WPLr r A a* .."-w F ■ — > ' J V..T- •• * » C -i—; ; -rsnm«..»-. ■ > Ì *»' *= Want Ads ■Ut Ai£. USE Marton’s Smoke Salt to cure1 Force your winter’s meat. For sale at Coos Feed A Seed Stores. Cut As Season Business Is Slackened i Gymnasium Work Is Progressing Fast z-f . f *’R According taC. T. Selbig, manager X of the local Swift factory here, the St James’ Episcopal Church Emanuel Baptist Church Work on completion of the Coquille force has been cut about 50 per cent Cor. 3rd and Elliott Streets . Fourth and Elliott Sts. high school gymnasium is moving ie Mst week or so due to the PIGS For Sale—Shoats and weaner in the Rev. H. A. Minter, Faster along at a fast clip, according to S. L. The Rev. George R. Turney, Vicar FOR RENT pigs. See C. E. Johnson, McKinley slack« :ening of the season for the dairy < Nev. 27—tai Sunday la Advent Godard, contractor of Coottage Grove, Sunday School at 9:48 a. m. C. L Rt., Coquille. lt*s industry of this section. 8 a. m.—Holy Cotpmunion (C. C. for Brockmann, Supt. who has charge of the job. FOR RENT—3-Room partly furnish­ Drying up of dairy herds every- Morning service at 11 a. m. Rev. Mr. Godard expects to have the job Women). ed cottage, running water, 5 miles SAVE MONEY on Clover Seed, Rye where at this time makes leas dairy 9:45 a. m.—Church School. H. A. Minter conducting the service. out on good road. Rent 85.00. In- Grass, Orchard Grass, etc.. Seed products for the factory and this nec­ finished near the first of December. 11 a. m.—Holy Communion (C. C. This finishing of the gymnasium will Evening preaching service at 7:30 • quire 858 No. Heath, Coquille. 44t4* Oats, Vetch Seed. Get our prices essitates curtailing operations. p. m. give this-city one of the finest places for Confirmation Candidates). first Coos Feed & Seed Stores. The plant will be shut down en­ I of this kind in southern Oregon. The HEU’ WANTED FEMALE Thanksgiving Day—8 a. m., Holy AGENTS for DeLaval Milkers and tirely in January for a short time in ceiling and walls are all lined with Communion. 10 sv m., Union service. First Church of Christ, Scientist WORK WANTED, Can do housework, Separators, parts and supplies. Coos order for repairs and renovation of celotex and modernistic finishings Monday, Nov. 28—7:30 p. m.. Class Coquille. Oregon —by a dependable girt Contact equipment which is a seasonal func­ Feed A Seed Stores. and fixtures. The west wall balcony of Instruction. Sunday School at 9:80 a. m. Mabie Roy, McKinley, Ore. Can tion with the Swift company in this Wednesday, Bible Class and Guild. and the south balcony will also be Sunday Service at 11 a. m. — come any time. 45tl* BALED HAY for sale, lowest mar­ county. completed with seats in place. Seats ■.......... -1 '■ t11 1 Subject for next Sunday, "Ancient ket prices (delivered). George E. It appears that an even bigger year Coquille Tabernacle and Modern Necromancy, alias Mes­ Denn, Box 121, Camas Valley, Ore. for business will be ahead of the fac­ for the stage will be supplied by the schools when dramatic functions'are Second and Heath Streets merism and Hypnotism, Denounced.*’ 43t8*a tory here next year with the improve­ RELIABLE MAN WANTED to call on being held there. •' ' Rev. R. D. EMeilth, minister . Wednesday evening meeting at 8 farmers in N. Coos County. No BUTCHERING SUPPLIES—Smoked ment of conditions up and down the Sunday School aT9:45 a.jn. o’clock. coast where the local factory sells its experience or capital required. Salt (Morton’s or Old Hickory); Morning Worship at 11:00 a. m. Free public Reading Room open in products of cheese and butter made New Operator This Week ■Steady work. Make up to 812 Tender Quick (a sweet pickle for Young People’s service at 8:45 p. m. Church Building every Tuesday and and manufacured right here in one of At Nosier Beauty Shop day. FURST A THOMAS, 428 X meat); Sausage Seasoning; plain Evangelistic service at 7:45 p. m. Friday afternoons except holidays the most modern and efficient opera­ 3rd St., Oakland, faltf. It salt; clean fir kegs; stone crocks; Prayer Meeting, Tuesday night at from two to five o’clock. Mrs. Lydia Herd, who has been in tions of the Swift company. FREE Instruction books. FARR A 7:30 p. m. • The publie is cordially invited to • 1 FOR BALE— Charge of Nosier’s Beauty Shop for ELWOOD. Is attend our services and to visit the Bible Study Friday night