Contest Bules READ CAREFULLY Sitting on the fence at the left are the leading characters in “You Can’t Take It With You.” Each character bears a number. In each advertisement on these pages is a number corres ponding with those of the players. Simply identify these characters by .writing th® ■ir names in the space provided in each of the ads below, then mail your entry to “You Can’t Take It With You” Contest Manager at once. The Sentinel. The contest closes Saturday, December 3rd. The winners will be an- nounced in the next issue of the Sentinel. »xy Theatrje OR BETTER LIVING BECAUSE “YOU CAN'T TAKE IT WITH YOU* ONE GROUP ONE-THIRD OFF ONE GROUP ONE-HALF OFF FOR YOUR These Coats are all New styles, materials & colors Now is the time to get your coat while prices are very low and stock is complete WE HAVE NG TODAY ABOUT YOUR T PROBLEMS CHRISTMAS — CARDS - 36 IN A BOX 25c Special Prices For Orders Placed Before Dec. 10 SHOP EARLY T—EVENING IN PARIS SIFT SETS E — COMPACT and BATH MILITARY SETS AVING SETS T TRY THE GOODRICH SILVERTOWN LIFE SAVERS W PILLOW CASES NEW SHIPMENT JUST RECEIVED Pr.......................... 69c 1 Pr............... *1M LADIES HOSIERY Berkshire Silk, 79c to $1BO pr. Also Others, 15, 49c ALL SHADES, YARNS FF PHARMACY Sheer Hose for smart durability WE -HAVE THE UNUSUAL GIFTS THAT ARE SO IMPORT­ ANT FOR CHRISTMAS GIVING Discover Oakbrook HIGH FASHIONED LINGERIE Hose' Eastman Kodaks, Schaeffer Fountain Pens, Whitmans Candies, Leather Goods, Fishing Tackle Electric Razors, Cocktail Sets EXCEL DRESS SHOPPE l»t St., CoquSh EVER TRIED SELECT YOUR GIFTS NOW. deposit W ill A I hold them _________ _________ IPs REAL SPORT and you will LIVE LONGER RITERS HER GOODS fountain ’TT™.................. — ...------ . r GOLD free on all goods NTAIN pen 8ET8 S WEEK ONLY member 2-9 sic A Stationery FINE WATCHES — CL0CK8 SIL VER WARE ORNAMENTAL TRAYS — SETS SCHROEDER JEWELRY SOUTH TAYLOR L. COQUILLE TRY ONE OF OUR JUICY JUME HAMBURGERS—A SQUARE MEAL ON A ROUND BUN 15c and !0c