2 BIG FEATURES - Pint Sizt Coatta V amimm vacuum ML dur it ■ !;'i' Fuhrman's Pharmacy, Inc. dritgctmt « 4ÜDI MATINEE SATURDAY | thurs . fri . sat WASHABLE FABRICS ASSUME IMPORTANCE County School Superintendent Martha Mulkey returned thia week from Petaluma, California, where she wai called laat week by hte death of her mother, Mr«. Emma Foster.. * ■ Neary HULL * L m N o FENTON • O om REYNOLDS L WlVtlB Wednesday Nov 23 MATINEE SUNDAY DOO“°"“ “DANGEROUS TO t-B'lKNOW” “ GAIL PATKICK — AKIM TAMIROFF — LLOYD NOLAN ANNA MAY WONQ HU* Beimi crédite «I Accordion lHH.knaJ n