at 7:30. the last year and a half, has given up FULL-BLOODED English sheep dog Reading Room. her position on account of ill health —Australian shepherd Pups; 4 fe­ WE CARRY a complete line of Dr. Church of Bod and has moved to Marshfield, where Hess & Clark Poultry remedies A males and one male. Call at 280 So. Methodist Episcopal Church Corner Seventh and Henry Sta. her husband Is employed. supplies, stock tonics, etc. Cooe Coulter St. or phone 170R. 45tls Sunday school, 10 a. m. Evening preaching 7:30 p. m. Mr. Nosier was quite fortunate in Feed A Seed Stores. Geo. C. Sabin, manager of the Ore­ securing Miss Irma Alexander, who Young People’s meeting Sunday Prayer meeting Wednesday 7:30 p. FOR better results use Crown Poul­ m. try & Dairy Feeds. Coos Feed & WE Vulcanize your tubes—not cold gon Caves Chateau and the concessions has bad a number of years’ experience evening 7:30 p. m. patch them. No extra cost. 340 at the caves was a Coquille visitor conducting her own shops, as well as Scriptural, spiritual preaching. Ev- Prayer meeting and Bible study Seeds Stores. West Front street Coquille. Thorn­ Tuesday. He was on an advertising In others, to take over the manage­ Thursday at 7:45 p. m. "ryone welcome. ROLL ROOFING—108 sq. ft. with ton Tire Service. G. A. Gray, Pastor trip and called attention to the fact ment of the shop. We will welcome you at all of these nails and can of tar, only »1.35. services. that the caves and the road leading Miss Alexander comes highly rec ­ AQUARIUM SUPPLIES—Gold Fish; FARR A ELWOOD. to them are open the year round. Johnson Reports Rabbit Pens ommended and with the best of refer­ Turtle; 5 kinds of fish food; 5 va­ So far this year there have been ences. She has worked at Berg’s in Church of Christ FOR SALE—Model A Ford Coupe, rieties of water plants; fish bowls; At Cream O’Coos Plant two three-jnch snowfalls, but the Portland under Mr. Pierce, who is East Fourth and Coulter with good rubber and new paint colored shells and gravel; and sta­ J C. Adrian Sias, Minister state highway department keeps the considered one of the beet hair stylists George Johnson, manager of Cream Will sell cheap. Inquire Owen Win­ tuary. FARR A ELWQOD. 4 20 milea^pf road from the Redwood on the coast and she herself is also 9:45 a. m. Bible School, Ralph Har­ O’ Coos, local creamery, reports that ters, Gilmore Station, Front and ’ TURKEYS, CHICKENS highway to the caves open at all times. considered one of the best. ry, Supt he will have 98 fur-bearing rabbits Willard. lt»s Mr. Sabin said the last eight miles of 11:00 a. m. Morning Worship, ser- in pens in the creamery plant soon. Nosier ’ s Beauty Shop will continue [CILENI TURKEYS A CHICKENS: We have FOR SALE—Coleman Oil Circulators, the trip is one of indescribable beauty to try to give you the best in beauty monette for Juniors, “Samson.” Ser­ He has built separate pens for the some choice birds for your 1937 model, 20 per cent discount when the trees on the surrounding work at all times. mon, First of four of “The Shepherd animals in a compartment that will be THANKSGIVING DINNER. Farr This price subject to stqpk on hand. hills are snow covered... Chains are Series.” Solo, Emma Frances Mul­ kept at a cold temperature both in A Elwood. J. A. Lamb Company. 45t2s never necessary on the trip.. key, “Grateful O Lord Am I,” Caro winter and summer in order that the Thanksgiving Dance At Com­ We still have some very good buys Roma. Anthem by choir, "Thine Is best kind of fur on the felts can be 40 ACRES For Sale—Good House and munity Building Thursday Use Mediterranean Heather for the Glory,” Chas. F. Lane. grown before the first hides are sold orchard, spring, 3 acres bottom. in Band Instruments. 