entinel AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER COQUILLE, COOS COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 17. 1939. Rotary Entertains At Stag Affair Cattie Thieves, Golden Wedding 14 to 56 Yean of Age, Anniversary Arrested Saturday Last Monday Court of Honor Last Evening Meeting voles For Survey For P. U. D. District The following advancement awards were presented to the scouts of Troop Nos. 14, 63 and 86, last evening at a court of honor held in the Scout cabin: Troop No. 14—Robert Holbrook, Coos County Early Setttlers Found Nine Head of Ellis Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Smith Proponents Hope To Get 2nd class scout rank. Jack Carroll, To Moot in Annual Affair— jlement’s Stock At Mrs. Entertain Friends And The Measure On The Ballot merit badge, painting. George Hol­ Mrs. Alice Maloney To Speak brook, merit badge, pathfinding. Garner's Ranch Up The Sixes Relatives Who Gather At Next May’s Primary Troop No. 63—Loyal Thomas, mer­ The Coos County Pioneer Associa­ Roy Larson, of the state livestock Friends and neighbors gathered it badges, pioneernig, first aid to ani­ The meeting called for last Satur­ tion will meet in the Coquille myrtle commission office. Sheriff Smith, of Monday evening at the home of Mr. mals. day morning in the Community park next Sunday, July 30. All Curry county, and the state police are and Mrs. Frank E. Smith on the Troop No. 86—Second class advance­ Building here to consider the forma­ pioneers and their famUtes are cordial­ working on thf cattle rustling case for Marshfield highway on the occasion ment: Ralph Duncanson, Billy Peden, tion. of a Public Utility District for First Coos county, was attended by ap­ which eight persons were arrested of their fiftieth wedding anniversary. and Kenneth , Holverstott. ly invited and urged to attend. • Saturday and bound over to the grand The couple were united in marriage class advancement: Harold Norris. proximately 30 people, one-third of A picnic dinner will be had at 12 jury in Justice Tichenor’s court in on July 24, 1889, in Gowanda, Cat­ Merit badge advancements: Billy whom were city officials, newspaper­ o’clock. Bring your dinner and eat­ Griggs, scoutmaster, safety and for­ men and a few who were interested Port Orford last Saturday. taraugus county, New York. ing utensils; ooffae, cream and sugar As has been the case with Curry They moved to Oregon in August, estry; Edward Stevenson, pathfind­ only in knowing what was going on. will bo furnished. county prisoners for some time, they 1920, and have made their home in ing; Sam Mennnigs, Raymond Nor­ , Harry H. Schulte, of North Bend, You will be entertained by able ris, Harold Norris, Donald Boone and presided at the meeting, and com­ were brought to the county jail here. Coquille for the past eight yean. speakers and music furnished by a Bail for each was set at $2,000. Their son, Wade Smith, of Twenty- John Saylor, safety. mented on the fact that none of the band, orchestra and vocal talent. The three troops which took part Bonneville administration or state The names of those arrested Satur­ Nine Palms, Calif., arrived Monday to At every yearly meeting of the as­ day are: Mrs. Myrtle Abbie Garner, greet . his parents. Their daughter, in this court of honor have set a mid­ Grange officials from outside the sociation since itc organization in who owns what is known as the old Mn. Clarence Carpenter, of Coquille, summer record, of which they can county were present. July 1984, there has been an increased Wilson ranch, up near the divide be- I and the only other of their children well be proud. Especially troop No. Henry Gustafson was present to attendance, and the committee in tween Sixes river and Dement creek; living, also spent the day with them, 86, under the able leadership of their represent the state Grange master, charge hopes and expects thia meet­ John Arthur Jeet, 56, her divorced | together with her husband I and scoutmaster, Billy Griggs, has set a Ray Gill, and he spoke at some length ing to be the largest yet held. record of which troops 14 and 63 can on what is permitted under the state’s husband who is employed by her; daughter. Twelve o’clock noon, picnic dinner. Robert L. Stevens, 54, Sixes; LeRoy Those calling during the evening be envious. P. U. D. set-up. He was in error in The Croft Lakers colony from Co­ B. Hewitt, 19, Vancouver; Dewey were: Messrs, and Meadames Harry A goodly number of troops 14 and one statement he made when he said Coffee, cream and sugar will be fur­ nished. Band music by the Coquille quille will soon have several houses Coomer, 42, Vancouver; Loren Kerr, Wise, Sam Arnold, G. A. Wilburger, 63 scouts are attending the Lucky Boy the bonds which the P. U. D. may is­ completed there, in fact three are 39, Vancouver, who is supposed to Geo. Oerding, H. E. Campbell, W. T. scout camp and will return, we hope, band during the dinner hour. sue cannot be a tax burden, that they reedy for use now and Bill Fortier own the truck in which the cattle Brady, Lee Neeley, Clarence Car­ pepped up and ready