Find Your Christmas Present Here! Such Values They9re GiJIs •r> FOR SALE — 24-inch red Cedar Shakes a» ray ranch on Halls Creek. Address R^J. Hill, Arago, Ore. 48t2* LOST — High school boy's black Leather Jacket, Tuesday afternoon, between high school and town. Finder return to Dr. C. 6. Stem. Coquille Tabernacle Second and Heath Streets F Rev. R. D. E. Smith, minister Sunday School at 9:48 a. m. Morning Worship at 11:00 a. Young People's service at 6:48 p. m. Evangelistic service at 7:48 p. m. Prayer Meeting, Tuesday night at 7:30 p. m. Bible Study Friday night at 7:30. WILL SELL OR TRADE WANTED TO TRADE—Milk Goat for dozen laying chickens. Inquire at WE Vulcanize your tubes—not~Mtd Sentinel. h patch them. No extra cost. 340 West Front street, Coquille. Thorn­ FOR RENT—One half » of Duplex ton Tire Service. House, 4 rooms and bath, garage and garden plot 815.00. Call at We Vulcanise your tubes, not cold 209 South Moulton. it* patch them. No extra cost Thorn, First Church of Christ, Scientist The Holy Name Catholic Church Eve Sunday School at 9:30 a. m. Confession at Coquille, 6 to 7 p. m. FOR RENT—2 and 3 room Apart­ Sunday Service at 11 a. m. Confession at Myrtle Point, 8 to 9 ments, bath, included. Inquire at Subject for next Sunday, “Christian FOR SALE—■4-room House, cheap, p. m. 456 South Heath. 49tf Science.** inquire of H. Danielson at city 11- brary. 48tf . A. L. Hooton, electrical contractor Wednesday evening meeting at 8 Mase at Coquille, 6 a, m. o’clock. and dealer, 274 Second St., Coquille. High Mass at Coquille, 8 a. m. WANTED To buy — Fat and feeder Free public Reading Room open in Complete stock, of wiring supplies. Maas at Coquille, 11 a. m. lambs, also young breeding ewes. Church Building every Tuesday and Christmas Hymns. ’7 Philippi 8c Rohr, Roseburg, Oregon, Friday afternoons except holidays NOTICE TO CREDITORS Father D. J. Kelley, f» from two to five o’clock. > or phone 286J, Roseburg. 49t4*s la The County Court Of The State Residence Myrtle Point The public is cordially invited tc FOR SALE—1929 Chevrolet sedan, in Of Oregon For Cooa County attend our services and to visit the Matter ___ of the _ Estate of good condition; mileage 21,878. In the ^ _____ » St James’ Episcopal Church Reading Room. PHEBE Deceased^* I.TTT STINCHFIELD, “■* —y—*• ucvciued Priced for only >118. Mrs, Flora Car. 3rd Noticeis, hereby given that the un­ ) - Dunne, 456 South Heath. 49tfs dereigned has been'a; The Rev. George R. Turney, Vicar appointed - Execu- Church of Christ tor of the above entlt. itled estate by the Dec. 24—Christmas Eve. 1140 P. ROOFING PAPER: 108 sq. ft. with above entitled court. .... ____ ■ ~ All ... persons M. Choral Eucharist and Address. nails and can of tar, only |1.35. having claims against said estate are O. Adrian Dec. 25—Christmas Day. FARR A ELWOOD. ’ s hereby notified to present the same, 4 Special Christmas services Friday duly verified as by law required, to 8 A. M. Omitted. the undersigned at the residence of night 7:30 p. m., with tree for children. 9:45 A. M. Omitted. WE SUGGEST Gold Fish for Christ­ Mr. and Mrs. J. Q. Jarvis, at 341 Special Christmas sermon: “Wise­ 11 A. M. Morning Service and Ser­ mas presents. Farr & Elwood, s S. Myrtle Street, in Coquille, Ore­ The high school class and the Young men All,” at 11:00 a. m. Sunday. Missionary Society Meeting mon. gon, or to the undersigned at May­ USE Crown Dairy Feeds & Poultry ville, Oregon, within six months Christmas lesson, story and music Dec. 23—Friday, 7:30 P. M. Church The Ladies Missionary society of People’s Endeavor of the Church of Feeds for Better Results. For Sale from the date hereof.. < School Pageant in the church, fol­ the Church of Christ met in the Christ held a Christmas party in the at 9:48 a. m. Bible School hour. ■ Dated and first published Decem ­ by Coos Feed & Seed Stores. “Three Great Joys,” Christmas pag­ lowed by party in Parish House.. church parlors Thursday afternoon Church of Christ Monday evening. ber 15, 1938. MORTON’S Smoke Salt, Tender for their monthly business meeting. Games of all kinds were enjoyed, fol­ eant of last year’s production will be Wednesday—1:30 P. M. Bible Class. Fred A. Stinchfield, Quick and Sausage Seasoning will Executor of the estate of Phebe Christmas carols were sung, followed lowed by the singing of Christmas repeated at 7:30 Sunday night. 