n feta. .... borirti} anò Clubs Christmas and the holidays provide a social atmosphere quite distinct from all other seasons of the year. It’s the time when those dear to you come home and the family Is together once more—the days of yore are once more recalled1 and every one is happy in spite of the burdens and worries that may confront one in every­ day life. And so it is. another Christmas. And we look forward to seeing our friends and dear ones once more at home. It shall be a grand holiday season, . Mrs. George Johnson was hostess tp her evening bridge club Monday for seven o’clock supper. The long table looked very attractive centered with a lovely poinsettia, while favors apro­ pos to Yuletide were at each place. The rooms were gay with Christmas decorations while an attractive tree was covered with gifts for the annual Christmas exchange. Contract bridge was played during the evening, Mrs. F. C. McNelly winning high score and Mrs. Frank Thrift, second. Present were: Mesdames J. L. Aasen, H. S. Norton, F. C. McNelly, Frank Thrift, Mrs. Alice Standley entertained the U. E. McClary, A- B. Collier, E. M. “Myrtle Club” last Thursday after­ Kay and the hostess. noon. Asocial time was enjoyed with sewing and conversation, followed by. A group of friends met at the home delicious refreshments. Present were: of Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Culbertson Sat­ Mesdames Ruth Varney, Ina Sandine, urday for a six-thirty o’clock pot luck Aina Eckholm, Lorene Chard, Pearl dinner. Following dinner, pinochle Ruble, Helen Anderson, two guests: was played. Mrs. Ralph Hurlburt Mrs. Darby and Mrs. Margaret Eck­ won high score and Erwin Murray, holm, and the hostesses. The club consolation. Present Were: Mr. and will entertain their husbands with a Mrs. Leslie McElhaney, Mr. and Mrs Christmas party, December 28. Charles Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wheeler, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hurl­ burt, Mrs. Clara Wheeler, Mrs Flor­ ence Dunbar, of Coburg, Oregon, Er­ win Murray, Claire Wade and Mr. and Mrs. Culbertson. The O. D. O. club members and their husbands enjoyed their annual Christmas party and exchange at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Matoon In Myrtle Point Saturday evening. Different games were played, followed by the exchange of gifts. Delicious refreshmenu were served at a late hour. Present were: Mr. and Mrs- Lee Hand, Mr. and Mrs Geo. Sher­ wood, Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Sanders, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Wilcox, Mrs. Nellie Prey, Mrs. Price, of Salem, mother of Mrs. Matoon, and the hosU. A delightful no-host Christmas party was held at the home of Mrs. Lucia Ireland Friday evening. A lovely Christmas tree filled one cor­ ner of the room while tiny reindeer and other decorations apropos to the Yuletide season were in the other cor­ ner. Following the Christmas ex­ change, the evening was spent in needlework and chat with refresh­ ments served at a late hour. Present were: Mesdames Edith, Simmons, Perna Brault, Sue Cooper, June Mc- Gilvery, Lola Olsen, Londy Peart, Mabel Malthu, Claire Hultln, Alma Minard, Grace Hatcher, Jennie Tay­ lor, Cora Sullivan, Gertrude Huhtala, Tressie Cackler and Lucia Ireland. ’ V r D V’< .K l K j j ici CUM ENTITY AND QUAUTY PHONE 220 446 FRONT ST Friday evening the “Tauk-an-So* club held its annual Christmas party and gift exchange at the home of Mrs. Henry Belloni The house looked lovely with Yuletide decorations and festive tree. Mrs. M. D. Sherrard was presented with a 1 Xny poinsettia in appreciation of lovely things she has done <___ ____ for ____ the group and the Royal Neighbors. Af­ ter the exchange of gifts, the eve­ ning was spent in cards and sewing. Delicious refreshments in keeping with Christmas were served at a late hour. Present were: Mesdames Guy Barber, C. E. Martindale, John Werth, Lottie Miller, E. C. Johnson, Jack Leach, Geo. Burr, Bessie Price, J. H. St. Clair, Jack Clouse, Wm. Jones, Harry Varney, Ed. Tuel, Frank Wil­ lard, Michael McCarthy, M. D. Sher­ rard, Orville Thorp, J. W. McGuf- fin, Fred Bull, Guy Torrey, L. P. Stephenson, Wm. Ferbrache and Henry Belloni. Mrs. F. G. Miller was hostess to the Octette club Friday for one-thirty o’clock dessert luncheon. The rooms were most attractive with Yuletide decoration, a large Christmas tree adding to the festivity of the occasion. Contract was played, Mrs. Milton Greenfield winning high score; Mrs. Belmont Ireland, second, and Mrs. Fred Jensen, consolation. Members present were: Mesdames Belmont Ire­ land, S. A. Morris, Carl Dement, Mil­ ton Greenfield, Fred Jensen, two guests, Mrs. Lewis Wiltshire and Mrs. I. A. Larson. Thursday evening of last week, the “Omit” club held its gnnual Christ­ mas party and gift exchange at the home ot Miss Margaret Belloni. The house was beautifully decorated in blue and silver, the Christmas tree shining