The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, February 16, 1939, Image 1

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The Coquille Valley Sentinel
NO. 5.
Chamber Outlines
Yearly Program
On $1200 Budget
Chas. W. Upton To
Be Buried Sunday
Church Auction To ¡Courf Of Honor K
Prices Will Feature Dollar Day
Be February 25
Event Here Hext Friday and Saturday
Feature Of Scout
The Frank Dungeys
Every Merchant
Week In Coquille
Become Grandparents
On the last page of this issue will
be found a partial list of the articles
which will be offered for sale at pub­
lic auction in the big event to be held
here on Saturday, Feb. 25.
The idea of reducing the debt on
reached the honorable ’ rank of the Pioneer church building by hold­
ing an auction is not original with
The estimated expenditures for the
Awards and honorable mention
Rev. H. L. Graybeal, he says, for he
coming year by the Coquille -Cham­
JUNIOR CHAMBER. DANCE Dungey, a daughter having been has' seen it most successfully done were .given to the boys active in scout
born to their daughter, Jean—Mrs.
ber of Commerce, as submitted by
work in Coquille and their leaders,
WILL CONCLUDE EVENTS Thos. Hawkins—at Bend, Ore,.last elsewhere.
The funeral services will be held
the budget committee at the noon ses­
Two auctioneers, Colones H. C. as well, at the court of honor held
Thursday. The Hawkins’ home is in
sion of the directors Tuesday', was ap­ , at Schroeder Bros. Mortuaries on
and LeRoy Hickman, will cry in the Pioneer Methodist church
LaPine. The young miss who weigh­
proved and adopted.
The budget Sunday at 2.00 p. m., with Rev. E.
Tuesday evening as a concluding
Coquille merchants are getting ed seven pounds and two ounces, the sale.
calls for an expenditure of *1200, Norman, of North Bend, conducting ready this week for the first Dollar
At the start of the sale—10 a. m. on | number of the scout week held in
Interment will be in
which is the amount subscribed in the service.
"electric I con^uncRon with
national pro-
Day event of the year. A canvass Mrs. Dungey has been out at La Pine Saturday next week—a i new
---- ------------- .
the recent membership drive. The the Masonic cemetery.
of business houses this week revgals and Bend for the past two weeks.
razor is to be presented to some one
various items in the budget are
Mr. Upton was bom in Marshall, the fact that nearly every firm Will
* Raymond_____________
Rowland and _____
Mich., Dec. 25, 1861. He was a woods­ have at least one or
shown below:
Mulkey were awarded tfieir star
man, who left the timber district of two dollar values
scout badges.
Second class scout
Coast Highway Ass’n, *300. '
his native state just after the turn listed tor the pro­
awards were given to Darrel Finley,
Secretary salary, *300.
of the century and came to Albany,
Kenneth Hooton and Richard Car­
Telephone, office expense,a*60.
gram next Friday
Ore. After a short residence there, and Saturday, Feb.
michael. Merit badges were award-
Collections, *60.
he came to Coquille in 1903 and lived 24 and 25.
1 ed to the following boys: Raymond
Christmas decorations, *100.
The second annual convention 'of
here 27 years before moving to his
Rowland in Handicraft, Physical De­
Lawn prizes, *10.
The days will be
the Associated Employers of Oregon,
Lampa ranch.
velopment and Botany; Bud Newton
Donations, *50.
will be held at the Marion Hotel in highways can breathe a sigh of relief
in First Aid, Personal Health and
Entertainment, *20.
He is survived by his widow, Mrs. much interest as
as many Salem bn Monday, February 20.
Public Health; Tom Martin in First
Advertising, printing, *150.