2:00 P. Mr, St. James’ Guild. 48t5 by a short business meeting conducted carols Refreshments were served at solve your meat curing problems. Stinchfield, deceased. A welcome to all. a late hour. Present were: Charles For sale by Coos Feed & Seed by the president, Mrs. Arthur Towne. Methodist Episcopal Church ____ No. 3519 and Emma Frances Mulkey, Yvonne Stores. IN TRE COUNTY COURT OF THE The new officers were elected for Evening preaching 7:30 p. m. Church of Sod and Eileen Kem, Marjorie and Doro ­ STATE OF OREGON, IN AND 1939 as follows: president, Mrs. Gus Prayer meeting Wednesday 740 p. Domer Seventh and Henry Sts. FOR THE COUNTY OF COOS McCullough; vice president, Mrs. thy Hardenbrook, Bill, Dan and Fairy m. Sunday school, 10 a. aru In the Matter of the Estate of Wain­ Cardwell, Marjorie Baumgartner, Berlyn Billings; secretary-treasurer, Scriptural, spiritual preaching. Iv- Young People's meeting Sunday wright B. Cummings, deceased. Mrs. Levi Wilson. A short Christmas Bud Miller, Patricia Nosier,/Catherine evening 7:30 p. m. Notice of Final Settlement -ryone welcome. Schroeder, Tom Drake, Gene Shore, Notice is hereby given that O. C. program was presented by Mrs. Bil­ cows. G. A. Gray, Pastor Prayer meeting and Bible study Why Sanford, Executor of the last will and lings and then the Christmas exchange Ray Olsen, Patsy Holverstott, Don­ Thursday at 7:48 p? m. testament and of the estate of Wain­ Seed wright B. Cummings, deceased, has was enjoyed. Delicious refreshments ald and Leonard Farr, Mr. and Mrs. We will welcome you at all of these Adrian Sias and Maxine. duly filed his final account in the in keeping with Christmas were services. matter of the probation thereof in served from an attractive table cen­ GOLD FISH are an ideal CHRIST­ the County Court of Coos County, tered with a lovely poinsettia. Host­ NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT MAS GIFT. Farr A Elwood. s Oregon, on November 22, 1938, and Notice is hereby given that pursu­ WARRANT REDEMPTION NOTICE AUTO said Court has made an order setting esses were: Mrs. Harold McCue, Mrs. ant to the provisions of Ordinance No. Notice is hereby given that war ­ Tuesday, January 3, 1939, it 10:06 LIFE Paul Simpson, Mrs. Towne and Mrs. POULTRYMEN: Did you know that 464 passed by the Common Council of Others present were: the City of Coquille, Coos County, rants up to and including No. 12,119, Crown Mill« maintains for Vour o’clock A. M., at the County Court A. 8. Bean. BONDS room in Coquille, Oregon, as the time issued by Coquille School District, No. benefit, a free, Field Service De­ and place for hearing objections to Mesdames Geo. Swinney, A. M. Oregon, on the Sth day of December, 8, will be paid upon presentation to 1938, and entitled ‘‘/M ORDINANCE ACCIDENT partment? If you are having any said final account and the settlement Willey, Fred Schaer, Ralph Hadsall, levying and declaring an assessment the district clerk, on and after Fri­ V. L. Bailey, John Sanders, A. N. against the lots, parts of lots and par­ day; December 16, 1938. Interest on Auto Financing troubles with your flock, write of said estate. Dated and published first time Nov. Foley, W. H. Wimer, Cal Young, E. H. cels of land benefitted by the im­ said warrants ceases on that date. Crown Mills, Box 269, Portland, 24, 1938. GEO. E. OERDING ' Souder, Geo. Chapman, Wm. David­ provement of Hall Street from Front Keith Leslie. Clerk Oregon, or notify Coos Feed A O. C. Sanford, Street to Second Street; of Second Office 1st NtL Bank Bldg. School District No. 8, Coquille. son, Adrian Sias, Julian Gregory, John