PAGI FOUR appointment in the movie industry? Overshadowng any consideration of merit for such a rich plum for Jimmie is the coming monopoly investigation of the motion picture combines by the federal adminlstratiqp. Freeways forOregon authorities believe, the state will be forced to continue to spend vast sums on the construction of highways which are known to be obsolete while they are still being planned. The con­ tinued construction of roads, proved hazardous by past experiences, will increase the already appalling death list on the present highways. i JEAN LAIRD NAMED Jean Laird, of Coquille, was named treasurer of the Girls’ League dis­ trict of Coos county high school girls last Saturday at Marshfield when the annual election was held. Phyllis Belloni, of Myrtle Point, was named vice president of the organization and Maxine Drew, of Bandon, will lead the group as the new president. for the Holidays with one of our 133 Wallpaper Designs all at Special Holiday Prices 42 rolls at - - - - 5c 95 rolls at - - - 7Uc 187 rolls at - - - - 10c - Others to 50c Buy now while selections are good. Gregg Hardware Phone 103-M Coquille, Ore. 321 Front St Fragments 1939 CHEVROLET “There is nothing noble in being superior to some other man. The true nobility is in being superior to your previous self.”—Hindoo Sayings. Only Chevrolet brings you all these essential features of a modem, up-to-date, pride-worthy car at Chevrolet’s new^ lower prices!* the law Coti tuny The First National Bank's C gs A Buyer Plan, in addition tagiving you the lowest financing costs, enables you to make a CASH deal. Here’» whet you do: Celebrsre the boliihyt la Matty Califonritl Yoe tan do it easily, cooifonaMy, rtoeeartre//^ if you'd go by train. Southern Pacifir't fam are low, and trains are iast, warm and raft ia any kind of weather. Low cost ineals, 10 cent and 19 cent Tray Pood Service, soft mata, free pillows, air-conditioning. See Treasure Island, the world’s two greatest bridges, exciting San Francisco. Ride the srrssmliasil Daylight so Loa .Angeles»visit Hollywood, the lieaches, guest ranches and fashionable resorts. "CHEVROLET’S l 1 THE 1 CHOICE” 1 1 EAST THOUGH CAUFOGNIA » See twice as much on your round- ■ ■ rail fare then you’d pay to go straight Bast and back. Southwestern Motors gj?