PAO« r«N [ News Items From Adjacent Communities ] With funds graciously supplied by the Business and Professional Wom­ en's Club, the library is continuing its new project, that of collecting books about Oregon and the north- (west, and by Oregon writers. Fol­ lowing is a list of the more recently Keeq, March 30th open! Hear added books with the authors: Dr. Barker, coming to Coquille that “Sparks from a Thousand Camp­ date under auspices of the Rotary fires,” Merlin M. Ames. Club. "Following the Frontier,” W. L. •gent Nida. “Redskin and Pioneer," J. Barry about and H. Barr. “Adventures of Oregon,” Con­ stance Skinner. - “Oregon in the Making,” Louis C, Write or phone Bargee. U. G. Fry for demonstration Fresh Caramel Com at the Alpine I “Quest of the Sea Otter” -hone MM Coquille. Ore. A national crusade against traffic Popcorn Stand every Saturday. • Sweetwater Trail/’ Sabra violations which cause congestion, “Four American Explorers,” Nellie loss of time, increased motoring ex­ Kingsley. pense and many accidents, is being “Westward to the Pacific," Marion launched this week by Shell dealers C. Clark. through Coast newspapers. Those in the above list are 'best A Share-the-Road Club is being or­ suited to jilvenile readers from the ganized among motorists whb will fifth to eighth grades. They are pledge themselves to help improve largely factual, pertaining to the early driving manners. Shell dealers are living, and social conditions existing supplying all members, free of between the Indians and the first charge, with a beautiful metal em­ blem to be attached above the rear white explorers. Some of them list license plate, showing three marine the various events chronologically, producing, as it wei*e, a history book signal flags in color against a golden background. In the maritime code, “served up light" so its contents can these flags mean “Am giving way” be read and assimilated without un­ —in other words, "I'am sharing the due fatigue, a condition often noticed while reading a standard history text. road.” Grade school teachers will wish to The purpose of the crusade is to use these books to supplement text reduce the number of traffic viola­ books, as ‘ they concern themselves PATHFINDER answers the questions you and your tions by “screwdrivers.” A screw­ mainly with Oregon and give more friends are asking with its concise, vivid portrayal driver, according to the Shell local details than the history book. of the current acene. Events of national and Inter­ manager, is the fellow who forgets national significance are fully and impartially covered. all about common courtesy when he Facts, new and old, that add clarity and meaning to gets behind the wheel. He’s the ir­ ..AFTER MEALS the news are honestly injected. The very latest and ritating chap who cuts you off at the ; TAKE DIA-BlSMA g most interesting news photographs freely illustrate the traffic light, double parks on busy (acts. More than a million readers. Subscribe now to streets, cuts in and out of line on PATHFINDER, the nfost widely read news magazine. country roads, and generally fielps to make motoring both miserable and This Newspaper & dangerous. The Home Economics club held an all-day meeting with Mrs. Dwight Culvei on Wednesday of last week, with a potluck dinner at noon. Those present were Mesdames Elmer Ma­ gill, Vem Magill, Herman Koch, Wm. Watson, Frank Culver, Miss Nell Watson, and the hostess. The ladies spent the afternoon working on dish towels for the club. Ruth, E. J. and Jerry Walker went to Roseburg Saturday evening and attended the closing session of the Christian Endeavor convention of Doliglas County Union. Alden Beckett, who was quite ill last week, is better now and able to be up. . f Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Culver and children, Mary Lou and Evert, were entertained at dinner Sunday at the Joseph Leclerc home. The Woman’s Civic Club held an all-day meeting Friday in the club rooms, and had a potluck dinner at noon. About a dozen ladies were present. They worked on articles for the “Fish Pond," which will be a feature of the coming social. There was an attendance of 32 at Bible School Sunday morning. Dur­ ing the following hour, Mrs. Roy S. Luttrell conducted an ^interesting study of Bible promises. "Next Sun­ day, a program, arranged by the missionary committee of the Christian Endeavor — Misses Ruth Walker, Maude Hooton and Wilda Beckett— will present a program, on “Mission­ ary Work in the Philippine Islands,” and an offering will be taken for the work there. The program will be given at eleven o’clock. Ernst Bendschneider, who suffered three broken ribs and a crushed shoulder when his team ran away two weeks ago, was brought home from the Mast Hospital Friday after­ noon, Karl Ehrig bringing him out from town. Miss Mary Lou Culver is appointed to lead the Christian Endeavor meet­ ing next Sunday evening. The topic is, “He Went Abou| Doing Good.” After the chorus practice Wednes­ day evening, a social time was en­ joyed as a farewell gesture to the CCC boys of the chorus, who were leaving this week for their homes in eastern states. Cookies and cocoa were served. Miss Mae Hitcher, of Klamath Falls, who is spending ten days or so with her mother, Mrs. Hattie Hatcher in Myrtle Point, spent Tues­ day visiting Bridge friends. The latest word from Mrs. Orlln Lett, who went to Mulino March 5 to help care for her father, A. L. Larkins, who is critically ill, is that his condition remains about the same. Dr. Barker March 30 Sentinel Fireplace Circulator PATWINDER PATHFINDER BOtll Presents the new 1939 CANE-STYLE PRINCESS Riverton School Senior Ball At a meeting last Friday, ft was decided to stage the annual Senior Ball on March 81. Elaborate preper- ations are being made to decorate the gymnasiunt in a marine motif, the center of which will be a lighthouse with moving spots of colored lights as a beacon. Negotiations are being made to hire one of the well known orchestras of the county. Annual Advertising GROUP VOGUE •H m Drswiag Table . . 822 (out Ma,trutud) hass Vanity................... 833 (iilmtratud m reess aïeërj «*• Voaity................... 844 (to# MM 58 Coquille Valley Sentinel Coquille COQUILLE Bl EGGER & GUNDERSON Sham in our FASHION-FLOW HAU. NEW FURNITURE <»«“