S'.. - AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER ------ ----------- ----------- Constructive Plans Made By Coos Land Committee Friday . - Made Business Of Raising Money Ord'rs Carter Avenue Now A letter »„777.. th. council teuton Monday evenin«, at which all office» were preaent, pro- ■ .. M 5,35 Now Plait ' C*.... ¡UlilSlIllaS j6(IS0f Cupid Stopped At Scrimmage Line City's Wooden Walks Must tie Repaired Head-Gisholt George Oerding To Winners In Picture Manage All Business Contest Last Week Townsend Club Meets Tuesday Eve County Budget Calls Prompt Response To For $602,327 Taxes Christmas Seal Sale Other Rev. 040,120.00 -4730,710.49 Window Lighting Is Cheap Advertising 1002427.03 To Open School Bldg No Christmas, Santa Bids This Afternoon Claus In Hospifal