The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, August 03, 1939, Image 1

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Jean McNelly
Weds Preston Moy
Coquille's Largest
Precinti Divided
Tennis Court Under
Construction Monday
Four Cattle
Rustlers Released
- J;
Gypsies Leave
When License
Fee Is Set
Mr. and Mrs. Preston Moy returned
Actual construction of the Coquille
Sunday evening from their honey­
Coquille Southeast precinct, No.
Loren Kerr, the Vancouver, Wash., Junior chamber of commerce tennis
moon trip to Seaside and Portland 41, which cast more than 500 votes man who was arrested tn the cattle court project was undertaken this
and now are at home in the house at the election last November, was rusting case on upper Sixes river a
Monday aa WPA crews commenced
At Benefit Games For Injured they had furnished on South Heath divided Monday by the county court week ago last Saturday was released work. The court >e being built in one
City Council Holds Special
Players Marshfield Will
into two precincts. Everything lying under bonds on Sunday. The district corner of Athletic Park in the north
Session Friday Noon And
They were able to slip away unmo­
of town.
Uncover Dark Hone Pitcher lested last Thursday evening, al­ between Hall street, the past dividing attorney of Clarke county arranged 'part
To Other Business
line between Nos. 40 and 41, and for
1* the
• bonds and came down here.
It will bo a standard one court lay­
though the younger guests at the Coulter street, from the gulch to the
Mrs. Myrtle Abbie Garner, the
Thè soft ball benefit double header
At the special session of the city
celebration of the nuptials had dec­ north to the southern boundary of owner of the ranch and supposedly out for playing doubles and single i
here next Sunday is to be for the
and will cost in the neighbor- council held last Friday noon an or­
orated a car they thought the happy the city will henceforth be known as the head of the ring, was released tennis
™‘ f ‘ "
benefit of four men injured in games
dinance was adopted fixing a license
couple were to leave in with old No. 41, Coquille S. E. No. 1.
hpr TS^r-ilorvi*
Saturday, her
Portland aiutai,
attorney, Ww
at Athletic Park this summer, Bob
Members of the Junior chamber fee for fortune tellers, mesmerism
shoes, pounds of rice and "Just mar­
Everything east of Coulter strart Lord, having arranged for the bonds.
Ziegler, Don Carver, Jack Johns and
artists and other performers of like
ried” signs.
with the same northern and south­
The 14- and 19-year old boys, talked Monday of setting some rules
a young man by the name of Harris.
ilk at $600 a year, or $250 for three
ern boundaries as before will be Gerald LeRoy Edwards and Leroy B.
The proceeds will go to them.
Rev. George R. Tumey in the gar­ No. 44, Coquille S. E. No. 2.
The all-star aggregation which S.
This action was taken because of
den at the home of the bride’s par­
The polling place for No. 41 will Friday by Justice J. P. Tichenor of
F. Stevens has picked to meet the ents, Mr. and MrsfF. C. McNelly,
the gypsy band which descended on
continue to be in the court house, Port Orford. They were held more open to the public.
reel competition which Marshfield is
the city a couple or more weeks ago,
where they are superintendent and but that for No. 44 has not yet been as witnesses than as being mixed up
bringing over for the men’s game will
rented a house to live in and set up
matron of the county’s farm on Cun­ designated by the court.
in the rustling.
have a job on their hands for it is
a tent on Front street where they did
ningham creek north of Coquille. It
A portion of Cunningham Precinct,
Mrs. Gamer’s story is that the cat­
reported that the visitors have a dark
quite a business with the susceptible
was a beautiful setting for the happy No. 33, which is now within the city tle branded E lazy P, which were
horse phenom to pit against Coquille’s
and with those who enjoy the occult.
occasion, as they stood on the vel­ limits was eliminated from No. 33 found at her bam were some she had
"Chub” Allard.
There was no license fee provided
vety sward in front of the home with and added to Coquille North, No. 88.
purchased in Idaho, where Ellis De­
The first game Sunday will start
The average attendance of the for in the city’s ordinances heretofore
a background of native shrubs, cut
ment purchased some of his stock.
at 1:30 o'clock and will see the la­
flowers and plants. On either side also divided, the new one to be known Those marked D, she claimed, were Bible School of the local Church of and the boss gypsy posted $25 before
dies’ team, coached by ’Buck” Soren­
Christ for July, 1939, has been 162, their tent was set up. However, the
of the bridal party stood white urns as No. 7, Marshfield Southwest
some belonging to a man named
son, take the field against Marshfield’s
a 25 per cent gain over 130 of last higher fee served, as it was intended
filled with gladiolus and baby breath,
Also a portion of South Slough Doyle in southern Curry, which had
ladies team. The local gals have been
year. There have been 32 added to to, and the fortune-telling crew quit,
and the whole scene resembled a Precinct, No. 23, which is adjacent
strayed up to her place.
developing rapidly and “Buck” is
the local church during June and as they agreed-to, Tuesday noon.
glimpse of fairyand.
to Empire, was eliminated from No.
