A Riverside community supper was held at the school last Saturday eve­ ning and was followed by a program given by the young people of the dis­ trict. H. M. Waldo spent last week-end at Yreka, California, visiting his daughter there. Ten members of the local grange attended the national convention at Portland last week and eight were given the seventh Pomona degree. Those going were: Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Holverstott, Ben and Faye, David Toston, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Sonne- land and Nancy and Mr. and Ray Deadmond. were Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Gearhart at Dora. The library board met Thursday The regular weekly Bible study was Mrs. W. E. Lundy and Miss Ruth i evening with Mrs. Albert Pancoast. , dismissed on account of the evangel- Barton were joint hostesses at a Among other things, the matter of party Thursday night at the home of ; istic services being held by Rev. Ed. building a library was discussed. Fur­ Mrs. Lundy. Guests were: Mrs. R. H. Lee, which commenced last Wednes­ ther plans will be made at a later Mast, Mrs. Chub Mullen, Mrs. Jas. Al­ day evening and will continue all this meeting. Mrs. Pancoast served re­ bee, Mrs. Lloyd Lewellen, Mrs. Har­ week. freshments of cheese, crackers, cake Ladies Aid met Wednesday after­ old Carver, Mrs. Gladys Hoffman. and coffee, to those present who Mrs. Martin Schmidt passed away noon at the home of Mrs. S. C. Mc­ were Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Hillabold, at the Mast and Thomas Hospital at Allister. The ladies surprised Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Roy L. Beckett, Mr. and 7:30 Saturday night. She leaves her Reginald Menegat with a shower and Mrs. Dwight Culver, Mrs. John Huff, husband and five children to mourn refreshments of fruit salad, cookies Mrs. A, M. Ison, Mrs. Stanley Lake their loss. Funeral services were and tea apd coffee were served to the and Mrs. C. J3. Mtin*hy. guests: Assisting Mrs. McAllister held Tuesday afternoon. The Christian Endeavor meeting The Junior play, “Skidding,” was were Mrs. Marvin Shaw, Mrs. Adrian Sunday evening will be conducted by a huge success and drew a large Halter, Mrs. Everett Lafferty, Mrs. Wilda Beckett. The topic is “Chris­ O. H. Aasen and Mrs. H. E. Watkins. crowd. tian Ways of Helping Others.” Mr. and Mrs. DeBoer and daugh- Those attending were as follows: Mrs. Joseph Leclerc entertained tors, Betty Joe and Helen May, of Mesdames Reginald Menegat Daisy with a delightful silver tea at her Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Laird left Gravel Ford, were Sunday dinner Doyle, Earl Edgmon, S. L. Lafferty, home Thursday afternoon, for the Thursday for Berkeley, California, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ben­ Tom Garrone, Tyrrell Woodward, benefit of the local church. Those where they will visit for a few days Stanley Halter, J. D. Root, GM>rge nett. 1’ who enjoyed- the pleasant afternoon with his daughters. Miss Blodgett will spend the week­ Gillespie, J. L. Burtis, Ward Evans, as her guests were Mesdames O. W. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Wilson have end in Albany with her parents Everett Laferty, 0. H. Aasen, Clif­ Heath, A. O. Hooton, J. T. Evernden, taken charge of the Lone Pub ham­ Mr. Montgomery will spend his va­ ford Parker, Marvin Shaw, Adrian Orlin Lett and little daughter, Joan, burg stand. Mr. Wilder is attending Halter, H. E. ^atkins, Albert Lillie, cation in Roseburg. Roy L. Beckett, Clarence Fixer, C. to business in eastern Oregon. Mrs. John Myers, who has been Miss Esther Davidson and Mrs. Mc­ S. Murphy, Albert Pancoast, Aman­ Miss Audrey Lundy and Miss Neta very ill at the Mast and Thomas Hos­ Allister. Ladies Aid ,will meet this da Ehrig, Lena Miller, Stanley Lake, Gilklson, who teach school at West pital for the past few weeks, im­ Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Albert H. A. Hatfield, Clausen Christian, Linn, will arrive Wednesday to spend proved sufficiently to be moved last Lillie with a potluck dinner at noon. George Rice, Dwight Culver, Logan Thanksgiving at the home of Miss Thursday to the home of her son, Theron Keltner, of Marshfield, vis­ Walton, Clyde Harrison, Chatham Lundy’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Johnnie Stinson, where she is con­ ited at the home of his parents, Mr. and Van Spoye and Misses Maude Lundy. and