"Breaking The Ice" with Bobby Breen at The Roxy Thursday; Friday, Saturday fu Bright Sayings of Children e Adequate old lit pan- atom for a decant Urin*. ¿/R omies it AT YOUR GROCERS SHERIFF Riverton School ERNEST L. CLAUSEN BIEGGER & GUNDERSON NEW Republican Candidate FURNITURE USED I YOUR VOTE DECIDES Commissioner i LIQUOR'S $ Now these millions in Oregon are going for Old Age assistance, care of homeless and crippled children, and gqperal relief under decent state liquor control, which drove bootleggers out of the state. But the Anti-Liquor League’s Re-Elect Tour State-Wide PROHIBITION BILL will roturn It to bootlogger*! Proposed law wrecks the State Liquor Commis­ sion and State Belief, but it will not destroy the liquor traffic. Prohibition only puts liquor in back alleys to enrich the underworld. Stand behind your State Liquor Commission. Defeat State PnhlMtiwi “A Business Administration' As an owner and operator of dairy farms I am interested in bettering farming conditions; the equalization of taxes, and conducting the County’s business as private business is con­ ducted. I am acquainted with all sections of the County and if elected I will impartially represent them. CARL M. MACK James W. MOW Saturday RIVERIA DINE and DANCE day as a sophomore.