Brilla M. Upton. One child bom to values. The Coquille Junior Cham­
The Associated Employers of Ore­ tude to the members of the Houle at
Aid; Loyal Thomas in Public Health;
River improvement, *100.
them died in infancy, £n adopted ber of Commerce is offering *5.60
gon was organized February, 1938, Salem who voted, 43 to 15,'in the
Robert Kline in Forestry and Path­
Emergency, *50.
son, Mylo Kettler, the son of a sister in cash' awards for the two best slo­
holding its first convention at Salem, legislature Tuesday against permit­
The directors asked the chamber’s of Mrs. Upton, who lived with them gans fumed in on “Why you like to at which time delegates from thirty ting an increase in the length of mo-. finding; Charles Mulkey in Safety,
torized trains on the highway and | ^““ic_ Health, Botany, Reading and
publicity con^mittee to make sug­ here, now has a responsible position trade in Coquille.” All entries in cities in up-state Oregon attended.
gestions for the issuance of a Coquille with a telephone company in Mich­ this contest must be in the office of
increase of three tons in their|Handicraft
The convention program will open
I Chester C. Farr presided over the
booklet this year and give an estimate igan.
The Sentinel or filed with the cham- promptly at 10:30 a. m., and the in­ gross weight.
Roy Carter, joint representative I
with Robert NeUon acto* “
of the cost-
The need for a new
Surviving brothers and sisters are i ber not later than Friday, Feb. 24.
vocation blessing will be given by
I /«lsav'lr Tvs thza nroteea zx/ 4B
booklet was felt last year as the Lewis Guernsey, a half brother, of ! The winners- will be announced at
from Curry and Coos counties, is re­ clerk. In the course of the evening,
Rev. Robert Hutchinson.
honors were also conferred on the
previous issue is out of date, and the Eaton Rapids, Mich.; Arthur Upton, . the Junior Chamber dance Saturday
Dan Hay, executive manager, will ported to have led the fight against,
turning the highways over to the | a^‘„5^
request of the travel bureau of the of Shepherd, Mich.; Mrs. Carrie i evening in the Community Building.
give the key note address. The mem­
scouts attending were Robert Nelson,
state highway commission for pub­ Chrisboer, Grand Lodge, Mich.; Mrs.
There will be other attractions ar- bership records of the Associated trucking companies.
licity matter to be given out at the Rilla Springer and Mrs. Nora Gard­ ' ranged for the two-day period so
and Don i'arr-
Employers of Oregon, consist of over
San Francisco fair brought the ur­ ner, both of Middleton, Mich., and that it will not be a cold merchandising
get on the right side of the gas
Past scoutmasters of the Coquille
1500 small business firms in twenty-
__ diversion question and oppose ‘^P8
listed as follows: Ned C.
gent need for an up-to-date piece of another sister, Cort, also living in program alone. But the big event
four cities of up-state Oregon.
that measure we would say that he I Celley,
L- Stevens, C. C. Farr, J.
Coquille valley literature to the di­ Michigan.
will be next week and that is the time
Delegates will attend from: Albany, had made a fine record in Salem this I E- 2,^ ’ Wade Arstill, Joe Sayre,
rectors’ attention again. J. E. Nor­
Chas. Upton was one of the hardest to find your bargains in Coquille.
and Harold Gould.
The present
ton's name was added to the four on working men who ever came to Coos Watch for next week’s Sentinel and Baker, Bend, Canby, Coquille, Cor­
* scoutmasters are Roy Marley and
the publicity committee, to assist in county. His services were always in shopping guide—they will carry all vallis, Eugene, Grants Pass, Hills­
boro, Hood River, Independence, La
Rev. Howard L. Graybeal.
preparation of the booklet, at the demand by loggers who knew that of the last minute dope.
Lebanon, Marshfield, Mc­
request of the chairman.
Troop committeemen who have
they could count on him to give them
Minnville, Newberg, North Bend,
served with the troops are Dwight
a dollar's worth of labor for every
Oregon City, Pendleton, Roseburg,
Hacket, Ed Vinton, Jim Stevens, E.
dollar they paid him and his work
Salem, Silverton, The Dalles and
Downing, R. L. Stewart, D. E. Rack-
was moot efficient, too.
leff, Don Strong, C. C. Farr, J. L.