Mrs. C. A. Keltner, Thursday. tinuing-to improve. Hooton and Nadine Ellis. Mr. and Mrs. Giles Harris were in Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pribble vis­ Mrs. Cutlip moved to Drain Sun­ Mrs. Frank Culver, lecturer of the from Drain over the week-end, vis- day, where she will keep house for ited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. local Grange and also of Cooa Po- iting relatives, her brother, Ernest Wilkens, who is Howard Pribble in Coquille Sunday. mona, went to Portland on Tuesday of Mrs. Nora Zeller is visiting her son operating a sawmill there. Mrs. Marvin Shaw and Arlan'and last week to attend the National and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Qtt and Mrs. Mrs. J. L. Burtis made a business Grange convention which is being Glenn Zeller. She expects to remain Jess Ott, of Allegany, brought Mrs. trip to Marshfield Monday. held there, Nov. 18-24. over Thanksgiving. Weaver last Thursday to the Arthur Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Woodward Mr, and Mrs. Dwight Culver left Mrs. Loren Guerin entertained the Bennett home, where she will visit and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Bark- Saturday for a short visit with Mrs. Thimble Club Friday afternoon at for a few weeks. low left Wednesday on a business trip : Culver’s sister, Mrs. N. W. Perkins her home on the Roseburg highway. Miss Davies and her sister will to Portland. They returned to their and family at Salem; and they also Those present were Mesdames T. Mr- spend the week-end at their home in home Friday. Gerald Woodward vis­ planned to go on to Portland to.attend Stover, 8. Hill, Elmer Bell, Hal Gil- Medford. ited at the home of his aunt, Mrs. one day of the National Grange con­ patrick, Floyd Warner, Ray Epper­ Mrs. Hanna and son and Mrs. Eliz­ Stanley Halter, while his parents were vention. They were accompanied by, son, E. T. Huffman, Charley Huff­ abeth Bennett will spend the week­ away. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Culver, who went man, guests, Mrs. Charlotte Spencer, end in Portland, where they will meet Rev. Ed Lee conducted the regular to Turner to visit their daughter, Mrs. Mrs. Gertrude Shorey, and hostess, Miss Dorothy Bennett, who is attend­ Sunday morning church services. Mrs. Loren Guerin. Floyd Taylor, and family ing school at Walla Walla, Washing­ Sunday school followed with an at­ A group of Christian Endeavorers Elgin Chapter met Thursday night. tab. tendance of 52. There will be preach­ went Saturday evening to the E. J. After the regular hurineys meeting Miss Velma Austin will spend the ing and Sunday school next Sunday Walker home for a party in honor of and initiation lunch was served in the Thanksgiving vacation at the home jA* • as usual. the birthday anniversary of E. J., Jr.. dining room. of her brother on Coos river. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Rackleff, Mrs. Haschouer returned home Fri­ Games and music were enjoyed dur­ Mrs. Janie Gardiner, of The Dalles, ing the evening, then dainty refresh­ day from Klamath where she had came on Tuesday to visit her daugh­ Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Cart, Mr. and Mrs. ments of sandwiches, cake and mir­ been visiting at the home of her ter, Mrs. Bert King, of Kitchen Creek, Jesse Damron attended the Grange potluck supper in Myrtle Point Tues­ acle aid were served. Those present daughter, Mrs. Brack. for an indefinite time. day evening- Mt. Damron was elect­ The Ladies Aid met Wednesday at were Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Fixer, i. .... ............ — ed chaplain for the coming year.. Lou Hooton, Nadine Ellis, Virginia the church parlors. Mrs. Welman, Thanksgiving Service at Pint Mr. and Mrs. J. D. CarUeft Thurs­ and Wilda Beckett, Virginia and Vi­ Mrs. Bender and Mrs. Bryant were Church of Christ, Scientist , day for Portland where they went to vienne Lake, Lynn and Eleby Ann hostesses. the National Grange. They Culver, Glen Hutton, Edward Morri­ Thomas Guerin attended business Thanksgiving day service will be attend i *- son, Marvin Huff, Tommy and Elson in Roseburg on Monday. held at First Church of Christ, Sci- i stopped at Corvallis and visited their Culver, Mr. and Mrs. Walker, E.J., Mr. and Mrs. Loren Guerin and entist, pn Thursday, Nov. 24, at 11 I son, Wallace, who is attending O. S. They went on to McMinnville and Harry, Patricia, and Mr. and Mrs. o’clock. The public is cordially in- C Ruth and Jerry. . i stayed overnight with Mr. and Mrs. The turkey shoot here Sunday Floyd Davenport and Shirley Jane vtted to attend. sponsored by the Woman’s Civic club for the benefit of their building fund, cleared something over $29.00. The executive committee of the Civic club met Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Dwight Culver. Af­ ter the business session, Mrs. Culver served sandwiches and jello fruit salad to her guests, who were Mes- .