The Sentinel Again has good business sense by private initiative proved more sound than the experiments by bureaucrats. The farm problem which has vexed our government for more than fifteen S'ears, or since the collapse of the post-war boom, has been sqjved in many cases by the Metropolitan Life Insurance Co. With more than seven thousand foreclosed farm mortgages on its hands, this company used com­ mon sense, minus patronage and po­ litical skull-duggery, to re-instate the dispossessed farmers on their former holdings and with scientific help have enabled them to buy back the farms as going concerns. Violators Doomed ■ TWENTY YEARS AGO ' - In Portland Area ......... - ^«neiatton points out, “the innocent motorist fails to sign a complaint ■imply because the offending driver ■yea« to pay damages. By doing this, the violator escapes legal penalty. “The trained accident investigators are interested in safety—not primar­ ily in payment of small damages—and act as complainants against those who cause accidents. Their evidence is gained by investigation at the scene of an accident.” Other benefits from the bureau in­ clude the compilation of accurate records showing causes of accidents, and the study of traffic conditions for “selective enforcement,” or enforce­ ment when and where most needed. The motorist at fault in an accl- (Taken from the files of the Sen­ this statement at the time of the Arm­ dent occurring in Portland will have tinel of December 6, 1918) One Year _. ......$3.00 istice can best be judged by the-Ger- less chance of escaping penalty after Six Months. __ 1.00 the city organizes its accident preven­ < M. C. Maloney, editor of the Coos many of today. Three Months.................... .’... .60 tion squad, ordered recently by Mayor No^subscription taken unless paid Bay Times, was bound over to the for in advance. This rule is impera­ Joseph K. Carson, Jr, according to Rev. W. L. Straub, of the Christian grand jury this week in the justice tive. court of Judge Joehnk on a charge of Church, went to Portland this week a report issued by the Oregon State Motor association. criminal libel, preferred by Com­ on church matters. Entered at the Coquille Postoffice as o Under the proposed set-up, inves­ missioner Archie Philip and Edgar Second Class Mail Matter. - Mrs. Chas. Harlocker plans to visit tigating officers, trained by experts, McDaniel, of the Coos Bay Harbor. friends in Portland next week, She will sign a comptaint against the of­ o..... will be away about ten days. fending motorist and carry the case J. L. Roy, who resided above Co­ to court himself. Under present con­ Whether the civilized world, as well ——a------ (J quille on the river about a quarter of • L. L. Justin, proprietor of the ditions, especially if the accident is a as the uncivilized world which in­ a mile, died thia morning. He was a Broadway Hotel in Marshfield died minor one, the innocent motorist must cludes Nazi Germany, is headed to­ George Washington ip one of his veteran of the Mexican and Civil war. Norton's still have a fine selection this Thursday. He was well-known sign the complaint and appear in ward the "Battle of Armageddon” is speeches to congress said! “To be pre­ He settled Jn Coos county in 1875. of Christmas cards and wrappings. a matter of conjecture. That the pared for -war is one or the most ef­ in these parts. court. ----- o—— Come In and choose yours now. s o last war Is to be staged in the vi­ fectual means of preserving peace.” “In all too many cases,” the motor - Dr. G. H. Douglas, "assistant public C. H. Neal has purchased the Albert cinity of Jerusalem is according to That now seems to be the sentiment health officer for the government, has Fish residence on Elliott street near Biblical prophecy and just now the of both the government and the peo­ BUZZ HOLM8TBOM Where once ancient cliff dwellers did ordered the “flu” ban on all of the the Presbyterian church. Jews have as little to do with Pales­ ple of this country. reside, public gatherings and schools once On yonder shore a lone fir marks the tine as do the arctic Eskimos, but But now only the bats and owls more with the latest outbreak of place I Ines Bunch, of the county cleric’s Hitler’s savage and damnable outrage Among the many things we have , _ abide. this dreaded disease. An outbreak of" A young explorer stood with anxious underwent a minor operation * on this inoffensive race may take a read and forgotten are the terrible , 200 cases in Marshfield during the office, ' He strikes the rapids of hurricane face.. the North Bend hospital. turn that will head the world toward things that would happen to this past week resulted in the closing of at 1 He looked at drift-wood strewn along pace the end of present day civilization. planet if it were suddenly deprived ' all public gatherings by the health That drives the warm blood from the shore; of the moon. Science tells us that * Miller Brothers harvested 525 sacks The most bloody autocrats of an­ official. And he thought of the things not done his bearded face, of potatoes on creek bottom land. cient history had nothing on the pres­ the moon is a cold inert mass some ' — —o ■ before. Then a wild wave breaks with a ------ O—w— ent Nazi dictator whose end can be 240,000 miles away, the distance vary­ The Ladies Bazaar located first door crushing roar, . Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Wilson and He watched the cold waves as they anticipated.with certainty. The ruth­ ing with its circuit around the earth. west of First National Bank has an­ break their crest, • family departed for Los Angeles, Cali­ less murderer, which Hitler is, al­ It completes this revolution in 27 And he wonders what fate may have that it will go out of business days, seven hours and 43.2 minutes nounced ' fornia, Thursday morning where they And thought of his good home far ways meets a just fate. in store. and has listed many specials in a will spend the Christmas holidays. but the time from new moon to new ' to the west; He passed the great eddies that men Where waitod hil mother with an- ” ■ The new warden of the state peni­ moon is 29 days, 12 hours and 44.05 half page ad in the Sentinel this week. redmed. __ ,__ -1 ■ ■•u -___ «»• n ri Miss Edna Gilkey has entered wed­ tentiary, Geo. Alexander, is a man minutes, the increase being , dpe to -1 xious thought Where his life hung on but a single “Any humility of a nation contain­ so well qualified for the position that the movements of the earth around lock in Portland this week and be­ And he remembered the things she thread, his selection by the state board of the sun. To figure thia out to' a split ing 70,000,000 people would only leave came the bride of Fred Siegrest. had taught , Then a great wave breaks from the a feeling of revenge. Such a nation control is being universally praised second is one of the accomplishments . —-o------ - tomb of hell He walked to his boat with determin­ throughout the state. He is a man of mathematical minds. At the risk cannot be crushed” was a quotation The marriage of Jackson Leach and ed air; And throws his strong boat high coming from the Kaiser of Germany who has dealt with the criminal class of appearing loony, we want to say Ethel Watson was announced this ¿tnd he launched* it with greatest above the swell. and published in this issue of the Sen ­ for years, first as sheriff of Washing­ that the sight of the new moon low care; He grips his strong oars for the fare­ ton county, then as chief of the pro­ in the western heavens is more in­ tinel. How much truth there was to week. Then gripped the oars with his mus­ well trip hibition law enforcement agency of spiring than all the scientific facts cular hands. And sings of Barnacle Bill's strong- An increase of 37.9 per cent in re­ the state, and more recently as as­ accumulated by study of the phe­ the levy to “produce” at least $10 per capita for each child on the school lief demands in' Oregon over those And pulled his boat far from the yel­ est ship. sistant superintendent of the state nomena of the moon. low sands. census roll. The court, however, of a year ago is shown by the report He passes the signs of explorers police. pointed out that the statute does not of Elmer Goudy, state relief admin­ He strikes the current of lightning great, require this amount to be “produced” istrator, to Governor Martin. Total speed. As he rows on to miss their grue­ during “the ensuing year.” Admitting number of persons on general relief That Jumps and rolls like a wild buck­ some fate. that that during the depression years increased from 17,043 in October, ing steed. He felt rapids that diminish in size “Let every pulpit which is occupied when tax delinquencies were high the 1037, to 36,10$, in October, 1038, with So he braced his feet for a longer As they try to offer their compro­ by an ambassador of the Prince of levy did not “produce” $10 per cap­ relief expenditures increasing from sweep, mise; —-———— Peace proclaim anew the very foun­ ita the court called attention to the $134,035.48 to $184,364.10 in the same As the waves break from the dark, The victor rows on to the placid dation principle of Christianity. Let fact that payment of these delinquen­ period. Aged pensioners on the state foaming deep. pool teachers, who are shaping and guid­ cies during the past three years had rolls in October numbered 18,603 who With 14 members to their credit His strong boat shuddered from stem ing plastic minds, show the beauty of As he thinks of nature’s wonderful Increased the return to the school dis­ received an aggregate of $305,890 to stem, peace; let them teach the power of the democratic minority in the House tricts to more than $10 per capita. from the counties, state and federal school. higher ideals, and how to win real of Representatives of the state legis­ In other words school districts must government, for an average monthly As he thinks of a lesson he will learn; .He reaches Lake Mead of majestic While the cold spray breaks like an victories; let them exhibit moral he­ lature forms a bloc which can make take their chances with other po­ pension of $31.38. ftate. icy sheet. roism as manly and honorable when itself felt In the organization of that litical subdivisions on tax collections. The first man to win the greatest compared with brute force; let them body. Welded together under proper prize; Its appropriation of $2,500,000 ex­ And drenches the driver from head , to feet. remind their pupils that he that ruleth leadership the 14 democrats repre­ For the second consecutive year, hausted, the Capitol Reconstruction All hail, to the spirit that guards his his own spirit is greater than he that sent a balance of power that might automobile license No. 1 goes to a commission has appealed to the State While high overhead the bold eagles fate! g • dictate its own terms for the support Yamhill county motorist again next taketh a city.”