The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, April 06, 1939, Image 1

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Council Met For
Students Back
An Hour Monday
From Music Meet
Dr. Peacock For
Game Commission
Need Of Taxpayers
League Stressed
By Assessor Beyers
Coos cpunty, having failed to secure
With Mayor Milne and all council­
for one of its citizens the appointment
men, except Geo. Bryant, present for
the meeting of the city fathers Mon­
Miss Anita Pageler, music super­ as member of the state highway com­
Assessor J. P. Beyers talked taxes
day night, business was rushed visor, and five enthusiastic studants mission, has a fine opportunity now to at the noon session of the Chamber of
have a Marshfield man appointed as
Rock Robison, Coquille Valley ■ through and adjournment taken in an returned Monday from the Northern
Commerce Tuesday, or rather the Starting At Noon Tomorrow,
Music Supervisors’ conference, held member of the state game commission non-payment of taxes which is get­
Pioneer of 1874, Buried Here hour.
When a Three-Hour Service
The call for bids for ten-inch pipe, in Tacoma, Washington, March 55 to
ting Coos county into such a condi­
Monday—Was Fine Gentleman i 2300 feet of it, for the transmission April 2. Donna Dunn, sophomore, men of the county ask lor the ap­ tion that everyone who does pay his
Will be Held in Pioneer Church
line below the dam, which appears sang second soprano and Jack Car- pointment.
taxes has to pay an increasingly
Another of the Coos county pi­ elsewhere in this issue, was author- roll, freshman, sang first ten in the
Reference is to Dr. A. B. Peacock,
larger amount each year to make up Christians of
oneers, Rock Robison, passed to his 1 ized after the city received a wire all-conference chorus composed of former maÿor of Marshfield and for
for the non payers. According to Coquille will ob­
reward last Saturday morning, at the Monday from Engineer J. S. Stevens three hundred voices and directed by many years one of^the town’s most
the assessor, there are about three serve the sanctity
ripe old age of 57 years. He lacked 1 at Portland that the WPA office there Mr. Blakeslee, of Los Angeles, Cali­ prominent citizens.
The tip comes
million and a half of unpaid taxes on of the crucifixion
only eleven days of reaching the ' had approved the project. The call fornia.
Kennett Lawrence, senior, from Salem and is authentic,
the books in the tax collection de­ and the resurrec­
four score and seven mark. tip. to the does riot specify any particular type and his clarinet represented Coquille
It is not the same kind’ of a broken
partment, and when the delinquent tion of Jesus
last his mind was keen and he was or kind of pipe and the council can High School in the four hundred reed prospect that induced Coquille
tax sale is held thia summer, huge Christ Friday af­
an interesting man with whom to select the kind that it is felt will ba. piece band which was composed of and other communities on the coast
areas as well as hundreds or thou­ ternoon from 12 to
the most serviceable.
high school students from Wyoming. to get behind the candidacy of Ben sands of city lots will pass from pri­ 3 p. m, with a
i Eight days prior to his death he
The council voted to accept the of­ Oregon, and directed by Mr. Haines, R. Chandler for highway commission­ vate ownership to that of the coun­ joint meeting in the Pioneer church
suffered a fall and was taken to the fer of D. J. Sage for the state highway of Vancouver, Washington. In addi­ er. Mr. Chandler would have been
of all of the faiths of the ministerial
ty and go off the tax rolls.
Although the little in­ department to scape, scarify and tion to these three students, Yvonne a good man on the commission, the
Mr. Beyers urged the formation association members.
jury he received did not cause his level the city’« gravel streets at a Kern, senior, and Dorothy Belle New­ broken reed being the supposed in­
of some sort of a tax organzation
The Good Friday program com­
death, it probably hastened it.
ton, junior, accompanied the party fluence with the governor.
total cost of $11 per day.
which would co-operate with coun­ memorating the three hours during
Funeral services were held at the
The council also complied with Mr. and stayed with friends in Tacoma.
ty officials in trying to secure more which the Saviour was crucified on
Gano Funeral Home here at 2:30 Sage’s request in agreeing to main­ Enthusiastic comments were heard Coquille Chamber of Commerce en­
thorough payment of taxes, would the cross will be taken up in six
o’clock last Monday, Rev. J. W. Bar­ tain the walk within the city limits, from all the group concerning the dorsed Dr. Peacock for the position
watch budgets and endeavor to se­ thirty minute periods by each of the
nett, of Arago, officiating.
