TM COQUILLE VALLEY SENTINEL, COQUILLE, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER L IMS. House Vacant ? Rent It With A JVant Ad ________ , > ■ . - _ WE CARRY a complete line of Dr. Hess A Clark Poultry remedies A supplies, stock tonics, etc. Coos Feed A Seed Stores. CAR8 FOB SALE St James* Episcopal Church Emanuel Baptist Church Fourth and Elliott Sts. Car. 3rd and Elliott Street* Bev. H. A. Minter, Paster The Rev. George R. Turney, Vicar . Sunday School at 0:4* a. m. C. L. 2nd Sunday in Advent Brockmann, Supt. —DOES IT AGAIN— FOR RENT—3-Room partly furnish­ 8:00 a. m.—Holy Communion. Morning service at 11 a. m., Rev. AGENTS for DeLaval Milkers and -Lower Prices — Better Values ed cottage, running water, 5 miles 9:45 a. m.—Church School. H. A. Minter conducting the service. Separators, parts and supplies. Coos January Clearance Sale in out on good road. Rent 05.00. In­ 11 a. m.—Morning Prayer, Ante- Evening preaching service at 7 JO Feed A Seed Store*. December quire 658 No. Heath, Coquille. 44t4* Communion and Sermon. p. m. 1936 PONTIAC COACH—New Tires, 12 N.—Choir rehearsal. Bring your gift list to us. We’ll A Thanksgiving Day service was header. Taxon in trade from a FOR RENT—Unfurnished four-room Wednesday: 1:30 p. m. Bible Class. First Church of Christ, Scientist guarantee to till it with satisfaction held by First Church of Christ, Scl- local business man. Name fur­ cottage, bath, garage; water fur­ 2:00 p. m. St. James’ Guild meeting. to you and great pleasure to your Coquille, Oregon __ nished on request. 0 g g .60 ! entist, of Coquille, at eleven o’clock nished. Two and three room apt., friends and loved one*. H. S. Nor­ on the morning of Thanksgiving Day. Sunday School at 9:30 a. m. Special - . bath furnished. Inquire at 456 So. ton. * Coquille Tabernacle The service opened with the con­ Sunday Service at 11 a. m. Heath St. <6tf 1936 CHEVROLET 8TD. SPORT SE­ gregation singing the hymn, “ O Second and Heath Street* Subject for next Sunday, “God is TRAILER HOUSE for sale, »35. Also Rev. R. D. E. Smith, minister FOR RENT—Large front bedroom, DAN—Beautiful green finish mo­ Gentle Presence,” by Mary Baker the Only Cause and Creator.” 1930 Pontiac Coach, good motor, hair upholstery. Excellent me­ Eddy. Sunday School at 9:45 a. m. roomy closet. Breakfast, if desired. Wednesday evening meeting at 8 90% new rutbber. Address Box R, Morning Worship at 11:00 a. m. Call at 141 S. Henry. Phone 128L. 1* chanical condition. 3 JI The Thanksgiving Proclamation by o ’ clock. care of Sentinel. it** 1 ‘i ■ ■..; . . e Young People’s service at 6:45 p. m. the Governor of Oregon was then read Free public Reading Room open in Only - - FOR RENT — 3 - room Furnished Evangelistic service at 7:45 p. m. Church Building every Tuesday and by Mrs. J. E. Norton, first reader. FOR SALE—SO good Ewes, also want House, bath and garage. Call 39M. 1937 DELUXE SPORT SEDAN—Has Prayer Meeting, Tuesday night at Friday afternoons except holidays The scriptural selection from the to buy feeder cattle. George Ward, Mr*. M. O. Hawkins. 46tf Radio, Heater, Dual Horns, Clock, from two to five o'clock- third chapter of Ezra, verses 1 to 11, 7:30 p. m. Hotel Douglas, Roseburg. it*s Safety Steering Wheel. Original was read by the First Reader. After Bible Study Friday night at 7:80. The public is cordially invited to FOR RENT—One-car garage, oppos­ USE Morton’s Smoke Salt to cure , dark brown finish *jBA£'** the scriptural selection the congrega­ attend our services and to visit the ite court house, 02 per month. What a buy at Orte your winter’s meat. For sale at Reading Room. .. .