PAGE THUTHN Find Your Christmas Present Here! Such Values They9re Gifts One Cent a Word Each No Adv. teas than — GOLD FISH are an ideal CHRIST­ MAS GIFT. Farr A Elwood. s Attention Used Car Buyers « News From County - Emanuel Baptist Church Coquille Tabernacle Second and Heath Streets Fourth and Elliott Sts. FOB RENT POULTRYMEN: Did you know that Rev. R. D. E. Smith, minister Rev. H. A. Minter, Pastor Crown Mills maintains for your Sunday School at 9:45 a. m. FOR RENT—3-Room partly furnish- Sunday School at 0:45 a. m. C. L. benefit^ a free, Field Service De­ Morning Wonhip at 11:00 a. m. ed cottage, running water, 5 miles Brockmann, Supt. partment? If you are having any Unloading At A Sacrifice Young People’s service at 8:45 p. m. Clerks Receive Flsmsutary Fuad oui on good road. Rent 85.00. In- Morning service at 11 a. m., Rev. To Accommodate troubles with your flock, write Evangelistic service at 7:45 p. m. The school clerks of all the school H. A. Minter conducting the service. • quire 658 No. Heath, Coquille. 44t4* Crown Mills, Box 269, Portland, More New Car Prayer Meeting, Tuesday night at districts have recently received money Evening preaching service at 7:30 Oregon, or notify Coos Feed A FOR RENT—Unfurnished four-room 7:30 p. m. Business from the elementary school fund. The p. m. Seed Stores. cottage, bath, garage; water fur­ Bible Study Friday night at 7:50. total of this is 821,639.58. This fund, BUY NOW AND SAVE nished. Two and three room apt., ~ like the Mate schol fund and the DAIRYMEN: "Kaskade Dairy” feed First Church of Christ, Scientist bath furnished. Inquire at 456 So. , Church of (Sod school fund is apportioned la specially made for economical 1937 CHEVROLET DE- county • Heath St. 46tf Coquille, Oregon Corner Seventh and Hen through the office of the county school feeding of dry and freshening cows. Sunday School at 9:30 a. m. LUXE T SEDAN— Sunday school, 10 a. m. superintendent. Feed now for more milk during the FOR BAUE— Sunday Service at 11 a. m. Lew Mileage. Jew Tlree. This Young People’s meeting Sunday The elementary fund is apportioned Subject for next Sunday, “Is the evening 7:30 p. m. »tai- ,565M as follows: Each spring the county FOR SALE — 24-inch red Cedar WOOD. . s Universe, including Man, Evolved by Prayer meeting and Bible study superintendent is required to divide Shakes at my ranch on Halls Creek. Atomic Forte?” YOUNG MEN-pBig future in Air 1936 CHEVROLET 4 door the total amount at that time on hand Wednesday evening meeting at 8 Thursday at 7:45 p. m. Address R. J. Hill, Arago, Ore. 48t2* We will welcome you at all of these Conditioning and Refrigeration. according to the number of elemen­ TRUNK SEDAN— o’clock. 1935 Model Frigidaire. An excel­ services. Earn while you learn. 31.40 per New Tires. Green finish “easy to tary teachers employed in the first Free public Reading Room open in lent buy. Biegger A Gunderson, day or board and room if you den*.** Radta. Marked down eight grades but that in determining Church Building every Tuesday and Coquille. , “ lt*s qualify. Write bok W, J. care The Holy Name Catholic Church number of teachers employed the Friday afternoons except holidays REFRIGERATOR FOR SALE—Good Sentinel. 46t3 Coquille: 1st Sunday, 10:30 a. m.; number shall'not exceed one teacher from two to five o’clock, 2nd and 3rd Sunday, 8:30 a. m. UPRIGHT PIANO and Bench—fine REDUCED Price on All 1938 Radios 1936 FORD DELUXE 4- for every 27 pupils in average dally The public is cordially invited tc Myrtle Point: 2nd Sunday, 10:30 a. attendance or fraction thereof, for the in stock. Biegger A Gunderson. Ito attend our services and to visit the condition. 360.00 cash. Easy terms dr. TRUNK SEDAN — current year. m; 4th Sunday, 8:30 a. m. Reading Room. can be arranged. HJS. Norton Music Radio. Heater. Original tea fta- Bandon: 1st Sunday, 8:30 a. m.; 3rd ROOFING PAPER: 108 sq. ft. with The money which has just been —" TJ.................... A Stationery. tah like new. New M Sunday, 10:30 a. m. . , nails and can of tar, only 31.35. sent out is a duplicate of that sent out Church of Christ Powers, 4th Sunday, '10:30 a. m. FARR A ELWOOD. s 1935 DODGE*4*dr. TRUNK in the spring. Due to the fact that the WE Vulcanize your tubes—not cold East Fourth and Coulter Rev. J. M. Sheridan, Pastor school year has not closed in the patch them. No extra cost. 340 WE SUGGEST Gold Fish for Christ­ C. Adria* Stas, Minister —i ...... spring when apportionment is made, SEDAN — West Front street, Coquille. Thorn­ mas presents. Farr A Elwood, s The Junior Choir, newly organized, Methodist Episcopal Church New Paint Haa had only em own­ records are incomplete and It is there­ ton Tire Service. USE Crown Dairy Feeds A Poultry and directed by Mrs. Woodyard, will Evening preaching 7:30 p. m. er. This car has 38)0 0.99 fore sometimes necessary to make an Feeds for Better Results. For Sale FOR SALE—Dairy Ranch, equipped, Prayer meeting Wednesday 7:30 p. adjustment in the fund during the en­ make its first public appearance Sun­ new tires ------ wQU by Coos Feed A Seed Stores. day night at 7:30 p. m. The Juniors m. stock, machinery, etc. Reasonable suing spring. terms. See John Bullack, 311 HOUSE WORK WANTED; widow to Scriptural, spiritual preaching. Ev­ An attempt is being made to get the will assist Mr. Sias with the night Schroeder St., Coquille. 