Inter­ which is now being started along the Daffodil Festival and parade in Ta­ and the secretary and members
cure a prompt collection of personal following church
ment was in Odd Fellows cemetery. highway to the Smith plant.
coma Saturday morning, the pro­ agreed to write to the governor urg­ property taxes where that property Rev. George R. Tumey, Episcopal;
No. 1, where members of the I. O. O.
The request of Mrs. Beatrice Berg­ grams presented by over thirty high
is not secured by real property.
Rev. Howard L. Graybeal, Methodist;
F. lodge conducted their ritualistic quist for approval of her application school bands and forty glee clubs, ever, that Coos county has no more
Mr. Beyers quoted from the talk C. Adrian Sias, Church of Christ;
for a package B beer license for the
(Continued on Page Five)
ptade by Dan E. Clark, tax econo­ Rev. W. S. Smith, Presbyterian; R.
He had been a member of the Odd Riviera was granted without discus­
past to nick even the smallest’ kirid
mist for the state tax commission, D. E. Smith, Assembly of God, and
Fellows for 55 years and a check sion.
of a state patronage.
before the Marshfield Lions club last H. A. Minter, Baptist. Separate pro­
has been started to ascertain if his
Geo. T. Moulton submitted the only
Friday, and himself recommended the grams are planned by Seventh Day
membership was the longest of any bid for the street improvement bonds
change In the tax collection system, Adventists and members of the Cath­
Odd Fellow in the state.
Had he the city recently advertised for sale,
which he has urged for years, that olic church.
lived until the 21st at this month he his bid being $1050, which is at a
the collection of taxes in Oregon be
In point of time, three days after
wks to have had an honorary degree premium of $23.77. The council au­
The Henry street bridge, on which
taken out of politics, from the charge the crucifixion, the resurrection took
conferred upon him by his lodge.
thorized the sale to him of these six redecking started the first of last
Bob Fisher, teller In the Coquille of an elective official to one ap­ place and all faiths have planned
Hockey Cincinnati Robison was per cent bonds.
week, is going to be open much sow­
of the First National Bank of pointed by the state tax commission. special programs for this occasion,
born in Cole county, Missouri, the
The street committee recomended er than it was anticipated. Superin­
Mr. Clark stated what everyone commencing Saturday evening and
fifth child of Samuel L. and Ludnia that paricing on First street, east of tendent E. V. Epperson st-ta« that it Portland since February, 1037, has re­
who pays knows that “taxes are too continuing until Sunday evening.
M. Robison, one of a family of seven, Hall, be continued as it has been, should be ready for traffic by the
high in Oregon,” and he mentioned
Friday evening, under the direction
five boys and two girls. His sister, parallel to the curb.
middle of next week. Good news for in a few days will go to North Bend the delinquent taxes as one reason
of Miss Anita Pageler, the Pioneer
Mrs. Martha Averill, of Corvallis, is
In order to get ready for this those living north of the gulch.
to C. P. Kibler in the bank’s branch for that condition.
the only survivor. The family came spring’s patching of hard surfaced
(Continued on Page Six)
Another very potent reason for
to Oregon in 1572 and after a year streets, the council authorized S. W.
Succeeding Mr. Fisher as teller higher taxes which the speaker did
and a half in Josephine county, came Epperson to have the cooker pot re­
here will be George Gratke, who ar­ not mention, is the rapidly increasing
to Coos county, settling on the Robi­ paired. It will mean an expenditure
rived here from Portland Tuesday number of bureaus, commissions and
son homestead on Fishtrap.
of approximately $50.
evening and entered upon his duties boards—all an excuse to put some one
On June 15, 1576, he was united in
An amendment to the city’s sign
Jay morning, and Howard on the payroll at public expense. This
marriage to Catherine Johnson, who ordinance was adopted which pro­
George Barrqnpohl, who had been
n, who has been, bookkeeper is becoming increasingly b
passed away at The Dalles in July, vides that electric signs under
a resident of Coquille for the
, -A YeQtJntaceating..
the Poftiand parent bank
conducted in the council chamber at
I years, passed away last M
1003. Four children were born to queer must be at least seven
SCCUrCd the local hyanrh.
