P ji: ■V ■ THE COQUILLE VALLEY SENTINEL, COQUILLE, OREGON. THURSDAY, nemos. ea iggg. e • Johnny’s Iron Horse ’ Ry ALICE V. LINDLEY State Unemployment Commission Tells New Seasonal Rule Lees than six per cent of the nearly 10,000 employers registered under the state unemployment compensation law are “seasonal” un^er a new ruling adopted by the commission, effective this week. Seventy-three canneries, 324 firms allied with the lumber industry and 191 miscellaneous concerns such as pleasure resorts, fire patrol associa­ tions, a few mining companies and grain warehouses are on the list. The Commisison applied the ruling only to the most highly seasonal operations in industries generally recognized as seasonal. The customary periods of ppera- tiqn, as found by the commission, range from three or four months in the canning industry to eight or ten months in the lumber industry, de­ pending upon location and type of the sheriff would operation. The Oregon law requires restric­ tions on benefit rights of seasonal workers during the customary off­ season in their industry and the pres­ ent solvent and stable condition of the benefit fund is attributed in part to restrictions which were applied dur­ ing the past year. - In spite of these restrictions, how­ ever, the commission ha« found that seasonal groups of worker* drew most heavily of any during 1938. Effect of the restriction has been to reduce the amount of excess payments of bene­ fit«, rather than to deny benefits to workers, officials said- Restrictions do not apply to the customary oper­ ating season in an industry and ben- fits are paid to seasonal workers when I I I I--'':.-' =========================------- mation" has been prepared for local tural resources. ■«----- WeiTare Miss Whitlock also announces the clubs to aid them in surveying their Notices to employers found season- D A J a. J advisory committee to this department local aspects of this statewide pro­ al by the commission will be mailed' > TOgraiTI AdOptCd which includes the names of many gram. by the first of next week and notices : --------- leading professional men and women to affected claimants will be mailed A program of public welfare will be of the state. A “Handbook of Infor- Olltml cards. 50 for SI.0U as rapidly as claim determinations are ’ undertaken by the Oregon Federation ____ L-'ig. . _________ !---------- T g..— made. The latter will be more un- of Women’s Clubs, according to the derstandable than in the past. They plan outlined in the December issue of will set forth the maximum total ben­ the Oregon Clubwoman, official mag­ efits, amount of nun-seasonal benefits, azine of the federation. as well as the seasonal total, together The plan as announced by Miss with the seasonal period during which Olive Whitlock, chairman of the de- * seasonal benefits will be payable if partment of public welfare for the j worker is unemployed. Non-seasonal federation, embraces housing, health ' benefits are not restricted. j service, child welfare service, child1 Under the new ruling, seasonal re- guidance clinics, study of jails and w strictions do not apply to anyone probation and the conservation of na- having less than 30 per cent of his ,--------------------------------- :----------------— base year earnings in seasonal opera- can now can be d