47t3* eryone welcome. apportionment law changed so that sermon, “Regenerated Hearts." work in home at general housework. Bible School, 9:45 a. m. G. A. Gray, Pastor this later adjustment will not be nec­ Write Box 1162, Myrtle Point It* Wo Vulcanize your tabes, not cold Morning worship 11:00 a. m. Last essary. patch them. No extra cost Thorn­ FQR SALE—4-room House, cheep, sermon of “Shepherd Series”—“The Church Remote Club Gives Becks St ton Tire Service, 340 West Front Shepherd’s Sheep.” inquire of H. Danielson at city li­ Or. 3rd The Community Club at Remote ----------------—-i. —.. ■ . ... Christian Endeavor, 8:30 p. m. ttery. . 48tf 1936 CHEVROLET 157 in. voted to give 820 toward the school FOR SALE—Two desirable commer­ W. B. TRUCK—, library. The teacher, Curtis Beck ­ cial lots on highway near high FOR RENT — 3 - room Furnished 756x29 19-piy rear tires. 32x6 19- ham, has been Instructed to make the The Pioneer Methodist Church school. Priced to sell. Also excep­ Apartment. Inquire at Gould Fur­ piy front New paint Motor tn selection of books and magazines. Howard L. Graybeal, Pastor tionally easy terms on 5 or 11 acre niture Store. s excellent condition. Priced for Morning Church Service at 11 a. m. farm tracts, close in. Mary Burns, phone 75L. * Its MORTON’S Smoke Salt, Tender For Refrigeration, Repairing and, Sermon, “The Meaning of Christmas.” Quick and Sausage Seasoning will Christmas Musicale Sunday evening Installation, phone 600M. C. C. solve your meat curing problems. 1935 D O D G E HEAVY DUTY at 8 p. m. This is being given by , the ATTENTION HOME HUNTERS— Smith,. 22tf LONG W.B. TRUCK— 'S For sale by Coos Feed A Seed Pioneer Vested Choir under the di­ 5-room house that must be sold— New paint Now brakes. Bee thta Stores. rection of Miss Anita Pageler. The This is by far the best buy we have NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT Truck if ye« are interested 1« a entire program will be interpreted in had in many a day. It is within PIANO FOR SALE—Practically new Notice is hereby given that pursu­ song and reading, with an antiphonal the city limits, has a new roof and Fisher piano very reasonable. ant to the provisions of Ordinance No. AUTO good paint and is priced at only 404 passed by the Common Council of choir a Misting Terms to reliable party. Phone LIFE These Are Samples of the the City of Coquille, Coos County, Sunday School at 10 a. m. 3650.00. Can be handled With 603J or call at residence at County Oregon, on the Sth day of December, Christmas program and tree Wed­ 3250.00 down and bal. like rent. BONDS Farm. Mrs. Fred McNelly. Ito Prices We Have Placed On 1938, and entitled "AN ORDINANCE Can accept good late used car on Our Entire Stock of levying and declaring an assessment nesday evening, Dec. 21, at 7:30 p. m. ACCIDENT Trespass Notices, printed on doth, Friday morning prayer group meets deal. See me at once if interested. against the lots, parts of lots and par­ Guaranteed OK Used Cars Auto Financing cels of land benefitted by the im­ this week with Mrs. Purvance on First come, first served. Fred Bull for sale at this office. provement of Hall Street from Front Myrtle St. Real Estate Co., Front St, Co­ GEO. E. OERDING Street to Second Street; of Second Warranty and bargain and Sale Epworth League Sunday evening at quille. s Street from Willard Street to Hall Office 1st Ntl. Bank Bldg. Used Car Lot 246 Street; of Second Street from Elliott 6:30 o’clock in the League rooms. ---------------------------------------------- --------- - Deeds for sale at The Sentinel office Phone 83 Coquills Street to Henry Street; of Henry WE PAY CASH FOR HIDES—Farr Street from Second Street to Third r A Elwood. s WARRANT REDEMPTION NOTICE NOTICE TO CREDITORS Street; of Third Street from Henry Notice is hereby given that all In The County Court Of The State Street to Elliott Street; of Elliott DAIRYMEN; Attention: Crown warranto drawn against the General Street from Third Street