Executor of Wainwright B. Cum ­ Seed Stores. Street from Willard Street to Hall Coos County, Oregon. Coquille mings Estate. r 45t5 Widniark, Henry Cardwell, Paul Street; of Second Street from Elliott Simpson, L. N. Williams, Alton Dun- Street to Henry Street; of Henry WE PAY CASH FOR HIDES—Farr Street from Second Street to Third & El wood. 1 a WARRANT REDEMPTION NOTICE gey, Ernest Whereat, Inez Sanders, Street; of Third Street from Henry Notice is hereby given that all Henry George, Levi Wilson, Ed. street to ■ Elliott Street;.. of Elliott Dance at Gravel Ford Saturday warranto drawn against the General Aasen, Ernest Odell, L. E. Alexander,, Street from Third Street to Second night. Music furnished by “Fee-Wee Fund of the City of Coquille, Oregon, Chas. Mitts, Gus McCullough, C. C. Street, all within the City of Coquille, and endorsed prior to July 1, Coos County, Oregon, according to and his Texas Ranch Hands and the 1938, are hereby called for payment Farr, W. Newton, E. W. Randleman, the apportionment of benefits adopted [ce. In­ M. O. Hooton, Guy Kellqy, Miss Jef­ and filed on the 14th day of Novem­ “Coquille Stump Jumpers.” It* upon presentation at my office. Local and Long Distance terest on such warranto will cease as freys, Miss Jennie Lafferty, and five ber, 1938, by the City Recorder and Committee on Streets, directing the Trespass Notices, printed on cloth, of December IS, 1938. children. , City Recorder to enter a statement W. S. SICKELS, Treasurer. for sale at this office. thereof in the Docket of City Lien, 48t3 City of Coquille, Oregon. declaring an emergency,” an as­ Party For Young Folks Friday and sessment was levied and declared IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE The members of the beginners’ de­ against the lots, parts of lots and par­ STATE OF OREGON IN AND partment at the Pioneer Methodist cels of land benefitted by the im­ FOR THE COUNTY OF COOS provement of said portions erf said In the Matter of the Estate of Marie Sunday school were entertained with streets, all within the boundaries of A. Schmidt, sometimes known as a Christmas party Friday afternoon the assessment district created for the " improvement, Maria A. Schmidt, Deceased. in the church parlors by Mrs. Walter purpose of ‘ said street which assessment district and the Notice To Creditors Oerding, assisted by Mrs. Londy Peart boundaries thereof are described as A GRATEFUL THOUGHT Notice is hereby given that the un­ dersigned has been duly appointed and Mrs. Anna Christiansen.-HThe follows: is inevitably Inspired at the recol­ Beginning at the intersection of the Executor of the Last Will and Testa­ little folks played games and sang lection of a service that helps to ment of Marie A. Schmidt, sometimes songs. Refreshments, consisting of center lines of Henry and Third Streets in Elliott's Addition to Co­ known as Maria A. Schmidt, deceased, soften the sorrow of parting. The Cocoa, fancy cookies decorated with and ‘ running thence West quille City; an that all persons having claims against considerate attention which we of­ ng center of Third Street, said estate should present the same, stars and tiny Christmas trees, and 289 feet along fer to the bereaved is for this rea­ duly verified, to me at the law office candy canes, were given the young­ to the intersection of the center line of Elliott Street; thence South 190 of Harry A. Slack, in Coquille, Coos sters. son cherished and appreciated. Personal Interest Present were: Robert and feet along center of Elliott Street; County, Oregon, within six months Whenever the need arises for our Frank Christiansen, Gene Clausen, thence West 1080 feet through center from the date of this notice. Friendly Counsel service, you will find our organi­ of Blocks 20, 15, 6 and oT to the DATED this Sth day of December, Tommy Hlckenbottom, Joanne Peart, Honest Advice zation always ready. 