Second Section y Sentinel COQUILLE. COOS COUNTY. OREGON. THURSDAY, DECEMBER M. 1938. f1; * Riverton School The school cafeteria is in full swing again after a short suspension of service. A typical menu was served for the four school days this week. It was: (Monday) scalloped potatoes, cookies, and pears. (Tuesday) baked beans and chocolate. (Wednesday) cream of tomato soup and jello. (Thursday) chocolate pudding and potato salad. News of the Classes Typing Clifton Guerin la leading the typing class in speed with a net rate of 27 words per minute. He is followed closely by Glyns Gilbert, who is net­ ting 25 words per minute. The tests are of eight minutes duration and are corrected on international rules. Fred ««.Oírte Porter typed the first stencil for the Masculine honor has been vindi­ beginners in typing last week. cated. The boys won three out of World Geography aad Civilisation four volleyball games from, the girls Miss Gilman’s geography class has last week. gone “lithographic." The members Arago Visits Riverton are drawing two maps for each of the The Riverton girls defeated the countries studied. One map is of the girls from Arago three straight games usual political and topographical va­ of volleyball in the Riverton gym riety. The second map is decorative. Wednesday. That is, each map has pasted on It After the girls* game, the boys articles or pictures which show the played basketball. While a regular product of the country. Some very game was not played, the Riverton good maps have resulted from the boys showed much more strength than efforts of, the class. Maps being the Arago group and scored more drawn now are of the central Europe­ consistently. an countries. The Riverton girls received their The advanced class in home econ­ first defeat of the season by losing omics is working on the sewing unit three games In a row to the Langlois of its course. The girls are making girls on the Langlois home floor. dresses and other garments for their The “A” squad boys’ basketball own use. game was hard fought from start to fininsh. Thirty seconds after the Christmas is coming, but the home start of the half, Riverton was leading ec. I girls expect to be prepared to by nine points. Three minutes before Korda Film Unit Was First To Invade entertain old St. Nick in regal fash­ the game ended, the score was tied. ion. This week, they are busily turn­ When the whistle blew to end the Famous Gateway To ■ ? ing out Christmas candies of various last half, Langlois had won 19 to IS. - hues in preparation for his arrival. The Langlois “B” squad won their Hollywood boasts of its good fortune in being situated • Last Friday, the girls entertained— game by a comfortable margin. stone’s throw from a variety of locations that lend themselves 1 Guess who? Themselves! at a Riverton’s next game will be with admirably to doubling for the Sahara Desert, the snow-capped buffet luncheon. The six members Powers on the Riverton floor on Jan. Alps, the South Sea Islands or a simple stretch of English coun­ of the class enjoyed cheese and chick­ •• / en sandwiches, stuffed tomato salad, Vacation tryside. _ individual prune cakes, and tea. , The Riverton schools will be dis­ To our friends