PAGE EIGHT i SfSBESe-!'■' . 'll II I i i 11 '.¡rr u PROCEEDINGS OF | Coos County Farm, produce I used on form......... ......... 30.00 COUNTY COURT i —County*f^w/^-—100.07 --------- Hugh McLain, County Judge 8 Mae M Waggoner. Stenog.- rnpher, Co. Crt. --------- _----- Wm. F. Howell, P. W Culver, Eva Scnreedes 16647 Hudson’s Drugstore, drugs— i County farm ___________ - 110.00 Fuhrman's Pharmacy, drugs, 300.00 County farm __ __ ______ 180.00 J. A. Limb Co., hardwaro- 8547 0041 9.48 95.00 Friday, Saturday and Monday, Dec. 2,3 and 5 Store Open Saturday Evening Till 8:39 , C. O. D. Delivery Service 11948 1540 9.10 JJ S&W COFFEE—2 Lb. Can...... 47.40 W. SANKA or KAFFEE HAG ..... 37 lb . 14046 . 166.07 45.00 • V 47.40 . 100.00 . 11040 AMERICAN CLUB COFFEE—3 Lbo... 47.40 ----------------------------------- ----------------- -c----- HENNINGER’S COFFEE—Lb. 47.40 ~J9 38.40 11040 JEWEL SHORTENING I LB.PAIL$1«15 150.00 45.00 30.00 165.87 30.00 ORO or PEARL SHORTENING—4 Lb. Pkg^ A4 R. H. Mast, Probation Officer Louis J. Langenberg, Court Reporter ................................. Dr. CL. jCoyle, Health Officer % Mo. salary-------- ------------ 93.75 Dr. Gerald P. Stark, Health Officer % Mo. salary 3145 Leia Elrod, HeslthNurse ___ 135.0» Marie Dye, Stenographs»' Health Dept. —u_________ 37.50 Earl Schroeder, Janifor-Old - ---------------------- 75.00 EGG NOODLES—1 Lb. Pkg.... DATES—2* Lb. Pkg.. . 23 .25 P&GSOAP Giant Bars—6 BARS... CHOCOLATES, GUM DROPS—2 Lb»............. J9 CATSUP—14 oz. Bottle.... 53.08 3M .33 M • • SWIFT'S DEVILED MEAT 3 34.00 JFBTIX1 V4IUJCJJ ........................ Clell Carter, labor, County Farm Cannery _ 20.40 Lilly Burkheimer, laborer, County cannery----------------- 7.30 Bea Campbell, laborer. County 740 cannery .......................... . ...... Dora Culbertson, laborer. County cannery ---------------- 30.00 Elwood Wylee, laborer, County cannery . j _—— ....... —7-^7 3.40 CANS -W 153.70 t 7.01 B. H. SWIFT’S CORNED BEEFS Cano... J5 SWIFT’S ROAST BEEF—Can J9 8J0 5.00 Long 3740 SWIFTS GEM OLEO—2 Lb». 25.00 HUSKIES—2 Pkgo. 31.33 POWDERED SUGAR 4.77 5.00 8 LB? PKG....... VANILLA—$1.00 Value..... .43 MIRACLE WHIP—Qt. Jar JELLO—AU Flavor»—Pkg__________ SHRIMP—2 Cano - .. KRAFT DINNERS Pkg»..-............. SWEET POTATOES—5 Lbo, “S 30.00 55.81 15.00 4.09 54.00 347 3240 15.00 940 50.00 ... .05 440 28.20 73.00 ••Wo- 10.75 ,.A9 88.83 FRESH CARROTS—3 Bunch»»...... . .13 M---- 20 KITCHEN QUEEN FLOUR—49 Lbo. $129 10.80 4040 !, Cash Adv. Treas. 0.00 22.00 DRIFTED SNOW FLOUR NUBORA—Giant 66 SUGAR—100 Lb». SPUDS ok . 49 lbs $1.49 Pky I I 48.00 20.50 9.00 7.50 840 133.00 30.80 4 $3J9 33.00 43 844 34.M 1.00 41 DEMENT’S MEAT DEPT 1.00 37.95 'S I'll, ,1,1,,*,,,., ■ ■ . Plaxel, Stenog. salary BABY BEEF STEAK „ 19c BACON 21c SLICED—LBu SIRLOIN STEAK LD..... PORK ROASTS Boned & Rolled—Lb. 25c 74.80 E. L. Peterson, mileage for at­ tend. at Budget------------------- Cbor ........ ........ James L. Child, Labor —----- Ralph Hurlbutt, Labor--------- James Miller, Labor-------------- C. B. Young, Labor — L. H. Howe, Dabor - -------------- John Abbott, Labor -------------- D. V. Yeoman, Labor------------- Frank McAdams, Labor --------- Lawrence Mullen, Labor ------ Harold Eeigl«, Labar----- - Harry Epperson, Labor --------- Herbert Lane, tabor------------- Berlyn Billings, .tabor----------- Floyd Dalton, tabor — Ernest Dalton, tabor------------- A. G. Trendell, labor------------- Ous McCulloch, tabor-------- — W. M. Wilitams, tabor--------- >4 Lyle Spilth, tabor---------- i------ Chas. Mentxer, tabor ----------- J. W. Dye, tabor------------------- J. L. Lea, labor —---------------- M. C. Miller, tabor---------------- J. K. Baker, tabor----- ---------- Fred Hickok, tabor ---------------- E. A. Wimer, tabor ---------------- Fred Nosier, tabor------------- — John T. Sullivan, tabor Hobart Schaer, labor------- ----- Gunder Gunderson, tabor....... Henry Franson, tabor —— Ernest Franson, tabor------------- Vic Demerest, tabor —- E. D. Dickey, labor —....--------- John B. O’Sullivan, tabor------ Raymond Barklow, tabor------ Earl Pickett, tabor---------------- Lawrence Barkdoll, tabor ....... Sam Franson, tabor----- ---------- C. J. Martell, tabor---------------- W. L. Truman, tabor-------------- A. Z. Stokes, tabor...... —----- Arthur Derbyshire, tabor _— Arlyn Barklow, tabor ---------- ... Everett Richards, tabor----- — Coll McLean, tabor .....----- ------ Muggy, labor Jack Mi ‘ M Smith, labor O. P. C__ Javta, tabor lai Sye Davis, D. J. Conlogue, labor - ----------- Chas. Randall, labor----- ------- Mike Boone, labor ---------------- Elmer Cluck, labor —1----- ----- A. E. Fry, labor----- z------------ — M. G. Buel, labor-.-------- ;.------ - John Barth, labor--------------—. O. R. Kennen, labor--------- —. C. Plott, labor--------------- ------- C. F. Bessee, labor---------------- C. P. Morgan, labor -- ---------- — Chas. Randall, labor ------------- P. Bird, labor.......... . .............. .. L. J. Swan, labor —. Geo. F. Bailey, labor_______ Ben Monson, labor---------------- E. G. Hansohn, labor Harley Willett, tabor------- Bill Kinnunen, labor ________ Wm. Harpole. tabor i--------------- Chas. Hofer, tabor--------------- — Sam Marten, tabor------ Z2Z— Floyd Way/labor - ---------------- O. R Kennon, Use of car----- — Coquille Valley Sentinel, sup­ plies—roadmaster’s office _ Hazer Hardware Co., material.. Mountain States Power Co., lights and power_________ Mountain States Power Co., lights and power.......... ........ People Water A Gas Co, water —North Bend garage_____ West Coast Telephone Con phone serv. County Shops .... ™. Consolidated Freight Lines, Inc., freight —-------------- Howard Cooper Corp., material Coquille Service Station, auto supplies ....------------------ —— Stevens Cash Hardware, ma­ terial ----- ---------------------------- Isaac R. Tower, auto supplies _ Southern Pacific Co, freight .... Coos Bay Iron Works, repair to Marshfield Welding Works, la­ bor on grader______ Isler Sheet Metal Works, Galv. Iron __ ___ Coquille Machine Shop, labor A material-------------------------- Thompson’s Wrecking House, Auto Supplies ----- —---------- H. G. Herman, material and smithing ___ .._____ ....