s "You Can't Take It With You" Capra's Arago News Greatest Triumph at Roxy Sun., Mon., Tue which was enjoyed by all present. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Barklow, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Halter, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Woodward and Ger­ ald, Mr. and Mrs. Edd Myers and Oliver drove to Bandon Sunday and enjoyed a picnic dinner on the beach. A miscellaneous shower was given at the home of Mrs. Marvin Shaw Monday, honoring Mrs. Leslie King, a bride of a few weeks. The bride received a host of lovely gifts, after which refreshments of cake and cof- fee were served to the following guests: Mesdames Ernest Hammack, Milton Hammack, Stanley Halter, Lawrence Barklow, Albert Lillie Al­ bert Gulstrom, Robert Fish, Earl Edgmon, George Robison, Ruby Ferre, Lawrence Rackleff, Harry Collier, Jesse Robison, A. T. Holycross, Ward Evans, Adrian Halter, C. A. Keltner, Ellen Robison, J: D. Root, Walter Far­ rier, S. C. McAllister, Reginald Mene­ gat, J. D. Carl, L. A. Myers, Misses Esther Davidson, Maxine Rackleff, Betty Blondell, Laura Bernice Lillie, Joan McAllister, all of Arago, and Meadamee Ike Miller, Ella Miller, Al­ vin Billings, .John Widmark, Dan MUler, State RObison, of Myrtle Point; Mrs. Roy Robison, of Norway; Miss LaVerne Genzoli and the hostess, Mrs. Ladies Aid was held at the home of Mrs. Albert Lillie Wednesday all day with the following attendance: Mes- JEAN ARTHUB, LIONEL BARRYMORE IN ALL-STAB CAST dames Alden Butler, Sadie Pettinger, Albert Gulstrom, Ward Evans, Tyr­ Hailed as another Capra triumph, Columbia’s screen version, o rell-Woodward, *O. H. Aasen, Earl the George S. Kaufman-Moss Hart Pulitzer Prize play, “You Can? Edgmon, Reginald Menegat, S. C. Mc­ Take It With You,” opens Sunday at the Roxy Theatre with a cast Allister, J. D. Root, J. L. Burtia, Glenn Griffith, Ernest Hammack, Milton which includes Jean Arthur, James Stewart, Lionel Barrymore, Hammack, Stanley Halter, Lawrence Edward Arnold, Mischa Auer, Ann Miller and numerous others. Barklow, Rev. Ed Lee and the hostess. “You cant Take It With You" was Wm. Stauff, of Montague, Calif., produced and directed by Frank Star Given Perfect Vehicle For and Mr. and Mrs. Morris Thompson, Capra from the screen play by Robert of Yreka, California, were Arago vis­ Newest Picture Sensation Riskin. These Columbia film-makers itors several days last week, return­ .... ■■■—'■?.’ have been lauded time and again for ing to their homes Sunday afternoon. “That Certain Age,** Deanna Cur­ their "It Happened One Night,” “Lady Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Menegat For A Day,” “Lost Horizon’’ and “Mr. bin'! latest starring production, comes and Donald spent Thanksgiving at Deeds Goes to Town.” “You Cant to the Liberty Theatre Friday, Sat­ Lakeside. Take It With You,” based on ths urday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Moomaw and The picture to the fourth* to come children, David and Donna, of Em­ '■*' * stage success for which Columbia paid $200,000, is said to exceed even from this remarkable singing young­ pire, spent the week-end at the home the previous efforts of the two bril­ ster who has made screen history of Mr. Moomaw’s father, Ben Moo­ ever since she first appeared in maw. liant collaborators. Thé new film deals with the lov­ “Three Smart Girls” some two yean Mr. and Mrs. I. B. Sevy, of Lang­ able and perfectly delightful Van- ago. lois, visited at the home of Mr. and Cast in a supporting role in “Three Mrs. S. C. McAllister Friday. derhof family, which believes in do­ ing whatever it wants whenever it Smart Girls,” the production was Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Shaw and Ar­ hardly started before Universal lan and Mrs. S. C. McAllister and Jean wants to. In their old New York haine, pre­ studios realized they were in poses- were Marshfield visitors Friday. sided over by Grandpa Vanderhof, sion of a wonder-child. The Arago church held a potluck Now realizing what they had, the dinner in the church basement this uninhibited group reveals a Orta Hardenbrook, of Coquille, con­ heart-warming attitude toward life in producers next surrounded her with Thanksgiving day with a very large ducted the regular Sunday morning a merry melange of comedy, flavored a cast