—Henry Wood. For it comes from the One Supreme Emergency Board for a definciency fiy> of one of the candidates now seek­ year. C. H. George, of Carlton, was appropriation of $13,000 with which As he passes between the walls so and Great > Hitler’s tactics are similar to those ing the house speakership. Especial­ the applicant whose name was the to complete its Job. The request has •Velorous Call high; employed by many rulers in the past ly is that true if the speakership fight first to be drawn in the big annual been approved by the Board of Con­ when they felt internal dissension in develops into a dog fight with none “drawing”’ for numbers conducted by trol and passed on to the Emergency their kingdoms. The most popular of the five candidates now actively Secretary of State Earl Snell. More Board with a plea for early action. diversion by such sovereigns has been campaigning for the honor able to than 19,000 motorists had their names a foreign war. Even the threat of muster a majority of the votes without in the pot when the drawing was It required 1300 pounds of turkey ■Xi war at the time of the Czech crisis left aid of the democratic bloc. made. and 3000 pounds of chicken to pro­ NOW . . . You can renew your subscription to the Sensing a situation of this kind, the people of Germany cold. As their vide a Thanksgiving Day dinner for epQUILLE VALLEY SENTINEL . . . ONE YEAR armies marched and their bands however, it is understood that some Speculation as to the possible suc­ the 2700 patients and 300 employees of the speakership candidates have and get 3,4 or 5 of your favorite magazines at a tremen­ played; the silence of the watching cessor of State Treasurer Rufus C. of the state hospital. A ton of pota- dous bargain. Don’t wait ’til your subscription runs out crowds was the most remarkable proposed a get-together in Portland Holman, when that official resigns to ties and another ton of cabbage, not thing of the whole affair. Indeed, it in the very near future at which some qualify as a United States senator, ap­ to mention 250 gallons of gravy, 200 . Renew NOW before this offer is withdrawn. may be believed that Hitler was not political horse-trading might be in­ pears to be pretty well centered about gallons of cider and 400 gallons of dulged in to the end that harmony bluffing England and France at that the name of P. J. Stadelman, of The coffee. . Inmates of other state In­ time, that he would have welcomed a might prevail in support of some one Dalles. Stadelman served one year stitutions were equally well fed on war to unite his people against an member for the gavel wielding job. as secretary of state following the this occasion. COQUILLE VALLEY SENTINEL alien foe; especially as he was better Frank Lonergan, Multnomah county death of Hal Hoss. He did not enter legislator, in Salem this week, how ­ prepared and could have won many the race for election nor has he ever Any 3 MAGAZINES BELOW, only 33.00 “victories" with his superior air force. ever, denied any intention of giving sought other public office but it is However much we may deplore the up the fight for the speakership. known that he enjoyed his brief ex­ Any 4 MAGAZINES BELOW, only 3.50 supineness of the democracies at the Lonergan was the last republican tta perience as head of the state depart­ Any 5 MAGAZINES BELOW. only 4.00 Munich treaty table, only time will preside over the House, occupying the ment and member of the board of con­ show the wisdom or folly of the course speaker's chair in the session of 1931 trol and those in the know say that he Winter struck the highways of Ore­ and insists that it is again time for would welcome another taste of po­ gon in earnest this week, blanketing they' chose. ah One fact is clear in light of recent Multnomah county to enjoy this hon­ litical life. even the lower areas with a danger­ events. Hitler is still in need of a or. Outstate members, however, ap­ Stadelman, although a republican, ous film of ice and snow, according scapegoat to load the sufferings of pear to be just as determined that the was an admirer and supporter of to the touring department of the Ore­ his people upon. The recent Jewish speakership shall not go to the me­ Governor Martin who, having been gon State Motor association. « pogrom has demonstrated that. The tropolis and In this attitude they let down by his own party in the Snow plows, thrown into full oper­ □ American lay burning of the synagogues, the loot­ have the support of at least one or primary campaign, would probably ation, were successful in keeping the □ McCall's Mage two of the Multnomah county mem ­ ing of the stores and the bodily injury not suffer any great qualms erf con­ McKenzie pass, Mt. Hood Loop, □ Süvw Screen to those of the Jewish race were not bers. Outstate support, however, is science in going outside his own party Crater Lake highway, Santiam pass □ Pictorial Review outbreaks ol an incensed people but divided between four candidates: Er­ for a candidate to succeed Helman. and other important routes open. were the result of systematic and or­ nest R. Fatland, of Condon; Earl Should he object to Stadelman, how­ Packed snow greeted motorists on the ganized bruality of the brown