with blue ornaments Re­ freshments carrying out the Christmas motif were served at eight o’clock, af­ ter which the girls played bridge and had their exchange of gifts. Miss No­ rene McKeown won high at bridge and Miss Jean McNelly received con­ solation. Present were: Misses Betty Axtell, Norene McKeown, Aloha Allen, Lu- rene St. Clair, Helen Lund, Maxine and Georgianna Johnson, Jean Mc­ Nelly, Barbara Oderkirk, Madeline McKeown, Mrs. Lloyd Wood and the hostess. Pioneer Missionary e • . ■ » rt Society Has Party The Pioneer Missionary Society held its ' Christmas tree and program Thursday afternoon in the church parlors. The room typified the spirit of Christmas with a lovely tree in the comer, and Yuletide greenery inter­ spersed with red tapers on the piano. Mrs. Esta Ellis had charge of the dec­ orations and read from the book, “Streams in the Desert.” Mrs. Dora Oerding read a poem, "Bells Across the Snow,” from the same book. Sev­ eral familiar Christmas carols were sung and then the topic presented by Mrs. W. A. Ireland was taken from the World Outlook — “Our Gift to God”—with the following ladies giv­ ing part of the message: Mrs. Id» L. Smith, Mrs. R. E. Boober, Mrs. Ernest Purvance and Mrs. Ray Hall. Mrs. Ireland then read a short poem in keeping with the topic. Following the program, came the Christmas exchange with Mrs. Nohrn- berg and Mrs. Dunn as efficient help­ ers to Santa Claus. Delicious plum pudding and coffee with an attractive favor on the tray was served by Mes­ dames Loody Peart, E. C. Finley, Er- n i w t P u rv a nc a, Ll o y d O dd y , J ee. Ric h­ mond ahd Ray Hall to the following ladies: Mesdames Esta Ellis, Clyde Minard, Miranda Way, Walter Nohm- berg, Jennie Adams, Inez Pinkston, R.‘ B. Rogers, Walter Oerding, W. A. Ireland, B. W. Dunn, Cyril McCurdy, Edith McCurdy, L. W. Donaldson, Cora Wimer, K. P. Lawrence, R. E. Boober, H. L. Graybeal, O. B. Har­ riman, Earl Carlisle, W. P. Laws, Leo Rhodes, Frank Leslie, Louis Fugelson, Ida Smith, G. W. Tyrrell, J. W. Zan­ ders, . D. G. Ireland, Birdie Skeels, Ernest Adamson and Leland Petersen. The executive meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Cyril McCurdy Thursday afternoon, Dec. 28 at two p. m. The “Thursday Contract Club” met at the hotel for one o’clock luncheon Thursday of last week, luncheon, the ladies went to the home of Mrs. George Chaney where con­ tract bridge yu enjoyed. Present were: Mesdames F. S. Emery, F. L» Greenough, L. H. Hazard, J. A. Lamb, R. A. Wemlch, Albert Powers, Jr, and G. E. Stark. The Friday Duplicate Club met at J ' the home erf Mrs. Mary McKeown for one o’clock dessert luncheon Friday. The rooms were charmingly decor­ ated, a small tree with blue and silver gracing the living room, while the 4ining room was very effective In red, green and silver, a lovely center­ piece carrying out the motif, while in­ dividual tiny cut class candlesticks with red candle were at each plate. Following dessert, the Christmas ex­ change was enjoyed. Duplicate bridge I* completed a busy afternoon. Mrs. A. B. Collier and Mrs. E. M. Kay won high score. Present were: Mesdames Hal Pierce, R. E. Boober, E. M. Kay, Frank Thrift, J. L. Aasen, U. E. McClary, A. B. Collier and the hoet- Miss May s Shop and picked two brand new resort colors in beautiful ARTPLUS Silk Stockings solving your problem “what to give the woman who has everything” $1.35 1538 YOU'RE IN FOR A YULE OF GREATER CHEER THIS YEAR WE GREET YOU Ron & Frank's BARBER SHOP pair — 3 pain $3.10 1.15 pair — 3| pain 3.25 1.M pair — 3 pairs 2.75 .8$ pair — 3 pairs 2.50 Chateau Wine . . . dramatic with black or navy and the new spring colors. Blue Fox A subtle shade that’s utterly fasci­ nating with pink, mauve, cyclamen or black. J" Mrs. E. C. Yarbrough was. pleasant­ ly surprised Wednesday evening „when a group of friends walked in ahd hol­ lered “Happy Birthday." Cards were enjoyed, followed by. refreshments served at a late hour. Present were: Mesdames Jack Arnold, Ernest Whereat, Ray Simpson, Ned Kay, Wm Howell, Maggie Simmons and Mrs. Yarbrough. * ■ ■ ISAWTffiH SHIPS COME SAILING IN ON CHRISTMAS DAY IN THE MORNING.. 1938 A wish to you May the Holiday bring you a wealth of joy and good fellowship. May the Mow Tear bring you ■oalth, Happiness and Prosperity in full measure. Per ounelves, wo also have a wish. That we may oontinus to serve ym faithfully and well, making life Msfar by this servioe and bringing ♦0 you something bettor than we THE STORY OF CHRISTMAS IS CENTURIES OLD! THE SPIRIT OF CHRISTMAS HAS BEEN EXPRESSED THROUGH THE YEARS IN COUNTLESS WAYS. YET TODAY, AS A MODERN STORE, WE CHOOSE THE SIMP­ LEST, SINCEREST WORDS TO EXPRESS OUR FEELING -MERRY CHRISTMAS LORENZ DEPARTMENT STORE In Coquille Since 1887 Sii ■ Nil Don't forget that we have some real bargains-in. radios and musical in­ struments for Christmas. H. S. Nor­ ton Music and Stationery. A Merry Christmas to You All - : Mountain States Power Company