia. Just Received—200 new books for matic story. so, jpr wary Jos* sustained by Hitler. thority of the National Labor Rela­ » The poll's five Democratic possi­ our lending library. Call and look tions Board, will be tossed out the Upper bracket officials are rushing It |g more like a gigantic game on a Don't forget we have typewriters for window by the War Labor Adminis­ a program extending the national de­ bilities, in addition to Gamer, were them over at Norton’s. which we have taken sides. When we rent, as well as new standard and tration if these statutes and regula­ fense and appropriations will be re­ Secretary of State Cordell Hull, hear of g. German waighip being Cloverleaf Dairy, pure milk and portable machines for sale. Norton’s, tions interfere with effectivenes (no* quested of the next congress early in Postmaster General James A. Far­ bombed do we visualise the suffering i Phone 7R42. Coquille Hotel Bldg. a necessarily efficiency). Labor will January for another billion dollars. ley, Senator Bennett Champ Clark cream. of |he wounded as w« do when re­ be regimented as thoroughly as it to in It will include one million, at least, of Missouri, and Federal Security . pots come of the sinking of an Eng­ totalitarian state headed by Hitler for Tongue Point, at the mouth of Administrator Paul V. McNutt. Hull A lish ship? Human suffering is the and Stalin. Big shots in the labor Columbia river; other millions to in­ won the survey vote in his home state, PAY LATER refag whatqyer.the nationality. Tennessee, and in Delaware. Farley movement and business agents will crease the number of airports and ex­ No one desired further appease­ carried Rhode Island. As favorite have nothing to say. I pand the airports now existing.and ment by Chamberlain, nor did we Employment of women and chil­ funds for building highways capable sons, Clark and McNutt took Mis­ wa^t war; deep in our hearts we ex­ dren under 18 will be compelled by of standing up under the pounding souri and Indiana respectively. pected Hitler to give ground. In­ Besides Dewe> Republican possi­ the labor administration if the con­ of mobile artillery, and wide enough stead the fighting has commenced test to of long, duration and manpower to permit brigades to be transported bilities were Senator Arthur H. an<| not only the combatants but the Vandenberg of Michigan, Senator to required for the field, and the pro­ quickly. F. R. BULL women and children are losing their Robert A. Taft of Ohio, former presi­ tective laws now on the statute books liqjp—for what? dent nominee Alf Landon of Kansas, will be ignored. Labor serving at War in Europe has changed the pic­ One answer to that Hlter would home will be under as rigid discipline ture In Washington. Such topics as and Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia of i*q$ aii Europe if not stopped now. few York. The poll gave Michigan as labor in the front lines. relief, WPA, spending-lending, con­ Thus force is opposed by force and There are other measures ready for gressional probes, have all been rele- and South Dakota to Vandenberg, we,j-ejoice. Are we wrong- It was the signature of the president. An gated While the administration, from Ohio to Taft, Georgia to Landon, and ai\pld oriental, we believe, who once agency for price control, for selective messengers, discuss nothing but “the raid Christianity was considered a service, for war trade, control of fi­ situation.’’ So carefuly had the ad­ blqpdy religion by his people. We nance, and, of course, an adminis­ ministration formulated plans that hasten to add that it to not Christi­ tration for food production and con­ the shock was cushioned and the fi­ anity but mankind which to guilty of trol. If the United States to dragged nancial market, always the first to bloodshed. ÉL m « • itta into a major war again, as it was in be upset was not disturbed. No fa Germany Hitler has not only re- 1917, things will be different. This cabineteer is watching developments pugiated Christianity but has endeav­ is all part of the industrial mobiliza­ more intently than Secretary of Ag­ ored to supplant Christ in the hearts quant : tv cnd ql 'QUT y tion plan, which can swing into action riculture Wallace for the conflict to of ¿he German people. He to an anti- PHONE 220 4 46. ROM? IT when the president pushes a button. , expected^to furnish a market for some Christ if it to possible for one man Social Security Board has already of America's surplus food products. to |>e so. • M different kinds of lee Cream notified the higher-ups that there are it right then for England and now 30 million people working in in­ All Brick quarts, Officials are conducting an under­ rrapce to attempt his destruction dustries which will be needed in war, ♦ cover search for industrialists in Ore­ assorted flavors by .the taking and giving of lives? and each individual of the 30 millions gon , and Washington to act as key men Tall Ice Cream Cone Each one will have to answer that is represented by a card giving his or in | the skeleton organization to be question himself Some followers of you eat it all^C her life history. These SSB cards are , created by the war resources board. ths principles of Christianity bqlieve supposed to be confidential, and are all war is wrong and ws must recog­ —not even G-men have been per- nize their right to this opinion if it walffrarl f/N ovnmino iHrawt__ Kitt wnr la , Approval has been given for a Sundaes mitted to examine them—but war to WPA project which is to make springs from conscience and not cow­ Cantaloupe a la mode 10c different. copies of official records in all Ore- ardice. Mr«, turned Filmization of 'Goodbye, Mr. Chips' On Roxy Screen Fragments 2S“". ------ Specials at DDCKtRJS The teachings of Christ substituted “love thy neighbor as thyself” for the older “eye for an eye” doctrine. If hatred, greed and desire for revenge could be purged from the hearts of men then could they live and learn war no more. f , Farm Security Administration has 840,000,000 to lend out this year (end­ r , ing June 30, 1940), to tenants, farm ; laborers and share-croppers to enable 1 them to buy farms of their own. It ] to expected about 7000 loans will be prin- ■ 1 r ■ Announcing The Opening at the I > t PARISIAN BEAUTY SALON For Our Opening Special We will Feature For Your Noon Lunch Ï ti> ... Thia Week Toasted Ham and Cheese Sandwich, Home-made Potato Salad, Drink and Ice Cream __________ Black & White Genuine Frederick's Permanent Wave Reg. $6.50 for THORNTON TIRE SERVICE Reg. $5.00 for 340 W. Front, Coquille, Tel. 270 Reg. $4.00 for $2.50 * C"rth’ K Al * l*rg*st and moat Completa Tfre Service — *• '■ >‘-V' '■< ’