She could not satisfactorily explain
enthusiastic over the way they are
July. Mr. Sias says that in speaking
The bride was given in marriage 23 and added to No. 8.
The council adopted resolutions
to the police why the brand mark
coming along. Another practice is
to other ministers of Coquille, he declaring intention to extend sewer
by her father; Mias Aloha Allen was
had been cut from the hides of three
to be held Friday evening at six
finds that they, too, are havnig better service on Tenth and Eleventh streets,
maid ot honor, Misses Margaret Bel­
of the cattle which were previously
o’clock at the high school grounds
attendance and results than in previ­ and property-owners will have until
lon! and Georgiana Johnson were ,
and on. Saturday at 2:00 p. m. at the
ous years. It is well that the church­ the evening of Aug. 23 to file objec­
bridesmaids, and the groom was at ,
Some of the others now in jail
hall park.
es are keeping pace with the growing tions to the improvement.
tended by his brother, Howard Moy.
claim that they did not know they
After the game between the girls’
community. Since the first of the
Mias McNelly was gowned in a
The Tenth street sewer is for 1124
were on the Dement range, that Mrs.
teams there will be field events for
year the Church of Christ has been feet, east from Heath and the en­
white silk net, princess style, over
Gamer had told them it was hers.
which local mofchants have offered
redecorated inside and the main part gineer's estimate is that it will cost
white taffeta, and carried a nose 1
prizes and Marshfield, too, is bring­
In some ways her story could be
of the building has just been re­ about $40 per 50 foot lot. On Elev­
bouquet of gardenias, pink rosebuds I
ing a bunch of prizes. A prize is of­
taken as true but the fact that cattle
shingled, with no special offering tak­ enth, the estimate is the same for the
and forget-me-nots, with a shower 1
and sheep have mysteriously disap­
fered for the first home run, in each
en and no deficit existing.
of satin ribbon in her hair.
360 feet east from the present end of
game, for the. first hit in each game,
peared from northern Curry for years
the sewer there.
The maid-of-honor wore pink or­
for the longest distance a soft ball is
leads to doubt. Some people ac­
gandie and carried an arm bouquet at 1
The council placed its OK an the
thrown, for the best time in base run­
quainted with her place state she
pink gladiolus.
The bridesmaids 1
proposed WPA project for fencing
ning and for other special events.
never had more than three cows at
t the big reservoir at the headwaters
wore white swiss with rod dots and 1
Competition is keen between the
any time.
carried white gladiolus with red cen- (
of Rink creek. It will cost the city
players of the taro towns and the
about $75 for material.
games Sunday are going to attract a
Geo. W. Bryant said Tuesday that
To. get the tennis court project un­
Lynn Perrott and Raymond Car- 1
good crowd.
no one knew what started the fire at der way at once, the council agreed
ver acted as ushers.
his camp on the ridge last Thursday to underwrite the balance of $65
Following congratulations the bride *
which burned over 850 acres of Um- which the funds in hand may lack
threw her bouquet, which was caught *
e politi- * Richert N, Finley, a veteran «
Richard N. Finley, a veteran of the
World war, passed away here Mon­
Mrs. Glenn Neideigh, at Myrtle
day after an illness of five yean, two cold decks of logs, 4,000 in num­ merce, guaranteed that his organiza­
Point, played the Mendelssohn wed­
ber and scaling about three million tion would raise the additional funds.
at the age of 45 years..
Announcement was made last week ding march and sang "I love you
Interment was made at Roseburg, feet. The logs were two-thirds fir
But the tennis court is to be laid
that the dealership, known as Thorn­ truly” before the ceremony.
whence the body was taken by the and one-third cedar.
ton Tire Service, with branches in
out at the ball park, and not in Myr­
Long tables, beautifully decorated,
The engineer had just blown the tle Park as previously announced, A
Gano funeral car, services there be­
Coquille and Marshfield, had gained had been set on the front porch and
whistle and was working on the don­ letter from the Portland WPA office
ing held at two o'clock yesterday.
an outstanding sales distinction. The a buffet supper was served there. The
Mr. Finley was born at Crawfords­ key when the whole thing seemed to advised Recorder Leslie that if its
firm led all other Goodrich dealers bride and groom cut the wedding
ville, Ore., July 6, 1894, and he re­ burst into flame.
location was changed it wbuld be
for thee pest four months in the states cake and the individual souvenir
The logs belonged to the Interna­ necessary to get approval from the
sided there until he joined the army
of Oregon, Washington, Montana, packages of wedding cake were
and went to the Mexican border, tional Cedar Corporation and were Washington, D. C., WPA office, and
Idaho, Wyoming and Nevada for sale served from a silver dish originally
29, 1916.