1938. Jimmy McCurdy, Douglas and Mary N. W. corner of Lot 4, Block 8, Elli­ ott's Addition to Coquille City; thence M. M. Schmidt, Kistner, Barbara Lindenman, Sandra South 310 feet more or less to a point Proper Guidance Executor of the Estate of Marie A. McCurdy, Betty Clark, Jane Gould, N 79 degrees 00 minues W. 100 feet Schmidt, deceased. LADY IN ATTENDANCE Eddie Howe, Bobby Bogard, Shirley from the S. W. comer of Block 5, in Harry A. Slack, 47t8 Witters, George Moore, Helen Esther the Original Town of Coquille City; Attorney for Executor. thence S 79 degrees 00 minutes E. Taylor, Fem Leach, Delores DeCosta, 710 feet to a point M feet S 79 de- IN THE COUNTY COURT FOR Bobby Jean Harris, Ruth and Mari­ rs 00 minutes E. from the COOS COUNTY, OREGON E corner of Lot 4, Block In the Matter of the Estate of Jofth anne Keeney, Barbara Slater, Chris­ in the Original Town Yoakam, Deceased. topher Christiansen, Damarais Salis­ 6, Notice To Creditors bury, Sharon Lee Larson, Joanne Notice is hereby given that the un­ dersigned were on the Sth day of Gormley, Frank Oerding, Edward Pe­ December, 1938, duly appointed by tersen, Nancy Godard, Joan Thomp­ the County Court for Coos County, son, Douglas Ostrander, Joan Harless, Dr. De La Rhue Oregon, as Executors of the Last Will Eyesight and Testament and of the Estate of Babette Parke, Sandra Brattain and John Yoakam, deceased, and all per­ Dennis Anderson. .Specialist sons having claims against said Estate Eyes ______ are hereby required to present the same to the undersigned at the office IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON IN AND Reception boom jointly with of O. C. Sanford in Coquille, Oregon, FOR THE COUNTY OF 0008 duly verified with proper vouchers, Dr. J. R. Bunch In the Matter of the Estate of Sam within six months from the date of Dixon, sometimes known as Samuel Laird this notice. Dixon, Deceased, | Dated and published first time Dec. Nottee Of Sale Of Beal Property J81 l ’3H. Hazard, E. D. Webb, O. C. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That by virtue of an order, decree and Sanford, | Executors of the Last Will and license of the County Court of Coos Testament of John Yoakam, deceased. County, Oregon, made and entered on the 23rd day of November, 1938, |47tS - in the Matter of the Estate of Sam Dixon, sometimes known as Samuel IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE Dixon, cfoceased, I will on and after STATE OF OREGON IN AND Tuesdiy. the 27th day of December, FOR THE COUNTY OF COOS 1938, proceed to sell, at private sale, in- In the Matter erf the Guardianship to the highest and best bidder for of Clarence S. Hatcher, Insane, cash in hand, and subject to the con­ Call Hotel for Notice To firmation of said Court, all of the Notice is hereby given, that the right, title and interest of said Es­ undersigned has been duly appointed tate, and those claiming-under it, in by the above entitled Court, as and to the following described real Guardian of the person and estate property, to-Wit: of said insane person, and has duly The SWW of Section 5, in qualified as such. Township 30 South of Range 10* Now, therefore, all persons having West of the Willamette Meridian claims against said estate are here­ in Ceos County, Oregon, con­ by notified and required to present taining 160 acres, more or lessr the same, together with proper Bids will be received by me as Ex­ vouchers therefor, to the undersigned, ecutrix of said Estate, at the office at Coquille, Oregon, or at the law of J. Arthur Berg, in Coquille, Coos WOOD — COAL — FUEL OIL office of J. Arthur Berg, at Coquille, County Oregon. Della Lucia, - Oregon, within six months from the STORAGE date hereof. Executrix of the Estate of Sam Dated this 28th day of November, Dixon, Deceased. J. Arthur Berg, 1938. Attorney for Executrix, Sylvia E. Hatcher, Coquille, Oregon. 48t2 Guardian ton Tire Service, 840 West Front Mansell Drayage & Delivery Co. «TKe-/ Menxory HAULING Service- Perfornxck Gano Funeral Home Miss Inez Rover Piano Accordion Benham’s Transfer Anywhere For Hire