um«*“’1'”" Land-Use Committee Home Economics Meets Here Dec. 2 Demonstration Dates News From Office Of Co. Superintendent Rev. E. Á. Shu ma rd Passes In California Prices Effective Friday and Saturday, Dec. 2 and 8 XLtll I Bunch UTAH TYPE Coquille Oregon JULIA LEE WRIGHT LARGE ill « g LB. LOAF .. JI DC Troco Oleo Hol Sauce Matches THE ARISTOCRAT Coquille Stores MARSHMALLOWS—Lb, MIXED NUTS—2 Lbs. 3 CANS DATES—2 Lbs. CHOCOLATES, Fancy 5 lb. box |1.10 SATIN MIX CANDY—2 Lbs VACUUM PACKED Tomaio Juice '«.”' 15c 23c MINCE MEAT In Bulk—2 Lbs... 19c VANILLA, Imitation, 8 oz. Bottle 19c CORN—No. 303 Can—3 Cans 25c SOUP—3 Cans ............ CAMPBELL'S PEA SOUP Swift Plant Will Not PEAS—No. 303 Can—3 Cans BLUE LABEL 5 LB. PAIL PEARS—Salad Pieces—No. 2 Can 10c PINEAPPLE TIDBITS—3 Cans.. 20c Chüwick Lodge No. W g groove»—making a "dry" track for the nibbar to grip. Gone in and > aaetbe new Safety 8ilvertown with > tba LUb-fcnrer Tread today. g STARCH—Kingsford—Pkg.*........ 10c OXYDOL—Lg. Pkg. ------------ ... 28c OYSTERS pint 00““: Goodrich SAFETY Sikertown DINE »nd DANCE dancing Every Night Orchestra Every Thornton 'Tire Service 340 W. Front '7 Coquille Tel. 370 PEANUT...BUTTER—2 Lb. Jar 25c SUPURB SOAP—Lg. Pkg.___ ... 21c V. C. PORK A BEANS—2 For..... 25c large lh CAN BACON SQUARES lb ZEE TISSUE—4 Rolls....... I7e WHITE KING SOAP, Med. Pkg. 23c WHITE KING TOILET SOAP Bar 5c STEAKS Palmolive Soap—3 Bars...?; 19c Crystal White Soap—10 Ban 85c IVORY FLAKES—Lg. Pkg. 28c