The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, February 09, 1939, Page 10, Image 10

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I Miss Geraldine McCulloch, who
rspent several days in the Mast Hos­
pital receiving medical treainent,
The Junior Contract club met was able to return to her home the
The following Coos county women
Thursday afternoon at the home of I last of the week.
Mrs. Elton Schroeder.
First prize I Mitchell Myers was confined to are attending the Home Interests
was wen by Mrs. Harold Carver and , his home several days' this week Conference on the Oregon State Col»
lege campus at Corvallis from Feb­
second by Mrs. Raleigh Greene. Re­ with an attack of the flu.
ruary 7 to 10: Mesdames Jessie In­
freshments were served to the fol­
Mrs. A. R. Sanbum returned to gram, Emma Palmiter, Hazel Will-
lowing: Mesdames H. E. Whitaker,
her home in Yakima, Washington, helmy, Jessie Stevenson, S. J. Wiley,
H. H. Thomas, Eugene Laird, Harold
after a several weeks' visit at the jjilda Reiher, Bymiece Hansen, Ida
Carver, Elmer Knight, Waldemar
home of her mother, Mrs. Katie Ar­ Anderson, Algie Hansen, Edna Hoff­
Gurney, H. H. Fitzsimmons apd Ra­
nold, and sister, Mrs. Cliff ofd Wil­ man,
Mayre Laird, Ada Bender,
leigh Greene, of this city, Mrs. El­
son. She also visited her sister, Mrs. Woolridge, Clara Lennon, Gertrude
bert Schroeder, of,Coquille; Mrs. Paul
Albert Carver, in Brewster valley. DeBoer, Leia McCue, W. A. Travis,
V. McElwain, aj. North Bend, and
Mrs. L. D. Belieu was honored Menegat, Edna Middleton, Ann Mont­
guestl, Mrs. Kenneth Staninger, of
with a handkerchief shower at her gomery,
Wilma Sneddon,
Missoula, Mont., and Mrs. Arthur
home Thursday of last week.
Re­ Thompson, Geo. Larsson, G. King,
Hoffman, of Myrtle Point.
freshments were served the follow­
Mrs. Fred Lafferty had the mis­ ing guests: Mrs. Ben James and three Harry Hunt, Bernice Beard, Thomas
fortune to break her left arm Thurs­ daughters, Mr. and Mrs. John Belieu, and Miss Julia Bennett.
day evening while skating at Sit- Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Carlisle, Mr.
kum. ■ The fracture was reduced at and Mrs. Horace Warner, Mrs. Stan­ Injured Man Sues For
the Mast hospital.
ley Cupinski, Mr. and Mrs. Dee Case, Damages At Broadbent
Mrs M. B. Bennett returned to her
Miss Ann Furman, Mrs. Paul Stibitz
home after a two weeks’ visit at the
Harry L. Griffin filed suit in the
and Beverly Ann, Mr. and Mrs. Fred
home' of her son, Charles Bennett, of
Snyder and two children, Harold and Circuit court here this week for
Ellen and Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Snyder. $3500 general damages and $100
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Warner and
Mrs. W. W. Deyoe, who has been special damages and $186.00 for re­
Mrs. L. H. Guerin spent Thursday confined to her home the past few pairing his automobile following a
in.Bandon on business.
collision on the county road south of
weeks, is improving slowly.
At a recent meeting of the Town­
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Gilkison, of Broadbent last July.
send club the following officers were Port Orford, spent the week-end In
He alleged that C. W. Schukar was
elected to serve the coming year: Myrtle Point.
( driving a large logging truck and in
H. M. MacLean, president; Mrs.
Mrs. E. F. Hoffman entertained the so doing negligently crashed into his
Jennie Neideigh, vice president; A. Thimble club at her home Thursday car coming from the opposite direc­
H. Bender} secretary, and W. W. afternoon. The time was spent in tion. The'plaintiff sets up permanent
Baynes, treasurer.
sewing and social chat, after which physical injuries as the basis for his
Miss Loraine Braden, of Salem, refreshments were served.
spent the week-end with friends and
Bud Haggerty returned to his home .
relatives in Myrtle Point.
at Tulelake, Calif., after spending
When you think of Typewriters and
Mrs. Mary Mix returned home several days here visiting friends.
Adding Machines, think of us. We
from a several weeks’ stay in Los
The Bridge high school bus started have all the supplies. H. S. Norton
Angeles at the home of her sister.* on its route again Monday, after be­ Music & Stationery.
Lewis Williams returned to his ing off for a week on account of
home at Tulelake, California, after scarlet fever in the Bridge district.
Mr. and Mrs. Alden Warner have
a short visit at the home of his moth­
rented the jiome of Mrs. Then« War­
er, Mrs. Sarah Williams.
Barr returned home ner and plan to move there in the
Rev. }
Thursday’from Ashland, where he near future.
Mrs. Charles Hoffman was able to
spent several days atttending a dis­
trict board meeting of the Brethren leave the Mast hospital Sunday and
return to her home.
Home Interests
News Items From Adjacent Communities
Miss s Mabel Hill Ind Hazell Jar­
vis went to Drew Saturday and are
spending the week there with the
former's mothér, Mrs. Amelia Hill.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Fiser moved
Saturday to apartments at the home
of Mrs. Fleer’s grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. O. W. Heath, where they
will live until they get their house
built, work on which has been de­
layed by Clarence’s accident to his
foot a couple of weeks ago. The in­
jury is healing nicely but he is still
on crutches. They had been living
since the latter part of November in
the Clyde Harrison home, taking care
of things there, while Mr. and Mrs.