■! Church of God tion united in silent prayer which was Phone 8R11, Coquille. It Coos Feed A Seed Stores. followed by the audible repetition ot Corner Seventh and Henry Sts. 1935 DODGE TOURING SEDAN, 4 i FOR RENT — 3-room Furnished Sunday school, 10 a. m. Church of Christ FOR better results use Crown Poul­ J dr.—Light blue finish taken in the Lord's Prayer with its spiritual Apartment. Mr*. A. N. Gould. * East Fourth and Coniter I . Young People’s meeting Sunday try A Dairy Feeds. Coos Feed A from original owner. This car interpretation from the Christian Sci­ C. Adrian Sias, Minister Seed* Stores. should sell for 8525. 0^| d^Q.H ence textbook, “Science and Health evening 7:30 p. m. PER8ONAL Prayer meeting and Bible study with Key to the Scriptures, ” by Mary Sunday services: Our Price Baker Eddy. Thursday at 7:43 p. m. LOST—Box containing tools and im­ FOR SALE—Good logging team, 9:45 a. m., Bible School. Weight 1600 each. 3 Milk Cows; 1937 DODGE COUPE—Compare the We will welcome you at all of these Hymn No. ISO, from the Christian portant personal papers, on night 11.-00 a. m. Sermon, second at One 3-ton Reo Truck. Priced right. price, compare the car and you will Science hymnal was then sung by services. of Oct. 27. Will anyone having “Shepherd series,” “The Good M. E. Sullivan, Riddle, Oregon. It's say it’s the best buy 0g jr y. '.66 the congregation. found same please send paper* to Shepherd.” in the county wO/ The lesson-sermon for Thanksgiv­ .The Holy Name Catholic Church H. G. Kahlo, Gen. Del., Coquille. HARTZ MOUNTAIN Canary Bird 8:30 p. m.—Christian Endeavor.— It** 7:30 p. m. Sermon, “The Business supplies. FARR A ELWOOD. * 1936 FORD DELUXE 4-dr. TOURING ing Day given in the Christian Sci­ Coquille: 1st Sunday, 10:30 a. ,m.; ence quarterly and read in all Chris­ 2nd and 3rd Sunday, 8:30 a. m. , . of the Church.” LOST—Brownie Junior-Box Camera SEDAN—Radio, heater and all the tian Science churches in the United The choir sings at 11:00 a. m. and some time Thanksgiving day. Re­ ROOFING PAPER—108 *q. ft. with Myrtle Point: 2nd Sunday, 10:30 a. DeLuxe equipment. Has the ori­ nails and can of tar, only 01.35. States and many other parts of the m; 4th Sunday, 8:30 a. m. 7:30 p. m. \ turn to John Gamblin, Knife Apt. ginal light tan finish “Easy to keep FARR A ELWOOD. * world followed the second hymn. The Thursday—7:30 p. m., prayer meet­ 104. Reward. • It* Bandon: 1st Sunday, 8:30 a. m.; 3rd clean.” Reduced 0 to* .66 subject of this lesson-sermon ' was Sunday, 10:30 a. m. ing and Bible Study. I Peter 5. . "... \ FOR SALE — Rabbits, east end of 7th » for this sale to FOB SALB— “Thanksgiving" and had for the We bid all welcome. Powers, 4th Sunday, 10:30 a. m. St. Inquire of L. H. Barber, Co­ golden text: “The Lord is my strength Rev. J. M. Shpridan, Pastor YOUNG MEN—Big future in Air quille, Ore. » lt*s SOUTHWESTERN MOTORS and my shield; my heart trusted in ?! '•'* Die Pioneer Methodist Church Buick Chevrolet ------------------- ------- > •> , Conditioning and Refrigeration. WE PAY CASH for Hides. Chickens, Coquille - Myrtle Polfit - Bandau him, and I am helped: therefore my Howard L. Graybeal, Paster Earn while you learn.- 01.40 per Methodist Episcopal Church heart greatly rejoiceth; and with my Wool, Cascara Bark. FAllR A EL­ 40 other cars to choose from Morning Church Service at 11 a. m. day or board and room if you Evening preaching 7:30 p. m. I song will I praise him.” (Psalms 28: Sermon, “The Kingdom of God— WOOD. s qualify. Write bok W. J. care Prayer meeting Wednesday 7:30 ji. »>• These pictures were passed around "Where I* ItT" Sentinel. 