'If you have a color in perennial border or rock 6:30 p. m. Christian Endeavor for on the market. Small payment balance like rent. youngster who wants in the band, The Eagles lodge at Coquille will see us. H. S. Norton Music and Sta­ gardens in winter. You will find it ail ages. Three groups. A conversion of the iceing machine Lisle Goodwin, first house on left reasonably priced at Myrtle Gardens. hold a grand Thanksgiving dance at tionery. •' 7:30 p. m. Evening Worship, Ray of the plant into an automatic opera­ of Rink creek road. 40tf the Community Building this Thurs­ Zack, full-blooded Indian, will speak. tion was made last 'week by E. G. Typewriters, both portable and day evening. We Vulcanise yonr tubes, not cold IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE He will sing and speak in both his Opperman, electrician; so that the Babe's Melody Kings will furnish STATE OF OREGON IN AND standard, office machines, and a . ‘ .. >■«"' ------ - dersigned has filed her Final Ac- E. Ross, Administrator, has filed his 1 The idea is to guess the names at vari­ for sale at this office. TRAILER House for sale, or will count in the matter of the adminis­ final account in the matter of the es­ ous pieces played by the orchestra The Holy Name Catholic Church tration of said estate, and that the. tate of Hattie G. Ross, deceased, with V trade for property. See Vancq County Court has set Saturday, the the County Court of Coos County, but this is not as easy as it sounds, Calling cares, SO for fl .00. I Coquille: 1st Bunday, 10:30 a. th.; Weekly, 901 North Coulter. 43t3* third day of December, 1938, at th* Oregon; and said Court has set Tues­ as many folks do not get the exact hour of 10:00 A. M., as the time, and day, December 8, 1938, at 9:30 A. M. title. Everyone is invited to the 2nd and 3rd Sunday, 8:30 a. m. Myrtle Point: 2nd Sunday, 10:30 a. the County Court Room in the Coun­ as the time, and the County Court DINE and DANCE ty Court House at Coquille, Coos Room, Coquille, Oregon, as the place dance. Cash prize of »10.00 will be m; 4th Sunday, 8:30 a. m.« County, Oregon, as the place for hear­ for hearing objections, If any there awarded the winner. In case of a Bandon: 1st Sunday, 8:30 a. m.; 3rd ing objections to said Final Account be to said account, and the closing of tie, the award will b^split. The prize Sunday, 10:30 a. m. and the settlement of said estate. said estate. was 85.00 last week but no one was Powers, 4th Sunday, 10:30 a. m.. Dollie R. Smith, 42t5 Jno. E. Ross, Administrator able to get the correct title to all of Administratrix of the estate of Sara Rev. J. M. Sheridan, Pastor HÀen Robbins, deceased. the pieces In the contest and so that NOTICE Harry A. Slack, Notice is hereby given that on the prise will be carried over to this Orchestra Every ADVERTISEMENT FOE BIDS Attorney for Administratrix 14th day of November, 1938, there dance. Residence and postoffice address: Wednesday and Saturday Sealed bids will be received by was filed in the office of the City Re­ Coquille, Oregon. 42t5 corder by the City Recorder and the NOTICE OF BAL* OF LAND AC­ Keith Leslie, Clerk, at Coquille, Ore­ Free on Wednesday gon, until 2:00 P. M., December 8, Committee on Streets of the Common QUIRED BY COOS COUNTY, IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE Council of the City of Coquille a pro­ 1938, for the construction of a grade OREGON, FOR DELIN- ' McMahan Bldg. Coquille STATE OF OREGON, FOR THE school building for School District posed assessment for the Improvement QUENT TAXES COUNTY OF COOS NA-8, Coos County, Oregon, and will of Hall Street from Front Street to NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That In the Matter of the Estate Second Street; of Second Street from under and by virtue of an order of then and there be opened and public­ of Willard Street to Hall Street; of Sec­ sale made by the Couhty Court of ly read aloud. Bids received after V Berlinda Jane Goodrich, Deceased ond Street from Elliott Street to the State of Oregon, for the County the time fixed for opening will not be Notice to Creditors considered. Henry Street; of Henry Street from DR. W. S. PARKE Notice Is hereby given that the “ “id Street to Third Street; of of Coos, on the 31st day of October, Plans, specifications and farm of Chiropractic-Physician Dr. De La Rhue A. D., 1938, commanding me to sell undersigned has T been 717111 duly appointed * Thi ____ ■tea. -_a_ as** ..j *• I Street from Henry Street to the following described lands, and contract documents may be examined Electro-Surgeon Executor of the Last Will and Testa­ Elliott Street; of Elliott Street from Eyesight ' at the office of F. M. Stokes, 1301 ment of Berlinda Jane Goodrich, de­ Third Street to Second Street, all fixing minimum prices thereon, to- Terminal Sales Bldg., Portland, Ore­ Physio-Therapist Specialist wit eeased, that all persons having claims gon, and a set of said plans, specifl- within the City of Coquille, Coos Office