to step into the 1:80 p. m. to 2 p. m. Music by the must be paid out of revenue received . will have his two-story, five rooms were transported; Bendette Dallas penter, Mesdames Nora Moore, O. O. work when scouting again takes up in from the sale of electricity by the Townsend orchestra. and bath summer mansion ready for Young, 35, Portland. The youngpat Lund, Fred Watson, Ogilvie, Chris full blast in September. district The law plainly states that Adjournment to the Community occupancy by the middle of August. of the bunch was Gerald LeRoy Ed­ Terras, Clifton Brockmann, Misses _ The coming year promises great the revenue must be used to pay building. Geo. W. Taylor and Orval Haga, of wards, of Vancouver, who is a little Leia Wilburger and Barbara Jean things for scouting in this area, the running expenses and to retire iu- ‘ Business session—announcements of Bandon, have already moved into the new court of honor set up to go into debtedness but adds that a tax may past 14 years of age. Carpenter and Wade Smith. candidates and election of officers. cabins they built and the duplex, built Ellis Dement, whose range is only The party, which was a surprise to effect in September will give a wider be levied for bond retirement if the Invocation, Rev. Winfield S. Smith. by Clarence Tuttle and Bert Folsom a few miles from the Garner ranch, Mr. Smith, was ended at a late hour range of competition which will revenue is insufficient. Everybody sing. ‘America.” Is ready for use, although it will not has lost cattle continuously. He was after wedding cakes and ice cream make those who expect to go places in After hearing Geo. H. Jenkins talk Announcements and address of wel­ be completely finished until next sure they were stolen but could not had been served to the guests. scouting get in and dig. on the REA program now being car­ year.-. come, Clyde A. Gage, president. The Patrol leaders who can not get ried on here, discussing matters in prove it. Only a week before thia The lake shore in front of the cot­ last theft a load of seven head were Address by Alice B. Maloney, going with the co-operation of his connection with the P. U. D., and an­ daughter of Dr. James T. McCormac, tages is being rapidly cleared of the taken out, but no trace of them could gang, will have to give way to some swering questions, the chairman tules and the work done there the be followed as were the truck’s marks a pioneer. one who can show results and put his called for a vote on the question as * Song, AuM lang Syne, by the en­ past six weeks or two months has lasF Saturday morning. patrol on the map. to whether the group should circu­ made a wonderful difference in the tile audience. When the officers began following In Circuit court last late petitions asking the State Hydro­ Thos. the tire tracks from the ranje they J. Kesterson pleaded Benediction, by Rev. Winfield S. appearance of the place. electric Commission to make an in­ burg­ led directly to Mrs. Gamer’s place, lary not in a d vestigating and survey of the need for crime where the nine hend were found Sat­ wag, that of stealing g rifle from a Visiting and pioneer reminicences such a district here, and the motion urday. And to make the eaae agaiiwt si all timoa. on the Bay wateriront. The the cattle thieves most conclusive, judge suspended sentencing him for If after such survey, during which .The Independence Mine Company, public hearings will be held, the com­ each and every animal bore the De­ five years and he was released. ment brand. On Tuesday of this week Howard which has been operating as a com­ mission’s report is favorable, peti­ Geo. R. Turney told of his recent It is probable the cattle were to be Smith pleaded guilty to writing N. G. mon law tAst company for several tions will again be circulated to have trip to his former home in New Jer­ started for the Portland market Sat­ checks amounting to $6.50. He was years, is to be incorporated as the the matter put up to the voters for sey at the regular weekly luncheon urday night for no one gets very far given a three years* suspended sen­ result of a meeting held by the share­ decision and Mr. Schultz stated that of the Rotary Club yesterday. He transporting stock on the highway tence to the pen and must make good holders Saturday evening. Officers a special election would not be asked. Rev. George R. Tumey returned was quite enthusiastic over the New without being asked to produce bill the checks. He has been in jail for of the corporation elected at that time If it comes to a vote, it will be at the last Friday afternoon from his vaca­ York world’s fair which he visited of sale for the stock, and it is much > were: May primary next year. nearly ten weeks. tion trip back to Princeton, N. J., while there. He also enjoyed a trip easier to get through the police sur­ Frank J. Fish, president; Stanley “Chuck” Murphy was adjudged by where he visited his parents and from Newark to Hartford, Conn., veillance of the highways after dark. , Judge Brand to be in contempt of Fitzgerald, vice president; F. E. Mc­ brothers. He