46t3 Among the scriptural verves was DAIRYMEN—Feed “Kaskade Dairy” from room to room in the grade and Evening Church Service at 7:30. p. Scriptural, spiritual preaching. Ev­ to dry and freshening cows. “Kas- high school in preparation for the talk included: "I will mention the loving- FOR SALE—Coleman OU Circulators, m. Sermon, “Indignation.” eryone welcome. cade" builds up body reserves for given by Olive Barber to the Riverton kindness of the Lord, and the praises 1937 model, 20 per cent discount. J '' Sunday School at 10 a. m. dsssai G. A. Gray, Pastor This price subject to stock on hand. the next lactation period; it's econ­ school children last Wednesday. of the Lord, according to all that the for- everyone. — omically priced too. J. A. Lamb Company. 45t2* FARR A Almost all the high school student* Lord hath bestowed on us, and the service Wednesday at Joy and gladness shall be found ELWOOD. a and all of the three upper grade rooms great goodness toward the house of therein. Thanksgiving and the voice 7:30 p. m. Wo Vulcanise your tabes, not cold Israel, which he hath bestowed on attended. Friday morning prayer group meats of melody.” » patch them. No extra coat Thorn­ BUTCHERING SUPPLIES—Smoked r* them according to his mercies, and ac­ Nancy Roberto with Mrs. Borgard, 256 S. Coulter. i Salt; Tender Quick; Sausage Sea­ ton Tire Service, 340 West Front Nancy Roberts, who expects to cording to the multitude of his loving- , ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS < Epworth League Sunday evening soning; Plain salt; fir kegs; stone transfer to Coquille, came to school kindness.” (Isaiah 63:7). ' WE Vulcanize your tubes—not cold Sealed bids will be received *by at 6:30 p.m. crocks; FREE instruction book*. And among the citations from Sci­ Monday and Tuesday to take her’hec- Our ¿Sunday School orchestra will patch them. No extra cost. 340 Keith Leslie, Clerk, at Coquille, Ore­ FARR A ELWOOD. * ond six weeks exams before trans­ ence and Health was: “Divine Love gon, until 2:00 P. M., December 8,. play this- Sunday at 10 a. m. West Front street, Coquille. Thorn­ always has met and always will meet 1938, for the construction of a grade ferring. TRAILER HOUSE for rent. Inquire ton Tire Service. every human need. It is not well to school building for School District at 802 Hoover St., Coquille. lt*s F. F. A Banquet We have all kinds of games fsr No. 8, Coo* County, Oregon, and will About 60 persons attended the third imagine that Jesus demonstrated the ' then and there be opened and public­ Christmas. \ Call and select youra. annual banquet of the Riverton high divine power to heal only for a select ly read aloud. Bid* received after gramming early. The selection io school F. F. A. chapter. The ban­ number or for a limited period of the time fixed for opening will not be quet was organized and prepared by time, since to all mankind and in considered. PVery hour, divine Love supplies all I Plan*, specifications and form of contract documenta may be examined It seems that Riverton has "gone the boys under the direction of Mr. at the office of F. M. Stokes, 1301 I domestic!” Mary Gilmore, a senior Rycraft, adviser of the Riverton Fu­ good.” (p. 494). Testimonies appropriate to the oc­ Terminal Sales Bldg., Portland, Ore­ The pro­ I from Riverton, and Fred Winters, a ture Farmers of America. gon, and a set ot said plans, specifi­ I senior from Bandon, were recently gram was as follows: Opening cere­ casion were then given by Christian cations, and forms may be obtained Scientists in the congregation. This monies, Miles Hartwell, president; I married. Geraldine Gilbert, class of at the office of F. M. Stake*, 1301 period was completely