Mr. Upton was a good man, a real
The annual banquet will close the
Smith, and R. T. Slater.
man, and his memory will always be
convention op Monday evening at
revered by this writer, as it will be
J. E. Norton addressed the mem­
The recently organized dog con- 6:30 p. m. at the Marion Hotel. The
“The development of socialized by all who knew him and appreciated
trol board met at the court house on toastmaster will be Senator Douglas bers of the Junior chamber of com­ Mrs. Leudke Died At
medicine would not be the solution the splendid character he was.
Tuesday and appointed Assessor J. McKay, of Marion county. Governor merce at their regular meeting in the Crescent City Jan. 26
for medical assistance for the poor
P. Beyers as collector of the dog Charles Sprague, speaker of the city hall Monday evening. Mr. Nor­
in this country,” Dr. J. D. Rankin told
license fees. Payments may be made House, Ernest Fatlani of Condon, ton pointed out the purposes of a
V. R. Wilson gives the Sentinel in­
members of the Young Democratic
at his office or to his deputies when and pres-dcnt of the Senate, Robert chamber of commerce in a commun­ formation which he recently received
dub in their regular monthly meeting
they are assessing property valuations Duncan, have accepted invitations to ity and told briefly of the many ac- I in a lettter, telling of the death of
held here in the Coquille city hall
this spring.
attend. There will also be represen­ complishments of the senior group Mrs. Gertrude Leudke, at Crescent
last Friday evening.
Dr. Rankin
The board decided to start action tatives from the Oregon State Hotel and urged co-operation between the City, on Jan. 26. Mrs. Leudke was
went on to reveal figures disclosing
A meeting of the Coquille Pro­
a Coquille girl in her early 4ife. She
greeter mortality rates and lower ef­ America will be held in the city hall against those who fail to pay the li­ Association; the Oregon State Laun­ two organizations.
Mr. Norton suggested that the jun- was the daughter of “Dud” Johnson,
ficiency in those countries of Europe next Monday, Feb. 20, at 2:00 p. m. cense fee, and, to start proceedings, dry Association; Columbia Empire
wherein socialized medicine is now County School Superintendent Mar­ will place the names of all delin­ Industries; The National Industrial iors adopt some different projects who conducted a meat market here
quents in a hat.
Ten or a dozen Council and the Merchants and Man­ and carry them out—one he suggested for several years more than a quar-
tha E. Mulkey will be the afternoon
out and prose­ ufacturers Association of the United was that of cleaning the Coquille ter of a century ago, and she was
Ilo Heaton performed for the club speaker.
She will talk on school
river at the city’s edge so that it | the sister of Mrs. Jack Juza, who for-
members with some fancy card tricks taxes and will elaborate on the Coos cution started against them with a States.
Ernest P. Marsh, United States could be adapted more to its natural merly resided here. She had been
which were highly appreciated. Reg­ county tax situation outline, which *20 fine, upon conviction, being rec­
a widow for the past 25 years.
ular club business was cared for, the was presented by Mrs. Albert Pow­ ommended to the J. P.’s by the dis­ federal conciliator from the Depart­ advantages of fishing.
ment of Labor will appear on the
The group disposed of regular
meeting was presided over by Presi­ ers at the last meeting, All mem- trict attorney.
business and made brief plans for the I CASINO BAR ROOM
program as a speaker.
dent Clarence Barton. The group bers and anyone interested are In-
During the convention, the matter dance to be held in the hall under QpgNS NEXT WEEK
plans to hold a dance at Marshfield vited and urged to attend.
of. United States Senator Burke’s the new community recreational
soon and a committee was named to
proposals to amend the Wagner bill program Feb. 25. Howard Hickam
The new
room of
work on this.
)airy Equipment To
will be taken up for discussion rela­ and Robert Fisher are in charge of | located in the former Norcott build­
arrangements for this event.
tive to national affairs.
