.... ./■ ,1*:. . ■: 'r- * 4 /*** - VAGI SIX A ï ■ -■ Oregonians Too Riverton School Modest Says Griffith _ 'Continued from Page One) rule and even confiscation by the gov­ ernment. Oregon can and should be the play­ ground of the nation, and the trees help keep that playground attractive for the vacationist. The tourist income can be made to equal the timber income and selling scenery and climate does not deplete the stock. v ♦ He expressed surprise at what peo­ ple in the east are«*tisfied with as playgrounds — nothing to compare with the west’s—and he predicted 1939 as a banner tourist year, the re­ sources being the San Francisco fair, and the fact that Europe is not now so attractive to people with money who are seeking pleasure. Historical romance—the Spanish first visitors, the Indians, the early settlers, and also the logger—are ro­ mance possibilities which await only some gifted writer to immortalize in story and song, as California histor­ ical spots and early life has been. Capitalize your fish, game, wild life, your scenery, your climate, was his plea.. But the west has something, else the east has not—the expansive life, the wholesome cordialness which greets the newcomer with hearty welcome and not with distrust Couple enthusiasm with creative ' imagination, train those who greet the ' public in the way of hospitality and have them able to tell of Oregon’s 57’’S’? ’ r. ■ ,» -ri- • - - 'w' e ' ...» woqders. California has unbounded enthusiasm even though it has noth­ ing but blue sky to sell. And another good suggestion was, “If you can’t The first basketball encounter of boost, get out.” * Mr. Griffith told of a remark he the Riverton “Trojan" warriors will made to the wife of California’s gov­ be against the Langlois high school ernor after Gov. Merriam had told ¡“A" and “B” teams on December 3 in a speech how much he had saved at Riverton. The Langlois girts will the state of California in certain ways. play a volleyball games with the Riv­ “And I suppose you will use the erton girls before the basketball money saved," Mr. Griffith said to games. The athletic schedule for Riv- her, “to buy Oregon as a playground erton teams, lined up so far, for the month of December will be: for Californians!” Dec. 2—Langlois at Riverton (“A" The above is a sketchy outline of • *; bsye* “k‘tRaii * n,i the sort of talk everyone in Oregon 1 and “ “ B" B" squads boys’ k basketball and girls ’ volleyball). should hear. «Iris Dec. 7—Arago girls at Riverton (an afternoon volleyball game). "Port of Bandon” Passes Test Dec. 9—Riverton at Marshfield —Old “Klihyam” Is Sold (“A" and “B”squads in basketball). Dec. 14—Riverton girls st Arago The new tug, Port of Bandon, which (afternoon volleyball game). Dec. 16—Riverton at Langlois ("A” will serve the Port at the ifaouth of the Coquille river passed all of the rigid and “B” squad boys’ basketball and requirements at testa on the river at girl’s volleyball). Bandon last-^veek. Complete satis­ faction in the way the tug operated was expressed by port officials. It was constructed at the shipyards at Prosper at an approximate cost of $25,000, with a similar amount being expended on the powerful diesel motors installed in the boat after it was launched. The old tug, Klihyam, which has served the port for many years, was sold last week to a firm at Everett, Washington, for $3,000, which was held to be a very good price for this boat after so many yean of service to the commercial inductees operat­ ing at the mouth of the river. Gifts That Last UHM! PLAN IT IS SO SIMPLE ON OUR . ¿ The “Trojan" Riverton school pa­ per was issued early—Wednesday this week—because of the Thanksgiving vacation. Monday morntag from 10:30 to 13.00 o’clock, the Riverton school chil­ dren and patrons of the school enjoy­ ed motion pictures of Alaska and Africa. — See Oux Stock of * il'W- SCHROEDER JEWELRY 7 SOUTH TAYLOR 7 Liberty Theatre Thursday And Friday ? <■ i’ i 4 * 1’ Attends Grange Meet County Agent George H. Jenkins and the two members of the county agricultural adjustment administra­ tion staff, Richard Melia and Mrs. Mildred English, were in PorFIand last week and attended the national grange meet there. An honorary degree by the grange was conferred upon them and they were the only ones from this county so highly hon­ ored. W * rS In Probate Court 1 ’W ». C. P. Kibler, L. B. Chappell and Reta E. Smith were on Monday named as appraisers of the $2500 estate left by Jas. T. Jones, who died in Lane county, Nov. 9. Jno. G. Mullen was appointed administrator. ■sr COQUILLE BIT CHRISTMAS SEALS IT’S SENSATIONAL ! IG PUBLICATIONS Each for One Tear * * "I In.New 20th Hit, "Five Of A Kind" At Thanksgiving b Cesning Kyaks FINE WATCHES CLOCKS SIL VERWARE 4 ORNAMENTAL TRAYS — SETS 1 Miss Allard's first and second grade The Dionne Quintuplets have gradual! Having served their classes are preparing a Thanksgiving screen apprenticeship, they are now revealed as full-fledged en­ day program. Several of the girls are working out a little play. The boys, tertainers—-singing, dancing, making music and fun—in their third among other things, are learning an and what is heralded their best feature picture, “Five Of A Kind." A 20th Century-Fox production, reporters to bring the Quins