Harrison were gone on a trip to West
School opened Monday, after being
closed since Jan. 26, because of scar­
let fever. Mrs. A. M. Ison is sub­
stituting for the principal, Clarence
E. Ellison, who is still in quarantine.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Lett, of Myr­
tle Point, visited from Thursday un­
til Sunday at the home of their son,
Orlin, and family.
Mrs. Lucy Culver, who was quite
ill last week with a severe cold, is
improving now. ,
Miss Maude Hooton is arranging
an interesting Christian Endeavor
meeting for next Sunday evening,
the subject being, “The Negro’s Con­
tribution to American Life.” Negro
spirituals and poetry will be featured
in the program.
On Wednesday night of last week
some one broke into the school house,
gaining entrance through a basement
window. Locks were pried from
desks and cupboards and other dam­
age done and cash, amounting to
about $3.00, was stolen.
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Ellis and daugh­
ter, Nadine, left Saturday for Tur­
ner. Mr. and Mrs. John F. Dunck-
ley and son, Johnnie, of Coquille,
taking them to their new home there.
The best wishes of a host of friends
go with .them. The Hillbum Gumm
family is moving to the place vacated
by the Ellises.
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Walker and sons,
E. J. Jr, and Jerry, were Sunday
guests at the Roy McAllister home at
Marshfield. Miss Ruth Walker has
been there for about ten days, visit­
ing her sister, Mrs. McAllister, and
several friends.
The Christian Endeavor plans to
The regular weekly Bible study
was held Wednesday evening at the
church with J.D. Root leading the dis­
cussion on the eleventh chapter of
Hebrews. Those attending were: Mr.
and Mrs. J. D. Root, Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Munford and Leatha, Lynn
Schrader, Mrs. O. H. Aasen, Mr. and
Mrs. J. S. Root, Mr. and Mrs. S. C.
McAllister, George Gillespie.
Home Demonstration meeting was
held Friday afternoon at the home of
Mrs. Ward Evans with Mrs. Lawrence
Rackleff as demonstrator, assisted by
Miss Maxine Rackleff and Jean Mc­
Allister. This meeting was on “Care
of the Skin or Use of Cosmetics.’’
Those attending were: Mesdames
Tyrrell Woodward, Wayne Wood­
warp, George Qil|espie, O. H. Aasen,
Reginald Menegat, Roy Mast, Ward
Evans, S. C. McAllister, Mrs. Lloyd
Mast, of Lee, and the. Misses Esther
Davidson,-* Maxine Rackleff, Laura
Bernice Lillie, Jean McAllister, Vir­
ginia King, and Mrs. Lawrence Rack­
Mrs. Reginald Menegat left Sun­
day for Corvallis, where she went to
attend the Home Interest Conference
being held there this’ week.
Miss Jean Watkins arrived home
Friday from Portland, where she has
been employed and spent a few days
visiting in Arago before returning to
her .work Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Edgmon and
Kenneth, Mr. and Mrs. Art Doyle
and Norman, Mrs. Daisy Doyle and
Everett and Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Doyle
and Jane of Powers were Sunday
dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Art
J. L. Burtis drove to Portland last
week to visit with his father, J. F.
Burtis. He will return either Tues­
day or Wednesday,
Mr. and Mrs. John Carl and Her­
bert, Mr. and Mrs. Melden Carl, all
drov^'to Bandon Sunday and visited
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. E.
present a playlet, “What the Church
Owes to Christian Endeavor” on Sun­
day evening, Feb. 19, and on the fol­
lowing Sunday evening, a musical
prograiyi will be given. Maude
Hooton, Beth Culver and Virginia
Lake have been appointed to work
with the executive committee of the
community chorus in planning the
Schroeder of that city.
Anne Watkins, who has been out
of school for several days on acount
of a sore throat, is reported much bet­
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Root and De­
lores, of California, are visiting at
the home of Joel Root this week.
George Hampton returned Sunday
evening from the dairymen’s meet­
ing in Eugene, which he had been at­
Mrs. George Hampton left Tuesday
for Corvallis, where she will attend I
the Home Interest Conference being
held there this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mast, Ardyce and
Jerehe, were overnight guests Satur­
day at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Chester Wilson, of Myrtle Point. Mr.
and Mrs. Ward Evans, Pamela and
Maureen and Mr. and Mrs. John Fel-
sher and Stanley joined them Sunday
and they all were dinner guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson.
Mrs. Arthur Center, of North Bend,
and Thane Goodman, of Marshfield,
Mrs. L. A. Myers and Mrs. Zelda
Simmons, Mis. Art Farrier and Mr.
and Mrs. Earl Edgmon were Monday
dir.ner guests of Mrs. Daisy Doyle.
W. C. T. U. will be held Tuesday
afternoon at the church with Miss
Helen Whitaker, of Myrtle Point, as
speaker for the afternoon. She will
tell about some of her work in China.
Jimmie Scott was ill Monday and
unable to attend school.
Albert Lillie was home all last
v. ->ek as they were unaable to work
at camp on account of the snow.
J. S. Root, of California, conducted
the regular Sunday morning church
Sunday school followed
with an attendance of 46. Rev. Orin
Hardenbrook, of Coquille, was in
charge of the Christian Endeavor
hour and also the evening preaching
service. There will be services again
next Sunday both morning and eve­
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Clair and daugh­
ter, Darlene, spent the week-end vis­
iting at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
C. H. Stump.
The new pump and other material
for Installing the water in the church
building arrived last week and we
hope to have the work done soon.
Mrs. J. W. Barnett, Mrs. C. A.
Keltner, Mrs. Ralph Cameron, Mrs.
J. D. Root, Mrs. Albert Lillie and
Mrs. Tyrrell Woodward met at the
home of Mrs. J. D. Root for an ex­
ecutive meeting of the W. C. T. U.
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