>• < • .J • « PAGE EIGHT . » THE COQUILLE VALLEY SENTINEL, COQUILLE, OREGON. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY », 1939. School Headed By Ministerial Group Boy Seoul Week To Be Observed Coquille Gospel Tabernacle Farm Debt Flan (Assembly ef God) Second and Heath Sts. Aid To Creditors R. D. E. Smith, Minister Creditors of farmers as well as 1 The Bible Study on Friday night of farm debtors are eligible for Farm (Continued from Page One) 1 this week will deal with the “Gifts of “The Church Through the - 1 .. ...... . ' -■ »•—........ .. ■"■■■" ■ Security Administration debt adjust­ the Spirit” as expounded in the 12, ment services, according to Dale R. Centuries’' place will be announced later. ' 13 and 14 chapters of First Corin­ Winn, county FSA supervisor, 201 Instructor, C. Adrian Sias, minister Mayor Milne’s proclamation fol­ Laird Building, Coquille. Equitable thians by Paul. The subject is being of th* Church of Christ. studied by popular request. Questions lows: settlement of outstanding debts can Synopsis : Deals with the growth i | --------- specifically answered will be, “Is Low often be effected through confidental and history of the Christian church The Boy Scouts of America, incor­ and friendly negotiations between the Paul’s substitute for the gifts of the from the time of the early church porated February 8, 1910, and char­ spirit?” “Are these gifts developed 'creditors and debtor involved. down to today. Such questions as: tered by Congress June 15, 1916, have by education or revelation?” “What Many creditors have been spared is the proper definition of these What were the early churches like ? during the past twenty-nine years How does your church compare with rendered notable service to the na­ the cost of expensive foreclosure pro­ gifts?” The study will be valuable the church of then? What was the tion. They have done effective work ceedings, the difficulty of finding inasmuch as it accurately sets forth suitable tenants for their lands, and influence of Psul on the early church ? in this community and throughout the often hopeless task of securing the views which Pentecostal people What were the chief factors leading hold in regard to these things. the country. payment on old obligations. Impartial to the Reformation and who were the Morning Worship, eleven o’clock Nearly one and one-half million review and negotiations sponsored by main leaders? Text: G ¡clow’s church Sunday morning. Sunday School at the debt adjustment service have made persons are now enrolled and during History. nioe forty-five. the years practically 8,000,000 in­ this possible. “Youth Action in Preparing'For dividuals through the various Meanwhile the farm operator in­ The Sunday evening revival ser­ Marriage and Home Life” Instructor, C. C. Farr, past in­ branches of Scouting, have enjoyed volved, with a working relationship vice will feature a sermon entitled structor in college and high school. adventure, hiking, -camping, swim­ already established with the creditor “Twentieth Century Hoax”. The ser­ Synopsis: A course for young peo­ ming, woodcraft, handicraft, fellow­ can continue his operations on a mon will trace the gradual loss of ple and young married couples. Age ship, health and safety; have learned sound basis and again assume a just spiritual realities since the establish­ limit 16 years and over. This course how to be helpful to others and have debt burden. Consolidation, refinanc­ ment of the Christian religion by analyzes home conditions in America been trained to be participating citi­ ing, extension* and adjustments re­ Jesus and point out those practices, sult in restoring the farmer’s capacity forms and ceremonies which haw re­ tedajr and applies Christian correct- zens. to pay and enable him to continue placed the former reality. It is an i.n Problems of Personality anJ During the week of February 8th to social relationships are dealt with. 14th the Boy Scouts of America will established farming operations. interesting examination of Christian Reaching a basis on which the custom—customs which have come to Home economics and chnd training celebrate their twenty-ninth anni­ creditors can again realise a reason­ bear all the weight of the Jewish are included. No text. versary. able return from his investment and traditions which Jesus so roundly con­ “Jesus And His Teachings” Therefore, I, Ralph F. Milne, the debtor can meet his obligations demned in His day. Instructor, G. R. Turn-y, pastor of Mayor of the City of Coquille, do not only aids the two parties in­ St. James Episcopal Church. Beginning Monday, February 6, the Aim: To lead to an increased hereby recommend that the citizens volved but eventually contributes to Goepel Tabernacle will be co-operat­ of this city observe the Boy Scout the welfare of the entire community. ing with the Ministerial Association acquaintance with the main emphases made by Jesus in His teachings, to a Week for the purpose of strengthen­ Similarly the county government in the School of Religious Education. further understanding of