He was with the their loss. The Bryant logging com­ as the sponsors of the court are
of Goodrich tires.
owned by the bride’s great grand-
George Laingor, 75, a resident of
pany lost the labor that had gone into anxious to have it ready as soon as
As a reward for this remarkable mother.
Coos county for the past half century American Expeditionary forces in
sales success, Harry Thornton, owner,
Mrs. James Brady, of Allegany, and about half of that period a resi­ Europe from Dec. 14, 1917, to June them and the donkey and equipment. possible, the final decision was to
A representative of the manufac­ put it out at the edge of town—in
left last week for a trip to the New presided at the serving table and dent of Powers, passed away last 28, 1919, and upon his return to the
U. S. was discharged, he then having turer looked the Diesel over on Mon­ the ball park—and work will 'be
York World Fair and will be away others who assisted in cutting the Sunday at his home there.
day and allowed Mr. Bryant $1700 on started just as quickly as Mr. Matson
for nearly a month.
cake' and serving the sixty guests
He is survived by his widow who, the rank of sergeant.
In 1929 he came to Coquille and it toward a new one, which is to be on has WPA workmen available.
“Although we have an excellent were Mesdameo^E. E. Leslie, H. S. before their marriage, was Miss Ella
was married to Mrs. LaVlna Agos­ the job by the middle of August.
product I have always felt that it Norton, Glenn A. Horton, T. B. Cur­ Schroeder.
Fire- fighters were rushed to the
could not have been sold without rie, Geo. Johnson, Lloyd Wood, Mar­
Funeral services were held at the tino here. She survives him as do her
Thursday and the fire was
newspaper advertising,” said Mr. lin Brandon, June Meyers, Donald Schroeder Bros. Mortuaries in Myrtle
Thornton just before leaving. Since Sturdivant and Misses Kathleen Point yesterday afternoon, interment Mrs. Margarita Brodie and Mrs. John stopped after burning over the 350
Norton, of Coquille.
opening up his branch in Coquille last Brady and Lurene St. Clair.
being In the Norway cemetery.
Mr. Bryant carried no insurance on
fall, he has been a consistent adver­
*. ■■ . ....d
In an upstairs room there was a
He is also survived by his father,
Another called session of the city
donkey and did not know whether
tiser in The Sentinel and the highly wealth of gifts presented by those
George Finley, register of the land
council was held Tuesday noon this
successful results obtained here ard who knew and loved the bride for
office in Roseburg, and by five sis­
MK -,
week to consider the complaint of
due in a great part to the advertising her many endearing traits and es­
ters; Mrs. Althea James and Miss
Rink creek dairymen—Levi L. Bunch,
program carried in The Sentinel. The teemed the groom for his manly qual­
Georgia Finley, of Portland; Mrs.
J. N. Jacobson and John Bullack—
branch has been managed by Harold ities. The list included practically
The city water jg to be off next Ruth Music, of Crawfordsville, Ore.;
that the city was diverting all of the
Matson since it opened and it has everything that they would need to Sunday, Aug. 6, from 3:00 until 5:00 Mrs. Lola Campbell, of Oakland, Cal­
Rink creek waters and not leaving
been an excellent producer under his start housekeeping, except the fjg- p. m, while the water department ifornia; Mrs. Maode Turnbow, of Eu­
them sufficient for their stock and
niture which they had already pur­ crew flushes the pipes.
Mr. and Mrs. Byron Hervey came domestic purposes.
chased and installed in their home to
in to town from their ranch home
This is not a new trouble for these
Tuesday morning with a cougar on near neighbors of Coquille, it is prac­
Both young people were graduates
either side of the hood of jh^*- car- tically perennial, and heretofore the
of Coquille High School in May, 1938.
One ot them was the mother of the city has frequently turned loose
The bride has since been an employee
other, a last fall’s kitten, also a fe­ enough water to satisfy the ranchers'
at Brandon’s and the groom at the
male, the larger measuring six feet needs.