filled by ex­ Terminal Sales Building, Portland, *87, and Walter Barnes are “wedded.” tap dance, Zetta Gibson; mouth harp pressions of gratitude for healing* Oregon, upon deposit of 015.00. Mr*. Elgar Gillespie, formerly Classia and banjo solo, Clifton Guerin, Orton The full amount of deposit for one Standly; presentation of honorary and other help received during the set of documents will be returned to Fellows, class of ’37, is now playing degrees, F. F. A. officers; banjo solo, past year. each actual bidder within a reason­ the role of a mother to a tiny lassie. The closing hymn was No. 356, “TO able time after receipt of bids. Other Clifton Guerin; “What the Young Athletic« ' Farmer Wants,” Fred Rau, vice-pres­ thee O God we bring our adoration,” deposit* will be refunded with de­ If you are athletic-minded, you can duction not exceeding the actual cost ident of Oregon F.. F. A.; tap dance, and was followed by scientific state­ of reproduction of the drawings, upon get a real bargain next Friday night Zetta Gibson; “The National F. F. A. ment of being from the Christian Sci­ the return ot all document* in good at the Riverton high school gym. The day* after the DR. W. S. PARKE Organization,” Edgar Spiekerman, ence textbook, and correlative pass­ condition within 30 days Riverton girls’ volleyball team will Chiropractic-Physician age from I John 3: 1-3 read by the date of opening bids. president of State F. F. A. play the girls from Langlois. After Each bld shall be accompanied by Electro-8urreon Mr. Robinson also gave a short first reader. a certified check, cashier’s check or the' volleyball match, the “A” and Fhysto-Therapbt The meeting was concluded with word of welcome to those in attend­ bid bond (with authorized surety “B” basketball squads of the two Office Hours: 9 ajn. - 12 m. 1-6 ance. The menu consisted of roast the benediction: “For the Lord shall company as surety) made payable to school* will play. Harold Stevens of owner in amount not less than 5 pm. Evenings by appointment pork, mashed potatoes, gravy, cream­ comfort Zion: He will comfort all the per cent of the amount of bld. CoquiUe-will referee. The games will 444 W. First 8L Phone 3k ed carrots and peas, potato salad, hot her waste places; and He will make The School District No. 8, Coos start at 7:30 p. m. Admission for this COQUILLE. OREGON rolls, ice cream, coffee, and cookies. her wilderness like Eden, and her County, Oregon, reserves the right to practice game will be 20c for adults reject any or all bids, and to waive Those who served on the commit­ desert like the garden of the Lord; and 10c for children—a real bargain! informalities. DR. J. W. HARRISON tee* were: Decorations, Orville Hull, No bidder may withdraw his bld af­ New Uniform* VETERINARIAN Jim Childers, Lyle Baughman, Earl ter the hour set for the opening there­ The girls ’ volleyball team and the Office and residence on Co- of, or before award of contract, unless Abbot and Ernest Kyte; seating, Roy boys’ basketball teams will shine out quiUe - Marshfield Highway, said awhrd is delayed for a period Johnson, Orville Young, Erwin Plaep, next place west Sanford in a brilliant splendor of royal blue exceeding 30 day*. and Tom Minor; menu, Max Mullen, Heights road. Phone 243 It is estimated that there Will be and white satin and silk uniforms P.O. Box 345 Coquille, Orogen Orton Standley, Junior Gilbert, James available for the work to be done when the whistle* start blowing for under this advertisement substantially Staten, Winston Gibson, Tom Mc­ this year’s volleyball and basketball O. C. SANFORD the sum of 088,300.00. ■ • Kinney and