VALunr anmaML. coQvnxK. PAGB FOVB okbgon . thvmday . novbmmb m . mm - __________________________________________________________ The Sentinel TWENTY YEARS AGO t ELECTRIC COOKING costs ’/a os much as you think/ O. C. Sanford went to Bandon to have his Thanksgiving with Jas. Wal- strom. The naw Electric Ranges are unbelievably fast . . . there's no waiting for heat. And they offer you the clean­ est Way of cooking that man has yet invented. J. W. Bullock and Clara Fitzner, of Powers, were united in marriage this week. lightning fast tuning Fragments He'll seem like ' a pleasant old felloyv TOUCH TUNING TKa Truly Modern Mortician OU Burning Heater .RADIO BIEGGER & GUNDERSON FURNITURE usm BIEGGER & GUNDERSON SEW FURNITURE USED