which included the great Stow- attendance. churcjh service. Miss Ruth Towne, of with romance and tinged with pathos. kowski, Adolphe Menjou, Mischa Mr. and Mrs. Bert DeMoes, of Coquille, favored the congregation “You Can’t Take It With You” to Auer, Alice Biady and Eugene Pal- Brookings, spent the week-end visit­ with a vocal solo. Sunday school fol­ concerned, in part, with the proud lette. The result has been proclaimed. ing Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Woodward. lowed with an attendance of 41. Eve­ aristocratic Kirbys, as well as with "100 Men sod a Girl" was one of the Mr. and MA Bert Blondell, Guy, ning services will be started again finest pictures ever made. the carefree Vanderhofs. Kirby's Bud, Joe, Patty, and Bunny, of Marsh­ Then foUowed “Mad About Music," field, visited at the home of Mr. and next Sunday with Rev. Orin Harden­ monumental plan io form a huge mu­ brook in charge. . nitions merger, a move which requires in which she had Herbert Manhall Mrs. Alden Butler Sunday. Jaaae Dunning, of Wenatchee, and Gail Patrick in support. Its re ­ the purchase of all property within Mr. and Mrs. Earl Edgmon and Wash., and Miss LaVaun Aasen vis­ an area of twelve city blocks, is halted ception surpassed even those of the Kenneth drove to Bandon Thursday ited at the heme of Mr, and Mrs. L. M. when Grandpa refuses to sell the previous bits in enthusiasm and ac- and had Thanksgiving dinner with Vanderhof home at any price. The ataim. Mrs. M. E. Lillie of that city. Th* Ladka Aid Bazaar will be held Now comes “That Certain Age," plan of Kirby’s son to marry Alice Sunday dinner guests at the home Sycamore, his secretary, is blocked with Deanna starring in a cast which of Mrs. Daisy Doyle were: Mr. and at the Arago store all day on Friday, when the boy brings his parents to included Melvyn Douglas, Jackie Mrs. Jim Combs and Mrs. Lawrence Dee. 3. The Christian Endeavor convention dinner one night, only to discover the Cooper, Irene Rich, John Halliday, Ice, of Camas Valley, Mr. and Mrs. will be held at Myrtle Point Friday Jackie Searle, Vanderhof family engrossed in its Juanita Quigley, Earl Edgmon and Kenneth, Mr. and various eccentric affairs. • Charles Coleman, Nancy Carroll and Mrs. Art Farrier and Jack, Mr. and and Saturday of this week. 8am Damron, who has been seri­ ----- — The romance and merry-mad con­ Peggy Stewart. Mrs. Art Doyle and Norman, Mr. and ously ill for some time, was a little flict of the two families, coupled with Mrs. R. E. Doyle and Jane, of Powers. improved the last week. the enjoyable hobbies of the Vander­ Earl and Glen Genzoli left Tuesday Mrs. Albert Fish has been suffer­ hofs and their many friends, is de­ for Ferndale, Calif., where they plan ing from rheumatism and unable to be clared to make “You Can’t Take It to visit for a week. Glen Griffith is out The Fairview Sunday school will With You” cue of the outstanding doing the chores for them while they Miss Esther Davidson and Alvin hold its Christmas bazaar at the local productions of the season. are away. Fredenberg spent the week-end vis­ church next Saturday, December I, Prominent in the supporting cast Mrs. Anna Richardson, of Portland, of the new Capra film are Spring from 10 to 5 o’clock. Luncheon cov­ arrived at the home of her daughter, iting at the home of Miss Davidson's Byington, Samuel 8. Hinds, Dub ers, panholders, tea towels, toys, etc., Mrs. Clarence Mullins, Thursday. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred David­ son, in Forest Grove. Saturday they Taylor, Donald Meek, H. B. Warner, will be found there. A candy sale She plans to stay for a while. attended the football game between HalliweH Hobbes, Eddie Anderson will be held by the girls of the Young Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mast and family, Oregon and Oregon State in Portland. • and Lillian Yarbo, Dimitri Tiomkin People’s class. of Allegany, have moved into Mrs. Ange High School Flay «■ Mrs. G. B. Dow entered the Co­ composed the musical score. Daisy Doyle’s home. Evening practices this week are quille Hospital on Tuesday of this C. E. Schroeder, of Corvallis, who rapidly putting final polish on “Bet- week for medical treatment. has been visiting at the home of Ms The Fairview Home Extension Unit daughter, Mrs. Frank Burbank, for met at