Be Throughly Stocked
ing, will be open to the public next
Marlin Brandon, chairman of the week, Charles Elkins, owner, an­
An important legislative conference
Following is the list of names of
A complete dairymen’s supply those drawn to serve as jurors at the will be held relative to the tax prob­ tennis court committee, told the nounces.
house will be opened in Mike’s Im­ February term of court which con­ lems which now confront the 40th members that the money was avail­
A new back bar and bar will be
plement building soon under the di­ venes February 27:
legislative assembly. A representa­ able for the club’s share of the tennis installed this week and the building
The first Social Security check rection .of Gordon Keeley and Mike
tive of the national Small Business court project which had been ap­ has been completely remodeled and
John S. Sanders, Blanche R. Smith,
ever received in Coquille, as far as Daniels. At the present time, the
Men’s Association of Akron, Ohio, proved.
renovated for this type of business.
Harriet Greenough, M. M. Newdall,
the Sentinel has been able to ascer­ firm is handling Surge electrical
will also be present.
It will be one of the best in the coun-
Emma M. Pierce, Zettie Hawkins,
tain, was that received by J. A. Lamb milkers and has done a great volume
Geo. W. Swinney, Mabel N. Tucker,
•-/ -
this week, accompanied by the no­ of business since opening up the first
Calling cards, 50 for *1.00.
Blanch Southard, Luella Davis, Fran­
tice that it was the only payment of January.
Will Treble Coos’
ces Estes, all of Coquille; Ellis Miller,
from that source he would receive.
A more complete supply will be Bemeice Henry, F. D. Hutchison, TAX STATEMENTS MAILED
Timber Sale Receipts
As an employee of J. A. Lamb Com­ stocked in all dairymen’s supplies in
Wade Carter, of North Bend; W. E.
Over 9,000 tax statements were
pany, Inc., payments had been made the near future and a section of the
The second meeting of the School
Hoagland, Englewood; Walter G. mailed today from the office of the
The Secretary of Agriculture has
for 22 months at the time he reached building which Mr. Daniels recently
of Religious Education was held at
Krueger, Lena McNair, Lyman Rack- Coos county tax department by C.
the age last October, at which pay­ purchased from the Sherwood estate
the Pioneer Church here Monday submitted a favorable report to the
leff, P. C. Roper, Myrtle Point; How­ G. Caughell, head of the department
Public Lands committee on Con­
ments to the fund stop. The check will be used exclusively for this de­
evening with a large attendance.
ard, H. Berry, Clyde M. Forth, Edw.
This list includes personal and real
was for 70 per cent more than the partment.
The instructors at the session were gressman Mott’s bill (H. R. 2317)
G. Horton, J. Albert Matson, Frances property tax statements and is for
amount he and the company had
C. C. Farr, Adrian C. Sias, Rev. Geo. providing for sustained yield man­
Huntington, Richard L. Hall, Henry taxes that will ■become due on March
paid in at the one per cent a month TOM PREECE MARRIED
R. Tumey and Rev. Howard L. Gray­ agement of the Federally-owned
J. Spargo, Harry Nasburg, Marsh­ 15. After that time, all taxes not
payment for each.
beal. There will be five more ses­ Coos Bay Wagon Road grant lands
Tom Preece, instructor and coach field; Vem L. Zeller, Eastside; Ben paid will bear interest and must be sions of such nature held before the and for an increase in the revenue
On all amounts under *400 the so­
F. Munson, Lakeside.
paid on a quarterly basis.
cial security administration pays a in Coquille Junior High, went up to
school is concluded. Everyone is in­ derived from them.
Heretofore the counties in which
lump sum when the age is reached,
vited to attend as a very helpful pro­
lands are located have been
instead of paying out a
gram is underway by those in charge.
receiving 25 per cent of the annual
The local American Legion will
month for the rest of the payee’s Louise Starr, whose home is in Port­
land and who teaches there, will not
proceeds from the sale of timber. The
sponsor a sea scout troop in Coquille.