Rgg been
tA«n, Edward F.~5nd Stiby M. Robi­
the dty hail at 2:00 p. m. last Mon­
above the sidewalk at their lower
To get back to Mr. Beyers and Mr.
son, both deceeased; Rock Robison, edge.
day, by Mrs. Ethel Burns, of New­
Bom in Germany in 1564, so far as found necessary to increase the num­
ber of receiving and paying tellers in Clark, the idea of a tax organization berg, Oregon president of the Daugh­
Jr., of Myrtle Point, and Mrs. Cath­
The street committee was asked to known he had no relatives in thia
the local institution in order to avoid and the attempt to make people “tax ters of Union Veterans of the Civil
erine Tripp, of Coquille.
investigate the walk leading from Hall
conscious”—conscious of their duty to
War (1561-65). She was ably aided
Besides his two chiildren and sis­ street up to the Watson House on contact possible relatives in Germany, delay in waiting on customers.
Orville Clinton, son of Mrs. Minnie pay their taxes—is one with which by Mrs. Mary M. Entrees, of Salem,
ter, he is survived by fourteen grand Front, complaint having been made the funeral was set for 2:00 p. m. on
we can all agree and if the tax rate
children, fifteen great grandchildren that it was dangerous in wet weather, Saturday at the Gano Funeral Home, Clinton of Sanford Heights, will suc­
past president of the organization,
in Coquille, Coos county and the
and Mrs. Fredrica Dutton, of Port­
and many nieces and nephews, who and if it does not comply with the Rev. G. A. Gray officiating. Inter­ ceed Mr. Hickam as bookkeeper. He
has already entered upon his duties.
reside in this county.
land, state inspector.
city’s specifications as to width and ment will be in the Odd Fellows cem­
be after all of us co-operate and pay
The Daughters of Union Veterans
He was a member of the Baptist construction to have it repaired.
what we owe.
denomination. For the past year he
of the Civil War is allied with the
The deceased came to the United
Announcement was made that Mrs.
All of Coos county’s indebtedness,
had made his home with his grand­ Mary Burns would apply for vaca­ States in 1821, and received his na­
Grand Army of the Republic and was
warrant and bonded, could be wiped
son, Frank Robison, of Lee-. All his tion of a portion of the streets in turalization papers in 1000.
organized on Memorial Day in 1555
out instanter if the delinquent taxes
life a farmer, in the Coquille valley Bums Acres so that a new dedicaton
and incorporated on December 12,
He lived alone in a cabin on his
were all paid.
and at The Dalles for a few years, of streets, more acceptable to prop­ one-acre tract just beyond the gaso­
1655. To become a member, one must
he was forced to forsake that occu­ erty owners on the tract, could be line tanks on the highway. He was
furnish a war record of one’s father,
bate team nosed out the local high
pation about 15 years ago.
grandfather, or great grandfather in
made. The legal vacation notice ap­ formerly employed at the Conlogue
school debaters, Leonard Farr and
Mr. Robison had a reputation for
the Civil War, establishing proof of
pears elsewhere in this issue.
Jack Martin, in the district debate
helpfulness and kindness to others,
honorable discharge by the U. S.
The garbage collector was instruct­ ployed for the past 15 years.
held here last Friday night by a very
which not many people have in this
government. Dues are $1.50 per year
ed to hdve covers for his cans and
close margin.
selfish world, and his death is
and the initiation fee is $1.50. A
truck to stop the scattering of trash others a great deal, he was practi­
There were 24 men at the break­
Prof. John R. Castile, from O. S. C.,
mourned by a very wide circle of ac­
badge and a copy of the constitution
along hte street which is sometimes cally unknown here except to those
who judged the debate, declared it fast in the hotel this morning, com­ are provided each member upon pay­
quaintances and friends.
whipped out by the breeze.
mitteemen who are making the soli­
was quite difficult to decide between
ment of the inflation fee.
