f Social Notes X . By ELIOT JONES Pro/essor o/ Tran»portation anti Public VtUitit» Stanford VnìvcrtUy (Continued from Page Three) ------------------------------- ------------------------ At the lecture on “China,” given by Miss Helen Whitaker Monday eve­ ning, people from the rural districts were well represented. The advanced pupils from the Valley View and Coaledo schools attended in a body and the Junior Woman’s Club mem­ bers also attended in a body before their regular meeting, which was held downstairs in Pioneer Hall. At the meeting of the Royal Neigh­ bors Tuesday evening, two were ini­ tiated into the order: Mrs. Frank Wil­ lard and Mrs. Michael McCarthy. The annual election of officers resulted in the following being chosen: Oracle, Ida Sherrard; Vice Oracle, Ruby Johnson; Chancellor, Myrtle Jones; recorder, Mae Waggoner; receiver, Ethel Leach; past oracle, -Katherine Varney; marshall, Elizabeth Bull; assistant marshal, Georgia Stephen­ son; Inner sentinel, Nora Thorp; out­ er sentinel, Mollie Wersh; manager three years, Lottie Miller; flag-bearer, Katie Peart. A “galloping" tea was held at the home of Mrs. Fred Bull this week, callers being Mrs. Zoe Smith and Mrs. Georgia Stephenson. At the meeting of Mamie Rebekah Lodge .No. 29, November 23 rd, the fol­ lowing officers were elected for the coming year: Mrs. Ena Harless, Noble Grand; Mrs. Lois Stevens, Vice Grand; Mrs. Florabel Boober, secre­ tary, and Mrs. Harriet Schaer, treas­ urer. Saturday evening, Dec. 17, the Three Links club will sponsor another dance in the I.CLOJ. hall. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Spangler were hosts at a six-thirty o’clock party last Saturday night. Following dinner, the guests chatted, etc. Present were: --------- . ______ ladies were unable to remain the Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Sanford, Mrs. C. W. whole of the meeting but received Mrs. Harry Todd, Mr. and Mrs. A. Kl(ne, Mrs. Albert Powers and Mrs. much inspiration tor future Pro- D. Hoolstead, Mr. and Mrs. Zed Fin­ ley, Mrs. E. C. Finley and son, Cecil, R. A. Wemlch drove to Portland Sun- 1 America activities, and Mr. and Mrs. W. Hoolstead. day to attend meetings of Pro Ameri- I ca. They returned Tuesday evening. ’ Mrs. Louis Fugelson entertained They were guests of Mr. and Mrs., her Sunday school class with a Christ­ Geo. T. Gerlinger Sunday evening at mas party Monday evening at her a lovely buffet supper held at the home on Sanford Heights. The girls Town Club in honor of Governor-elect The missionary circle of the Assem­ played “Touring Hop Ching” and, and Mrs. Charles A. Sprague. Over sixty guests were present at this de­ bly of God Church met at the home “Pick Up Sticks,” They were then of Mrs. H. L. Johnson yesterday. Af­ served delicious “eats” by Mrs. Fugel­ lightful affair. / Present were: Ann Hawkins,1 Monday morning, Mrs. Kline, as ter the regular business was attended son. president of the local Pro-America to two letters were read, one from Helen Kyle, Eunice Howe, Beverly club, attended the board meeting of workers in South America and one Norton, Donna Dean Bowerman, Betty Mrs. E. L. Jo Thorp, Mary Jane Dunn, Veda Pro-America held in the Wilcox from Belgian Congo. had charge of devotions and Tucholke, Dorothea Yarbrough, Zula building. In the late afternoon. Mrs. Smith ! Gerlinger drove the ladies to Oregon 1 read Psalm 103. Mrs. Holmstrom led Westmoreland, Geraldine Cole, Dor­ City, where they visited the restored in 1 prayer, Mrs. R. D. E. Smith gave othy Belle Newton, Muriel Davis, interesting talk on work and con­ Barbara Leslie, Margaret Smith and McLaughlin home and the Barclay an 1 Jeanne Claterbo«. Tea Room. Monday evening they • ditions in South India. Lunch was served to twenty-five were guests for dinner at the home of Mrs. Gerlinger in honor of two 1 ladle,: Mesdames V. R. Wilson, R. D. Mrs. A. B. Collier was hostess special guests. I E- Smith, E. L. Smith, May Bates, Ella to her evening bridge club Mon- Tuesday morning the ladies attend- Nelson, Strang, Lucy Whitney, Fern day for seven o’clock dessert. Con­ ed the annual meeting of Pro-Ameriqa Schroeder, Hattie Coy, Nash, Cooper, tract was played with Mrs. Geo. John­ held in the Neighbors of Woodcraft Frances Holmstrom, Dorothy Jeffries, son winning high score; Mrs. U. E. building. Most of the counties in the Mamey, Van