Ninety pieces of equipment ot the Smith Wood-Products plant. He Is
tip to tip.
Allan A. Hall, who appeared for
Third and Ninth Field Artillery,
also relief operator at the Roxy
Byron killed the mother about mid­ the ranchers, also was acting for Tal-
gineers, hospitals corps, etc., which Theatre. He and his brother have no
Monday, after his two dogs had lant Greenough, city attorney, and
had been taking part in the army parents but a sister resides in East­
treed her, a mile above the R. H. it was at Mr. Hall’s suggestion that the
maneuvers at Fort Lewis, near Seat­ side.
Faction of J. A. Hannon, furnished
Lawhorn place near McKinley. proceedings of the city council, back
tle, passed through Coquille this
splendid music before, during and
Three-C boys had seen the two cross In 1903, be referred to Judge J. T.
morning enroute back to their post Guests At Geo. H. Cheney’s
after the dinner.
the road near camp at 7:30 o’dock, Brand. At that time the town of Co­
in California.
The main floor of the Community
Home The Pest Week
had marked the spot and then called quille City paid property owners
The personnel seemed to And it a
Building was well filled when the
along the creek sums varying from
Dr. and Mrs. Paul Ribble, of New
little cool, driving at the speed the
pioneers assembled for the afternoon
It was not half an hour after By­ $10 to $250, but whether it was for
trucks were travelling, for all had York, spent the week-end here visit­
program and when the association
ron got there until the dogs had the right-of-way deeds for a pipe line,
their overcoats buttoned up to the ing his sister, Mrs. Geo. H. Chaney,
president invited those who had lived
old one treed. He shot her through or whether it was to compensate them
chin. And this after reports of 100 and his mother, Mrs. Sarah Ribble,
in the county for 60 years to come up
the nose and brain. She fell down a for toes of later is something that
degree temperatture in Portland yes­ of Marshfield. They left Tuesday
on the stage there was so general
and after ascertaining that she Judge Brand will be asked to deter­
an uprising that the invitation had
was dead, Byron turned the dogs mine. ,
The detail camped at Florence last will visit a brother in San Jose be­
to be cancelled when the chairs were
loose to find the young one.
The city has on file approved water
fore retumnig east Their daughter,
all occupied, with many not being
heard her coming down a tree and rights for use of Rink creek for its
Betty, who is the well known model
able to get on to the platform.
when the light was turned on, he water system, but that it can divert
for the picture on magazine coven
Mrs. Anna Wolcott, of Marshfield,
Schroeder-Herman Picnic To
shot her in the shoulder but the dogs the whole stream to city use is quite
and in numerous ads, stopped over
was extended the first invitation. She
finished her. The dogs were not in- doubtful.
Ba Held Sunday At Norway
to visit friends in Salt Lake City and
was the first white child bom in
The Schroeder - Hermann annual did not accompany them farther west.
Coos county, being followed tn a jured.
picnic will be held in the Norway
few months by Mrs. Kate Rosa, who
Levelle Wajstrom, who has been at­
grove next Sunday. This is the fifth
was also present but who has not
such affair for the Schroeder clan and tending summer school in Portland,
lived in the county continuously.
last year the Hermann families, arrived home Saturday, accompanied
The Townsend orchestra furnished
The county court received another
which are closely connected with the by her friend, Miss Leslie Jewett, of
the music for the afternoon and after
excellent offer for general refund-
Schroeders were invited to join and Portland, making the trip by plane.
President Clyde Gage had delivered
lrjhjjonds when bids were opened
^sterday for $27,000 worth.
make it a dual family affair. At
the address of welcome, Mrs. Alice
least 100 are expected to attend and
Maloney, daughter of a pioneer physi-,
lowest of the five offers was that of
J. H. McCloskey always reserves the
dan on the bay, Dr. J. T. McCormac,
Atkina, Jones A Co, ot Portland,
grove for the first Sunday in August
who offered to take $15,000 at 2 kt
gave an address <Jn the early history
for them.
per cent and $12,000 at 2Vi.
(Continued Page fight)
• I
Churches Gain
In Attendance
Mayor Emery
Donkey And 4,000
Logs Burned
L N. Finley
^°^dBwied Yesterday
Goodrich Top Honor
. I
George Laingor
Juried Yesterday
Ranchers Are
Out Of Water
Water To Be Off
Three Hours Sunday
Cougar And Kitten
Killed Monday
Army Dashes
Through Coquille
■.' •
I ’
■■■■■■■■■ H
■ -- ■
* iX* *
' >
* I
Fairview Camps
To Start Soon
____ __ ____ L