to New Indian dMnce. Beware! The Indians are coming! showing Thursday and Friday at the York for a personal appearance in ax F. F. A. Banquet Liberty Theatre, “Five Of A Kind” Broadway auditorium, is replete with Extensive plans are being made by provides a striking setting for the thrills. Mr. Rycraft and the F. F. A. boys for delightful little ladies, as it whirls in On the trail of a missing heiress, a big banquet to be given November and out of Broadway, highlighting the Claire Trevor, ace reporter, is out­ 28 in the Riverton gym. The boys exciting action and romantic excite­ witted by Cesar Romero. He in­ expect to have sortie state Smith- ment of two rival newspaper and ra­ veigles Claire into lifting a phony Hughes men and others of prominence dio reporters. story from his pocket, which results present. •. . , It has been two years since Yvonne, in her losing her job. Banquet tickets will be 50c. The Annette, Cecile, Marie and Emelie In addition to Claire Trevor and ladies as well ss the men in the com­ emoted before the camera in a 20th munity may attend. Century-Fox feature, and in those Cesar Romero as the romantic leads, Jean Hersholt playa the beloved doc­ two years they have “grown up." Mr. Johnson last week gave the In addition to the amazing per­ tor of the Quins. Slim Summerville, county road in front of the bus sheds formance of the Quins, the story of Henry Wilcoxon, Inez Courtney, John (where three or four large mud holes “Five Of A Kind," which revolves Qualen, Jane Darwell and Pauline were developing) a Uttie “first aid” around the attempt of the two star Moore are also featured. in the form of several truck loads of u broken up pieces of old cement. The three boys—Orville Hull, Max Mullen, and Roy Johnson—In the ad­ vanced Smith-Hughes class applied paint to their kyaks last week. Mr. Rycraft and Mrs. Robinson couldn't resist the temptation so tried one of them out on the river. They report that kyak operators should part their hair in the middle to help them keep their balance! 4 t' It has been decided this year that the time in the upper grades available for athletics will be divided between > High-Speed, Big City Story, Whirling In and Out Of Broadway, the boys’ basketball team and the ■ Features Jean Hersholt, Claire Trevor, Cesar Romero girls’ volleyball. Mr. Leonard will At Liberty Theatre Thursday and Friday coach the teams. Boheol Library Improved -Gomn^n And Select Now!^ ................... .... Quins Sing, Dance, Make Music and Fun Grads Girls to Hay Volleyball Glenys Gilbert has been working evenings and part of the time on Sat­ urdays on the high school library The new books have all been shel­ lacked, catalogued, entered in the ac­ cession book and listed acording to whether or not they are among those on the high school library list. Stan­ dardization requirements demand 250 non-fiction books out of 500 demand­ ed besides the encyclopedias and dic­ tionaries. The last few years several acceptable books have bean added to the library, and it is expected that the library will be brought completely up to standard requirements as soon as WE ARE OFFERING OUR PATRONS THE OPPORTUNITY OF GIVING ONLY THE BEST KIND OF A GIFT THIS YEAR. THE IDEA IS TO MAKE tOUR SELECTION NOW AND •j i, PAY A SMALL AMOUNT EACH WEEK. $> money is available. The work on the library is being su­ pervised by Miss Gilman, teacher li­ brarian. ? / •e c Factory Close-Out of » • Total of 1X4 Inue* IT’S A REAL SCOOP ! Inner Spring Mattresses THIS GREAT SAVING IN MATTRESSES BEGINS t. Saturday Morning, November 26th S A $29.50 Inner Spring Mattress for only 4 F GOULD'S GUARAN- »16'88 Here’s WKat You Get! McCall’s Magazine 12 Issues Pictorial Review - 12 Issues Woman’s World - • 12 Issues Good Stories - - - - 12 Issues The Country Home 12 Issues The Farm Journal - -12 issues Coquille Valley Sentinel 52 Issues 4 I TEE THIS MATCH All Seven For One Year LESS VALUE Here is your chance to get “sleep comfort7’ at a great saving. These mattresses feature coverings of the finest grade rayon damask which ordinarily come on mat­ tresses selling at $35.00 and more. The saving is yours! Gould’s of­ fer the mattress value of the county. $300 5 Regularly $29.50 Í REGULAR VALUE $525—YOU SAVE $225 Terms — One-half down, the balance in two payments. !l t USE THIS COUPON-AND SAVE $225^ ✓ COQUILLE VALLEY SENTINEL ______________________ COQUILLE, OREGON Yea, indeed. I want to accept your magagine offer before it.ie withdrawn. Enclosed is $3 100 00 in in FULL PAYMENT for a ONE YEAR’S subecription, ’ new or renewal, to the following seven SEhn publications I IOilOWlDK BUVCI1 ------------------ ______ VA _________ SENTINEL 1 year GOOD STORIES COQUILLE 1 year c CALL’ S t MAG MAGAZINE - - 1 year I I M McOALL az . m COUNTRY HOME 1 year PICTORIAL REVIEW 1 year THE FARM JOURNAL 1 year { WOMAN’S WORLD - ■ ’ u y/qgS&Jtj* . ' I Address I My name is T THEY WON'T LAST LONG, COME EARLY AND GETYOURS Look for these special features on these Mattresses— | Imported Damask | Insulated with layer of felt and sisal. g Ventilators GOULD FURNITURE CO. SUte Town_____ § Quilted and padded aide walls. 8 Over 200 inner coil springs § Handies on sides for convenience in changing Phone 49M -• .V;« ■V. K „1 ■ l’fá.. . ■ I- ■ ■. "J / I ?