Hours: 9 a.m. - 12 nS. 1-8 A strip of land 3x40 feet lying against said estate should present the County, Oregon. The whole cost of Eyes Examined - Glasses Fitted cations, and forms may be obtained pjn. Evenings by appointment in the NE Cor. of lot 4 in block same, duly verified, to me at th^Jaw said improvement to the property at the office of F. .M Stokes, 1301 1, Town of Coquille City, Coos 444 W. First St. Phone 33 office of Harry A. Slack,1, in Coquille, owners and of said proposed asaes- Reception room jointly with , Terminal Sales Building, Portland, County, Oregon, according to the Coos County, Oregon, within six ment is the sum of »3,670.24, and the COQUILLE, OREGON Oregon, upon deposit of »15.00. Dr. J. R. Bunch Slat thereof on file and of record months from the date of this notice. The full amount of deposit for one boundaries at the district propeeed to i the office of the county clerk, DATED this 10th day of November, be assessed are as follows: set of documents will be returned to Laird Buildinc Phono 88-J DR. J. W. HARRISON Coos County, Oregon, at a mini­ 1938. each actual bidder within a reason­ Beginning at the intersection of Coquille mum price of 850.51. VETERINARIAN Charley Addison Goodrich. the center line of Henry and Third able time after r receii receipt of bids. Other I SHALL, in compliance with said Office and residence on Co­ Executor of the estate of Berlinda Streets in Elliott's Addition to Co­ deposits will be L_ refunded _______ with ___ ___ de- quille - Marshfield Highway, Jane Goodrich, deceased. 43t5 quille City; and running thence West order, on SATURDAY, the 3rd day of duction not exceeding the actual cost December, A. D., 1938, commencing next place west Sanford 289 feet along center of Third _______ Street, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. of of reproduction of the drawings, upon No. 3519 1____ _ ______________ ______ Heights road. Phone 242 to the intersection of the center line of said day at the front door of the Court the return of all documents in good P.O. Bex 245 Coquille. Oregon IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE EUiott Street; thence South 190 feet House in the City of Coquille, and condition within 30 days after the STATE OF OREGON, IN AND ....... - .................... along center ’ of - - Elliott Street, thence County of Coos, State of Oregon, date of opening bids. Mansell Drayage & ' O. C. SANFORD FOR THE COUNTY OF COOS Each bid shall be I accompanied _ ______ by West 108fr feet through center of offer for sale and sell at public auc­ In the Matter of the Estate of Wain­ Blocks 20,-15, 6 and 5, to the N. W. tion the above described real proper­ a certified check, cashier’s check or Atterooy at Law Delivery Co. wright B. Cummings, deceased. corner of Lot 4, Block 8, Elliott’s Ad­ ty to the highest and best bidder, on bid bond (with authorized surety Probate. Real Estate *nd Office Notice of Final Settlement dition to Coquille City; thence South the following terms and conditio«», company as surety) made payable to the owner in amount not less than 5 Notice is hereby given that O. C. 310 feet more or less to a point to-wit: Practice. Notary Public L ocr I and Lon* Distance Sanford, Executor of the last will and N 79 degrees 00 minutes 100 feet 1. For cash in hand at the time of per cent of the amount of bld. Room 19 The School District No. 8, Cdba testament and of the estate of Wain­ from the S. W. corner of Block 5, in sale on any and all parcels the pur­ First National Bank Building wright B. Cummings, deceased, has the Original Town of Coquille City; chase price of which equals less than County, Oregon, reserves the right to reject any or all bids, and to waive duly filed his final account in the thence S 79 degrees 00 minutes E. 710 One Hundred (8100.00) Dollars. H * matter of the probation thereof in feet to a point 50 feet 8 79 degrees 00 2. For either cash tn hand at the informalities. DR. De La RHUE f , No bidder may withdraw his bid af­ the County Court of Cooe County, minutes E. from the S. E. corner of time of sale, or if the purchaser elects, Oregon, on November 22, 1938, and Lot 4, Block 6, in the Original . Town .«w» for not less than twenty per cent ter the hour set for the opening there­ Eyesight Specialist ’ said Court has made an order setting a CoqUiUe clty; thence S 11 degrees (20%) of the purchase price in cash, of, or before award of contract, unless Laird Bldg.