__ _ Chas. Stauff, cash adv. postage L. J. Swan, use of teem--------- Jos. Null, da inage by fire------ William Hamilton, filing saws Emma Hermann, royalty on gravel ___________________ W. T. Dement, royalty on grav- ------------------------ Coon County, Oregon, and ex-offido clerk of the County Court of said county and state, do hereby citify County Court kt the Wler Novsm- ber 1938 term thereof, as the same wSeanT in the exhibits of claims in my office and custody. (IHri) O-* By J. W. Leneve, Deputy IN THE OOVNTY COURT OFTHE STATE OF OUGON IN AND FOB THE COUNTY OF COOS In the Matter of the Estate County Court has set Saturday, the third day of December, 1938, at the hour of 10:00 A. M, as the time, and and the settlement of srid ejtate. Doi lie R. Smith, Administratrix «T the estate of Sara Helen Robbins, deceased. Attorney for Administratrix postoffice address: Coquille, Oregon._______________ 43« IN THE COUNTY COURT OFTHE STATE Or OREGON, FOR THE COUNTY OF COO8 In the Matter of the Estate > of Berlinda Jane Goodrich, Deceased Ntatee to Credit era Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly ■Executor of the Last Will ment of Berlinda Jane ceased, that all persons having claims against said estate should present the same, duly verified, to me at the law office of Harry A. Slack, in CoquUle, Coos County, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. DATED this 10th day of November, 1938. Charley Addison Goodrich, Executor of the estate of Berlinda Jane Goodrich, deceased.________43t5 Ne. 3519 IN THE COUNTY COUBT OF THE STATE OF OBEGON, IN AND FOB THE COUNTY OF COOS In the Matter of the Estate of Wain­ wright B. Cummings, deceased. Notice of Final Settlement Notice is hereby givffi that O. C. ' Sanford, Executor of the last will and , testament and. of the estate of Wain­ wright B. Cummings, deceased, has duly filed his final account in this matter of the probation thereof la the County Court of Coos County. Oregon, on November 23, 1938, and 1340 said Court has made an order setting 10.05 Tuesday, January 3, 1939, at 10 00 o’clock A. M., at the County Court 18.42 room in Coquille, Oregon, as the time and place for hearing objections to 1.00 said final account and the settlement of said estate. 2.88 Dated and published first time Nov. 24, 1938. 23.00 O. C. Sanford, Executor of Wainwright B. Cum­ 8.70 mings Estate.__________________ 49t5 99.71 IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE 15841 STATE OF OREGON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF COOS 3.77 In the Matter of the Estate of Sam 33.41 Dixon, sometimes known as Samuel 347 Dixon, Deceased, Nettee Of Sale Of Beal Property 3.83 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That by virtue of an order, decree and 1.75 license of the County Court of Coos County, Oregon, made and entered .40 on the 23rd day of November, 1938, in the Matter of the Estate of Sam 3.16 Dixon, sometimes known as Samuel Dixon, deceased, I will on and after .70 Tuesday, the 27th day of December, 1938, proceed to sell, at private sale, 39.82 to the highest and best bidder for 9.03 cash in hand, and subject to the con­ 8.00 firmation of said Court, all of the 300.00 right, title and interest of said Es­ 1.50 tate, and those claiming under it, in and to the following described real 0.40 property, to-wit: The SWlk of Section 5, in 740 Townahip 30 South of Range 18 12.75 West of the Willamette Meridian 87.00 in Coos County, Oregon, con­ 7.00 taining 160 acres, more or lass. 2.50 Bids will be received by me as Ex­ 1.00 ecutrix of said Estate, at the office .45 of J. Arthur Berg, in Coquille, Coos County Oregon. 