also gave the world’s and return by airplane. The officers who are working on , court and was given a 60-day jail Cracken, secretary; Dr. J. D. Rankin, fair at New York the once over. On his Mr. Tumey stated that railroad the case and examining the bunch i sentence, which will be suspended, treasurer; Dr. Rankin, Fitzgerald homeward trip he stopped at Detroit travel in the west was far superior which is in jail, have given no Infor- , providing he pays $10 by Saturday and Fish, directors for three years; to pick up a new car which he drove to that of the east, the trains on the mation yet as to any confessions they 1 to his former wife and makes George R. Johnson, Dr. M. Earl Wil­ west. He also stopped for three days Death mercifully put an end to any western roads being air conditioned may have obtained. , promptly the payment of $20 a month son and Dr. A. B. Peacock, directors future suffering for Harold Ness, 15- in Manitou, Colo., where he was and up-to-date, while those of the for two yean, and Ora Allen, J. Gu­ nareafter. rector of his first parish a few years year old North Bend youth who suf­ eastern section seemed to be just the derian and Claud Giles, directon for fered a Avered spinal cord and spinal ago. He found the weather in the same as when he left there several one year. east plenty warm and has the same years ago. fracture, when he dived into too shal­ The prospects appear good at this opinion as that expresed by the Sen­ low water In Tenmile creek near Visiting Rotarians were E. H. Swift, Urne that development of the proper­ tinel many times, that southwestern Lakeside last Thursday afternoon. He of Beardstown, Ill., and Harry Nas- ty will begin in earnest quite soon. Oregon enjoys summer resort weath­ was paralyzed from the shoulders burg and Albert Matson, of the The Hardy Mast ranch wUl be the er at all times. down and pasaed away at Mercy Hos­ Coquille was not as warm as the Marshfield-North Bend Club. scene on Sunday, Aug. 13, of a clan rest of the state last week, the ther­ Shakespearian Festival At pital Tuesday night. gathering which will include visitors mometer reaching 87 degrees on both Ashland August 4-12 from Colorado and as far east as Friday and Saturday, 84 on Sunday Mark Soeiey of Coquille and North Carolina. and with a maximum of 80 degrees Katherine Anderson of Marshfield, It is the annual picnic of the Mast, on Monday. Last Friday and Satur­ are tero Coos county repraamtatives Harmon and Shull families, whose day temperature was six degrees be­ A double header baseball game representatives here came west in low the 93 registered on May 18, at the Oregon Shakespearean Festi­ next Sunday at the local ball park The Coos county board of equaliza­ val to be held in Ashland, August 4 An F. B. I. official was here from 1872. Among the 66 who left North will see the Coquille team pitted which was the highest so far this year. to 12. In all, 17 Oregon communittea tion—Judge Hugh McLain, Assessor against Marshfield, the first game Portland Sunday conferring with the Carolina at that time were W. P., E. P. On Tuesday' the thermometer J. P. Beyers and Clerk L. W. Oddy— local police in regard to counterfeit and Leason Mast, L. L. Harmon and are represented on the player roster, starting at one o’clock. reached a maximum of 78 degrees will meet on Monday, Aug. 14, to hear with three persons from Washington Coquille is tied with Empire for money, silver dollars and halves, one, B. C. Shull, of whom E. P. Mast is and 76 yesterday. any objections to valuation of proper­ five and ten dollar bills. He had a and one each from New York and the only survivor. first place — disregarding the pro­ ty as made by the assessor’s office South Dakota. tested game here a week ago Sunday stack of bills more than an inch thick I The gathering last year was held Store Closed Under this year, for the tax to be paid next Angus L. Bowmer, director of the year. —and should the locals cop both ends which he had picked up on the way in the middle west and the Shrine Attachment Saturday festival, expressed himself as grati­ of the double bill they will be out in down. He asked the police to send grove at Hardy Mast’s place was se­ Siver*s Variety Store, which ha« fied at the large number of towns front, no matter bow the Empire- in all they could find and Harold lected for this year’s conclave. Kolkhorst had a couple of tin dollars operated in the Shelley building on represented. "It is,” be said, “tndi- Port Orford game comes out. this morning, which were quite light. First street for several years past, cwtlve of the fact that the Shakes­ Admission wilt be the usual The spreading of the “queer” comes was closed by Constable Frank Poul- pearean Festival to truly a state bits for both games. in streaks but, according to the offi­ tpn on Saturday under attachment event” Two men were in the county jail cial, the process is fairly steady. proceedings filed by W. A. Seamon This year, the fifth annual season this week for game law violations, for creditors. The dance in the Community of the troupe, four plays will