the impli­ ing the work of the Boy Scouts of benefits in that payment of back During the six weeks of the school taxes is considered in nearly every ad­ the Tabernacle Bible Study will be cations of His teachings for our pres­ America. ent day personal and social living, I earnestly recommend that our justment. united with the union effort, the Tues­ and to more active participation in civic organizations, our churches, and Cojjnty voluntary debt adjustment . day night services will be discon­ carrying His teachings into effect. our schools co-operate in carrying committee« cooperate with the FDA tinued and the mid-week prayer meet­ “The New Testassent: Its Values out a program for the definite recog­ supervisors in laying out plans for ing will be held on Friday night. and Content” nition and effective work of the Boy adjustment in many cases. Requests Instructor, Rev. Howard Graybeal, Scouts of America, in order that the for debt adjustment aid should be pastor of the Pioneer Methodist work of the Boy Scout Program may made directly to the county super­ Sheriff Howell Takes Church. Two To State Prison be extended to an increasing propor­ visor.“ Synopsis: The nature of the re­ tion of the boyhood of our city and ligious movement centering about ’ Sheriff Wm. F. Howell took two adjacent communities. Jesus Christ in Palestine in the first men to the state penitentiary at Sa­ In witness whereof I have hereunto century, ths general content of the lam Wednesday, after they had been New Testament, and the values of set my hand and caused the seal of convicted in the circuit court here. the .New Teaament for the develop­ this city to be affixed. They were E. P. Suratt, who pleaded Done this 1st day of February in ing of humanity are studied in this The schedule for home economics guilty to a burglarly charge and was the year of our Lord One Thousand coarse. , extension meetings for February is sentenced to four years, and Roy Text: “The Worker and his Bible." Nine Hundred and Thirty-Nine. given as follows. “Care of the Hand« Randall, who was convicted on an­ Ralph F. Milne, Mayor Eiselen. and Nails” will be discussed at the Open To All ' * -- February extension meetings in the other grand larceny charge of burg­ lary and sentenced to three years Time — Six consecutive Monday The, Scout Birthday Wednesday, communities named: imprisonment. nights, beginning Feb. 6 at 7:30 p. m. February 8th. This will be Scouting’s February 3 — “What if Sister Place—'Pioneer Methodist Church. 29th birthday, A special Boy Scout Dean—R. D. E. Smith. broadcast will be made over KSL be­ Flunks.” Study Club« at 2:30. Febru­ Information—Phone 261 or see any tween 7:15 and 7:30 p. m. Pacific ary 6—State home economics exten­ a. m. February 17—Bandon, at the sion council meeting. February 7 to home of Jessie Stevenson, 10:30 a. m.; of the faculty. Standard Time. Listen in. 10—Home interests conference at also on February 17 at 2:30 p m., Registration—Foe 25 cents. Two Scout Citizenship Day in the courses may and should be taken, one School, Thursday, February 9. Scouts Corvallis. February 8—“When Mother Radio study clubs meet to hear the Takes a Vacation” given over KOAC talk, “When Abilities Differ.” Febru­ each period. will wear uniform« to school. by Mrs. Walter Laird of Norway at ary 21—Fairview. February 22— Please register with your pastor Scout Brotherhood Day, Friday, February 11—Coos North Bayside. February 23—Green before the opening of the school. February 10. “A Scout is Friendly.” 9:30 a. m. county committee meeting in Coquille. Dell. February 24—Allegany, and on All are welcome. He is a friend to all and a brother to February 14—PoWers-Gaylord meet­ February 28 Miss Joan Paterson, every other Scout. ing at the Fellowship Hall at 10:80 specialist in home furnishings, will Belle Knife Hospital Scout Service Day, Saturday, Febru­ a. m. -February 15—Dora, at the train project leaders for the curtains Mrs. Werner Plaep and baby boy ary 11. Each Troop (No. 14 and No. home of Mrs. Julius Benham,* Sitkum, and draperies project. The meeting were able to leave the hospital and 63) will have a window display in 10:30 a. m. February 16—Bayview will be held in the Coquille high return to their home on Lamps creek some local store. Scouts will be pres­ at the home of Thelma Peterson, 10.30 school starting promptly at 10:30 a. m. last Saturday. Other dismissals the ent at each display all afternoon to S-.! . Il JLL'l ■■ ■■■■.. ! I answer questions, explain the con­ past week were: Mamie Jones, of struction or use of articles displayed, Myrtle Point; Dick Si ver, Mrs. Mar­ and to give demonstrations in signal­ tha Bennett and Audrey Gregory, all ling, first aid, knot tieing, etc. of Coquille. Scout Reverence Day, Sunday, Jeff L. Crosby, of the Gravel Ford- February 12. “A Scout is reverent.” Dora section who entered the hoe- There will be a special service at the pital for treatment and submitted to Pioneer Methodist church at the regu­ a major operation last Thursday, is lar morning church hour. Rev. Gray­ improving now. beal