48.00 Della Lucia, 31.00 Executrix of the Estate of Sam 1.48 Dixon, Deceased. 13.20 J. Arthur Barg, Attorney tar Executrix, 4545 ___ ‘ Coquille, Oregon. W. P. Fuller A Co " rid lead'— 4.50 Chas. Enegren, royalty on rock La VanwKnife^iabort—-election F. S. Slover Company, material work 34.00 Ira Johnson, filing saws--------- 1.00 J. C. Steckel, filing saws------ Coquille Valley Sentinel, bal- 87448 McNair Hardware Co, bucket McGeorge Gravel Co, culvert ---------------- 34.80 pipe -.............................. ........... cash adv. for Julius Yutaler, filing saws------ Coast Lumber Yard, shingles .. ------ —----------- 5.0» Sentinel, En- C. F. Bessee, mileage..... _____ Central Inspection Bureau, In­ Ith dept. ------- 3.70 spection Landrith Bridge — J. E. Hazel tine Co, material .. 3.03 Clyde Equipment Co, rental air compressor------------------- 75.00 5440 State Ind. Acc. Comm, insur­ ance—County Employees ....50».ll 50 66 8040 First Natl Bank of Portland, Oct. paymt. Doner-------------- 300.00 13.18 883.80 11.55 Fuhrman's Pharmacy, Sup- piiea Rdmasters office ------ 140 0.00 as the time, and the County Court 11740 City of Coquille, water—coun­ ty shops ...--------------------------- 3.00 Room, Coquille, Oregon, as the place 4.10 for hearing objections, if ' ‘ any ;_ j there Huling Lundy A Sons, material closing of —general roads —....... -...... — 1040 be to said account, and the clot 8.10 said estate. 4 50 A.- B. Daly A Co, material— Jno. E. Roes, Administrator general roads--------------------- 133.10 42t5 5.88 1.87 Pioneer Hardware Co, ma­ Don ’ t forget to order your Christ­ terial ....................................... 32.00 18744 mas cards and your stationery or Oregon Timber Operators, Re­ pairs to grader____ _—— 3.00 .leather goods for printing ar mono- 11340 40 Oregon State Highway Comm, material -------- _--------- ..... 137.80 H. S. Norton, Music and Stationery. .< 4841 good now. H. S. Norton, Music and Consolidated Freight Lines, freight .................................. ... 9.04 Stationery. 42.34 Oregon Pacific Co, wire rope > 88.73 15.00 00.48 Standard Oil Co, gas and oil ...J .177147 Thornton Tire Servian, auto l»40| FL. " supplies ___________ ——j—_ 185.58 05.94 Earl Littrell Supply Ca, auto 40.00 supplies .......... ....... .......... 4346 15.50 Capps Motor Co, auto supplies 1040 45.70 Geo. F. Burr Motor Co, auto supplies .................................. 29.71 9745 1040 Golders Auto Parte Co, auto supplies ..— 740 106.00 Southwestern Motors, auto supplies --------------- ----- -------- 148.00 Southwestern Motors, rental • on Carryall — A. C. L. H. Pearce, aut 990 C. J. O’Neil, auto Orchard Auto Pa auto supplies---- ------------------------ 100.70 Bosworth Motor Co, auto sup­ plies ............ . STATE OF OREGON Count> of Cooa: as. I, L. W. Oddy, County Ctarfc af Emms’ Pierce, labor—election TRIWIWB IFAUTMEWULD PATHFINDER hmwers the questions yoa had year friends are asking -with its concise, vivf * of the current — Events ct national “‘tr^Tsra are tally and impartii Facta, new and uk^ that add clarity and the news are honestly inject«!. ■ Th« ver most interesting news photographs pilati on — M. McCarthy, Labor ......