the local grange hall on Tues­ Mrs. Frank Culver returned home day of last week. Ten ladies were a few days returned to his home last the latter part of last week from present and enjoyed a potluck lunch­ Saturday. Arthur Doyle has the roof on his Portland, where she attended the Na­ eon at noon. Mrs. Lillie Berkheimer tional Grange convention Nov< 18-24. and Mrs. Sophia To« ten, demonstrat­ new house and will soon be ready to The Community Chorus and school ed “Menu Planning IL" The next move into it. Charles Fohl had a heart attack children are working on an operetta, meeting will be Thursday, Dec. 8. while he was cutting wood Monday “The Magi’s Gift," which will be Miss Annamae Holverstott, who has presented in thè school auditorium at been attending the Oregon Normal and died very suddenly. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Nelson and son, 8:15 p. m. Thursday evening, Dec. 22. School at Monmouth, spent the Mrs. Amelia Hill was in from Drew Thanksgiving holidays with her par­ Douglas, from Klickitat, Wash., vis­ last week to spend her Thanksgiving ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Holverstott ited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ev­ erett Lafferty, last week. vacation at the home of her mother, and family. Woodrow Robison and Bill Sinko Mrs. Melissa Brownson. made a business trip to Klamath Falls Lynn Culver is appointed to lead over the week-end. the Christian Endeavor meeting Patrick Lucas, from Ceylon, Larry next Sunday evening. The topic to Lucas and Helen Lucas, from Agness, “Songs of Ancient Israel." were Friday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Fiser have Mr. and Mrs. Alden Butler. moved this week Into the A. O. Hoot- Committeemen, alternates and dele­ Margaret Williams, of California, on bouse, to take care of things for gates to the county agricultural con­ visited at the home at Mr. and Mrs. the tenants, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Har­ servation convention will meet in each Clough Haynes last week. rison, while they go to West Virginia 1 of the five communities in Coos coun- Mr. and Mrs. Clough Hayhes and fck- a few weeks’ visit with relatives. ty on Wednesday, December 7. All family were Thursday dinner guests Chas. Mack lost the remaining horse farm operators in the county who ex­ at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dave of his big team last week, when it pect to take part in the program dur­ Haynes at Remote. sickened and died. The other one ing 1939 will be eligible to participate There are two new pupils in the was shot and killed by a night hunter, in the election, acording to W. E. Arago school this week, Miss Ardyce before the hunting season opened. Cross, Coquille, president of the as­ Mast in the eight grade and Miss Je- Miss Lou Hooton left Wednesday sociation. rene Mast in the seventh grade. afternoon with the Forrest L. Moon These elections will take place in A Thanksgiving program of recita­ family of Myrtle Point, for a trip to all communities throughout the Unit­ tion and songs was given at the grade Ridgefield, Wash.; where they were ed states on December 7, according to school house* Wednesday afternoon guests at the E. W. Moon home, re­ information received by the commit­ turning Sunday night. large surplus are not produced in this teemen from state officials who at­ part of the state. Early indications On Wednesday evening of last tended a meeting held in the county week, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur B. Hllla- are that payments may be increased agent’s office recently. Coos county some on practices common here, mak­ bold and Arthur, Jr, and Mrs. C. S. meetings will-be held as follows: ing the program of more value to Coos Murphy motored to Coquille to at­ North Bend Community, North Bay county farmers. tend the confirmation service, con­ Side Grange Hall, 10:00 a. m. ducted by Bishop Benjamin Dagwell, Marshfield Community, Coos River at St. James Episcopal Church. r WHCM I School, 1:30 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Leclerc were iNvmrxt Myrtle Point Community, Myrtle given a delightful surprise party at OVER FOP Point High School, 10:00 a. m. their home Thursday evening, in hon­ X MONT Coquille Community, Court House, KMOW'YOU or of their 18th wedding