nner Saturday If you are looking for styles that are new and different see the new Tweed Sport Coats and Dressy Fur Trimmed coats in new materials and styles. Beautiful afternoon dresses in Velvets and Novelty crepes, all sizes, new shades You will also find a group of beautiful afternoon and. street dresses for the stout figure in navy, black; wine and the new blues. SPECIAL! Wesix Monel Water Heater Prices Slaughtered! - 20 YEAR GUARANTEE - 40 GALLON MONEL QUANJITY AND QUALIT', Ice Cream PHONE 220 It is made with full cream content—the way yon like it 44fe FRON $109-50 Kitchen Fresh SOCItTE CANDY THINK BACK"; ..of Children Great Features 1. FAMOUS ECONO-MISER THERMOSTAT 2. PATENTED DUPLEX HEATING ELEMENT 3. INSULATED WITH BAKED CORK 4- MONEL METAL TANK 5. MONEY-SAVING HEAT TRAP 6. SCIENTIFIC COLD WATER DIFFUSER T. NON-CORROSIVE FHTINS «. APPROVED BY UNDERWRITE»«; . 9. BEAUTIFUL LUSTROUS-WHITE FINISH 0. GUARANTEED BY FACTORY Service BIEGGER & GUNDERSON NEW FURNITURE USED