to Second Of Oregon Per Ceas County Livestock Minerals contain all the Fund of the City of Coquille, Oregon In the Matter of the Estate of Street, all within the City of Coquille, necessary ingredients for a complete and endorsed prior to July 1, PHEBE STINCHFIELD, Deceased Coos County, Oregon, according to. Notice is hereby given that the un­ the apportionment of benefits adopted I mineral supplement for your cows. 1938, are hereby called for payment upon presentation at my office. In­ dersigned has been appointed Execu­ and filed on the 14th day of Novem- < Local and Long Distance Our price is 83.00 per 100 lbs. Why terest on such warrants will cease as tor of the above entitled estate by the ber, 1938, by the City Recorder and pay more? Coos Feed A Seed of December 15, 1938. above entitled court. All persons Committee on Streets, directing the City Recorder to enter a statement Stores. W. S SICKELS, Treasurer. having claims against said estate are thereof in the Docket of City Lien, hereby notified to present the same, City of Coquille, Oregon. duly verified as by law required, to and declaring an emergency," an as­ - -- the undersigned at the residence of sessment was levied and declared IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE Mr. and Mrs. J. Q. Jarvis, at 341 against the lots, parts of lots and par­ » ■TATE OF OREGON IN AND S. Myrtle Street, in Coquille, Ore­ cels of land benefitted by the im­ FOR THE COUNTY OF COOS gon, or to the undersigned at May­ provement of said portions of said In the Matter of the Estate of Marie ville, Oregon, within six months streets, all within*the boundaries of the assessment district created for the A. Schmidt, sometimes known as from the date hereof.. Maria A. Schmidt, Deceased. Dated and first published Decem­ purpose of said street improvement, which assessment district and the Notice To Creditors ber IS, 15, 1938. boundaries thereof are described as A GRATEFUL THOUGHT Notice is hereby given that the un­ Fred A. Stinchfield, dersigned has been duly appointed Executor of the estate of Phebe follows: Beginning at the intersection of the is inevitably inspired at the recol­ Executor of the Last Will and Testa­ Stinchfield, deceased. 48t5 center lines of Henry and Third ment of Marie A. Schmidt, sometimes lection of a service that helps to Streets in Elliott's Addition to Co­ known as Maria A. Schmidt, deceased, No, 3519 soften the sorrow of parting. The that all persons having claims against IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE quille City; and running thence West 289 feet along center of Third Street, considerate attention which we of­ ssid estate should present the same, ■TATE OF OREGON, IN AND to the intersection of the center line fer to the bereaved is for this rea­ duly verified, to me at the law office FOR THE COUNTY OF 0008 Personal Interest of Hany A. Slack, in Coquille, Coos In the Matter of the Estate of Wain­ of Elliott Street; thence South 190 son cherished and appreciated. feet along center of Elliott Street; County, Oregon, within six months wright B. Cummings, deceased. Whenever the need arises for our thence West 1080 feet through center Friendly Counsel from the date of this notice. Notice of Final Settlement service, you will find our organi­ DATED this Sth day of December, ' Notice is hereby given that O. C. of Blocks 30, 15, 6 and 5, to the Honest Advice N. W. comer of Lot 4? Block 5, Elli­ 1938. zation always ready. Sanford, Executor of the last will and ott's Addition to Coquille City; thence M. M. Schmidt, Proper Guidance testament and of the estate of Wain­ South 310 feet more or less to a point Executor of the Estate of Marie A. wright B. Cummings, deceased, has N79 degrees 00 minues W. 106 feet Schmidt, deceased. LADY IN ATTENDANCE duly filed his final account in the from the S. W. comer of Block 5, in Harry A. Slack, matter of the probation thereof in the Original Town of Coquille City; Attorney for Executor. 47t5 the County-Court of Coos County, m thence S 79 degrees 00 minutes E. Oregon, on November 22, 1938, and 710 feet to a point 50 feet S 79 de­ IN THE COUNTY COURT FOR said Court has made an order setting grees 00 minutes R. from the Coquille COOS COUNTY, OREGON Tuesday, January 3, 1939, at 10:00 S E corner FfcStoe 186 of Lot 4,' Block 109R In the Matter of the Estate of John o'clock A. M., at the County Court 1083 Original Town of = LX the Yoakam, Deceased. room in Coquille, Oregon, as the tin» — thence 8 11 degrees Notice To Creditors and place for hearing objections 290 feet to the center minute 8treet * *• ’ *' Notice is hereby given that the un- said final account and the letUement settler» settlement 00 Froflt . thence S 79 degrees lersigned were on the Sth day of of said estate. >■' I ____________ 00 minutes E. J10 3 feet more or lees tecember, 1938, duly appointed by Dated and published first time Nov. to a point, approximately 30 feet he County Court for Coos County, 24, 1938. South of the center of Block 18, El­ Jregon, as Executors of the Last Will O. C. Sanford, liott’s Addition to Coquille City; and Testament and of the Estate of Executor of Wainwright B. Cum­ thence North 600 feet through center John Yoakam, deceased, and all per­ mings Estate. 