anniversary. I, MOMMY 1:30 p. m. HAO 90 After an ejoyable evening of games - Bandon Community, Bandon High and old-time songs, candy, nuts, lem­ School, 0:00 p. m. onade and root beer were served. The meeting in each community There were about 25 or 30 present. DOCKERY'»* will be conducted by the 1938 chair­ The honored couple received a man of the committee. The county bei vf nice gifts. agent or someone from the county of­ fice will attend each meeting and as­ sist in keeping a record of the elec­ tion. A report will ba given on the status of the 1938 programmât each community meeting, and the 1939 pro­ gram will be explained briefly. Most of the benefit payments earned by the farm operators in Coos county are made for seeding of peren­ nial grasses and legumes, seeding of alfalfa and liming. The conservation program in this county, according to the committeemen, to one of encour­ aging soil-conserving practices. The phases dealing with acreage allot­ ments, crop insurance, etc., are not QUANTITY AND QUALITY important in this section as the basic PHONE 220 446 FRONT ST crops which appear to be causing the ty’s Millionaire,” the three-act com­ edy to be presented by the Freshmen and Sophomores of the Arago high school at 8 p. m. Friday evening, De­ cember 2, in the Arago gym. Admis­ sion, adults 25c, children 10c. “Betty’s Millionaire” is a full of comic situa­ tions. Mrs. Brendlinger (Laura Ber­ nice Lillie) is the romantic old soul who is trying to capture a man. Ker victim is August Winslow (Ed Row- ton). The times when Mrs. Brand­ linger chases “Gussie” Winslow around the stage in order to tell him a. Joke will have you laughing. The millionaire, Peter Adams, (George Pettinger), eventually wins the atten­ tion of Betty (Maxine Rackleff), but only after he persuades her that mil­ lionaires are-'human beings. Nancy Fletcher (Virginia King) and Sue Weatherbee (Mary Jean McAllister) plot to cure their friend, Betty’s mer­ cenary interest in millionaires. Sam Palmer (Junior Gulstrom) is the sec­ retary of Peter Adams but he can give orders on occasion. Nora (Anne Watkins) will amuse you with her liver complaint. Gerald Woodward, as Thaddeus Atterbury, owner of the Breezy Oceans summer resort, where the entire action of the play takes place, and Frances Fisher, as Lillie Daniels, the archlect, round out the cast of * this fast-moving comedy. Ticket sale this week is under the di­ rection of John Pettinger, business manager. , w i - i i i n ...... Coquille Heights Lots At Bargain Prices Elsewhere in this issue 8. M. Nosier is announcing a reduction of prices on the 60 or more lots he owns on Coquille Heights, east of the Myrtle Point highway and south at KnowKon avenue. To make these lots along Riverton avenue and south of there, up to Hoover street and Grand View Ter­ race, more easily accessible, he and the Sherwood estate, which also owns a dozen lota in that district, have re­ placed the old rickety wooden bridge, just oast of the Wm. Ulett home, with a fill and as soon as possible it to to be graveled, providing a good road for the very few blocks between the Smith plant and these desirable build­ ing lots. Mr. Nosier also has some acreage tracts there tor sale. A temporary sales headquarters is being opened in the front window at Nosier’s Grocery, where Robt. Creag­ er or Mr. Nosier will be glad to meet anyone interested. * We recommend planting shrubbery in the faH. See our display at Myrtle Gardens. Signed The Greenhouse Gardeners. rqn. Calling carda, 50 for |1.00. For Christmas Permanent Wave THE IDEAL GIFT Fairview Items Permanent Waves $3.50 up Effective Dec. 1, |2.50 Price will be discontinued ROXY BEAUTY SALON Phone *0 for appointment Buy |r our Own Home Why pay rent? Purchase your lot on Coquille Heights County Agricultural Convention Dec. 7 The Finest Building site in Coquille. Only five blocks from Smith Wood plant and ten blocks from center of town Lots Priced at 850« 875« $1OO00 S15O 00 S2OO 00 Taxes and Street Improvements PAID Also Acreage Tracts ranging from $25 to $100 per acre ONLY 10% Down Payment and Easy Terms on balance GREATEST BARAGINS EVER OFFERED IN COQUILLE. THESE ARE SACRIFICED PRtCES. DON'T DELAY GET YOURS NOW ROBERT CREAGER POLKEMA“"' „ . > I H. or a. . . S. M. NOSIER Sales headquarters in Nosier s Grocery (owner)