The business meeting Tuesday eve­
Mott bill proposes that the annual
The amount paid by the govem- join him until school is out this sum­ ning was well attended and the eats In order for a boy to enlist in this
revenue to the counties be increased
ment is at the rate of 3% per cent mer.
were exceptionally good.
to 75 per cent, thus putting the Cooa
class scout in the regular scout work.
per annum on the annual salary or
The new members elected to the
Bay lands in the same status as the
R. L. Stewart, Dr. J. D. Rankin
wages of the payee.
advisory board were Mesdames Wim­
Mrs. E. E. Watkins was brought to Oregon and California lands. The
and R. A. Jeub are the committee-
er, Strang and Leach and Mr. Roth
men appointed for this proposed the Coquille Hospital yesterday to new Oregon and California grant
Coquille Not To Be
Feb. 11—Margaret M. Eby vs. Iva and Mr. Hathaway.
troop. Further plans tor this new have the bone in her upper right arm land bill, which was also sponsored
In Progress Issue
J. Barklow et al.
The officers of the Myrtle Point, organization will be disclosed later. set. It was broken as the result of by Mr. Mott and which established
.. . i4ai
the precedent for H. R. 2317, became
Feb. 14------ -Anna Ekblad vs. Agnes Marshfield and North Bend clubs
a fall in her home.
The last minute effort bjT J. A.
were present to talk over county
The first of the week Clate Ba rah law during the last session ot con­
The ladies of the Episcopal church
Hannon, local representative of the E. Cox et-el.
Feb. 14—State of Oregon vs. Paul club affairs.
will serve their annual waffle supper came in from Fairview to have the gress.
Oregonian, and the Coquille Junior
Hearings on the Coos Bay bill will
Next Tuesday will be another so­ in the parish house next Tuesday, fracture of a. bone in his left wrist
Chamber of Commerce to get Co­
within the next few days before
quille valley representation in next
dancing. There will also be a pot­ 5:30, and the charge will be 35 cents
It was found unnecessary for either the house committee on Public Landa,
week's progress issue of the Ore­ Murphy et al.
of which Congressman Mott is •
Feb. 14—State of Oregon va. Cal­ luck dinner, served during the dance a plate.
ot them to remain in the hospital.
gonian failed because the time was
member, and in view of the depart­
for 25c per plate.
too short. The Junior Chamber ap- vin Simpson and Wm. D. Reed.
The Coquille Red Cross chapter is mental recommendation it is believed
The W. C. T. U. will hold a cooked
■ Don’t forget to bring in your new
- proved Mr. Hannon's idea of solicit­
Naturalization Day in Circuit court members; be a Townsend backer, food and rummage sale Staurday in in urgent need of blankets and shoes. the committee will report the bill
ing all merchants in Coquille, Myr­
the room in the hotel block, former­ Anyone who can help supply this favorably to the house.
tle Point and Bandon to give 50 cents next Tuesday will find 47 applicants The Key to Success.—Pub. Chair.
ly occupied by Greene &. Jensen. lack, please notify Mrs. Marc Shelley.
or a dollar apiece so that Coquille
Warranty and bargain and Sale There will be rugs, comforters,
valley could be rerpesented, but time the hearing and ceremony.
Calling carda. 50 for *1.00.
year’s list contained 60 names.
this office.
clothes, etc, for sale.
was the deterring factor.
Charles W. Upton, 77, a resident
of the Coquille valley for the past 35
years, passed away at his home near
Lampa creek at 10 o’clock Tuesday
evening, after a year’s serious ill­
ness. He had been in poor health
since 1930, but until two or three
years ago was able to milk his cows
and do the necessary chores about the
i f
ib~—-------------------------------- --
Behind Program
Prize Offered
Associat'd Employers
To Meet Feb. 20
Larger Truck Bill
Defeated At Salem
Norton Outlines
Dr. J. D. Rankin On
Socialized Medicine
Will Prosecute For
Work To Junior
Unlicensed Dogs
Pro-America Meets
Next Monday
Jury List For
February Term
First Social Security
Check In Coquille
Second Meeting
Townsend Club
Broken Bones Set
At Hospital
Mew Circuit Cases