Dick Bemetz; programs, The student body opened Keith Leslie, Clerk. Attorney at Law Fred Porter and Milo Carpenter; en ­ Coquille liando First publication November 17, 1938. fire on its ample treasury and pur- Probate, Real Estate and Office tertainment. Rex Chappel; finances, Second publication November 24, 1938 I09R 1081 chased new outfit» ail around. Last publication December 1, 1938 Practice, Notary Public Keith Young and Graydon Haga; la­ Typing Class Record* Room 16 dies assisting, Mr*. Malthu, Mr*. Ry- sio far this year, Glenys GU- Flrat National Bank Building are erpft, Miss Allard, and Miss Robison; bert and Clifton Guerin girls serving, Margarette Carlson, leading the typing class In speed- Both Dr. De La Rhue Muriel Herman, Caroline Fetch, DR. De L« RHUE student* are averaging just under twenty words per minute net'osi five- Glenys Gilbert, Lucille Danielson, Eyesight Specialist Genevieve Fetch and Doris Morgan. minute tests. Laird Bldg—Reception I Grade School Library Eyes Girt* vs. Bar* totally with Dr. J. 1 3« I Glenys Gilbert who has been Wednesday ot last week saw three Reception room jointly with Coquille working on the high school library hard-fought volleyball games between Dr. J. R. Bunch has now started to work on the grade , the boy* and girls. Although the boys library, under Mrs. Owen ’ s direction. DR. RALPH F. MILNE . were victorious in the end, they were The cataloguing of both libraries is Have IWmtiatFY surprised at the greet improvement Teeth Straightened the girl* have made since last year. being arranged on the Dewey decimal Another battle will be staged just be­ system. The grade school books are dst NaU. Bank Bldg. fore the girls play Langlois to deter­ divided into the four rooms with a master file of all books in Mr. Leon­ Suite 1 mine the superiority of the sexes in ard’s room. , DR. J. M. INGALLS this sport. All Foot Alta^’itotod HARRY A. SLACK IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE Mrs. Mulkey called at the school Attorney-at-Law STATE OF OREGON IN AND At Coquille Hotel Every Otter Tliwsday FOR THE COUNTY OF COOS last week with a large collection of First National Bank Buil^iag Has* Dee. 1 bird pictures with a pocket on the In the Matter of the Guardianship of Clarence S. Hatcher, Insane, Call Hotel for Appointment 1 beck of each picture filled with in­ Oregon Notice To Creditor« Coquille formation about that particular bird. Notice is hereby given, that the undersigned has been duly appointed J. ARTHUR BERG by the above entitled Court, as of the person and estate Attorney st Law It I* The Little Things We Guardian of said insane person, and has duly R o / mo > 14 3 Do For Our Community qualified as such. Farmer* A Merchants Bank Bldg Now, therefore, all persons having That Makes It Prosper Phone 37 . claims against said estate are here­ 8s n h Ow DMtes TO Meet Coquille, Oregon by notified and required to present Every Need la A Meaner That the same, together with proper Embodies Charm aad Dignity vouchers therefor, to the undersigned, J. A. RICHMOND at Coquille; Oregon, or at the law LADY IN ATTENDANCE WOOD — COAL FUEL OIL office of J. Arthur Berg, at Coquille, PHYSICIAN and BURGEON Oregon, within six months from the STORAGE Richmond-Barker Building date hereof. Dated this 28th day ot November, Coquille. Ore. 1988. Phonos: Office 62M, Bes. Sylvia E. Hatcher, Guardian Southwestern Motors Thanksgiving Day Service At Church Of Christ, Scientist HOU Hvv "O 9 Riverton School Professional Cards TKe Truly Modem Mortician SCHROEDER BROS MORTUAiUES, Inc. Miss Inez Rover Accordion Benham’s Transfer Anywhere For Hire Gano Funeral Home