be having deer meat in their possession. Building this coming Saturday night shown. Taming of the Shrew, Com­ Charles Henslar Cale was brought will be given by the Don & Spenny Mrs. A. N. Gould, who suffered a edy of Errors, Hamlet, and As You from Myrtle Point to serve 30 days, orchestra. There will be no prize in­ collapse a week ago last Sunday, has Two little tots, three years old, Like It makes up the list for the with a fine of $100 added, and Nels ducement for anyone to attend, the been showing some improvement the caused considerable agitation Monday Peterson was brought from Marsh­ good music and good time which has past week, and an encouraging fea­ August festival. noon when they disappeared from the wit h bail set at »300. , _ • . -I H. L. Claterbos yard, acroar from the Archie Betengle, who is employed featured these Saturday night af- ture of her case is the fact that the Gets Memento From Washington school. When found, at the Smith plant, was using a gas i fairs for several weeks being enough severe pain at the base of her skull Eastern Cousins Viait At an hour later, they were at torch at his home Tuesday evening .¡of» prize to attract any and all which hit her all of a sudden the Chicago Ball Park S. M. Nosier Home the Myrtle Greenhouse on the BUI Fortier was in receipt this evening she became ill, has left her. while making a chisel. When he ad­ dancers. It is expected that the ventillation Guests at the S. M. Nosier home highway and had been escorted there justed the torch to let in more air It is anticipated that her recovery week of a souvenir of the Athletic- from the Smith Wood-Products of­ it blew up, severely burning him. He system in the building will ba im­ will be slow. White Sox ball game in Chicago on last week, from Wednesday evening fice. They were a niece of Mr. Clater- went to the Coquille Hospital for proved before the dance Saturday July 15. It was a ball which fell urtili Friday, Mn. Edith Dunn, of evening. bos and the granddaughter of Mike treatment and is still there. near Jim Erwin, former Coquille real Washington, D. C., and Mn. Jo­ F. S. Emery last week-end made Daniels. They said they were trying estate dealer, who was attending the sephine Dunn, of Waterloo, Iowa. a deal with C. L. Willey for the pur ­ 7------- E. G. Opperman is enjoying a visit chase of the latter’s home at the east game and who mailed it to Mr. For­ They are cousins of kin. Nosier and to find some candy. Geo. T. Moulton, and were enraptur­ from his sister, Mrs. Geo. Arkwright, end of Knowlton avenue. Mr. Willey tier. ed with this section of the Pacific Rev. and Mrs. H L. Groybeal left and her daughter. Miss Victoria, who is tired of living there alone and will coast The Washington lady is em­ Tuesday morning for Tacoma where arrived ten days ago and expect to visit his children in Corvallis, Port­ ployed in the federal labor depart­ he is attending a Pastors’ Institute for spend the rest of the summer here. land and Tule Lake, Calif., for a time. ment and the other in the Iowa city’s a week at the College of Puget Sound, Their home is in London, England, health while Mrs. Graybeal visits with rel­ session of and Mr. Opperman had not them A motion day, the ■■■■ seen - atives at Everett The pulpit of Pi­ circuit court until Sept I, was set by for 35 years. He left the British Isles Chad wick Lodge, A. F. A A. M. oneer Church will be supplied Sun­ Judge Brand, Tuesday, for Saturday. 47 years ago. Special Communication of Chad­ day morning by a group of Gideons July 29. The judge and his family wick Lodge, No..98, A. F. 8t A. M„ from Roseburg, and in the evening by expect to spend a portion of his va­ Trespass Notices, printed on cloth, Tuesday, August 1. Work it F. C. cation in California. Rev. O. A. Gray. for sale at this office. H. A. Slack, W. M. About thirty members of the Co­ quille Rotary club and fifteen or more guests, which included members of the local Lions club, and others, en­ joyed a stag party at Arthur Berg’s cottage at Laurel lake last evening. Beside the dinner there was consid­ erable singing, which Ferb Emery says must have disturbed the rancher across the lake, and at a late hour half a dozen took a plunge in the lake. Ray Jeub, whom the others thought they could count on, when they said they would go in-if he would, fooled them and it was a thoroughly chilled bunch of service club members whose teeth chattered all the way home. The Rotary committee which served a very fine lunch was com­ posed of Dutch Clinton, Lee Hand, Fred Hudson, Hode Caughell, Carl Rietman and Muri Pettit. The guests say, "We had a won­ derful time.” - ♦ Four Cabins Up At Croft Lake Leniency Shown In Three Cases Independence Mine Tells Rotary Of His Trip East Is Incorporated > He Finds It Cooler Here Death Mercifully Ends Suffering Expect 300 At Families Reunion Two Baseball Games July 30 Had Big Stack Equalizing Board To Meet Aug. 14 . Of Bogus Bills Guaranteed Good Music, Good Time Wander Away Badly Burned- Torch Blew Up Last Court Day Until September It Was Hot For This Section They Rushed The Season