Several of the property owners at bors and a few friends who did know
citation for funds today for support
the contesting speakers but thought
The “Daughters” are organized in
the Front and Hall streets intersec-
of Boy Scout activities, and they
the visitors had a slight edge.
every state in the Union with a mem­
tion—Ole Paulson, A. Isler, S. L.
were meeting with fine success as
A 7R pound baby boy, not yet
Coquille High is thus eliminated
bership of about 70,000. To quote
Fitzgerald and Mr. McMahon—asked
named,- was born to Mr. and Mrs. and the winner has the semi-final to they canvassed the town this morn­ from a leaflet in which the work of
the council when something was to be
Cedric Cross at the Belle Knife hos­ pass before being eligible to compete ing.
the organization is set forth: “Believ­
done toward filling the hole on Hall
While Coqui lie’s quota for support­
pital this morning. The mother, for­ in the state tournament.
“The Seven Last Words of Christ,"
ing that the best way to honor our
street, south of Front, which collects
merly Miss Evelyn Miller, and the
a sacred cantata by Th. DuBois, will
fathers and perpetuate their mem­
a lot of water whenever it rains. No
just $200, R. L. Stewart, chairman of
young man are both doing well.
be given Friday evening at 5:15
Callinc cards, 50 for 11.00.
ories, is by doing all in our power to
decision was reached by the council
the solicitation committee, says that
o’clock by the Pioneer vested choir,
make good Americans out of poor
as the WPA project in that section is
any funds raised above that amount
under the direction of Miss Anita
ones, to create a greater love for our
not yet completed.
can be very nicely used in providing
Pageler. This is to be rendered an­
country and our flag, we have gone
equipment, etc, for the four local
nually as a musical contribution to1
into the churches, public schools,
Holy Week by the Pioneer Church
clubs, all public meeting places where
He also adds that anyone over­
choir, as it is the one most fitting Who Went To Tacoma
opportunity offered, and have taught
looked in today’s drive can make do­
cantata relative to Good, Friday, just
the principles of true patriotism. We
nation to him at the Mt States Power
The Rotary Club chalked up an
as “The Messiah" is the outstanding
have furnished rooms at soldiers’
The program of the Pre-Easter Dement, “Into the Woods My Master Co. office.
one hundred per cent meeting on
Christmas cantata.
homes, presented flags, erected mon­
Meditation: “My
Worship, to be held in the Pioneer Went,” Lutkin.
This program was broadcast last Wednesday when they gathered for Methodist Church, under the direc­ God, Why Hast Thou Forsaken Me?
uments, but our greatest monument
Thermometer At 32 Yesterday
year on Easter Sunday and will be luncheon at the Coquille hptel.
we strive to build in the hearts of
tion of the Ministerial Association of I Thirst.”
Present as guests were City School
With over three weeks of beautiful the men who made it possible for us
given again this year over Station
Coquille, will be from 12:00 to 3:00,
Sixth Period-^-2:30-3:00—Rev. C.
KOOS Sunday afternoon at five Supt. B. W. Dunn and Miss Anita (in commemoration of the period that Adrian Sias. Solo, “On Calvary,” spring weather behind us, Coos coun­ to enjoy the unity and freedom of this
Pageler, Donna Dunn, Kennett Law­ Christ hung on the Cross), as has Ball, by Miss Ruth Towne.
The glorious country, and nothing is more
Duet, ty is beginning to need rain.
The guest soloists this year include rence, Jr., and Jack Carroll, who told been the practice for the past three “Alone,” Price, by Miss Patricia farmers have all had time now to precious to us than the flag our
Oran Rickard and Bruce Martin, both some of the highlights of their recent years. This year, as last year, the Nosier and Elwyn Nosier. Meditation: get in their spring planting and the fathers saved in the struggle of 1861-
of Marshfield. Other soloists partici­ trip to the Music Conference at Ta­ words of Christ on the Cross will be “It Is Finished.