45t5 of Blocks 18 and 19 to the center of sons having claims against said Estate Second Street; thence East along cen­ are hereby required to present the Reception room jointly wttfai same to the undersigned at the office IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE ter of said Second Street 429 feet to the center of Henry Street; thence STATE OF OREGON IN AND of O. C. Sanford in Coquille, Oregon, North 380 feet along center of Henry FOR THE COUNTY OF COOS duly verified with proper vouchers, within six months from the date of In the Matter of the Estate of Sam Street to the center of Henry and Dixon, sometimes known at Samuel Third Streets, to the place of begin­ this notice. Dixon,' Deceased, ning. Dated and published first time Dec. A statement of said assessment was NoMee Of Sale Of Real Property 8, 1938. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That entered in the Docket of City Liens L. H. Hazard, E. D. Webb, G. C. by virtue of an order, decree and on the Sth day of December, 1938, Sanford, Executors of the Last Will and license of the County Court of Coos and the same and said Ordinance with Testament of John Yoakam, deceased. County, Oregon, made and entered said assessment thereto attached con­ on the 23rd day of November, 1938, taining the names of the owners, de­ 47t5 ______________ in the Matter of the Estate of Sam scription of property assessed, and Dixon, sometimes known as Samuel amount of assessment against each lot, IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE Dixon, deceased. I will on and after part of lot and parcel of land, are on STATE OF OREGON IN AND Tuesday, the 27th day of December, file with the City Recorder and sub­ FOR THE COUNTY OF COOS 1938, proceed to sell, at private sale, ject to inspection of an persons in­ In the Matter of the Guardianship to the highest and best bidder for terested, and are hereby made a part of Clarence S. Hatcher, Insane, cash in hand, and subject to the con­ of this notice by reference. Call Hotel for Notice To Creditem firmation of said Court, all of the The whole cost of said construction Notice is hereby given, that the right, title and interest of said Es­ is the sum of 83,670.24 undersigned has been duly appointed tate, and those claiming under it, in NOW THEREFORE, all persons in­ by the above entitled Court, as and to the following described real terested will take notice that said Guardian of the person and estate property, to-wit: assessments are now due and pay­ of said insane person, and has duly able, s*d if not paid within thirty days The SW% of Section 5, In Township 30 South of Range 10 from the 15th day of December, 1938, qualified as such. Now, therefore, all persons having West of the Willamette Meridian or bonded within the time provided V claims against said estate are here- in Coos County, Oregon, con­ by law, to-wit: on or before the 16th notified and required to present taining ISO acres, more er leea. ■ day of January, 1939, the same shall same, together with proper Bids will be received by me as Ex­ be deemed to be delinquent, and will vouchers therefor, to the undersigned, ecutrix of said Estate, at the office bear interest from the 5th day of De­ st Coquille, Oregon, or at the law of J. Arthur Berg, in Coquille, Coos cember, 1938, at the rate of 6 per WOOD — COAL — FUEL OIL office of J. Arthur Berg, at Coquille, County Oregon. cent per annum, and will be sold in Della Lucia, Oregon, withih six months from the the manner provided by law for the STORAGE Executrix of the Estate of Sam collection of delinquent assesssments. ite hereof. 38th day of November, Dixon, Deceased. Dated this 15th day of December, Dated this 1 J. Arthur Berg. 1938. Attorney for Executri Coquille, O^e 45t5 School Supt. Office S.1“-. - ’455* Attention!! -Truck Buyers SPECIALS T* . Insurance ’365" Southwestern Motors Mansell Drayage & Delivery ~ HAUUNG <7R q ^ Menxory Service- PerfornxcX Gano Funeral Home SCHROEDER BROS. MORTUARIES, I . Miss Inez Rover Piano Accordion Benham’s Transfer Anywhere For Hire