shirts. Hill of Cushman, Lane county; A. ever, Holman has only to delay his Pacific highway at Sexton summit and Walter resignation until after January 9 when and on the Dalles-California high­ Again were the populace dumb and Rennie, of Corvallis, Führer, of Salem. their patriotism unstirred. Martin will have relinquished the way at Sun mountain, north of Klam­ Der fuehrer will enrich t his treas­ governor’s post to Charles A. Sprague ath Falls. Two opinions of major importance who is of the same political persuasion ury somewhat by the confiscated Tire chains were recommended by wealth of the Jews and without doubt were handed down by the supreme as is Stadelman. the motor association as reserve One upheld the that was another reason for the brutal court this week. While little mention has ever been equipment. Motorists driving into I persecution. Nevertheless he stands validity of the milk and cream grad­ made of the candidacy of Fred Paulus known snow afeas were advised to to lose in foreign commerce and ex­ ing act of 1937. The other upheld for Holman's post many political ob­ keep them In use. change so that in the long run he will the Multnomah county commissioners servers feel that he would be the in their refusal to levy in excess of logical choice for this post. be the poorer for his latest blunder. Paulus And so we come to our part in this $10 per capita for support of the has served as deputy state treasurer ■ I . ......I• twentieth century crime. Let us county school fund. for more than 12 years and in this The marriage of Ida L. Clarke of The opinion In the milk and cream capacity has actually run the depart­ strengthen every effort our govern­ this city to Fred C. Smith also of Co­ ment makes in behalf of the Jewish grading case hqd no direct bearing ment although credit for its efficient quille was solemnized Thanksgiving people in Germany, let us discourage on the milk control law enacted in operation has always gone to his su­ morning in the Methodist church with any buying or selling with Germany 1933., Reading between the lines of perior officer. By nature of a retir­ Rev. Howard Graybeal officiating. , REMEMBER—when you accept this offer your present sub­ under her present rulers, let us be the opinion, however, one might get ing disposition, being apparently con­ Mr. Smith is well known in Co­ scription to THE SENTINEL will be extended one full prepared to provide a haven for those some idea of the direction in which tent to devote himself to the multi­ quille where he has lived for some ( sufferers now without a hpme, either the judicial mind leans on that issue. tudinous duties that devolve upon the time and the bride is just a new real- I year, and in addition, you will receive the magazines you here in this country or by funds do­ In his opinion Justice Kelly declared deputy, Paulus has never had time dent here, coming from Loo Angeles! select for the full period shown above. Check the magzines nated to help in founding new colonies that “the regulation of marketing of to devote to the poltical side of pub­ last summer. They plan to make their j you want and mail or bring this ad with remittance to THE home on the Sanford Heights road farm and other products when the elsewhere. lic life but it is known that he is SENTINEL. same enter largely into local and in­ ambitious for advancement and feels where they are building a new home. It may be that Hitler is digging a terstate trade has been recognized as that he has earned a promotion now pit for his own downfall. A starving a legitimate exercise of the police jhat Holman is about to retire. people in time will lose their fear erf Coquille Valley Sentinel, Coquille, Ore. power of the state by many states of the iron heel of a tyrant and when I accept your offer. Enclosed fjnd $........................... the union and even by the early col­ With the exception of four small that time comes the common people of onies.” which renew my subscription to your newspaper for one precincts in Multnomah county. Sec­ Germany will make short shrift of the The court's stand in the other case retary of State Earl Snell carried ev­ year and send me the magazines I have checked above for former paperhanger who now de­ settles definitely an argument be­ ery precinct in the state in his race the full time specified. mands a worshipful obesiance intol­ tween school district officials and for re-election, according to a careful al Bank Building, Telephone erable to free men. , county courts which has waged ever check of official election returns. One Number 200, has been incor­ Name R.FJJ. or since the county school fund law of the Multnomah precincts he loot by rectly listed da STACK on Know Oregon: The cut of timber was enacted in its present form in only three votes and another by the page 7 of the new Coquille di­ ,P. O. in this state is second In the United 1930. School district officials based narrow margin of six votes. This Is rectory. Plei Date.... States, our neighbor to the north only their claim for a larger levy upon the said to set a record for opposed can­ rection. WEST COAST exceeding us. argument that the statute requires didates for state office in Oregon. Fragments Letter ™ FAVORITE MAGAZINES Here's What You Get Winter Strikes Hard At Roads This Week ’S HOHE (Check the Magazines You Want) □ Sütadi wtaiS Me CALLS Marriage Solemnized