¿ames A. B. Hillabold, Albert Pan­ coast, C. S. Murphy, Ray L.Beckett, John Huff, Stanley Lake, A. M. Ison and Fred Scofield. Clyde E. Bartlett is chairman of a committee which is arranging another musical program to be presented at the church Sunday evening, Dec. 18. - ; -- ----------------------- Arago News Kenneth Carl. Friday they drove on to Portland and visited at the home ot Mr. and Mr». Ira Carl while there. Mr. Carl attended the football game between Oregon and Washington on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. George Hampton, of Bend, Oregon, arrived at the home of their daughter, Mr». Everett Lafferty, Monday. They will remain until after Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrs Lawrence Rackleff and Maxine and Miss Betty Blondell went to Corvallis Thursday and vis­ ited with Ellis Rackleff. From there they went on to Canby and spent the evening visiting Mr. Rackleff’» par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Rackleff. On Friday they Joined Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Carl In Portland and atended the National Grange. On their way home Sunday'they stopped at the C. E. Schroeder home and were dinner guests there. Clarence Schroeder re­ turned to Arago with them and will visit at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Frank Burbank,.for a week. Home Demonstration meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Ward Evans on Friday, with Miss Julia Bennett, home demonstration agent, in charge. Those attending were: Mesdames Q. .u H, Aasen, J. D. Ro6t, Reginald, Men- V vXvi egat, Jesse Robison, L. A. Myers, H v‘ ' ‘U E. Watkins, Tyrrell Woodward, Er­ nest Hammack, Leslie King, S. C. Mc­ Allister, Ward Evans, Misses Lois Robison, Virginia King, Anne Wat­ kins, Jean Watkins, Laura Bernice Lillie, Mary Jean McAllister, Esther Davidson. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Tyrrell Woodward on Nov. 29th and will be just an afternoon meeting. . Mr. Lauderbaugh, of Klamath Falla, was an Arago viistur Saturday. The Ladies Aid Basaar will be held in the Arago store on Dec. 2, com­ mencing at 7:30 a. m. and continuing all day. Everybody come. A group of Arago folks gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ted King Wednesday evening to charivari the newly married couple. Those pres­ ent were: Mr. and Mrs. Walter Far­ rier, Mrs. Daisy Doyle, Mrs. Earl Edg­ mon, Mrs. Arthur Doyle, Miss Vir­ ginia King, Miss Esther Davidson, Kenton Myers, Robert King, Leon Garrone, Ivan Robison. Treats of candy and cigars were served the guests. NOSLER'S BEAUTY SHOP OLDEST Shop In; Coquille We Are Giving Permanent Waves FOR $2.50 AND UP We Do Not Cut Prices We Make Them Inna Alexander, Operator -' Phone MJ Years Experience Coquille, Ore. Open Evenings By Appointment FAMOUS New.Thornton Fairview Items The Fairview North Fork Grange will meet at the hall next Saturday evening, November 28. At the last meeting officers for the coming year were elected as follows: master, Ray Deadmond; overseer, Mrs. Gladys Engels; lecturer, Mrs. Vida Prince; steward, Arden Harrah; assistant steward, Phillip Stock; chaplain, Mrs. Florence Norris; treasurer, David Tos­ ten; gatekeeper, Charles Thommen; secretary, Mrs. Ray Deadmotd; Cares, Maxine Engels; Pomona, Lorraine Kenison; Flora, Nelda Norris; lady assistant, Cariena Alley; executive committee, Ray Norris, Joe Berk- heimer, Walter Norris, and musician, Mr*. Althea Harrah. for a tir» with greater traction for mud, clay OF DOCK KRY'»* GIVES ME 50 MUCH PEP I JUST NATURALLY HAVE ID SLIDE UP BANISTERS INSTEAD OF •OWN THEM Our two completely equipped plants — Coquille and Marshfield — can now supply your need for tires for any type of Service and you can equip your car now and pay as you ride on our friendly easy payment plan. Don't take chances on smooth, worn tires—stop in tomorrow THORNTON TIRE SERVICE WO IF. Front, Coquille, Tel. 270 QUAN Th PHONS no 446 FfiONT SF