Program Friday— Pageant On Sunday Evangelist Speaks Here Next Week Bev. Harvey McAlister Shucks, Santa Claus That’s how big our chimney is. couldn’t come-down it with a loaf of itäkää tòakeujs tò 'itaci AT YOUR. GROCERS CHRISTMAS GREETINGS To Hundreds of Cueto- mere and Neighbors Much Cheer! Coquille Valley We! re Wishing You A Holiday Season With ♦ Jollity, Merriment and all Good Things Recreation Institute Great Success Coquille Marshfield, Ore. Christmas Progra At Fat Elk School Everything you will want will come your way—that is our wish for you this Christmas Members of 6,000 • Year POPULAR MECHANICS MAO AZINE i Join us in anticipating a most MERRY CHRISTMAS SEASON ED & SEED STORES •——if*—i—pn 'V------- * . ' ' • - ' • V, - - Myrtle Point - Marahfield Once again we express our greetings for the Yuetide Season now at hand ... ‘When you need repairs for your automobile, Think of Us’-—ALL WORK GUARANTEED COQUILLE GARAGE Coquille