—Recel Tuesday, January 3, 1939, at 10:00 minutes W. 290 ftyt to the center the remainder to be paid under writ­ said award is delayed for a period o’clock A. M., pt the County Court of Front street; Thence S 79 de­ ten agreement with the purchaser in exceeding 30 days Jointly* with Dr. J. It is estimated that there will be room in Coquille, Oregon, as the time grees qq minutes E. 8T8 feet more or four (4) equal annual Instalments, all Coquille and place for hearing objections to la„ t to a pointaSpproximately 30 feet deferred payment« to bear interest available for the work to be done said account and the settlement South South of the center of — final , A >f Block 18^ 18, Sl El- ­ from the date of sale at the rate of under this advertisement substantially ot said estate. f Uott’g Addition to Coquille City; Coquiile six per cent (6%) per annum, pay­ the sum at 88X300.00. DR. RALPH F. MILNE .. - ... Keith Leslie, Clerk. 1 Da™ and PubUahed flrat t,me Nov' | thence North 800 fest through center able annually, on any and all parcels Dentistry | of Blocks 18 and 19 to the center of the purchase price of which equals First publication November 17, 1938. 24, 1938. 'Veeth Straightened I A Sanford, __ I 1 Second Street; thence East along cen- cen­ One Hundred (8100.00) Dollars, or Second publication November 24, 1938 Last publication December 1, 1938 Executor of Wainwright B. Cum- ter ter of of said gald Second second Street Street 429 429 feet feet to to more. - 1st Nati. Bank Bldg. mings Estate. *st5 the center of Henry Street; thence r No sale shall be made of any of the North 380 feet along7center of Henry above parcels of real property for a Suite 1 Street to the center of Hi Henry and lesser amount than the minimum ALL COOS COUNTY GENERAL -p^ird streets, to the place of begin- price shown thereon. FUND WARRANTS endorsed prior “ Pnor ning. Dated at Coquille, Coos County. HARRY A. SLACK to April 1, 1937, called for pa; lnter- Oregon^ thia 1st day of November, A. Now Therefore, all persons inter- at the office of the Coos C„ Cou’lty ested will take notice that said pro- D’’ 1 Attorney-at-Law ’ WM. F. HOWELL, Treasurer, Coquille, Oregon, Nov. • posed assessment has been apportion- First National Bank Building 1938 ed and is now on file in the office of' 42t5 Sheriff of Coos County, Oregon. CHAS. CHAS. STAUFF, STAurr, City Recorder, subject to exam- Oregon « ... 1 *T eMurer , ination and any and all objections to WARRANT REDEMPTION NOTICE Coquille Coquille, Oregon, Nov. 19, 1938. j such apportionment, that may be AU warrants drawn against School ’ —1 made in writing to the Common District No. 72, Coaledo, Ore., en­ J. ARTHUR BERG Council and filed within 15 days dorsed prior to No. 455, are called the day of the first publication for payment, at The First Natl. Bank Attorney at Law It Is The Little Things We from of this notice, will be heard and de­ of Portland, Coquille Branch, Co­ Rooms 14 1 Du For Our Community termined by the Common Council quille, Ore., or the Clerk. Interest Farmers A Merchants Bank Bldg That Makes It Prosper before the passage of any ordinance ceases Nov. 8, 1938. Phone 37 assessing the cost of said improvement Mrs. Lorene Chard, Bo It Is Our De ' Coquille, Oregon and said matter will come up for 43t3 Clerk School Dist. No. 72 '■ Every Need In A hearing before the Common Council i WARRANT REDEMPTION NOTICE Embodies Chsrm at a meeting to be held in the City J. A. RICHMOND All Coos County General Road Hall of said City of Coquille at 7:30 WOOD — COAL — FUEL OIL , |jkDY IN ATTENDANCE P. M. on Monday, the 5th day of De­ Fund Warrants endorsed prior to Nov. PHYSICIAN and BURGEON • »* 1, 1936, called for payment at the of­ STORAGE cember, 1938. Richmond-Barker Building Date of the first publication of this fice of the Coos County Treasurer, notice is the 17th day of November, CoqniUe, Ore. 1938. Coqstlle Phone Ito Phome: O^e* 82M, Rea. 99R Treasurer of Coos County. F. G. Leslie, —..r—. Coquille, Oregon, Nov. 19, 1938. 44 ta City Recorder. I I ■ I I I! I; I. i 4 ' I Oregon Caves Open The Year Around « 1 i Ï • - — DANCING Every Night Professional Cards 1 I I i 4 / HAUUNG COAL : I g iiM:ii ■I sg Benham's Transfer ■ I Anywhere For Hire X Gano Funeral Home ■a 4 * « ;4 V ' ; * &