Fleet, Newton, Frank McClary, second, and Mrs. Frank state had a representative of their or- , Fish, Lewis English, Carpenter, Wil­ Thrift, the travelling prize. Present kins, Steward, Margaret Steward, were: Mesdames J. L. Aasen, E. M. Dorothy Caudle, Miss Aileen Wilson Kay, Frank Thrift, F. C. McNelly, U. and the hostess, Mrs. H. L. Johnson. E. McClary, George Johnson, H. 8. Norton and the hostess. Coquille Women At Portland Pro-Americo Z 'Assembly of God Society Has Meeting Ethel Fuller. This was the annual Christmas * party and exchange and the rooms were decorated most at­ tractively for the occasion. Mrs. Edna Kent drew the lucky number and i Mrs. Gladys Wheeler, the door prize. Two more new members were added to the roll: Mrs. Vera Hooton and Mrs. Lorene Thorp, making a total of fifteen. Present were: Mesdames Edna Kern, Gladys Wheeler, Ora Tennant, A. L. Burch, Ethel Fuller, Emma Gasner, Blanche Mast, Opal Buckles, Helen Detlefsen, Edith Ten­ nant, Mildred Hpwe, Ruby Johnson, Lorene Thorp, Vera Hooton and the hostess. The next meeting of the club will be January 11 at the home of Mrs. Edith Tennant. Children's Gifts The Zenith Bicycle With all the latest improvements The Kid’s “dream.” Don’t disappoint £4) ft OC him. It’s only ^40.73 Other Wheel Toys, as Wagons, Scooters, Kiddy Cars, Tricycles of highest quality J. A. LAMB COMPANY « . j in... - The Young Matrons club met on Wednesday afternoon, Nov. 30, at the home of Mrs. Jack Clouse. Two tables of Chinese Checkers were played, at which Mrs. Weldon Curtis and Mrs. Enno Dorna th won prizes. The door prize was won by Mrs. Wylie Embree. Later in the afternoon de­ licious refreshments were served to the following members: Mesdames Bert Ferry, Walter West, Weldon Cur­ tis, Fred Martin, Ronald Burr, Ernie Embree, Elmo Sanders, Enno Dor- nath, Wylie Embree, Virgil Todd and the hostess, Mrs. Jack Clouse. The club will meet in two weeks with Mrs. Fred Martin. EPISCOPAL GUILD MEETING The Episcopal Guild ladies met in the Parish House Wednesday after­ noon. Following the Bible study, a- business meeting was held. Refresh­ ments were served by Mrs. L. H. Haz­ ard and Mrs. A. J. Sherwood to the following: Mesdames J. S. Barton, F L. Greenough, Hal Pierce, Chas. Stauff, W. H. Mansell, Ed. Lorenz, Ida Owen, Geo. Laird, C. J. Fuhrman, Lloyd Rosa, Jas. Watson and Rev. G. R. Turney. * Dr. C. O. Stem, chiropractic phyti-, clan, foot correctionist, electric ther­ apist. 292 Moulton St., phone MJ. tf Calling card«. W for *1.00. » (? AND SAVE MONEY In addition to our regular Low Prices. You may bring any Grocery Store Special Prices to us and we will meet them. We offer for Friday, Sat., & Mon., Prices as follows 19c 10c American Club Coffee, 1 lb 14c Fcjr. Peaches, sli. or *4,2^ tins 2 for 29c 25c One Quart Salad Dressing........ 25c Yellow Corn Meal, 9 lb sack .... 23c White Navy or Red Beans, 5 lbs. Fancy Canned Spinach, 2l/2 tins, 2 for 25c Fancy G. B. Cr. Corn, No. 2 2 for. .25c 303 tins Yellow Com, 3 for.................25c Small Pe^s, 303 size, 3 tins 29c Fey. Blue Rose Rice, 5 lb...................25c Good grade Peas, 2 lb tins, 3 for . .25c P. A. or Velvet Tobacco, tin ..;......... 10c ..29c 10 lb sack Flour Fig Bars, 2 lbs. ........................... No. 2*4 Fancy Canned Prunes . Macaroni Curve Cut, 6 lbs................... 25c Kalico Kate Flour, 49 lb sack ...... 93c Feather Flake Hot Cake Flour 10 lb 45c Fine or Coarse Graham Flour, 9 9-10. .35c Small grain Popcorn, 3 lb 25c • z» 14 oz. Catsup, bottle.............. ............. 9c Dark Karo Syrup, 5 lb .. 33c Bananas, 5 lbs for 23c Sno Flite Flour, 49 lb .... $129 A ... - ■ f .A, We absolutely will not be undersold. Come in and get acquainted with Our Prices and see the new arrangement of our store ORDERS DELIVERED C.O.D' « Nosler’s Grocery Elois Wilson Is Soprano Soloist Mrs. Carla Savage was hostess to Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Wilson are driv­ the “Zodiac Club” Wednesday for ing to Portland Friday to attend “The Messiah,” in which program their one o'clock luncheon in honor of Mrs. daughter, Elois, has been chosen as so­ prano soloist. “The Messiah” will be given Friday evening in the Swedish Baptist Temple and will include 100 voices. Elois* is in her senior year In the Portland Bible Institute, which is sponsoring the program. Young Matrons Club Meets ........ Phone 4