will give a special message on Mrs. McMiller, of Dora, entered the “Scouting” theme. Scouts will at­ the hospital yesterday for treatment. tend in uniform. Mrs. H. F. Winkleton, of Portland, Scout Dedication Day, Monday, came here to the hospital ten days February 18. Ulis is the day for all ago for a major operation. Senior Scouts to pledge themselves Mrs. Jas. Bottom, of this city, un­ the Senior Scout Citizenship Dedi­ derwent a major operation last Sun­ cation. Court of Honor Advancement Day, day. Mrs. Ernest Storm, of Bandon, submitted to a major operation last Tuesday, February 14. A special court of honor will be held. Besides the week. presentation of advancement awards, FOR SALE—(Household Furniture, there will ba a special program of To gasoline stove, bookcase, chairs, music, demonstrations, and contests. beds, canned goods, Philco battery, The public is urged to attend this cli­ radio, etc.; also trailer, 1927 Chev. max to Boy Scout Week. (Continued from Page One) sentation by pup«, of Junior high Junior High To Present Operetta «cool age. This will mark the first time in several years that anything of this nature has been presented by the local school and every effort is being put The members of the Junior Band and S. A. B. Chorus of the Lincoln Junior High have been hard at work during the past two weeks in prepar­ ation for an operetta which is planned for the early part of March. The try-outs and preliminary prac­ tices have been completed and the cast is working regularly under the direction of Miss Anita Pageler who is , being assisted by Miss Edna Schrock of the junior high faculty. “The Band Wagon” is a full length two act operetta selected by Miss Pageler as being well adapted for pre- forth to insure ite «ucce««. On the evening of Thu[*d**’ J*n' uary 26th, the J. H. 8. basket ball team met its worst defeat of the sea­ son at the hands of • My^„ P,° ‘ quintet. The final score of 22 to 3 was somewhat discouraging to the local team inasmuch as it did not re­ flect the fact that the two team, seemed to be quite evenly insofar as floor play J«11 h*,r^ ling were concerned. Although they shot a great many times, the Coquill« .uv*. ■ ——, —- - boys simply could not hit the MEAT SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, FEB. 3 and 4 BACON . . . . . 2JC By the Piece Lean and Sugar .Cured 9c BOILING BEEF Lb. 15c BEEF CUBE' Lb. ROUND STEAK Fresh Ground, Lk 18c Boneless, fine for brazing Bond's Market Coquille Front St Home Economics Marc H. Shelley February Dates Building Contractor Anything in Building Construe Phone 195M, Coquille INSURANCE Don’t run your car without insurance. Get protection from George E. Oerding First National Bank Bldg. Miss Inez Rover Dr. De La Rhue Eyesight Specialist Piano Eyes Examined - Glasses Fitted Reception room jointly with4 Dr. J. R. Bunch <* Laird Building 82-J Coquille Classical and Beginnen - Advas High School ert Accordion Have START THE YEAR RIGHT BY LETTING US SAVE YOU MONEY WE ALL HAVE LEARNED $ Money Saved Is Money Earned $ II Costs Us Money To Call On You $ We Will Credit Thai Expense Mansell Drayage & Delivery Co. Local and Long Distance HAUUNG COAL You With Pickup and 1926 Chev. sedan. Con­ A. L. kooton, electrical contractor sider exchanging for late sedan. Complete stock of wiring supplies, S. P. Stewart, Lee - McKinley and dealer, 274 Second St., Coquille. Route. It» FOR YOUR QUICK RELIEF WHY HOT TRY OUR HERBS! DON'T SUFFER ANY LONGER When Othee Fail - - - . No matter from what you are suffering, try us. Our amazing successful herb remedies will put you on the road to glorious, vigorous health. HAVE BEEN AIDING THE SICK IN SALEM ALBANY and EUGENE FOR MANY YEARS. Disorders, sinusitis, heart, liver, stomach. stomach, gas and ulcers, constipation, piles, asthma, female com­ plaints, kidney, bladder, blood, rheumatism, back and headaches. CHINESE HERB CO. J. H. Leong Open 9*8 a. m. to 648 p. m. OVER POOTOFFICE 8 years Practice in China Citisene Building NORTH BEND In Flue 10 SH ELLU B RIC AT ION S 1938 FORD COUPE with radio and fZOC M heater in deluxe model..................... yOOXUU 1936 TERRAPLANE, four-door sedan with trunk and priced way down CliC AA this week ...,.......................................... JW.UU 1935 CHEVROLET, 4-door master deluxe sedan in fine condition....... 82 years of experience Personal Interest Friendly Counsel Honest Advice Proper Guidance LADY IN ATTENDANCE Gano Funeral Home Ambulance Service I Coquille Phone IM *---------------------------- -------------------------------------- t r $425.00 1934 CHEVROLET, master deluxe, two.. AA door with trunk........................... „... JMJsVV 1935 CHRYSLER, four-door sedan fl AC M and ready to drive out................ »... JM^avU 1931 FORD, Victoria, very clean— come in and see it...................... I.... CHARLIE CHAN onday and Thursday Only Big Reductions f 11 ▼ ■ ■ City Motors YOUR DODGE & PLYMOUTH DEALERS SHELLUBRICATION -»FIRESTONE TIRES Benham’s Transfer Anywhere For Hire WOOD — COAL — FUEL OIL STORAGE if Office Phone Farr A Elwood Bldg. S. Taylor