Father Into Thy need for rain is more apparent every 65."
pating are Mrs. Roy Barton, Robert coma, Wash., and expressed appreci­ theme's upon which the programs Hands I Commend My Spirit.”
day as the ground becomes drier and
On Thursday afternoon, April 27,
Nelson, Wayne Smith and Frank G. ation to the club for making the trip presented by the various ministers
at 2:00 o’clock, the state president
Miss Rose Naef and Bobbie Burns harder.
Yesterday morning early risers saw will conduct a second meeting in the
Leslie. The pianist is Bobby Bums possible.
will be based. There will be Respon­ at the organ.
Other guests were Lane Cordell, of sive readings, hymns, ate., inter­
/and the organist is Miss Rose Naef.
It is anticipated that the program a heavy frost in the valley, the ther­ city hall. It is hoped to,have the Co­
Portland, and Rotarians Claude Nas- spersed throughout the service. The arranged for this year will be
mometer registering Just at the freez­ quille “tent” fully cjrjzanizcd before
burg and Ed Loney, of Marshfield.
the twenty-first annual convention is
main numbers on the program are graciously received as heretofore, It ing mark.
Six Months’ Stay Granted
held at Salem on June 12, 14, and 16
announced as follows:
J. Arthur Berg received this morn­
Henninger To Have Second
of this year, so that the Coquille
Period—12:00-12:30—Organ leave at any half hour period.
ing a notice from the immigration au­
group can take part in the activities
Prelude of Hymns, Mias Rose Naef.
Note: The Coquille Ministerial As­ Anniversary Sale This Week
thorities that Tommy Wing and Chan Wedding Anniversary
of the convention.
Second Period—12:30-1:00 — Rev. sociation wishes to express its ap­
Guey had been granted a six months’
If you are eligible for membership,
G. R. Turney. Solo by Mrs. Wood­ preciation to the large majority of
extension in the time previously
Henninger’s Market this week is please contact Mrs. Wayne R. Robin­
Mrs. R Rowell returned Tuesday yard.
“Father, Forgive the business men who wished to
given them to close up their affairs
of this week from Seattle where she Them, They Know Not What They close the stores Friday afternooon and offering an unsually large array of son, 310 North Elliott Street, Coquille
here and be ready for a return to
specially priced items in their store, (or telephone 0R). Be sure to attend
attended the 65th wedding anniver­ Do.”
would have done so bad it not been
their native China.
inviting their customers to join with the April 27 meeting in the dty hall,
sary of her parents. Her father is
Third Period—1:00-1:30—Rev. R. for one or two who would not co­
85 years of age and works every day. D. E. Smith. Special Music. Medi­ operate, and for their co-operation in them in celebrating the store’s sec­ if you are interested in becoming a
Fees received in the county clerk’s
Her son, “Chuck," a C. H. S. recent tation: “Today Thou Shalt Be With past years; also to extend to them a ond anniversary as a Coquille insti­ member of the Daughters of Union
office during March, totalled $722, graduate now attending Normal at Me in Paradise."
Veterans of the Civil War.
hearty invitation to so arrange their
the distribution being $24 for marri­ McMinnville, was one of a quartet
Fourth Period—1:30-2:00—Rev. G. work that each clerk and owner will page.
age licenses, $335.15 for recording, which recently sang before an audi­ A. Gray. Sermon: “Woman, Behold be able to be present for one half-
$254 for circuit court cases, $45.50 in ence of 2500 in a Portland Baptist Thy Son.”
hour period.
probate matters; and $60 35 miscel­ church and later was heard from one
Fifth Period—2:00-2:30—Rev. H.
R. D. E. Smith, President.
1 of the Portland broadcasting stations. L. Graybeal. Solo by Mrs. Karl A.
laneous receipts.
Bridge To Be
Open Next Week
Bob Fisher Gets
Nice Promotion
Hod No Kin In
The United States
"Daughters Of
Union Veterans
C. H. S. Lost To
Grants Pass
Scout Drive
Meeting Success
Cantata To Be
Given Friday
Program For Good Friday Services
FromJ2 Io 3 P. M. Pioneer Church