Ä. V. Caughell Passes At Gold Beach Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wheeler, accom­ panied by Richasd Knife, drove to Eureka Saturday. Mr. Knife planned to visit his sister for a tew days. Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler returned Sunday, bringing Mrs. Clara Wheeler back to Coquille after a visit With her folks. On the trip down, they were delayed 7V4 hours by a slide below Crescent City, making the trip take 1S% hours. Highest honors in the Coquille Fur Show held last Sunday in the I.b.OT, hall were won by dlinton Carmen, of Gaylord. He was awarded grand championship honors. Members of the C. M. Hartwell family, of River­ ton, took second and third in the grand championship class. Results of the three fox pelt classes The Coquille Woman’s Club will meet in St. James’ Parish House Tues­ day afternoon, Dec. 13th, at 2: IS p. m. The Junior Woman’s Club will pre­ sent a special Christmas program. - THE DRUG STORE .. pvt ¿ffwiï ptiui ût ttnvn E. M. Randleman, who manufac tureJ myrtlewood novelties under the name of Pioneer Myrtlewood Crofters of Cqtdlle, has his output on display and for sale at Gregg’s store on Front street. Fuhrman's Pharmacy, Upswept . ^ . - Yes! An , Excellent Foundation for j this Coiffure is our fl w DRUGGISTS J' STATIONERS C Exclusive Permanent Wave. | $2.50 up Coquille, Ore. Open Evenings by Appointment STRANGE lurkin DANGER in The Shadows! Just What the World Needs WEWER RALPH BYRD JMSTOREY-MNKT TOMUN Charles Boyer* Sigrid Gurte HEDY LAMAR - ALAN HALB Wednesday Dec. ACTRESS" w ww ...-